The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-26, Page 3•.'y • •966; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, : AUGUST 26, 1, .. _.... ,,,_.._. 11r 4111 U,ERBBUUUUUUIIIU.//■EEB■BUR■R-BB■BBB.. BBU■RBr6■Briar/BBABB.BRrRBr.BrrltrBBrB ii. j r AI; • • r. : rte. 1. W. 'PAGE • THREE , • acs.=,----- • . . ■; 1Tomato Catsup 2 for 9cChop Sueyrut oaf ■ WESTON, .16' oz.. ■ 'AYLMER,, reg, 2 for 41c, .11...oz.• Javex Liquid. Bleac lOc 'OFF' PACK,' 128 oz.' Tomato Juice: • al LIBBY:S FANCY, 48 oz. • CatdHi-' •Macaroni ill Spaghetti, Spa9hettini, Readycut, 2 Bailet T. Tissue 8 :for 89c White or. Colored, 'Twin Pack • ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Jelle de Jong, R.R. 6 Lucknow, announce the engage- anentof their daughter, Nikki, tai Mr. Hendrikus Eric Exel, son of Mr. and:. Mrs..: •Gerald Exel of Brussels, the marriage to 'take place at the. Christian Reformed Church, Lucknow, On Friday, September 25th at 8:00 o'clock.. Rev Simbn'. Terpstra will officiate. Mr. and Mrs. WalterRoulston of •' RR 1 Ripley, announce the engage- s ment of their daughter Mary Helm ■ to .Mr. Robert Joseph Orr,. son of Mr. Elton Orr, of R.R, 4 Kincardine and the late Mrs. Susan Orr,. ' The marriage will take place on Satur- , day September 12th ' at 3, P.M. in Olivet_ United Church. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman E, Hal- denby of R,R 1, Holyrood, an- nounce the• engagement ' of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to' Mr.' Frederick.' Joseph Friendorf, son ■. of Mr. and ' Mrs. 'Edward Friend- ■ orf of ' IRR. 2, Holyrood. The marriage • will . take place Satur- n'. day, September 12, '1964. at 3.:00 o'clock in the . Church of Ascen- ■ . sion, Kinlough. ■ Mr. and . Mrs, Benson Brown, is Port Albert, .announce the ' engage • ment of their daughter, Evelyn ■ Grace, to Ross Samuel, son. of Mr. ■ and Mrs. Bert . Daer, - R.R. 1, : . Auburn. The '.wedding ,will take place 4September ' • 5, at • •Knox. United Church, Auburn, at 1:30, • p.m. ` The ' bride -elect is . a grand daughter of. Mr. and .. Mrs. W G.° ✓ ; Reed: ■. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ■ ■ ■ NOTEBOOKS, • REFILLS. and MISCELLANEOUS ■. Heinz'..Foods ip, for. �$1 I .. T STRAINED or .JUNIOR, 5 oz.,' Palm Garden Tea Bags 100' to ,CELLO BAG :Del Monte Drinks 2 for. 73c •■ .Pineapple Grapefruit, . Pineapple 'Orange,, 48 oz. Gold Seal. Salmon ,. FANCY RED .SOCKEYE,. • y ■ • • ■ .• aI's e •• SCHOOL. . SUPPLIES• 'FOR' .THE . BACI(-TO-SCHOOL CRO W D ■ 5ci..for...good clean ix Quart Baskets 2.1,920. Cash Prizes Worth $50,000 !n Our (ircieS. �7girlQ Play it like BingoGet your free .cards each • ' time you . visit 'our store: ` .New : set of numbers in 'this. ad each week.. All cards can be ,used'. for the entire ten week contest. GAME NUMBER ' 10 • 2' 8 10 12 14 20. 22 28 30 36 38 40 42 48 50 52 54 60 62': 64 66 ' ' 68 70 80 82 • 88 90 92 94 .100. .'PHONE'528-3001•-.;FREE DELIVERY i••B■•EB.BB> milmiBonieinr■B•■srrr■BB.rwBi■nE■BBir■BEa•ErrEB•f•r•BrBBRRsim y Teeswater a dinner guest on Sunday with LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS •Rev. T. McKuine of Mrs. : John B. . DeCou of Da Y' - Mrs.' Bruce MacKenzie is. a Mr. and Mrs. John 'Emmerson'. lona Beach is, visiting in. 'the"•com- patient in Wingham Hospital, •hav :'Mr and Mrs. Robert Smith of sisters and other ling been admitted Sunday morning, Sault Ste Marie', are spending' two. munity with her s g• , weeks at the home of Mrs Smith's relatives. ' ' • .Mr: and Mrs. Cyril Brown last The Rev. and Mrs. J. R•. King'' week constructed a cottage • at father Mr John' A MacDonald. and "family have returned 'from' a 1 Paint Clark. Mrs. Robert Hamilton of Luck - PARISH PICNIC ON SUNDAY The annual: picnic for members of :' St. Peter's Anglican ;Church'. will be . • held on Sunday , at the home of ., •Mr.' and ' . Mrs.. Elmo Pritchard, commencing at 3 p.m: CHESTERFIELD SUITE FOR SALE -3 pieces, wine chesterfield and chair and green chair;, priced for quick sale, ':Phone Dungannon 529-7573.. Mr. and Mrs. Alan' McKim and family, Elizabeth, Jane and Alan of Richmond Hill are : spending their .; vacation '' at .. Kintail . Beach. • NN••e•••••r•••••i•••r•a•••••••••••••••••••••NI BIRTHS KUIK—Mr and Mrs. John Kuck,. R. 7, Luelmew;wish to announce the arrival of • a son,; in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday; August 19th --a brother for Donald and Douglas.. GIBSON—in Wingham .and, DTs- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, Aug- ust ugust 18th, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gibson, , , R.R., 3 Lucknow-a daughter, Diane. Marie. Beth and Ila Scott: of Belgr ve spent a few days - last week with Mr, and Mrs. George Saunders. Mr, W. L. MacKenzie visited last' week at Sunny Dale ,near Ipperwash. • itaiwisirmaria. SUNSET Drive -In HIGHWAY 8 ' EAST OF GODERICH NOW --Special Attraction, 6 Days Thus., ' Aug. 27 to Wed., Sep. 2 "THE: UNSINKABLE MOLLY: BROWN" '.. Colour The great, new and breezymusical comedy, ,direct from• . its'. record-- breaking . multi -week run in Tor- onto.' .Starring"• • ' DEBBIE REYNOLDS with • Harve P Presneli ' •'and Ed. Begley. " No advance ' in 'regular . price. Thurs., Friday, .Sat, Sept.. 3, •4; 5 Rock Hudson; Dorothy • Malone and Kirk 'Douglas in "THE LAST . SUNSET" colour . plus the: Jimmy Edwards cornedy Nearly . A Nasty' Accidene MIDNIGHT SHOW, Sun:, Sept.` Two spine -tingling thrillers "BLACK SUNDAY" and • "Circus Of Horrors" SHOW STA• RTS AT .DUSK Children under 12, in •cars, FREE i. AT ..• • • TILE THE ':SQUARE .31 Goderich Showtimes 7:30 and': 9:30 pan. ' s•' NOW• ' P , YLAYING-Thursda ' Friday, Saturday, Aug 27,28 29 . • • Robert .,Cummings, . Dorothy Malone and Frankie Avalon• •'•• With a youthful cast in the,.lusty. musical comedy. — in: color' g. • • • 3 week vacation . s ent in • South Mrs. Rae Dahmer of Owen now, was admitted to Wingham • y P r •'. am ton Sarnia and Preston. ' Sound visited recently with Mrs. Hospital on .Sunday. p u Y • Mr. • '• and' Mrs Alvin 'Hudgins Jessie Alhn:: Mr. and. Mrs.' Clarence .Greer Visiting over the week -end. with .a Harry and ,Kathy of London, .Mr, I • nd family are .on a three week and Mrs. •Ernie Vanderburg of Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Johnston, Clinton . spent the week -end .with I Were • Alvin, Reta : and children, Mr.:•and :Mrs. Oscar Bodgins.. • .Wayne and'Paul from Gravenhurst, Mr. and Mrs', Chester Schisler and • Mrs. ,, Sid Gardener,.; ' Elaine and. Karen of Bay City•�M4ch. were i..and Brian of Lucknow. • . visitors with . Mr, and Mrs W. G. Mr. and Mr's: *Chas. Henderson'and: i f Mr and Mrs Arthur Pink of son Brian of' - Toronto, and Mr. Gor- • .Reed. Mrs. Clara •,Johnson. returned I nes visited his ast. home with them Monday. after' 'a, St. Cathari t p • doff Steward of London;.also were .visit with her brother Mr. Reed. week with 'Mr..and Mrs. Garnet. ,recent, visitors with their. mother. Henderson.. Mr. Pink is 'a member Mrs Wilson ' Irwin who is' at :George Anderson of Montreal is of the 'circulation department of visitingwith' his parents, Mr. and: Catharines Standard: •Brucelea• Haven spent Sunday here . .the St. C t • with Mr and , Mrs Spence Irwin Mrs: W.:: B:: Anderson, .George •:. • � •� ` ' ' •• ' flew to the *International ; Airport Rev. Arthur Morgan, Mrs. and •Mr and Mrs Bill Hunter: Mrs at Toronto' where he' was. met, by .Morgan; and three .' children of .Irwin was 93' in March: She is in`. ''his `s Mar Anderson Ottawa : spent .a few days last fair health' although is confined sister, Miss Y pretty .much to her wheel chair, Lucknow. week at Kintail with Mrs. A. E • ` and "accompanied her , to Luc, • McKim'. VisitingMrs •Lorenz the week Visitors on Sunday with Mrs.. William. Bushell 'were:.. Mr. ' Sgt. John and Mrs. Kelly (Jean, 'of August' loth were her: grandson Mrs'. Alhn) and five children,' Nanc .,family, ' Mr and' Mrs Ted • and: •Mrs. Walter Forster,: .�' and Gordon Patterson : of Ripley, Mr,' Jimmie; Bobby, Michael and McCullough, ,their sons Terry and. and Fred. Steward of London; Billy of Port Credit, visited last •Bobby ` from Holland, : Ohio also Mrs.. S Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh,of 'Pur -.E week with Mrs. Jessie AUin, , her great ,graiiddaugher Mrs Nor- ple Grove.; and Mrs ' Ross' MacDonald man •' Zaenger' and son Kenneth Mr Mr,. and Mrs Don Cardis: have, (Bessie Stewart) and children: from,Middletown, Ohio.' ' • returned from a motor trip to West-�{ Peter and Janet 'of Ottawa have Mr,. and Mrs. Cecil McAlpine ern Canada.' They motored west : been visiting here with Mr and Mrs of St. Thomas, . where Cee is• a • with' their son°Lorne Mrs Cardis Otto Peterson. • Bank - of Montreal manager, re- �' motor trip to :western Canada as far as Vancouver. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Steward 'of London, spent last: week -end with his mother Mrs. Charles Steward. and little girl of Newmarket and ' Mrs. R H -I,' Thompson visited cently holidayed .at Amberley visited with Mrs. Cardis senior's last week : in Toronto where Mr. Beach and called on friends here. sister, and Mrs. Wm: Hewat and Ard- They seem to be jinxed vacation - Mr: and Mrs. Jack MacDonald onna have , taken up residence wise as they have Struck . poor ,. moved • from and have said their Edmonton .lake weather• for three success .and` family, have: - seasons • their. Havelock St south home I home. • ive . to meson of Lucknow. was Mr, and Mrs. Norman • Taylor. encehon e fthe c rner of Gough'and elected Tp President of the Miller re- were guests' at the wedding of . g :.t Taylor's. ph ...roes Outram Stree � e union � at their annual gatherinY . d Hurlbu nephew, . Mr. Jn j ts. Jack bought th house from • the United Church, , Wroxter on Sunday. Mrs, Loy rt and Miss Dianne Hern Black in ' Lorne Park Baptist Church last Friday. evening. The Taylor family were overnight o. .f Mr. arid guests 'Of Mrs. Arthur, Hurlbut at Lorne park, prior to a day at the Ex, to which Miss • Lees had willed the property and i contents. Since acquiring the residence Mr, and Mrs. MacDonald have made con- 'siderable •alterations and renova- tions. . Ashton is the secretary -treasurer. Present from here were Anson Rattan, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Finlay, Sandra and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Susan and Nancy. "BEACH PARTY" i • • Mon.,. Tues., Wed., • Aug: 31, ' Sept. 1, 2 --Adult Entertainment 2 • • • Jack Lemiuon,' Carol .Lynley and. Imogene . Coca . • • • A superb fun -cast in a titillating comedy In Scope and Color• z "Under The Yum Yum Tree" • • Thursda F y .. . riday, . Saturday, . September 3, ` 4,' S i. • Brian' Keith, Marta;I Kristen and Tommy; Kirk j' • Plenty of chuckles /and a lot of action in 'this tale of a boy, 2 • his dog and Some renegade 'Indians.` In color ' "SAVAGE SAM". • • •• Coming - PILLOW TALK"-=' Adult Entertainment • ••oei•••••••••••••••i••••e*••••••••••••i•••••••••: 0niw■■■s■rBE■.ini■■■isnrrr■%B■snn■■E■E■E■EEtriie ■ • ■ ✓ . CEUM-Wingharn im THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY „Thep atsy„ AUGUST • 27-2849 Color Starring: Jerry Lewis, iia Balin, Everett Sloane, • Keenan Wynn, Peter Lorre N' • • If you'don't know what a Patsy ' me a ' is:• o la ■ and get the augh, � . filled answer,, in Jerry Lewis' latest filth. ■ ■ ✓ , ■ . w• MONDAY, TUESDAY; WEDNESDAY. . "A Ticklish Affair ' Colour - CinemaScope • ■ ■ AUG. 31, SEPT. 1-2IS ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 Starring: Shirley Jones, Gig. Young, Red Buttons . ' II What's trkore frantic . than marriage? . It's the'story of a 1 ...,rete. . • .. la pretty widow who thought ,she knew.the ansvl►er. The whole ▪ family will like .this one. • • is ✓ ri. ■. • . , s: ✓ 81RRrr wriwassrrr rsgPr■Wm aimiNs m'imitsraa isms: