The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-23, Page 74111:411164, *, WEDNESDAY, SEPT.,, 23rd,, •1A641 SUGAR and SPICE By Bill, Smiley IT'S THE HAPPIEST Everybody happy • n o w that • school has re -opened? You should be. With the possible.exception of Christmas. Day, it's the hap- piest and, most exciting .occasion ' in . the year, for a ' large part of our population. • • When I was a kid, we all hated going back to school. And it was real. Schools were grey •a n d grimy. Classrooms were stuffy and poorly lighted and smelled. Teacherswere maiden ladies of eighty. or ninety years old,. ,and crabby as' hell. • Nowadays most youngsters .are thrilled to enter the . portals in. September.. They've had' enough summer. They , want 'to get back with their.'peers, and gossip, `play,' • work, stretch their 'minds,' find somebody . to' hate besides their parents. • Nothing/ is quite'. so charming as .the • gossoons entering Grade 1. Shined =and: curled' and.'•starch- ed beyond. •recognition, t h e. y march off on -opening day •.with the .new schoolbag clammy. hand ' clutched by 'a disgusted. older .bro- ther, brothen, or.. ,pompous:' sister; They're as scared: and excited as a pilot on his first solo flip. Next in sheer delightfulness, I THE,'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO: PAGE SEVEN DAY!, o • think, are the kids'entering high. school. Last year they were the big' wheels in Grade 8, the moni- tors, the safety patrol. Members, the seniors. Suddenly they, are plunged into ' a vast . high school where they are 'nothing, t h e youngest of the young, the rook- ies, ' the chickens just out of the nest. Their bewilderment is some- thing. to behold.. Mothers either weep or breathe a sigh of , purest relief on ,open- ing day, depending 'on whether they have lost the. first of. their nestlings, or. have 'jest got rid of'. the last of. the little horrors who have _been nudging them . towards an 'institution for the. past twelve years, • Fathers, too, heave either a sigh or, •a :groans depending on "t h e age. of, the kids. If the students are young, it means the oldman at ' least knows they're in: .school and safe, not being buried alive' at the sandpit, or' faling into ;the' water -filled ditch,'"'or' running. out in front of speeding• cars to get their, ball. If they're university age, ' he breathes :'heavily ' 'and • grunts with a minging •of• pecan fiery •pain and. wild .elation as` .he signs the first of many. ,' cheques Prolongs the life:,: improves the lock of .your bai�dings! The superior quality: of . CO-OP* Roofing and • Siding material adds years of maintenance -Free life to roofs and'. Walls,•Kcepis.buiidings;attractive longer too. Weather- resistant Galvanized' Steel,' .,Aluminum and ..Fiberglas beat the heat; the cold, the ram and"thee snoW, • Tasted to 'withstand' winds up to 100 m p.h., CO=OP R, g,oofin, and Siding offers greater rigidity for maximum um snow=load' 'strength; outstanding nailing:. character istres: plus improved overlap. It is easily and quickly applied ort buildings old and ncW. ' CO -01' Roofing aiid Siding is available in 3.2"• width ; and lengths. frym 6' to' :in' at puce" to suit your budget MADE.T`O' RIGInCO-OP'.SPECIFICATIONS FOR YOUR SATISFACTION r Wofirtipil &enol, Galvanized Stool• *Registered Trade ! (ark Easily handfed and' applied Aluminum • fiberelot KINLOSS Visitors this past: week with their, cousin Mrs, Allister Hughes and Mr. Hughes are Mrs. Bu stead and 'MrsTaylor of Meafod. Allan MacDougall. returned to Western University • for • his third year this week and Bruce Mac- Kenzie registers for his first year; Mrs. Wm.' : Townson and ' Mrs. Mel Hodgins ' of Sudbury visited on the week -end' with Mr. and. Mrs.. Ira Dickie ' and " b, oys.; They had taken Calvert: Townson back to resume studies ,at Western Un- iversity. . Jim MacKinnon and Kenneth Roulston both missed a week's school being ill with a virus . in- fection. Mrs. Evan Keith and Mrs„ Ira:, Dickie attended the Senior Train - ing raining School at Walkerton, Monday and Tuesday. ' Members ;;of the Kairshea W.I. and . friends finished quilting, three Red Cross quilts and an applique quilt this past month.. {Intended For`�Last Week) Ueartful sympathy. to the Thomp- son family as they carry . on. the work of publishing . our local pa - /Mr. . and Mrs., . Geo. Middleton and Ross` Hamilton, of Toronto, spent the week -end ' with Mr, and . ' Mrs Gilbert Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs: ' Ross 1VIacLagan, London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser .MacKinnon and ' family. • Kinloss Boy `Scouts ;, were busy picking apples. on :Saturday ;.These: are to be made into 'apple juices 'which will be sold` at the ,Fall Fairs in this area Mr. and Mrs Jack Needham, Suzanne and ` Janie, and •Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle and 'Janet of Corunna : • spent ' • the. week -end at Needham's .cottage. Mr. Hugh 'Jamieson,of Hamilton -has,. conducted the services at the Presbyterian churches ;for the past` two Sundays:Next .' Sunday, September:. 20th, Dungannon Pres- byterian. res-byterian; church will be observing their anniversary ,so : Lucknow and South Kinloss will. join with them. Bill Chislett has begun, a course in Electronics at St. John, Quebec. .:.A• surprise party for >denver Dickies' 21st. . birthday was held ednesday evening at his home. barbecue supper was followed by a rousing musical program with, thea very talented:'. guests.,; .Anne. and Jamie Graham were week -end guests . with Margaret . and. Gerald Doleman: SPECIAL on MOFFAT DRYERS • REGULAR $.199,00; On Sale of $169.-:.' * * SPECIAL...onGENERALFREEZERS 22'/2 CUBIC FOOT 780 Ib. Special a CAPACITY. SMALLER SIZES AVAILABLE HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APDL/ANCES Theoretically, the teachers' are , In reality, most of thein totter happy. They return to school clear in, red -eyed, wrung -out and broke; eyed; refreshed, bushy -tailed, ded- after seven weeks' o f summer icated, . after their long vacation, . school . and one dreadful.. week vis• which' they spent lying `on the iting relatives,. during which their beach, poundng, a golf • ball, Or kids were ; holy terrors. and it. touring' Europe. ' . rained every :. day.. Teeswater,. Lions . have .cancelled° •their 'bingo' games for this season: They lost .heavily on .'their first , bingoand. subsequent ventures haven't pulled them.out• of the -hole. Teeswater Lions we believe, were , the orginators of the "big money" bingosin this district a few:yea•rs ago. • board. The "drop -outs" are. happy as morons./ They' quit . last :Easter, took a job, • the job 'petered. out, and now they fervently agree with'. their mother, whosaid they 'were too stupid to make .a. living un- less they •had a university degree. So they've dropped backin, to keep •warm for another .winter. The school board is. happy. The long .dull • summer,.. with nothing to do but make money; is over, and they can get hack to the fas- cinating topics of" how much the new boiler will • cost, . how lousy the new daresubmit' .are, how much they , ' to the council in their budget, and how different things,were when . they ,were at school: • The ' caretakers ., are happy. Af- •' ter all, it's rather frustrating to spend all summer washing, wax- ing and 'polishing, with nobody to. appreciate. Now, their two months' hard . work vanishes in ,a twink- ling, andof -grousing th ey ous ng go to 10 about dirty kids ',and sloppy teachers. The merchants are happy. Their "Back -to -School" advertising cam- paign went over pretty well.. Now they can relapse comfortably in- to criticism of the, stupidity • of the school board, the hours and salaries of the tachers, and the manners and morals of to -day's students, compared . to those of their own generation.. Truck Spreader • Pull -Type Spreader '+ sup�ar`rtv,iwri.rzi��°� D4 • .AVE TIME, Y, LABOUR You never touch the fertilizer when you use the C -I -L Bulk 'Spreading:Service. It's real "push-button" farming , and at no extra • cost. You get homogeneous SUPER FLOW Fertilizer on your land for the same cost as bagged .material. So "this fall, let us look after your fertilizer .requirements the easy,; economical way C -I -L Bulk Spreading Service. Give us . a call , today.. :Your.:Lotat.., Super Flow Dealer •