The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • REMINDERS ABOUT YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE e h�e!ess<OA b KEEP 'INSURED! When you reach your 19th. birthday youare no longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days to keep insured. Ntrnis are available at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. i1r ONTARIO ,CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED! If you change jobs, follow carefully .the instructions on the back of .the . Certificate. of Payment,, Form 104, • which your group is required to give. you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP 'INSURED! When you marry, the Family premium must be paid to.cover'hus- b•and; wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR if you pay- direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO IIOSPITAL.:$ERVICES COMMISSION. ;195 YONGE `STREET, TORO'NT'O 7, ONTARIO'; ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HANDY HeIdR�unIOn.'At Descendants of 'Alen MacKenzie aid. Mary MacDonald met at the old homestead west of Kintail for a reunion on. Sunday, July 26. The farm house is now . used by Mr. and.: Mrs. Cliff Jackman of Port Credit as a summer home. Alex MacKenzie, one of the ear - Best settlers north of Goderich, came''to Kintail in 1842. 'The children .of Alex and Mary wereAnnie; Mrs. Donald (Mary). ¥[cKenzie of ;Port. Albert; Rory of Kin'tail Homestead Kintail; Mrs. Finlay (Barbara). MacLennan -of • Lochalsh and. Mur- dock : of Kintail. ' ... . Relatives from Waterloo, God- erich, ;Blyth, Richmond ,Hill, Chat- ham, hatham, Dundas, Kincardine, : Dun- gannon, Port Albert . and London. were present. The .following grandchildren of Alex • and Mary attended: Miss Mary MacKenzie of Clinton (for- merly Port Albert); Dan. MacKen- zie of Blyth; Mrs. Margaret Bales Ni>lEaGalaaaRsaa■prat■ • Limited Time Only) PISTO MATI C A high-quality, one -hand operated grease gun, Com pkte with. 12 ' flexible exten •siion hose.' You save 55.25 oVCr, the regular Esso: retail price of S8.25, when you pur- chase one - carton of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartridgees—the. OW economical way to keep, • your equ pn ent in top work condition.. Get one from yourImperial Esso Agent=. but orde' soon,, this repeat aft( is fora limited time only, 8.25 VALUE MORE: i~NOW...1 ORE IN TN UTI RE., of l P tl l.. oj% • T cHIsxoux L.uckn�w IIUi r11B ieaaaaar1RSRR* li 1*.aa` NiiII*B. ;Ea* s Kinloss Boys •Are. Members O Priie. WinningPipe Band. (KINLOSS NEWSY The MacKenzie family attended.. the Highland Games in Dutton on Monday, August 3rd. Congratula- tions to Ian MacKenzie, Pipe Major of the Goderich Junior Pipe Band, and Roddy who. is a mem- ber, 'as their band won two first prizes in the competition. Ian and Roddy are the sons of Mr; and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie. Mr, and Mrs. Lance Moffat of Lloydminster, Alberta, have been visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Collyer and other 'relatives. Brian Keith has spent the . past ten days at Kintail Camp. Mrs. Geo. Lockhart was a pa- tient for a . week /in the General. Hospital in Hamilton with a foot infection. Mrs. Tom MacKenzie' is visiting this week with her sister in Mich- igan City, and .will also attend .'a Business Methods \ Conference in. Chicago.' Rev. Gordon. and Mrs. Baulch and family of Barrie were guests Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Graham .following, the service in South Kinloss Pres- byterian resbyterian Church. • Miss Mary McIver of Ebor, Manitoba and Mr. and. Mrs. Wm Townson and • Frank of ` Sudbury are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. Mrs. ` T. A. MacDonald, Mrs. . Dorothea ,Birch and Walter 'Tho- mas of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr:. and,Mrs. Ira Dickie and family.Oter guests. included: Mrs. J. F. : McKee of Toronto and Mrs. H. Wickham, f Hugh James and.. Kevin of Hali- fax, N.S. • Mr. and Mrs. Archie: MacDonald, Ronald and Charlotte were over- night guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald C. itlacintyre. of Richmond -Hill Dave MacKen- zie of Kincardine and Mrs.. Ethel Jackman of Port Credit. Also in attendance were ten great-grandchildren and 12 great- • great-grandchildren: Create Highways Parc At Amberley CAMBERLEY NEWS).' The • Department of : Highways has been working on a project at . Anyberley, which . in time. will 'be an .asset to the public as well. asbeing a beauty, .spot: Ten maple trees have been planted and. the grounds 1,evelled. This park is sit- uated .on Highway 21 where Art Courtney's store and cabins' were formerly located: • • _ . Barge Family., Reunion On Thursday; July 23, the Barge I families .gathered at the hope: of I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown . in Amberley. Present for, the occas'- '. ion, were. Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Buck- ingham, Mr, and MrS. Frank' Plaskett, Mrs. .Gordon • Fink :of ' Stratford, Mr. and' Mus. John La. seck; of London:. Mr, Lou Barge and friend of Ancaster, Mr. `and Mrs.' Ernie Young of . Florida Mr. ;and Mrs. Randal. •Marriott of God- erieb, Mrs, Elizabeth Ferguson and • Mr. William Brown of Luek- now. Reids Corneas W.T. met in . the community hall on Thursday; July 30 • with an 'attAndan;•ce. of seven • teen ladies, fifteen cbiidrenand five C.G.T.T. members • who enter- tained the : children for the after- noon; lion ,can Wa .tar w•ered with '"Grandmother's cure.. that you re - eel, The rnootVV '?Home ,is the. setter in- which the bright- est jewiel is Mother.. was well. given by M.L s. 'Murray Walden. a d. by the Enloe 'County florae Ec .mow. ! . • George $o s . as .� and dorm= eve.1 she dealt with the pperr" ` who should always. r .—e out a list. check • thOriey. a *Iway's ay be courteous the Te CC l t members Bey Red. Joyce W" .�n. 'Pe ggy 3Pr:•tad Itfai- Elizai Walden r% r4- . -•� two i .��y with E wr.'i ,e,1: t ny 'p�. After the WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1?,r. 1Ih . The .smart way tb save and travel,!.: Extra coach car conveniences to: Make your trip more. comfortable.' For other economy White 84 Blue. Fares nail .,. YOUR LOCAL :C N AGENT CANADIAN NATIONAL "26.64 ' SEL, e closing ode and grace, Mrs. James Farrell' and Mrs. Mervyn n Funston • served lunch,.. • . Honor Beloved Doctor A .number from 'this 'district at- tended a happyoccasion which was held iii Kincardine District High School. on Friday evening , . , July 24 . when Dr •A E N.. C'ou h was honoured. in ` recognition ' of service.. The; bursary fundin his. name was 'presented at this 'time. The large crowd attending attest. ed to the esteem in which • Dr. Couch• is held and so often it has been said the recognition was a fitting . ributee to a fine gentle- man ad toa Wall,. loved doctor.