The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-23, Page 13digania WEDNESDAY, . SEPT. 23rd, 1964, -- Roy N BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO Box 478 Phone 524-9521 A. M HARPER test requirement THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO GIRL GUIDE' NEWS Guides of the.' lst'L'ucknow ,Com- pany , began Allis meeting with a Kim's .game held outdoors.: Patsy: Marriott., M. Elizabeth Henderson, Carol Brown and Joanne Greer were successful •in passing this test. After roll.call, leaves which were brought for the leaf contest were inspected, Thea Robin patrol won this phase' of ' the event with' 27 specimens brought. Dr. McKim visited the company and instructed the senior girls in artificial respiration. This demon- stration was part of a First Class CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' ` iAfter a few minutes of Patrols- n -council, campfire .:was held~ Janet Carruthers presented the • first Guide law, "A 'Guide's Hon- 55 - 57 South; Street, Goderich our is• to be T • rusted. Thegirls sang 'well, and:Taps closed the Telephone 524-7562 meeting at . 9:00 p.m. . 'JOH NS•TON E'S. FUNERAL HOME Modern ern and Convenient Lucknow, ; Phone 528-3013 Day.. or :Night Setrvin g. All: Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established.,. 1894 • R;. DU NAL D.C., . Sp: C. Chiropractor, • W. R. Hamilton OPTOMETRIST NEXT. TO LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357-1361 'WINGHANI MEMORIAL SHOP THE, BEST 'GRANITES Along With EXPERT.. DESIGNING' AND • WORKMANSHIP Physio and Electro' Therapist ' •' Wingham -- Phone: 357-3580• ;. • Prices Most Reasonable • Cemetery Lettering :a . Specialty JOHN' *MALICK P.O: • BOX:, 158 PHONE. 357.1910, • WINGHAM (Office" located on John . St. West next to Toronto Dominion Bank) INSURANCE a FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and :' LIFE To Protect Your : Jack, Insure With . Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone '520-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and ;Solicitor. LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every 'Wednesday, and' Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone:: Lucknow 528-311.6 :HETHERINGTON, ow SQAY Located in Kilpatrick Block Phone W ingham Offices 357-3630 — • . Res. 351.2$70 . Q C Barrister, Etc: Wingham' and, Luckn IN LUCKNOW MONDAY and WEDNE I.M PERIAL- OIL PRODUCTS' for prompt service, and quality products, Contact "GRANT CHISHOLM ' Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 `~Always Look. To 1'tnperial For` The Best" A. Williams, O.D. NNlN.MMNV•►-..144.I.. MacKenzie ernorlal:•Chopel-.. FUNERAL 'SERVICE Services conducted according. to your wishes at `your: Home,, your Church, or :.at "our.. Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge Lucknow, ; Phone 528-3432 : Day or Night K. J. MacKENZIE, 0.D.1 Optometrist NOW 'IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office Hours 10;00a.m. to 9:00 ppm. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment: R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist / The Square (Phone' JAckson 4.7661) .TED, .COLLYER Registered • diaster, Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing • In Electric Heating: Electric Wiring Gavilier, Mclntosh and. Repairs and. All Electrical Appliances' Lticl how �- •Phone 528-5182 CA..:RTD...OF THANKS The members of ' the Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club take this means of thanking the merchants and manufacturers or the • fine selection of prizes and cash don- ations, that helped to make our. Labor Day tournament • the suc cess that it was. 1 would like to thank all those who remembered me.. with . cards and visits while I was in hos- pial. . W. A. "Bud" Hamilton SINCERE THANKS • We wish too sincerely thank the' many • people who. were• so k!nd and • thoughtful at . the time and since the death ` of a dear him - band and father, ' This thoughtful- ness will never be forgotten and has helped us greatly in our sorrow: The. Campbell Thompson family and Ward UhtOm4tr1 iSt CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, • . Resident Partner, J.. E. Kennedy,, O.A. Oppos` Office Phone 881-3471 est' Walkerton 9 Patrick Street W. WINGF1AM Phone 3574282 IN MEMORIAM HODGINS - In loving memory of our son Thomas Hodgins who, passed` away tine year ago Sep- tember 24,. 1963. We miss the sound of ' your foot steps~ And your voice since you have gone And though no longer we: see you In our hearts . you still live on .Father. and` Mother Hodgins ,.FALL FAIR .. • (Continued from page 1). inches. Shetland ponies' in parade, best cowboy or cowgirl costume, Nan- cy Walden, ': Linda Walden, Carol Campbell, Linda Chisholm. Riding horses in parade, best cowboyor cowgirl costume, Wen- dy. MacKenzie, Douglas Campbell, Barbara Cameron, Nancy Kirk- land. Races Boys 6 and 7, ` Ian .Montgomery.;. John Hamilton; girls, Linda Cur rie, . Brenda Johnstone; boys •8 and 9, 'Randy Gilfillin, Mark .Chis- holm; girls, Leona Hogan, Joanne Thompson; boys, 10 and 11, liam Dickie, John 'Walt; : girls, Jean : Webster, Kathy Hogan; boys 12 and over, . Tiro Collyer, John Emberlin - Jim MacDonald (tied); girls, Janette .Eckenswiller, Jack- ie Johnston;; .100 yard dash, boys, . . Tim Collyer, John. Emberlin. • Grandstand Program • Througout : the` afternoon, Cath- erine. Dunsinuir, favored with vo- cal solos • accompanied by Mrs. Ross Cumming, Ripley District High School double trio accom 1 parried by. Mrs. John. C. MacDon- ald sang, several numbers;. Mrs Eleanor Ir ein played several vio- lin selections accompanied b y Mrs. Ross Cumming Some, new and interesting. 'fea- tures of the fair were ,piano ; and organ numbers in the arena at the 'display of Garnet E. Farrier of Whitechurch. A ,number of mu- sicians • provided a continuous au=: thence with some fine music, Kin- loss Boy Scouts quenched • t h e thirst of many a fairgoer with their apple cider. The ' boys ' gath- ered their own apples and . had them crushed at Mildmay. Because of being short staffed PAGE THIRTEEN PROPE1.11!.'FOR SALE AUC S. STARR (mi. CO. LTD. REALTORS . WINGHAM OFFICE DIAL 357-3840 Local Agent - J. EVERETT PENNINGTON R.R. 2 TEESWATER Phone 392-6064 ONLY $16,000 for 196 acre farm in Kinloss' Township ' priced. for quick • sale. 13k storey 12 room brick house • 'in extra good condition with H.D. wiring . and modern conveniences. Bank barn 54' x 100' with 29 cow tie ups, several pig pens and some loose. • housing and water bowls throughout, 90 acres workable land, balance in mixed hard and softwood bush ' with a ' considerable amount of ' saleable timber.. Generous terms are . available and immediate possession, can be arranged. PAUL S STARR and CO. LTD. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE . • FLESHERTON OWEN SOUND REALTORS_ BRAMPTON GUELPH PORT ELGIN WINGHAM CHESLEY• MEMBERS OF. THE ,. Grey Bruce Real Estate Board Orangeville=Real Estate . Board Brampton R. E B.; . — Owen Sound R E. B. =- . Guelph . R E B. Ontario Association of R.E.B.—Canadian Association of R. E. B. • MULTI `LISTING SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MAXIMUM OVERAGE BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING Through PUL'.S.' STARR and CO. LTD,'. WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO" Acheson Chartered Accountants: Municipal Auditors Boa, 663 Kincardine Phone '5 5.. ers, Mrs. .Otto Jouwsma, ,Wing-. Thursday with her parents ' Mr. ham,' $3;' Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, $2; . and Mrs: Alex ; E.' Purdon, Luck - Mrs. David Elphick, $1- . now. Public school art display, No:' Maitland Presbyterial Executive held their meeting on Wednesday, September 16th , i n Langside church. Mrs. • Victor Emerson of. • Whitechurch Mallory Bary attended and,. learned that the Sectional meet- ings are to be held ' on October 21st at Ripley, and Gerrie on Oc- tober ctober 22nd, and that the ° annual meeting of the Presbyterial will: be held for 1965- in Lucknow• Pres- byterian church. , 12 , West Wawanosh, Belfast; pro- ject, Johnny Adams, No. 9 Kin oss; grades 3 &. 4, Kinloss Cen- tral; No. 12. West . Wawanosh. Public School pony - potato : race, John' !bleak, Linda : Chisholm, Carol Campbell: and working, under ' difficult ' ,cir- cumstances . at present, the Send. tinel is not able to publish a • frill list of winners ,at the fair. Some top point . gettersthat we are aware of at, writing time fol-: lowing, the fair are: Homemade baking, Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, R.R. 5 . Kincardine, , 130 points,silver. entree dish; ' Mrs. Stewart Hunter of Armow, 88 .pints, $5; . Mrs. Fred Milne, Kitchener, 82 points, $3; William 'Neilson chocolate cake special; Mrs. Ross Gammie; ' Rob- in Hood special, white . bread, Mrs. Lloyd. Arnold, ' brown bread, • Mrs. Ewart Taylor; Ladies' depart- ment, Mrs. " Oliver MacCharles: 141 points, $10 merchandise; Mrs. W e s Heimpel, Wroxeter, 126 points, $5 merchandise; group. display, Kairshea W.I., $15; St. Helens W.I., $10, Lucknow $7: Hacketts U.C.W., $5; 4-11.pro- ject display, Lurcknow' No, I, $3; Kairshea $2;. Zion $2; ' Colwain. ash $2; St. Helens $1; Fine ''arts, Mrs. Oliver MacCharles, $2.50; Beatrice 11uillin, $1.50; Flow- WiTECHURcH Mrs:., Cassie Falconer' spent • YOUR: PEDLAR AGENCY BETTER.GA. RcI(EN TILLERS * N E: W LI •. GOLDEN .,GLOW EGG PICKUP DEPOT. er Booster . Peli�ts/0Pig Starttt with Aureomycin at 2 weeks, followed up ; with Anti -Scour PIG RATION' PELLETS, give ' you a little pig formula , second to none. *'.:#r',* W. LIFE Dairy Con. or 32% Supp A" AItE NOT SEASONAL, ••but'' the year• round formula for GOOD, ' MILK' PRODUCTION' * * * NEW LIFE"- Calf Grower Ration:.: for ,C ROWTH. and BLOOM at tIOIIAINAL ,COST ' KN[CHTEL,*and, SON LT 4 t.:ucknnw Branch, . Phone. 528-3014 "There's )' New. Life F!ee4 * oxl Every Need"'