The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 5'VW" it5 4wr la • WEDNESOAY., AUGUST 12, ,1964 THE ILUCKNOW.. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO UME ewlyweds Reside Commum • For sound counsel and a fair Price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON ,MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Established Over Sixty Years Phone 881-0234 Walkerton Ontario PAGE FIVE• HAMILTON -- WIGHTMAN, . Candelabra, baskets of white shastas and pink carnations made a pretty setting at/Knox Presby- terian Church, Belgrave, • for the wedding. of Margaret Elizabeth Wightman of Belgrave and Wil- liam Bruce Hamilton of Lucknow.• • Rev. Wr.J, Morrison of Brus- sels officiated for the• afternobn ceremony. • Mrs. John Nixon was the organist and Miss Margaret Nicholson sang "0 Perfect Love," "Wedding Prayer" and "I'll 'Walk Beside You." • ' ' , The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Gilbert Hamilton of R.R. Lucknow. • ' Mr. Wightman gave his. daugh- ter in marriage. She chose a floor -length' white nylon :organza over taffeta gown With. bell •skirt, lily -point sleeves, and tiny pearl appliques• around t h e scooped neckline and on the front of the skirt. The princess bodice fea- tured • an organza flower at ,the back. Her bouffant spider veil was caught by a, crown of lus- trous pearls and she carried' a cascade ' of. red roses. Her. sister, Miss Anne Wight, man of Waterloo, was maid of honor. Her petal pink nylon .or- ganza Over taffeta gown w a s .street -length and. 'fashioned in A line on a princess bodice. The Matching headdress held an over - the -face veil and •her accessories I were white. She carried. pink shas- tas '''and white .feathered carna- tions. • In similar attire as the maid of honor ' were the • two brides- maids, Miss Marlene Walsh of. Waterloo .and Miss Betty Hamilton of Niagara Falls. The flower girls,, Misses -Janette and Susan Barr of Ra. 1, Holy - rood, nieces .of thegroom, wore full -Skirted white, dresses, Pink sashes, headdresses •similar ter the bridesmaids and carried baskets of pink .and white baby mums. Bess Hamilton of R.R. 6, Luck - now, was bestman and the ushers were Donald Hamilton of • Gogama and JOlm Wightman of Toronto.,.. Guests from Brantford, Hanover, Waterloo,' Toronto, Port Credit, Whitby, Niagara Falls, Gogama, Listowel, Britton,' Bluevale, Luck - now and Clinton were ,received at the Foresters '- Hall after the cere- mony. The bride's motherwore a pink linen sheath with white ac- cessories and the groom's mother chose a blue figured dress with white accessories. Their corsages, were white mums. • The wedding ,party visited' the bride's' grandmother, a patient in Wingham an District Hospital, before the bride 'Changed to a blue figured. dacron dress, white accessories and .corsage of red rose's ,which • she wbre for travell- ing. She is a graduate. of Strat- ford Teachers'. College. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilten will live at R.R. 3, Lucknow. .:RIP•LEY :MEAT. •MARKET •• COOoM. aulthering:. Mondays — Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 pan. Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS' EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking . . . Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . . . For Better Service, And Lower Prices — Call Ripley 100. • Chat. HoOisina . Pro"). , Ailaaallawainautaaimusaalaalapaaaalmaiapagialaailei : . a ...111 .2 la ai .W00.0 WORK E.R'S . . • .... - - • - • . • •--,... . . • AND .. . • sr .' • 6 ' - V - • ELECTRICIANS -t ..• . lic .. . ... . , ... . ... • . • Required • •. . .. -.. - - . • ,. • .... • An industry which may locate in ,Goderich in late winter • or early spring requires' 125 woodworkers and 25 electricians. • • a • • If you have had any experience in a woodworking industry' " .0 ,or have .had electrical experience (no licence required). you • • are the man' they are looking' for. * •• ■ If you desire to. better Yourself financially, receive excel- lent fringe benefits and •work for one of America's leading industrys, .write today in order that we may know the labour, ■ . requirements of this industry can be met.' All replies held •• • 0. • • g . • so i■■■■••••■■■■■■■■•••••••■■■•■•■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■••■• instrict confidence. • a' • • _ a• • • • • GODERICO Write INDUSTRIAL combitssippi Or NATIONAL.; EmpurymENT SERVICE pocitich; .Ontario 'k• For READ.' UV. Irvin •ittich and His Stoff.. wish 40.. THANK:1(011. 0. ..cor,.pateollogp.....In This, 0.0r.'25th,--Year. r dotich a iittie time! Today young 13ill likes to tinker but tomorrow he will be deciding on his career; Whatever profession or, vocation he may settle on; there will be no financial problem. As' life insurance program with Sun Life not only guarantees the funds for Bill's education but provides an income for the. whole family if Dad should die pre- maturely: Fin associated with ° Sun Life of Canada, the Company -with the policy that's right for you and Your family. Why not call me today? ' • ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Herson. Irwin of Belgrave and formerly ,of Con, 10 East WawanOsh,observed their 45th wedding anniversary ..on Aug- ust 6th. Mrs. Irwin is the former Ella Thompson, 'daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomp- son of Donnybrook. ,Mr. Irwin is president of the Wept' Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co: , • .' iLLIAM J. ,KINAHAN .RR 2' Lucknow Phone Winghani. 157-1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA A..k!UTUA.L, COMPANY Wed At Ashfield Presbyterian Kirk 'CARTER MacKENZIE ' Ashfield • Presbyterian Church was decorated • with White glad- ioli to form an attractive setting for the wedding of Florence Anne MacKenzie and Donald MacMillan ',Carter on •Saturday, July 18. The bride's ,parents are Mr., and Mrs. Hugh C. MacKenzie of R.R. 3, Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mrs. *Herbert Carter of Kincardine, and the late Mr. Car- ter. Rev. Neil .McCombie officiat- ed at 'the, double -ring ceremony. The organist was Mrs. Duncan ,Simpson of Kigali while Mrs. Frank Fisher' • of Kitchener was soloist. • • , Given in marriage by her la- ther, the bride chose a floor -length •gown of silk organza over bridal satin. The bodice, fashioned With lilypoint sleeves and bateau neck- line, cascaded from the waist• into a back chapel train held by a self -tailored organza bow. Jewell- ed lace motifs enhanced the bod- ice and iskirt: A caplet of irri- descent sequins and, pearls held the shoulder -length pouffe veil of nylon tulle. She carried a cascade bouquet of white roses, stephan- otis and 'green, ivy. •, Miss, Barbara MacKenzie, R.R. 3, Goderich, was maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Was 'Janice Carter • of Kincardine suld Mrs. Murray Stark of Waterloo,. They wore identically -styled *short gowns of azure blue • organza, sheath design, with tiered skirts and matching blue and white , pill - b o x crowns with over -the -face veils.. They "arried bouquets of. white mums with white streamers. William Kempton, R.R. 3, God - mach, was groomsman and guests were ushered by Dougald Camp- bell of Waterloo and Kenneth Mac- kenzie of R.R. 3, Goderich. A reception followed at, the Bruce Inn, Kincardine, the .bride's mother receiving in, a jacket sheath dress of petal Mlle lace over taffeta with Matching ac- cessories', and a corsage of white carnations.' The groom's miither ,assisted in a sheath dress of pink ' lace over taffeta, with white ac- cessories and a corsage of pink ' and white roses. , For their wedding trip to New York •and the Eastern States, the ' bride changed to a powder blue linen .• boucle suit with matching hat and white accessories. Her corsage was of white gardenias.. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are .'resid- ing in Woodstock: • • TOP 17).0EiS •-•HAY ANP PASTURE WITH- 'occo:!imcoip :FERTILIZER CO -00 Fertilizers come in alt the latest recommended ratios and analyses. They also, flow more freely and are higher in water- soluble phOsphates than regular ;ertiliter — good reasons whY you shottid USS CO4Op Pettn12ers. BUYU QALITY O -a. BY CO-OP 11