The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-23, Page 100 A Year' In Advance ... $134' Extra To U.S,A... LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Murray Walden, .37 -year-old Hu- ron ' Township farmer lost two • fingers of his right hand in a farming accident ' last ,Thursday,, and . doctors at ' Victoria : Hospital are trying to save a third finger.. Murray; w.: h o' • farms : on ' the fourth .of .Huron just west of Pine River Church, does a - consider-. able amount of custom work at silo filling time and is usually assisted by Lyn •'Lowry; Bill' and Leroy Godfrey. Murray .' had just • moved his equipment , from • the 0 River gers m Acdden WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1964 farm of Gordon Elliott at Am- berley to Murray ' Farrell'ss .farm, on Highway 21 just north of Pine. River church. .Along with Mur- ray Farrell, Gordon Farrell ' and Leonard Reid, .he was setting up the' equipment in ,preparation • for filling the silo; The blower. at the silo was plug- ged and in attempting to free the machinery, . 'the : blower made a revolution and mangledhis.. right. hand. He was taken to Kincar- dine. Hospital, treated,' and re- moved at • once by ambulance to Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Walden accompanied him to Lon- don in. the . ambulance. - Murray lost the fourth and fifth fingers on his right hand and the' palm was mangled , back as far as the wrist joint. It is hoped that the third finger . c a n be saved. Mr:: and Mrs. Walden have a family . of two boys ' and two girls, all in school. Murray . is a brother of Glen Walden of Luck now.. • Tennant k�enderson Sells Local: Home:: 4-H Beef And Dairy Clubs Have Achievement Day At.:Ficitfait.:.:. The enjoyment_ of . retirement to .. Lucknow Fair 'Day was achieve= ley of R.R. `3 'Goderich':with the Lucknow by two Wingham men ment day for . members of the Tennant aid Donald . Henderson Lucknow 4-11. Beef calf club 'and• was short-lived and was climaxed the 4-H: Dairy calf clubClub.. with the , rale of their .Lucknow leaders for Beef and Dairy /Clubs home this 'week. - , were Andrew Gaunt, Tom ?Todd,. Thetwo brothers retired froth George Kennedy 'and . Glen Wal - their Wingham . work. • and moved den ' to Lucknow, in`,August, 1962.. They. Dairy Section • 'purchased 'the' home on the• south- In • the . Junior .Holstein 'division,' east :.corner. of Havelock . a :n d 'Donnie '.Robb of R. . R 3 Goderich ''Gough streets ` in- the :village and placed first followed by Douglas` others in order, Doug Alton, R.R.. 3 Lucknow°, Douglas Gaunt,. R.R. 2 Lucknow; Tom MacDonald, R.R. 3 Lucknow; Eldo Hildebrand, R.R. 2 Auburn;, Alan' Finlayson, R.R. 3 Lucknow; George MacDonald, R.R. 3 Lucknow. In the showmanship division, the first prize went to '• Doug Alton and the others in order were Douglas MacKenzie, John ,':.Brad - Single Copy 10c 16' :Pages FATHER PASSES SUDDENLY ScnneiC orus Walter A. Campbell,, 69, of Ot- tawa, father of Mrs. L. E. Goy e• Friday ette of Lucknow, died suddenly in Her Ottawa hospital last Thursday fol- The Schneider Male Chorus, lowing a .heart attack.. Funeral which appears at Lucknow Dis- was in Ottawa Saturday. trict High School auditorium this Mr. Campbell had been hos- Friday, • September ber 25th,• at .8:30 pitalized for a week, prior. to his' P death. Word that his condition record has. achieved an impressive • of , accomplishments since had worsened was received here its formation in 1947. Travelling' by the Goyette family late last some 30,000 . miles and appearing Wednesday night and Mr. and in approximately 350 concerts, the Mrs. Goyette, , Allison and Linda chorus has easily become the best drove through. ' the night to •Ot- known male chorus in this part tawa arriving there _about 9 ain. of Canada. Thursday, just a few minutes be- Among its 'many highlights, the grouphas sung on a - number of occasions in Rochester and Chau- tauqua, N.Y.; . has participated' in a mid -west• male chorus festival Mr. Campbell retired as a civil in Milwaukee; : has toured in eas- engineer about four ;years. ago and tern Ontario a n d appeared : in since . that . time has been ' doing Montreal. Appearances at world consulting work. He is ' survived and nation-wide conferencesas by his wife, a ,daughter Mrs. L. well as , a number ` of ' television E. (Eunice) Goyette and a -programs are among other ac son '.' William : of • 'Calgary. Mrs. complishments. Everywhere,' cri- Goyette. ' remained with her mo- tics have been unanimous in • ther for a week and both 'then their praise of the chorus. plan to return to Lucknow: 'Conductor, Paul " Berg, 'has had many years of experience in chor- al conducting both ' in Canada arid' • the United States. Under his : di- rection, the singers have 'become, an ensemble capable of many. changes of mood ` and great dy- namic effects. The chorus program has been selected 'to appeal -to • all who at-. fore ., word of , hisdeath was re- ceived. e- ceived. , Paul.. and . Allan Goyette stayed in Lucknow with 'Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hall. • SISTER ' PASSES MONDAY' Following an illness. of over a .year, Mrs. Fred •Plaetzer of Au- burn. passed. • away at Clinton Hos= Hos- five .weeks later,;: Donald Hender MacKenzie, R.R. 3 Lucknow;', Gar- ley, Douglas Gaunt, Eldo . Hilde- pital on Monday, Mrs: laetzer son. died quite suddenly. • • ry . MacKenzie R.R. 3' LucknoP h Y P t includesntheir,concerts:.: Sacred.: music , g W. brand, ' Alan Finlayson, Donnie the former Lena Plunkett, was the .works f B In ,July of .this .N year, Tennant Senior •winner was° John Brad -.Robb,: Garry , :MacKenzie, ``Tom only sister of Mrs. J. `M(Grace)o Beethoven ,R Mo=. yy o zart and the conteriporary, Ran suffered a stroke -and • has . been'' MacDonald, George MacDonald. ` Greer of Lucknow. She . was. 64. . ... _ , in _.: dall Thompson: Spirituals .and folk hospitalized since in Wingham and Beef Calves • Mrs Plaetzer was predeceased songs'f 'nations add var • . . .. o many na tons is now •at 'Westminster 'Hospital, Sandy'' Simpson of .R,R .3 God -bye her husband in 1958: She"is:. let - to the .concert. Jessie - MacKay �Y The house has been purchased . in 'the beef 'section followed by b MMrs: Clarence. Y:. est ; At • erich had the ' best Junior.Heifer` Bell• of owE. Cleveland. Mrs.. Bell is a .daugh= 1 d • Fair Joseph Austin of R.R. '7•: Luck - A h a now. ter, of Mrs.. Char es Lorenz.of t rs ay rence on ...the home farm near. I. after, the first Lucknow 'Fair. • 99 Lucknow:• Mrs.' Lorenz, who will :. . Mewlunney :.,of R.R.' 1 Lucknow'-Auliu-n: . Two - brothers .:and ; •a ss-'. be 90 on.her° next birthday and years: ago was the oldest attend- finished . first , with the. others in ter survive :. Wilfred Plunkett of has resided' in` the Finla. ' a art ant at the fair:. Saturday and was. order�'being John Lyons, R.R. 1 Auburn: 'Milton of Toronto. 'and' • y P resented With a; prize for, ..this Lucknow; Jack. Aitchison,R.R.•1 :makeMrs:. Greer. . of . Lucknow. 'honor. Jessie MacKay of Lucknow, Lucknow, n street will her home with' :Mr,' and Mrs. Bell.'The funeral will : be hel : who `will be ' 97 in October, has . In' the :' steer. section, Hugh .odd.d Thurs- bosses ion . of the � .home ' will ; be .T day � at.2:00 p.m. from•:Auburn;.., obtained in about'' a month. never ' missed; 'a Lucknow: fair of 'R.R..2' Lucknow' placed first when, it was at all .. ossible • to, :fit=ited Church: The body' is rest- • ' 'P followed. � Wayne Todd R.R.R2' Arrangements` ' ;for the sale of by .. ng at the :'Stiles : Funeral Home, ,' en tend. She was driven .to Seim- .Lucknow; 'Murray • Morrison R.R. burn: the house • has': been made by Ten- . event b Mrs. William Mac • nant's sister : Mrs. Harold Wicks survived by her daughters,' Mrs. The concert : is • . sponsored . by Evelyn Milian of ' Colborne; : Town- the Lucknow District High School ship, Mrs. Ken (Lenora) Sword of ' .Band. Smooth: Rock Falls and son' Law I • ` This : •group: `is 'pleased to''. be ' able to: -bring . this, .;distinguished. chorus to the `community and is anticipating': a capacity : audience for this musical `treat of the sea=:. son. J. ' M. Schneider Limited of Kitchener is proud': to be assoc-. iated' with these Ambassadors °•of Song who;have brought, honor and esteem ,not ' only to • the company but to the community as .well. day's a .en .y " '1 Lucknow .- Au Ray Hogan, R;R 7 Intyre who : acts as a companion Lucknow. ici.n • of Port Credit Mrs; Wicks hast theMcKay sisters ,• • oun sister Annie who was . 89. p,., .. da uesda ' also attend- ' y g orrours' : or showmanshl follow= .� . • rester y (T _ Y) •... ed by Wayne Todd, Murray •Me,� t.4•'Of! . Lucknow Fair Da at theirAs .well 'as having, the. best �am . Pred t o s .` Di n t . Dam n Jessie'sd e psince.s 'ent .much df her time here ohome on Gough .Street: steer Hugh• Todd also .took the pBrother's illnessHe will re-'. y. • turn to. her home at Porti .Credit pIrl , yfollowing . release- from• hospital., ed the fair and. as well toured whinne Muria •Morrison" John ` •Y Y the. arena Friday'evening in 'her Lypns; Jack:Aitchison, .• SandyAll day rain reports . by. the' ; ranking facilities better for ', the wheel chair ` to see the 'indoor. ex- , Simpson, Joseph Austin, Ray Ho-wegherman just didn't material Fair: Reeve Joynt said. that ' .it JOE' NfcCOY PASSES hibits. :. • gap• Fair f' was ..• the intention of:the . village: ize for the Lucknow Fall last, Saturday. ' . and , except for ,;a to:;•enhence the appearance• . of the Funeral services ;for Earl (Joe) McCoy of .. Lucknow were held on. .the grounds Funeral heldThis . weeks .issue . is bulg good one, : and given a ; little sun-.' Stothers spoke briefly: and a .let from the 'Johnstone the platform.. to receive his award.Y, ' " ' 'South - Ing. at the. seams: again with � shine,' the attendance. might, pos-.;ter Was read from. Murray aunt on Monday With. burial. in He expressed his; thanks .over the .story after storyheld. .ever., Y , Kinloss Cemetery.,Joe :: died in public address.system.. Miss, Mac -Y sibly have been up. for the'first membet• :for Huron=$ruce': riding, yalong with much rural news. Saturda. event.: held by the Luck-;; ex pressi .his regret in beingun- Wingham Hospital Friday .at the ,Kay 'and Rev.. Cox ,each .,received '.: Yp g . g We hate :to have' to do this now- Agricultural '. Societ ! . . }Society.: able-' to attend � the •fair • Rev. • Benson Cox of'Kinlough, an few scattered drops, the `day was park for the observance 'next year 'age90, was the oldest gentleman CROWD 11) :AGAIN '. CR0 AG N dry throughout. The' Fair: was' a • of . the Centennial Fair.. S B. 'and 'walked to age of 71. , $5 as their •-reward. �: vent . us from running more ! Baby ' C uveae Is One .01 H'inniiL�hC . LJ than • 16 ; pages under present •eryone ' ' For the brass band en -Judges, Mrs. Donald Blue, Mrs. .circumstances. We ' hope to, School Band headed bythe Luc- d i feature of the H. 'Kinkaid: • catch . u Lucknow fair'for. sts • District High Ambrose Gamble, J A b know majorettes did teir usual years has been the rural school 99th Annual .Lucknow Fall Fair that our readers and comes but production limitations pre -W ' There . was band music. for ev- ; School Competition p shortly and trust s job. , For .the lovers of the.competitions. Schools entering' this' • pondents will be ' patient. • fine .• are' not Mr.. and Mrs. Walter, :Arnold was ' bagpipes, t h e Teeswater •High -•i year, along with ';their' teacher prize winning babies • third. Consolation, winners.- were ' ; �, . � .. Landers; a very youthful" group,. ,were: Belfast; :Don. Cameron;. U. -j confined to ,any one .area as this• r' Mr., and Mrs. George Richards, thrilled fair" oers with .their fine. S.S. N: o 12 West Wawanosh F.or- .ear's winners at . the Lucknow Patricia Ann, . daughter of • M . .. . g 11 Elliott,' RA. , 2 . Rip- and Jim are visiting with. music and were very generous in ,dyce ), Mrs. George, . Kennedy; No. F• all Fair came • from ` Ashfield. and Mrs: Bi .. , . P . . Y • lap Grvin son. of ;Mr, and his parents Mia and Mrs. Orland their selections throughout the af- 2 Kinloss (Kinlough) Miss Betty :Lucknow and Teeswater. • ley, .AI . i- Richards. George has been moved ternoon. 'Hunter No.4. West. Wawanosh In ' the. under. 6 months class Mrs: `Lorne Eadie, Holyrood; R William, son of Mr. •and' 'from • R C 'A R.C.A.F. Station at •• Portage. Reeve George Joynt df .Luck- : (St., Helens); Mrs. ,George .Fisher;• Gerald Alan,son ' of Mr. and :Mrs, chard , W. la Prairie to, .C.A.F. • Station ••a ,. ' ' M A stip Martin Judy Eileen R now ..Fair President Oliver Mac- No.. 9 Ashfield Mrs` John Mow- im r about mi : ora in- , . Lorne Cook of Ashfield Township Mrs. u G' 1` b t fifty 'les f W' ' • daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Gor • Charles,. Steve &Others and Gorr bray. was f nst, Steven Ross .•son of g Hol rood; Rob- : IP g• , in' : was. don MacDonald, y Mr. and � Mrs: Ross Durn s" and and Michael Scott, son ert Alvin, son of. Mr.. and Mrs. .' s Mr. ° _ Alvin Alton; Lois Anne, daugh ll .. off/ and :Mrs. George Hum . p as a. it • Consolation ter of Mr, and Mrs. Clayton. Al p ey y phrey •w a S, third: prizes went to Karen Elizabeth, ton; Valerie.. Denise, .daughter of. Mr. and, Mrs. -Harold Maize, Dun_ daughter. of Mr: and b'lrs. Arthur NQ .T® High mes, son ; , Eggleston, R.R. 2' Auburn; Don- ..gapnnon and Gregory Wilson • : � . na Anne, daughter of Mr. and of: Mr. and Mrs. Murray , homson W h r.te . R.R 2 Auburn, were also , entrees UflI o 'I s: Mrs. •Bruce •T. �c 0� mrr�:u PrePared ,. , ,, six to twelve months class: . ,, • ey les, three tricycles 'and the to p pa ed sj,ee \', As on • Mrs. Bruce r Thomson. , W h. i t a f in this the In keeping with ..many other c y . 'There were, three entries in` Girl Guide float , the' late president John F. Ken- :. ' church; Sandra Lee, 'daughter of lass. First Prize • 1 12 to` l8 months. C POfficial Opening don Montgomery led the'parade - 'Fordyce' school won first in the, to the fair in one of the , new parade and dress competition fol - cars from. Montgomery` Motors. lowed : by Kinlough and ` leo. ' 9 Besides' the several.rural.schools Ashfield. In • the'• chorus,. and `yell, in the parade, Kinloss Central and No. 9 Ashfield placed first;` Bel- Lucknow Public. Schools paraded fast second and Kinlough third. in : a body. Thirteen ponies and Loree Campbell` of, St.. ` Helens horses added .colour to the pay was. the only entry in the public ade along with six decorated' bit school speaking contest.. iter three schools , the gir s` at ' Ripley Dis- Hedy. }' . Mr, and Mrs: Ross Irwin ()tilers ht f trict High School 'were asked to p g went to Brenda Lee, daughter Don ld Blue of Rivle ac d as nn Judged entering this class were �` Betty • t• Teeswater.: Diane au er o _ a vote ori whether or. not they want., Y a e •• Mrs, Mrs. Christie, master of .Ceremonies far: the of Decorated bic�•cles, Stewart Al- , Marie • daughter' of Mr.and 14r. and ' ed to' ":tvea"r a standard uniform in ' Gregory Douglas,. son of. Mternoon and called on Oliver Mac - daughter ton, Ken Straughan, Melvin Ir�rin, Allan Gibson and Patricia,f'atrr 'Mrs, Al was second and class: . ,, Brenda Ritchie: Elizabeth .Ritchie' dau er of Mr. and °Mrs. Allan Mrs. Bill i GibsonThe . students were resented Charles, president of the Agricnl- . Fancy Dianne, daughter of Mr. , with p aural Society and George .Joynt, Jackie Haldenby • Barger, the suggestion by the School . , Tricycles,. . , g reeve . of Lucknow who - officially Tricycles, Joanne Ftitclire, Nan- Sally Lynn daughter of. Mr. and and Mrs. Dan: McInnes, flol rood, Board on Friday and asked to i e was third.: . opened the afternoon: •Mrs Mae eS Ritchie, Marianne Alton, Bar— bara ar- Mrs: Elwin 'Hall won first• pr z .., w . i ,. - n, �.a n .d :talk it over with their parents Mrs, Eunice Enrrmcrt� Charles paid tribute to.th� • v illage w; • Cameron, Coln Cameron. in slit to twelve. months class.. • Harris on the week -end..., ai•a Mrs. Jim liiat ris of 'Kincardine dine , iii test Feet, Steven 'Eadie, nine Ronald ` ane son. of Mr. ,nt►d. The proposal was turned down and the Lucknow Lions fol their`: gg Wayne, , Mrs, Ronald:Thompsoi) rwas sec were the judges for the baby ' Mondaybya close vote of 39-34. ond and 'Debra Ann, daughter of contest. work : in the park and. arena in (Cant►Hued': > on page 131