The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-23, Page 15WEDNESDAY,, SEPT. 23rd, 1964 KINLOUGH Mrs. George Graham gavethe mserved ents were s v d b the hostess. 4 THE LUC,KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, The Presbyterian W.M.S. meet- ing..was . held at the home of Mrs, Ecol urt Bushell. The opening hymn was "0 God • Our Help. in Ages Past"., Mrs. Glen Halenby read the scripture on Barak. .Mips. Perry Hodgins led in prayer. Mrs, Mor- ley Bushell read the minutes. The word for the roll call was "Re- ward". Mrs. Tom MacDonald was in charge of t the.. program, . The hymn 'Take. Up Thy Cross" . was. sung and all participated 'in a con- test • on childhood. The meeting closed. with the Lords Prayer after which refreshments were. served. The WA, met at the church, on Thursday afternoon with Mrs;. Midford Wall hostess. The presi- dent Mrs.. Roy Schneller was • in. the chair; The opening hymn was 0 Master, Let Me Walk. With. Thee".' The Scripture was read by Mrs, Gertrude Walsh .. S. John chapter 14. Prayers followed. Mrs, RussellHewitt gave the meditation on .problems. The secretary Mrs: Midford Wall 'read the minutes., The .roll .call was answered with the word "harvest".. Mrs. James Hodgins Sr. gave a reading • The hymn "Go Labour.. 'on" was . sun and the meting closed with prayer. ONTARIO. tr. IP PAG:E! •FIFTEEN ° ... courtesy remarks and refresh - During the afternoon' a quilt, was quilted for the. November bale. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, Donna and Evelyn were guests at the Lmmerton — Nicholson wed- ; ding at Kincardine on Saturday. Miss Evelyn Nicholson'was .s b . er cousins bridesmaid, ; A number from •'here attended the Lucknow Fall Fair • on Satur- day'. Congratulations to the teaclier Miss Betty Hunter and' pupils of S.S. No, 2 on,•�winningfirst for marching and 2nd for the school yell. • Mrs, Miller Hartwick• of Kincar- dine spent . an. evening, with • her mother. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh. Brian Murray spent a few days with' his grandparents Mr. and Mrs, • Lyman Sutton. Friends. of Mr. Morley 'Bushell . will be pleased to . know ,that he was able:• to return • home from Kincardine Hospital.•. ' • Word was received here Satur- day of the • death of :Mrs. Melville Qsbourne • of Madoc(nee Annie . Me- Farlan) daughter of the '. late.. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarlan. Sympathy is extended to . her brothers Tom, Donald and .,Jack. Relatives• from here attended the, funeral on Tues - J:HIS.....FALL. Fertilizing Pays s . Ways 1 'STRONGER, MORE VU OROUS STANDS Fertilization helps' establish big vigorous plants, improves first . year. yields,,and ''winterizes Legumes, 2.. HIGHER YIELDS' OF .DRY. MATTER B.TDN .fertilizing every year .,boosts: per acre yields and the production of Total Digestible Nutrients. ' 3. BETTER PRODUCTION, /YEAR -AFTER •YEAR Annual fertilization improves per- 8istence, reduces need for, fre- quent costly reseeding. • :RN: PLANT FOOD COUNCIL• ONTARIO, INC,. Bulk. Fertilizer on ;Hay and Pasture 4. LOWER COST FEED' NUTRIENTS' , Prgductive hay and :pasture crops are• the lowest cost source of feed nutrients. High.yields.will further reduce costs, and lessen the' need for purchased feeds ' • 5. INCREASED 'MILK & BEEF PER ACRE Milk and beef production on well.- managed, ell managed, well; -fertilized pastures Shaw' that 'Per 'acre outputs tan often be •doubled:or tripled. 6. EXTRA CASH INCOME PER ACRE Forage .fertilization can return .as much as $t for every $1 spent on • fertilizers. Spreading is: Another. CO-OP Service to the Ontario Farmer. -•-te a ' ° IRepistlred Tracts Mark, infant I Shower. For Nikki De Jong Mrs.Charlie Murray and infant son returned home from Wingham. hospital. Mr. William Stauffer called' on friends here. . The • Holyrood' Women's. Instit- • utewill meet on Thursday October lst with Mrs. ' Frank . Maulden and Mrs.:Lloyd Ackert 'Hostesses. Roll call a, rural sound I like to hear. Topic guest sPeaker;motto He who works with nature works with God. Demonstration Block print- ing. Contest pumpkin pie: Directors Mrs. Frank Maulden and Mrs. Harold Haldenby, • Mrs. William Cox ,and Rev: Ben- son Cox visited . on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and fam-' ily con. 4 Huron. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friendorf returned from their wedding trip. and have taken up residence in Lucknow. • Mr. Donald Barr began his course at Waterloo. Mr. Alex Hew- itt began his third year at Water- loo, Alex has accepted the position of organist ' and choir . leader at one of the Waterloo churches. Mr and. Mrs. Hugh Malcolm from Kansas . Misses Helen Mal- colm of Toronto: and Margaret and Nellie Malcolm of Lucknow re newed acquaintances here on Sun- day. • On Sunday next the :' Presbyter- lan . service will change back .to' 2:30 with Sunday School at=. 1:30.: Mr. Percy. Barr: of Toronto spent the week -end with his mother Mrs. John Barr andother mem- bers of. ' his family. Word was .received:. her of , the death of Mrs. Walter • Percy. ' at Buffalo. Her husband.' .. the late Walter Percy passed away in July ofthis year.. He was .the son of the : late Mr. and Mrs. James ;Percy. • ' Mrs. .:Gertrude' Walsh visited on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs'. Frank' Friends and neighbours gather- ed Friday ,evening, in the Kair- shea Hall to honour Miss Nikki DeJong on her approaching mar- riage, A short programme was enjoYed. which, was presided over by Mrs. John Mowbray., with .Mrs. Harvey Houston as pianist. A sing- song led by Mrs.. Mowbray : began. the . programme,: followed by • a piano solo, Good -night' Sweetheart,. by Miss Sharon Mowbray. Mrs: G. Hamilton . conducted . several contests. Mrs. Cliff Roulston and Mrs. Ira Dickie contributed hum- orous readings' and Miss Grace MacDougall " a piano instrumental.. The bride -elect was ',escorted to her.: seat of honour • by Misses Grace /MacDougall and ' Syke De- Jong. The hall was prettily dec- orated by the neighbours andthe blackboard work •done by .Mrs; Robert Gilchrist, brought many favourable comments.. Mrs: Herb Buckton:. read the address • to the bride. Misses ' Gerta Exel and Syke DeJong assisted her in un-` wrapping . the many lovely ..gifts which were brought in' by the charming bride and groom, Cheryl Haldenby • and Grant Gilchrist, in a •" decorated wagon. Mrs. Mow- bray read the good wishes. `Nikki thanked the ladies, after which lunch was ' served and a social time .enjoyed by all.. Currie and girls con . 10 Huron. Friends of Mr. P A. Murray are ' pleased to knowthat he is steadily • improving . after his 're- cent operation. •' Mr. and Mrs. ':Bert Nicholson were guests at the Conway -== Ferguson wedding at Minnett last week -end Miss Donna *Nicholson, is Spend- ing a few : days ,at St Marys: Hair StyIing At W.I. ..: , Meeting The roll call, "What I resolve to do to increase membership," Was answered by • a good atten- dance at the September meeting. of the Lucknow Women's Institute,, with Mrs. George Whitby' in the chair, Following the, Mary Stew- art Collect, the business• was dealt with. March 1 and 2 were the- dates hedates set for the short course in ' embroidery. The Bruce County., Rally at Arkwright on October 15th and. the Area Convention • at Wiarton on October 29-30 were discussed. 11s. O. .Brooks; and Mrs. G. : Whitby were appointed to the management committee for the Night Courses at the school. Plans for the. Institute' booth and display at the Lucknow Fall ,Fair were completed.. Mrs. Lorraine Baker gave a demonstration yon hair ' styling; with Mrs. G, Whitby as the: model. Miss. Margaret Rae presented Mrs. Baker with a gift, on behalf of the Institute, and ex- pressed the thanks and -enjoyment of ' the members on her demon- stration. Mrs. ::.Wm . Scott played a . very pleasing . piano solo and • Miss Margaret -Rae gave the' mot- to; "Asthe resolution ;is, • so will. our , progress be." A: comic read- ing byMrs. Jas: McNaughton and the ,.current events by : Mrs. Wes. Joynt, brought the program to :a• close: Following the .: Queen and Institute Grace, Mrs. W. F. Mac Donald, Miss M. Rae, and. Mrs. Jas. Mc1sTaughton; served .lunch WINS •EA'TONS TROPHY • • Andrew Gaunt, R:R: 1: Lucknow, won " the Eaton's of Canada ., Live- stock 'Special, a silver casserole,:: with 89' .points. Alexander • Bros.- R.R. ros.-R4R. 1 Pinkerton won. second, ' a merchandise prize with/ 62 points. .101 The , Advisory Vocational Committee of Wingham ':District High School is planning to offer a., programme of •Evening ,Courses. thisyear.- Classes will be held only if a sufficient number apply (at least fifteen), and . qualified instructors are avail- able: GENERAL Oil Painting Sewing Farm Management Driver Training (classroom instruction) PROPOSED COURSES COMbIERCIAL TECHNICAL Typing Bookkeeping Business'. Machines (must be. a good '.typist) Auto , Mechanics. Carpentry .. Electricity Welding OTHER .POSSIBILITIES Conversational' french; . public speaking, physical fitness, rug making: Suggestions interest is gg for other courses will be considered provided.sufficient shown. INSTRUC,'TION .PERIODS Classes will be held each Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. The Fall term' will .start .on October 14th and end. • De cember 16th, The Winter term will begin mte and end 'March 17th. Some classes . may be f . hour. on January 6th tor only. one' a night. FEES Each course will require the payment Of a registration,+ fee. It will ' likely be . $5.00 for . each course except . welding w here the fee may be $10.00. • NO' mater- iais are provided in, this fee..'Fees are • 'not refundable unless the course. is. cancelled. 'REGISTRATIO1 Applications or' requests for other cours es must be mailed or phoned to the. school. ' Application ' forms will. be' . then forwarded to be returned' by • September 30th. After this preliminary survey a . fu rther announcement v Nvill be made of the courses being. offered. The fees will be collected on the: first tight'. of classes. October 14, 1964, GORDON S. MOIR, Board Chairman. J. LESLIEFORTUNE, Chairman A.V.C. • F:. E . MADI LL • Pr�nc�pai v