The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 4• PAGE:. FOUR •.r WCl 'NO ONTARIO tcr • .. i WEDNESDAY, IJOO "lf 1i2;, 11 �.0 [.[ --aa1.t —" 1' 1F{ 1 k41111st!-;': 11 stir" FOR SALE FOR SALE-- 1960 Austin Cam- bridge, excellent condition, under 24,000 miles, Cameron, MacAuley, phone Ripley 123-r-4. FOR SALE - 60 above average pigs 9 weeks old, Phone 12-r-17 Ripley, L. Vander Veen & 'Son, Lochalsh. • CAR ' FOR SALE ' — 1959 Meteor nine passenger Station Wagon, clean. ` and in good . condition. Phone Walkerton 881-1507. PROTECT YOUR. GRAINS' all winter long . from weavil with. Howard's Grain Guard available at your Co-op. FOR SALE piano, refrigerator, crystal goblets, fruit juice glass- es, other household articles; also saws, saw ' horses, etc: Mrs: Clare Agnew,, Lucknow HORSE FOR SALE 4 -year-old black Aonerican , saddle -bred mare with colt, well, trained, guaran- teed; riding equipment. ' Ron Pitts, Sheppardton. 'HOG FOR SALE• 8 . months • old; '2' •rotary used 'hog feeders. Barry'McDonagh. R.R 3,.' Luck now, phone' Ripley 77r-5• HOUSE 'FOR -SALE,. 6 -robin house, modern. Havelock Street South: J. E. MacDonald, ' phone .528-24.70. FOR SALE Beauty Salon equip- ment and 2 -piece davonal chester- field sidte. Vi's �l�Beauty Sam, 9q Lucknow• , phone' �4. FOR, ,SALE— Talbot wheat snit, able for seed.Gordon Robb, wick phase Ripley -r. • FOR S — ' excellent condition, good tires, mileage. • Bob / FFmlay, laieltnow,: phone 528-3434. FOR SALE three Hokin. heifers, due soon, bred. Poll An- gus. Jack MacKenzie, RR. .:3: Lucknow..phone Ripley °fir -16 WANTED WANTED car garage. Phone Dungannon 529-7935, • HELP WANTED — ':to Beare for •lady • in . Lucknow ..home, good wages. Bert Finnigan, Lucknow, :phone 528.3102. MEN WANTED; Are you satin fled with your 'work?, .Would you like a business of your 'own? If yes, write .Rawleigh,' Dept. 11-271- 0G, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, .Montreal:. . • . ' • ' AVON,CALLING NEEDED NOwomen 'with ambition to earn money Good in- come, part or full time, in Huron County. Write Mrs. M. Milrson; 17 Havrkesbury 'Ave:, !London or ' phone., collect 451-0541. NEED HELP OAA Supervisor. George Strauss needs full or part-time' ` men to help him meetthe demand for Ontario : Automobile Association Memberships ' Pleasant; dignified, good paying. work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full. information. contact Geo. Strauss, Greenock, Ontario, phone 881-0977., EVENTS NEW CASH BING° Legion li.ill;' Lucknow, tWe ry Thu sd%y .•e.\-01.04. R;45 p '.15 mgular• games -- •$10.00 each,: 4 Share -The -Wealth games with. jackpot include rl in each game. Jackpot this week $80.00 on 59 calls, . CHICKEN and PING TAILS • BARBECUE At Elliotts -Beach-- Bar— :Amberiey Beach EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 p.m.o ???? . Chicken $l.50 > 'Pig Tails $1.25' • children's portion" WEDDING. RECEPTION A reception in . honour oft- Mr:. and Mrs. •Bruce : Hamilton (nee Margaret -Wightman) will be held in Holyrood Hall. .on Friday even- ing, August .14th. •Carruther's or- chestra; ladies •please. bring lunch. RECEPTION SATURDAY A reception will be held. on Sat- urday, : August •'' 15th • in the Luck - now Legion Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Irwin (need. Elaine Irwin).• Music' by Boyd's orchestra. • Now•Open. In.Ashfieldr & Wawa,osh • :.. • 'A Va#uable Territory . ;For... Avon Cosmetics.. •Customers Waiting For Service. Act' today!, • Write Mrs M. ?Allison, 17 'Hawkesbury Ave... Logsdon, : phone collect 4511. •' CUSTOM WORK—ieomb�ini,: ; swathing, N'. 'and '' - Grain box available with how. Kren76S�.t.Dungannon, gannon:,. FOB Stir7, — -Mixed Comet. tnrton'' • RR: 3 ley; phone , MUSIC LESSONS rte prepaxed . for • • Tccotdo Royal eonser*atory. ,of Musk iicfr al�asy-�Y Ist 'week: 3n . - Vis. `Mrs_ Clara SletWiniek, St,, Lam_ eve your '•address ori . ` if f ham. WOOD FOB Sot • or sof and sia:bs . in' 1 , .cord 3n nit '.' Ge deetrver. B r Litt_ s. plinne,3Er2-69$iT '. eve es. :FOR. SALE. -.Jersey . goo quality.' heavy „pr ce . Cash ,or 'rer'ins to 30 months. G L. - .. R:.R:. 4 • Goderith.phr.ne Go : . 524 i5. • PUT SENTINEL ADS' t • *ORA • ,: FOR YOU ° P.1-IL)NE`62&.13+4. `em Ra iLid. yam.- e .. cif can't it y am.- by dowing o'..hers. • • • DR ESD an. • OUGI-1 LUMBER '�yry Mr' . r �• ou • 7k al,. B>;iilsnc S `*E5Er LU:E# .. l' 'IIi1&T Eb S WiI • li We EXPERIENCED an or Woman FOR RESPONSIBLE I. fee :..PosiliOn FOR RENT APARTMENTS ` FOR . RENT' one on main street, heated, avail- able : September. 1st; one on Ross St., available September ' 15th; both ground floor. Gammie Apart i. ments, . phone 528-3104. • APARTMENT , A N D BUSINESS. SPACE ` for rent; on main street, heated,. all conveniences, can be' rented as a : unit or sep- arately, ` available September 1st. Art Breckles, Lucknow. '• SERVICES' •SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools,” etc., primped • and: cleaned ` with ' mod ern: equipment. ' All work ers, en• gine. Louis Blake, 'R. 2 Rrus- •• se1s,. phone •w-.. LOST Notice To Creditors_ DOST- near St, IIelens Church. NOTICE: TO CRE:DITORi on Sunday, Jury 26th, .a ladiy's i In.. n The Estate Of C. B.•.Durr _ H O MAS HENRY BURNS Fontaine wrist -watch, T O _ haat inscribed on back of .watch, ijoireasett_ 'valued keepsake,reward. Mrs, a v r• n. g cis All ,'perso;Ys • h Chester Taylor, R.R. 2 Lucknow, against e a°I 'ihoffia. phone' 528-6832. , Henry Burnsth, lateestte of the town of ''' Walkerton,. in the County of Bruce, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of , . April 0111 1964, are hereby notified to send _-:NOTICE full .parti ulars of'their. r~12srnc . 'Vi Seebeck of Vi's Beauty Salon the:undersigned . Solicitor for the willbe leaving. Lucknow on Aug- Executors on or before„ the 25th ust; 22nd. The last working day day of : August '1954; as''. afterr. 'the at her Beauty Salon will be ' Aug- said date the :estate be d - ust 21st. Sincere thanks is. • ex- tributed annongst those entitled' tended for your patronage. y ' thereto' having regard only' to the t 'ch .the Executers claims � of :.w KINTAIL• W.I. NOTICE.„.`•shall then have notice_ Notice, of meeting .of Kintail..• Dated at. Luckpow, 'Ontario, this Women's Institute at :Kintail Hall, 17th .• day of July .1964. this. Thursday, :. August • '13th at 'R. W. Andrew, Listowe', Ontar. 2:30 . p.m.' We hope everyone will io,- Solicitor . for' the Erci s. be. out .to hear our. speaker ;from Clunton. ,• NOTICE,',TO CREDITORS , In. IS.: Estate Of THOMAS • 'MacDONAL O - Deceased`' NOTICES RE BEAUTY SALON. 'RE -OPENING Beatty's; Beauty Salon is now re -opened for business. For .ap- All persons ha v. i, o "g :ointments..phone Lucknow 528 against the . estate of Thomas Mac - 3132. • Donald, late, of the Township of •. , Ashfield, in the ` County of Huron, ' .retired farmer, .. decreased; 'wbtr TE1VDERJ .'VV A 'E') died on or about t e day ►of May 1964, are bereby. notified. WANTED BY TENDER — by ttie i to send full ' particulars elf : their Township , of Huron: ;'ton truck .eta ms to the undersigned Solicitor with 16 -inch ` dual tires on back, for . the ".Executors on . or before hea du booster' br=akes heavy, the ' 25th" day , of August 19164; as YY t9', vY duty; springs sand shock absorbers, signal lights, 4 -speed', transmission, anti -freeze, heater, cab markers, engine 260 cubic inches. Tenders: to be received by the after the : said date the estate will be distributed ' amongst. ' those ea - to titled the thereto . Havingwinch regardt14eEzecu. only : ' tors: shallthenLnehave ° notice. undersigned b . Dated at. ntario, ' s rs� Y Sa .. , �'daY. 'August 15th, . ;1964. 17th day of Jv Ouly 1964` Steve uron TIrwin, Ripley i R. W. Andrew. Listowel,. Ontar- Road. ":Sup., Hownship So1Cito for the Executers* Phone 166 Ripley 'DEPARTMENT OF• PUBLIC • WORKS • OF '`CANADA Tenders NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of MARY ANN . BURNS • Deceased All :Persons. ' having 'claim against the estate ' of Mary Ann :' SEALED TENDERS addressed 'to ..Burns, - late. of the town of Walk Secretary, Department of Public 'erton, in the County of Bruce. married . worndeceased, . who or o na a, m B322, a°'. u : , died on 'or about the 22nd day iypmg . `, Payro c e preferred. , Good pros- pects 1/sasi obon. U `f _e ucts CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and ' pork • sold in - any: quantic : Gustom . butchering' Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday • through Thursday'. LITTON'S MEAT MARKET Charles Tupper Building, River-: ; of August ,1963 are hereby not,. ed " '' 1 to side Drive • Ottawa 8,and enders - need .. ND , R ,FOR . DREDGING send' full•particulars ' of OF APPROXIMATELY 27;954 'Cu"-- : Solicitor'theirclaiforms . tineto Adthe m undersistratoigned .oa BIC YARDS SCOW MEASURE- , :� „ or before' true :22st�•day of .August ; AT PORT ELGIN; SAUGEEN m' wo1 KENT CLASS B MATERIAL ' 1964 as after the said date the es to be distrt'buted . amongst • RIVER " (S.OUTH.A.4' IPTON) AND . those entitled thereto having re. AUCTION • SALE HOWD.ENVALE,. BRUCE. COU/4;1 and oar to 'the claims 'of which Allan Maclntyre TY,' ONTARIO", be received until g Y Licensed' Aucrtic►neer • 3;.pp Administrator 'shall•, then: ha�;e, rM. E.D.ST) WEDNFS- •L.ueianows. • Oiataria, Phone 3"11-•2620 notice . �Lrt�� — Phone 528•3519 DAY At;GLST 19 1964 • tamed thro can. be Ob. ,17th ' day • of July 1964 • Roam E�43 S Chari 'd:ministrator. A • • vv, Tender documents " tanor this Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, •. ugh,`- Chief �' Engineer, R, W. Andrew; .Listowel,' Omar• • Attention 1 • Bidding, rr, Charles Tupper io, Solicitor for. DON'S. TV . • :Riverside Drive MEI4 y0 BETS1. y 10 ,get • • inth •tae d 1 and ti organazati . Wt• files minded ale 1; 1'r � :'WD W Willi to. Mee. yti .. i pyre as'sss. c • yi,L will umCe7 gait sen* *.' i lt* ate :tote griThiii. 3 flueri ii t�tr ��'.. • • rut .. ! ,'sior wni Pmn tit t3ppp for =ice "=;'alt.' ; ri *la: 1m "4220,,, ,,tr 40#10•17-1,41.SAp,t,Et . ,itSSV,t Btu ' `i t nttur 4.,": "6 ere Frei • ,-c 'lr +tr, err; lie» wttt yule • prIrre ec for 41.' x► Vusu raiootst, • u. Vs - SERVICE tict;eriericed • •• . i' • � 1 : 'tirk Guaranteed " !' wa ; • District Engineer, P.D.Bo ,668. London, Out. • To be considered . each tender Must • be submitted ' on the . forms supplied by ; the .Department . • and Must be accompanied bythe se- curity- carrAi3' specified in the . • documents. CARD1OF THANKS Mr. Robert Rae wishes tea ex press' his sincere °thanks..' to ail r who so kindly remembered hem while he was hospitaliied.: • i Zya onaz,1e. - t , P The lowest • tro ec1 tendernot would like to 'thank all w h'� Ra _ 1, necessarily accepted. *1 -I -would ._• � • R. .� • ' 'sent � cards. and, .�+isits, a.00 B solico n 184, 'It„jpl,,Ey s ROBERT 'FORTIER,. Secre . to. those who helped fat home • any way While ,I. ryas• in ht spit ... much It was very appreciated. • . . t'. ead sma • , DeadStock :. �.Removal Service F OEA o 'DISABLE'D ANIMALS�•. Cal! •CC►LLEct• 401 e- ve .are tented to remove you-. deador crippled farm ;Y raw. �." Jrfsanitary disposal. CiDRptfi YCCJH& Elmira' Phone. Collect to • MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 5; .Lu . 74 bots `5e,v$ee creme N $nd1163 • , way dining their recent bereave. • G. Dorsch Mrs, W. I: Miner. and With to acknowledge with . deep gratitude our sincere thanks ` to relatives, friends and neighbour. for the kindness and sympathy shown us in 'min recent 'bereave- ment, bereave-ment,, and to thank most sincerer' all those• who so, kindly remem- bered' M'r,. Miller during': his' W. ices. • The fainiily of the late• Allan MacAuley express their deep alp 1. preciation• to all those who hatc 1 'exPreSsed their sympathy in any .: :... men '