The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-09-16, Page 15', WEDNESDAY MPT:. • 14th;;. 1964, • THE LUCKNOM SENTINEL,..LUOKNOW, .ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN . ,00•090 11100•00000••••••••••,••••••••••••••'•••••••,. • ••• • .i i' • •.. • • • • • • •. ••. • • •• • •, • 'he Schneider Mali Chorus Of Kitchener • WI.LL PRESENT A• CONCERT Friday, September 25th luckncw' District High $cho Auditorium Time; ,.8:30 p.m. Admission: 75c ENGAGEMENTS Collyer Weiser Mr. and_ Mrs.', David Weiser,. Mount Forest, wish to . announce the engagement of .their daughter Sandra Mary to Mr. Stuart Thom Collyer, son of Mr,. and Mrs. Stuart: Collyer, Lucknow,:. The wedding will take place at St, John's Lutheran. Church, Mount Forest on Saturday October 10, 1964 at 2:30 p.m. • Haines -- AHin ° • • The engagement is. announced •• of Mary, Elizabeth . Allin, daughter of Mrs. Jessie Allin of Lucknow, . and the late Harold R. Allin, to • Mr.Ralph Edward Haines Jr., • • son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ed- o ward Haines of ' Port Colborne. • , The wedding will , take place. on • October 10,. 1964 at 3:00 - o'clock • • in the Lucknow United Church,. • Lucknow. • ', V'an. Osch - Moyer s Mr. and .,Mrs. .John Moyer wish s to announce the engagement of : ' their daughter, Thelma Agnes of • ' Ayton, to Mr. Joseph Van Osch, • son, of Mr.: and, Mrs:: Jack' Van ••• ' Osch of , Lucknow. The marriage . will take .place at 10:30 o'clock • • on Saturday, . October 10th at St. j ;''. Peter's." Church, ; Ayton. • • •.' • • • Sponsored by:. LUCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BAND • Tickets .:available from Band Members or • Elwin Hall, Bandmaster •••••••iii•i•••••••i••••••••••••••o•••••••••••••• ' SIDIN Prolongs the life, jiijproves the look .of your buildings!: The superior quality . of CO-OP* Roofing. and Siding material adds years of maintenance free life to roofs and, walls. .Keeps buildings attractive longer too. Weather. • resistant Galvanized i Steel, Aluminum and Fiberglas :beat the heat, the cold,the rain and the snow. Tested to withstand winds up to; 100 m.p.h., CO-OP Roofing and Siding offers greater rigidityfor maximum Snow -load strength; outstanding nailing characteristics plus improved overlap. It is easily and quickly. applied on buildings old and new. CO-OP Roofing and Siding, is', available in 3.1%. width and lengths from 6' to• 30' at prices to suit your budget. MADE TO RIGID CO -01P, SPECIiI.CATI6NS FOR YOUR SATISFACTION i Wotonipht drerlop. Oalvanlzea Stool •. !Rct&Nered Tr* Mack • Eou;ty narrated and opplied' Aluminum • Flbbraaf DISTR10E cO-OPERATIVE Phone 528+2125 • DUNGANNON Anniversary services .'VM be :held Sunday, September 20 in Dungannon ' • United Church. The Rev. Veldhuiis will conduct the. morning service .at 11:00 am and the: guest' speaker at the evening service at. 7:30 .p.m.. wilt; `.be Rev. Charles Rennie of . Cooksville.. Mr. and : Mrs. Cecil. Blake, Jim; Lynda Bill' and Barbara and "Mr: Harold Blake were 'guests• on Sun-.. day at 'the .°hoine of Mr. , and. Mrs. Douglas. :Kilpatrick, RA,. 1. Sebringville. Mr. Cecil Blake visited' one day. last .week' '`With his ' sister ` Mrs. D.. S. Fines'. `who is : confined to . hospital in Toronto, She. must .re- main :in. -hospital ,for 'f o,n r or : five. weeks, but reports show no damage done' to her ;hearti Miss Flora Durnin had as guests 'on Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLoughry. Mrs;. McLoughry is Miss: Durnin's secretary, also .vis- 'fling with her • mother :Mrs. J. Fall's, housekeeper, at the Durnin• residence,, : on Tuesday of last week was . Mrs;_ W. Hopkins .of r Milton. I •The • , newly redecorated Presby- ian church will. hold 'their an- niversary service, on Sunday, Sep-,: tethber 20th. . Guest speaker at both the 11:00 a.m. and 7:.30 p.m. services will be Rey. S. J. Stew- art of Molesworth: The redecor- ating = +work 'had to be made 'to the . church as result- of damage done by lightning • a few weeks .1 ago -The work is being done by Mr. Gossel of Kincardine. . Miss; Josie ' Larsback, R.N.of Calgary, Alberta, visited over the week -end 'with : Mr apd' Mrs. Lorne Ivers. •She • left. Monday for Montreal ,'to attend : McGill Un-. iversity where she ' will • further her studies in psychiatric teach- ing. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wiggins and Eric at, the Nile, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett on the birth.. ,:.of their son, Scott, 6 ib. 8 oz,, on Mon- day, September 14th. A. •brother for Alan. BIRTHS MacDONALD y- Dr. and Mrs. John M. (Mack) MacDonald,, at the Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, on Thursday,; . September 10th;, 1964, a son, Alekander ' John,. a brother 'for Janet. GALLANT -- LAG and . $rs. B. G. Gallant, (nee Carol Steeksrna) are happy to announce the arrival on August 24th, 1964,.: of their 'daughter, Lisa,. 6 lbs. 14 ozs., at. Sepb-lles • Hospital, Sepb-lles, P.Q. AGNEW -- to= Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Agnew; Stratford, on Septem- ber 2nd, 1964 in. Stratford .Gen- eral Gen-eral Hospital, 'a daughter. BOYLE to Mr. and, Mrs. Ray- mond Boyle of H.R.' '.2 Auburn, at Alexandra General and ••Marine; Ifospital Goderich, a son,. on August 28, 196°C' ri. ,• • •AVIS—ht ..Stratford General Hos' pital, 'on Monday,; August 21st,1964, to Mrs and Mrs, Charles Avis (Joan Crawford) of Stratfo d` a daugnter,,, Anne Micheller ' lUCKNQ' and BILLIARDS NOTICE Afternoon Ladies' League MEET AT BOWLING ALLEY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st. • AT 2:00 p.m. Evening 1pd�s' League . MEET AT .BOWLING . ALLEY TUESDAY, ;SEPTEMBER 22nd AT' 9:00 p.m. en`s League.... • START • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st AT 9:30'. p.m., Phone No. 528-3135' and TRUCKS All Makes and Models hrysler - Ford - General Motors. Thursday, September 24th 7:00 to 11:00'. p.m. Free ..Roses To Ladies Free • Refreshments .. Free Dnor Prices �r�� Admission Children • Under 16• Must: 'Be Accompanied By Parents