The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-26, Page 10;4 ;•• • . • . • •4 • V 4 4. • PAGE TEN I1411, •1*POKNOWSONTIIROlf; ..I.'UCKNONV0. ONTARIO . District Youth Has Won' Free Press Scholorthip, Ti Pursue Writing Ccireer. Al students who succe.ssfull) • • complete, secondary school must do some writing, but most do no more than they must. • With Elwin Moore, 18-yeir-old graduate of Wingham District 'High School, it has always been .• 'the other way around. During his .school career he has written in . many forms ranging from short story to sonnet, often for no other • purpose than "my own enjoyment:” This desire to Write has sented him well for this year it has brought him the annual Editorial AVgiuvl• offered by London Free' Press 'Printing Company Limited.. Elwin, of •R:R.5, Lucknow, is the sixth winne.r of 'the award, ' offered to graduating high school •st-undents in Western Ontario who wish to pursue a drover ,hfjournal- For him it marks the first great stride toward the training for •which he has been Preparing him- * self !luring. the past seve.ral years. . The Free Press scholarship is . . • a combination award • that offers. ual goal he contributed a" weekly: both financial aid toward univer- column on high school affairs to sity education and on-the-job train- the • Wmgham Advance - Times, ing in journalism, ' • drawing the comment' from Pub - The award provides '$.25,0 toward Esher Barry Wenger that he be- taion fees in each of up to four) lieVed Elwinto have a promising years, depending on the course futurein journalism, • • chosen. In addition the holder • Mr. Wenger continued that he works each summer in The Free feels Elwin has a good' aptitude for Pres editorial department, earning descriptive,English and a finely - not less than $1,000 in each of the drawn sense of humor. Elwin him - years he maintains the award, , selve .wryly admits to". . . a This past summer the selec- rather vam 'sense of accomplish - tion committee, made up of Prof, ment" on seeing his Work in print. J. L. Wild, head of the department • • of jornalism, at the Unive.rsity of • Western Ontario, Roger T* Mac- To Attendleaf aulay, principal of London South • : Secondary School; and W. Ivor s . • Williams; managing editor of The ponsored Lartip 'Free Press, studied the histories • •of 12 well - qualified applicants Peter MacDonald 151ear-old son .before• finally -choosing Elwin. of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacDonald, The scholarship award is 'ten- of Ottawa, is attending hockey able at the 'University Western training camps sponsored . by the Ontario in any course selected by Toronto Maple Leafs. the holder with a view to preparing Peter, a product ,of the Ottawa biinselve, for journalism career Minor Hockey League, is one of Elwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. four boys from Ottawa picked to J. Milian Moore, who operate a attend the cam farm at R.IL5, Lucknow, proposes - Peter, who visited here last week, to enter first-year journalism in a ,is attending a training 'can* in general ,arts program with the 'Toronto this .week and next week poissthility of, switching to an hon- will be 'at a sinfiar hockey 'school. ours journalism course. m .Three Rivers, Quebec. ,• ELWIN. MOORE • Will. Return Soon To Training Camp It Seems like a mighty short Lueknow Juveniles wrapPed up time since the residents of.- this the series with Goderich on Mon - community were following tho day evening with an 11-9 win in N.U.L. Playoffs between Toronto the Lakeside town. and 'Detroit with, Joure than ordin- Ltickitow took the series 4 Barney ary interest, because of the Show- to 2 and now advance in the vv.o. ing Paul Henderson was making A.A. paydowns againstilarriston. with the Wings in his lira( Sea" Lticknow.missed a chance to end son in the big time. • • it last Wednesday night in. the But the weeks have slipped a- Caledonlan.Park when they dropp- way and on Tuesday, September ed an 8-6 decision to Goderich al - 8th, Paul will report at the De-' though' outhitting them 14 to 7, and troit training camp held on their with Ken Houston striking out '22 home ice at the Olympia: men., * ,• Paul', . son. of Mr. and Mrs, Factor in defeat was calling back Garnet Henderson Of Lucknow, a home run by DonaldFisher. It. has spent the off-season as g car cleared .the .fence by 10 feet(we , salesman • for Mills Motors. of 'were there) but was called back. Goderich and Mr. and. Mrs. Hen, for a ground rule double demon and 'their daughter Heath-, It Was another close one in god- er, have resided in the Goderich erich on Monday with Lucknow area. • They will .return to Detroit coming out on top 11-9,••Lueknow when the training season opens. had 8 hits and Goderich 9, Ken Only One familiar face will be Houston and Ross Forster shared missing froin. the Red Wings the pitching duties and racked up damp' this fall—veteran gOal ten- 15 strike outs. ,. • racked, der Terry . Savichult. who • was , PLAY IN O.A.S.A, • I drafted by, Toronto. Filling his ' Goderich has a juvenile: team 1. No. '1 sWeaterwill be 22 -year-old entered in the 0.A.S.A.• and five Roger Crozier. . : of the Lucknow boys, are playing 1 with them --• Doug and . Gary 1 Johnston, Doug MacKinnon, Don- ald Fisher • and .:Ross Forster. • They had their first • game on Satorday with - Grimshy, - with . , ••1 •".wopplEspoor,.. :AUGUST • . • . Ji, venilei Mbve .U0; To .Meet Harriston. Bantams Out For This Season • .Lucknow Bantam softball team were eliminated from 'playoff corn - petition in Belgrave last Wednes- day night when the Belgrave boys defeated them 12-4. This gave. Belgrave three straight, wins in the best -of -five Series. .•• Belgrave ,started off with '4 big runs in first inning:andnever look- ed back. Lucknow scored 3 of their 4•runs in the 4th. G. Coultes was a real , power hitter for Belgrave slugging o4t three home runs, the last one in the 6th inning beinga. grand slam that brought ini four runs. There is some talk of an exhib- ition series with Wingham- for the Bantams; but as far a.s playoff. ball. is concerned, the local gang are all through for this year. Those in. charge of the Bantam.s this season were Ernie Button and Bill Hunter. • Intermediates Are During his high school years be Peter's father has been, active isrL a../ f1t has been a regular contnimbor to in prompting. minor' hockey in` the . I rirOVVn VU I VI the school year book (a prize win- . Capitol city. He is the son of 'nor in both prose and ,poetry cat Lorne MacDonald, of Seaforth and 1)1 ' ff S a o eries Ivories of the literary section), and . formerly of . lAicknoir. Peter's y• last year was eixeen as Journal !mother is the former Bessie Stew - editor , . of the 'student 'council: 'Art, daughter af the late, lin and Lucknow___Intermediate hall team, - even closer tip his emit. ikir,4, A. p. stewart. at one , time beading Clinton RCAF •• • team three .s to one on the WHITECHUROi RUN UP 01G scORES 014 wgt.Les,,Ey Whitechurch defeated WellasleY in• an WOAA Junior semi-fmal . game last Tueui sday We to 1 fo take a lead in the best o . series one game to none. Wayne Farrier struck out 16 and. allowed 4 bits, Leading hitters for Whitechurch were Alex Craig with two home runs and Wayne Farrier with four hits including a double and triple; • • • • • RHE Whitechurch C01 281 291-L15 13 2 Wellesley . 000 100 00 1 4 7 • Farrier and Skin'; Roth and Falk, • Won 2nd Straight .0 • . • • Whitechurch Made, it 2 straight over Wellesley in the best -.4 -five WOAA ser i -final. series on "Pitirs. day of last week in Wingham, by defeating them 11 to 1. Lead- ing hitters for Whitechurch were Alex Craig . with a double and triple and Wayne Rhiel 'with a triple. Wayne Farrier allowed only two hits: R H E Wellesley .., 00 100 000— 1 2 5 : Whitechurch • 400 104 02x-11 10 2 • Farrier and Skim; Marti- and • • Grimsby winning It 4 - 0. Ross ' Forster did the pitching for Gode- rich, with Grimsby getting alL 4 runs in the first inning. .F'roin' then' it was shutout ball. • 4. • • • 4111111011041111.1v . - 41 • P 4. 4 litaiinaaaaaaasainaaaaaaaaaaaaionsaaaaaaaanaaniaalili III • , • • • ' • ••/ • .• • . • WilffE PINE SHEATHING : In 10-1i1c12 and 12 -Inch Widths Ideal For She ng 111 •,4 • M • • . ' • al or • . • .. . . . . WALL:. SHEATHING 1'2 I, •. . • . . , • • • 111 • . liegst-of-sevengarneplayoff series,. are through for the season - and under.. disappointing eircurbstances. The teams were deadlocked at .three games each going into the' seventh game in Clinton last .Thurs- • day. In the last of the sixth inning •Clinton' tras leading, 61 when the game was awarded to Clinton by dem*• Here's what• happened, . Grant . Chisholm was on the mound for' Lu anow •and a pitched hall went. • orethe at:leen. Grant threw two pitches with the second game ball ' • and when the other bail came back into the park the Cliirm firstliase coach gaye It to Grant.. •, . • Apparently. Grant pttferred the .ban. Umpire Petrie el God- • &labwoi not allow C6,..4isholrnto aczept the original bat.. and :rt - strutted hinj.pitebthe baLir t.:14 -at 'was ir p'*4ay. • • the =pre liras rettt—aing, • a- . - ..• GENUINE- ARBORITE , . : ' 'I..' • • . . . . • a 1 : • ' Canada:a Einlit,..1-Orilest.-Listibi. Suf.:fate' . .. . . .. . a ,Jillitetial , . ' ' . • • - : U • . - a • • , or ' .. • • • ▪ . . ' . R . .11 , KITCHEN .tUtd, !..BATKROOM WALLS ... . • IS * : . •' TABLE and. 'COUNTER. TOPS. • , : .: • 2,'' •and SPLASHBACKS '.. . . . a• a `• • . . • ' a at• . - • • ' . . . . , , .0 4,,,,,,,...„.•...,...,..,,,.,......,..........,.........,."...............:,..............,....,„......,4., It :a • -.- . FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK . r ,..: • ,., . . • ,... - •et ....,•,,,,....4,............,....,,...........:„.,...............,......,... .. -,......,..a...•,,•,,,am.. : • Jahn •r • . • 'r:P/Mit* 52S.3t 18 . t 0847 ▪ • •11 • • th€, taat4... C'mholru a --a. the .sec: b •ri th"e • tend= tt procts..ed wrtt the rst- t....ent.e. bat, Thi atraor, caused.the. er.p.-3,41 Smut. fro= the ga=.t., Dtring argumentt • he. --put the , clock' tm 7,; --air, and wbe z * • not Afirt4e Vat game 2L "Jr* tie allowar,„ evt.a.ned t game- 2 Clmton • s, 1111OerSti= t...lat the rule hout Lays 4ntr pre - must. use'tn al. t= hy• t'he =pre btr, ttut it e rule, ttre, no: tot strict" eiortied. trar nal pit.,v-ing. nap •E Ptti4trAttr tigthair*• Zenith ringer Wash • FOUR MODELS TO .CHOOSE FROM / • Three -Round" Models with' 9 and 10 lb. Whs. Ode !Square:. Model With an 11 lb. tub. ZENITH featutes include automatic timer, two seed wash. •, tie action, two speed •wringing: action, fast eniptying ' pump. automatic roll stopwringer, dependi4 on the Model yon &cote. * • 5 Year Warranty On All Models planet,' tale bat he Nxiiiit,e.ti vtitt • . le Ittounie .st it)rig sit it was. .e... amsn , ttLt Dr* .ning an it t.- .1.. r littes g , ar tilt. tvie, %vat eidtrfirig: lab": week & :Alt:42(10V at.* tit-int:gr. , ty.).7. tht,• ' 1-4403•01" •',":. .. Phone 518400 4,8 ,• A Quality f'rosiluct At An; EconoMical Price AVAILABLE AT • • " , • • " , • ,