The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 3• `WEDNESDAY, •.AUGUgT 12.,;..1964 THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, .ONTARIO • ,PAGE. ' THREE • (... li•- 4., .,.& • : , ey y NI IN ■, ■ ■ Green Giant Peas. 3 for 53c ■ �> • Fancy,. regular 15 oz; • .. a �o :., t Juice • om for 98c as Heinz fancy," 48 0z'.' •▪ . Fruit• Cocktail 3 for 79c 111/ Libbys fancy, 15 oz Herefptd Corned Beef 4.9c• ,:x'12"oz. 1 `Purer. Tissue • 8•. for 99c • White o. r coloured, twin pack Scotties -Tissues 3• for 79c ■.'Economy: pack ` ° 1 ■ Heinz PickiesI n 3 for 1.,Sweet 'Mixed , or ;Kosher 'Baby Dills, 16 ,oz ScottTowels 4 for -89c • • Twin ` pack ■. • , • Picnic ShouldersIN ■ Maple; Leaf,.: 1t Ib. EAT FEATURES Midget •! Maple Leaf, : 1;'/i Ib., s 5 .lbs.: Granulated. Sugar for 9c with; the pur- chase ur.' chase of 4 General Electric Tight bulbs,' 40,..60 or 100 watt, at regular price, ■ ■ • ■. ■ ■ 21,920 Cash Prizes Worth $50,000 In Our Circle 5 Game ■: Play it like Bingo., Get your free cards each time you visit our store: New set ■ of numbers in this ad`' each week Ali cards .� can be used. for the entire t.en•week contest.. For `Winning Numbers 30,. 'Games No. 6 'and :7 1 :• Numbers .May. Be Seen In • Store ' ■ ■ ■ GAME NO. � 8 : ■ 4►. 6,. 12, ,14,. . 20,. 22, 28, ■ 32, 34, 40, ,' : 42, , .' 44, ::.: 46, 52, ■ 56, . ; 58,, 60, 62, 72, 74, 80, m 82�.. • 84, 86: ` 92, 94, • 100 ■ ■ . G. ■ ✓ . ■ •■ ■ ■ : • ■ 1' 1 ■ ■ ■ a ■ . i' ■ ✓ 4. or speedy Shopping USE OUR REAR -OF-STORE • Parking Lot Enter :and leave store .I,y ,, the rear .entrance • PHONE 5.28-3001 FREE ,DELIVERY ENGAGEMENTS BIRTHS The engagement is announced: of Jenice Carol Mer deY,daugh- ter of Mrs, George Famish and. the late Mr.'George, .Merldey, to Mr. Douglas Frederick Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Davidson, The marriage will take. place on Friday, August 21, in Wingham, United Church, at 7:30 p.m. ' • Mr,, andrs,. Fred Vassella, announce RM. 3. Goderich, o unce the engagement of their daughter, Ann Maureen, to' Mr. Delmer 4 Eugene Maize, son of Mr, Albert Maize, Dungannon, and of, the late Mrs. Olive Maize._ The mar- riage will' take place 'late in Aug 1■1Ei■■■■t■■■■■■■■■1111IU■11111■■■•■••■1E11U UIU•E■MmOir■aiP1E1■■■■•111■ot' LOCAL and GENERAL NE a. Diane Rayner : and . Helen : Camp bell spent a week at Little '' Cur - 'rent on,. Manitoulin Island. • Mr ' and: Mrs. Jim. Wright of Ailsa ' Craig 'were Sunday visitors with Mr.. •'and ;Mrs George• Saun- ders. % Mrs. Alvin Robb of .Ashf ield recently completed "a 'summer mule, in Home Ec. at the Uni- . versity. of Toronto. • ' , Mrs.. Lloyd 'Hall returned home • on, Thursday ,of last ' week . after beinghospitalized' at Wingham and London. • • • 1 Miss . Janet . Rayner, Reg. • N:,'. Hamilton, •'vacationed'. with her. parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Milt Ray her. Guests at, the ,Robert Rae hone ' for ` the week -end were , Mrs. Joe, Moore,, Mrs Josie Hurley' of Far- mer's f City, Illionois • and Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence Smith of Lansing,. Mich. • Miss Bessie MacKenzie of Nor- folk, Virginia, is visiting with her •sister-in-law Mrs. R. V. MacKen- tie of Lucknow.- Their' visiting was interrupted • at the • week -end when Mrs., MacKenzie 'was admit - ,ted to Wingham Hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stothers Jr. and children, Steve, Scott and Joanne of Winnipeg were ' holiday visitors at the , home of his father and 'at the Kintail beach. Steve is on the, staff .of the Faculty' of Agriculture, Animal Science De- partment.' • Mr. and' . Mrs. Wm. Maser (Georgina Griffin) have ,returned • to Halifax 'atter spending two weeks .with Mr. and ' Mrs: Wm Griffin of Lucknow and Mr, and. Mrs, John Holler of Hanover, Leonard Griffin of the S.. Pater- • son also .holidayed,, heie. fair a kW days. with ,his parents. . • 5 Mrs. John Crow of Wayne, Mich. is visiting with her mother Mrs., Min MacLennan • Mrs.Sheila • Campbell ,.of town is •a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. 1*r: and Mrs. W. T. Roulston and John• . accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell visited the 'last week ' in July with ` 'rela- tives. rela= tiv s in Magnetawan awanand North Bay. . Visitors . recently with. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter were . -- Mr. and, Mrs." : Tex Lamoine, Quebec, Mrs, Laura MCNain,. Toronto, Mr and' . Mrs,: Dave McKenzie, Kin- cardine and- Mr - --and MrsRich- ard Reid.' and boy of Detroit.. Mr. and Mrs. Don.: Thompson, Susan and Nancy . visited a day last, week. with. Mr. and. Mrs;:. Murray 'McDonagh, Tony, Debbie and Sharon. at Angus • near 'Camp Borden where Murray is with the -RCA1 . ‘Caller's with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ritchie of, Lucknow last . week were Melvin Webster of . Varna, Mrs. Jean Papernick of Goder- ich and on. Sunday Mr. and .Mrs.• Dave MacKenzie of Kincardine .and Mrs. Laura McNain of Am.. berley visited at the Ritchie home, ..Barbara Cameron', i6 -year-old daughter of M. and Mrs.. Ken- neth Cameron flew' from Malton to Edmonton on MFriday. She was niet at Edmonton ,by Dr:. Brock Cleland and daughter Susan, and they motored 300 miles north ' -to the „ town • of Peace River where Barbara will. visit 'at the' Cleland home. Barbara's parents tools her to, Malton to start the three-hour night, taking, off from Toronto: at 4:10 and ' arriving: in Edmonton ,about five o'clock mid west time, • Mrs. Bessie Shirley is a' 'pa- tient in Windham:_' hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McKay, Blaine and ':Lawrence ' of Windsor. are holidaying at Boiler Beach. Miss :;Christena Carrick .returned: home on July 22nd from ,a -visit ,at ' St. ,Pauls',; Dr.' and 'Mrs. M. 11 Corrinand family returned the first of 'the, week , from - a two-week vacation Mr„ and. Mrs, Perry . N. Hodgins; wish to announce the engagement 'of their daughter Sharon June to 'Mr. Robert ' George Brooks; son of .Mr. and' Mrs.. George Brooks-. of Wingham. The marriage to take •place in the Wingham Un- . ited Church ,on Saturday, August 29, 1964• at 2:,30 'o'clock. Mr. and . Mrs. Sydney Whitby of Lucknow . wish to announce the engagement ,of their daughter Emile. Cheryl, ,to Mr. Martin Will- iam Loftis,: son. of Mr. and John'. Loftis , of , Schomberg, : On- tario. The • 'marriage ' , will take. place on 'September 5th. . Mr. and .Mrs. G , Frank Pent- land of Dungannon' wish .to an- nounce the engagement of their. daughter, Frances' . Patricia, to Mr.. George Wesley'Gibson„ son ;of Mr. and Mrs. 'Seth Gibson, Am berley, thea marriage, to'. take place' Saturday," September 5th, at five o'clock a t Dungannon United:'. Church. '• The engagement is .,announced • of Beta' Mary Kelleher, ' daughter 'Of the late. Mr,. and Mrs. ' .Charles Kelleher of London, ` Ontario, to' Arthur Thomas Gilmore, son • of• the late R. E. ` Gilmore and •Mrs'. Teresa . Gilmore of R.R. •3 Luck now, .Ontario. The marriage to take place at ten A.M. September 5, 1964 • at St. Peters Cathedral Basilica, London, . Ontario.. GIBSON •— on:. Monday, August 10th, .1964 in Wingham. District Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, Jim .Gibson, R.R. 5 Lucknow:, a son. Rev. and Mrs. ' Wilfred Wright of Sarnia, and formerly, of St.. .. Peters parish, , were callers in town on, Tuesday.; , • Lorna Campbell a n d', Helen Thompson left on. Tuesday by bus from Toronto ' for White Plains,. N.Y.' 'where, they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor.. White Plains .is; .. about 20' miles ' from New York City where they . • will attend the. World Fair: Ammisiimmom SUNSET Drive -In HIGHWAY 8 EAST .0F. GODER((14 • . Now, _, Thur., Fri , Sat Aug.. 13-14-1S Bobby Vinton & Patricia Morrow "SURF' .PARTY" • Plus. Audy Murphy in "Hell ,Bent For Leather" In 'Color' Mon., Tues., :Wed., /Aug, =174.8-19, "CARRY ON CABBY" • with all the. old• Carry On gang • Plus Edmund .Purdon in "L4 VES . OF . SALAMBO"' In Color Thur., Fri., Sat.,. Aug.. 20-21-22 Richard Conte & Frances Annis In a First 'Rub attraction. "The ' Eyes Of Annie ' Jones" Danny. Miller `& Joanna Barnes , `TARZAN THE APE MAN' Color' • SHOW STARTS AT.:DUSK Children under 12, in cars, FREE e••••••••••••••••••rr•G•••••NNi•••• • AT fl THE SQUARE. • THE ; '': Ai'i�. :+God 'cb • � . :'Sbowtimes 7:30 aid 9:30 p.m.: • • •. ;• Now . Playing --= Six Nights August 13-19 _i Adult VitPitainm, nt • • .:- • •• •. • • • In .'Cinemascope and DeLuxe Color • • ' 'To miss it : z:neans to be leftout of. countless ' • • "CLEOPATRA •:' • •conversations: • • TH•E • SCREEN'S MIGHTIEST SPECTACLE: to • ' • ' Starring:. Elizabeth, Taylor, Richard Burton, ; • ' ° • •. :Rex Harrison' • t• ONE SHOWING EACH N. IGHT,'at 8 o'clock: Doors Open:at 7:15 • all 'adntissions ,$l:0.0• • • • • at Milford Manor in Muskoka. • .and • Thursday Friday, SaturdayAu gust.2021-22• •Ruth Anne;ont•e McQuil- • lin, . of : Sarnia, and • •'Brenda Mc Quillen of St. Catherines,. holidayed .recently' : •at the home of their' grandparents •:Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin of ' Kinloss. Mrs.. Etta .Roberts has returned from blRouyn,. -Q Lebec where-- she - spent 'ten. days. ' with' her :sister° MTs John' Moen and in Guelph. K ; 14: ' Walt Disney's Biggest and Best! •: • "Bon Voyage"• In 'Color • — • 42 • Starring: Fred, MacMurray and Jane Wyman. ' • r N••ii•i/•ti••••r••ii••••••••••••iN,NN•6•EM s■.■■■.■■■es■■■■..■.■rIIuI■r■e■.■E■■1■lUR■■■mumuu I$ with ' Mr': and ,Mrs. Mervin .,Os Mr. and Mrs. John 'young and children of'. Don Mills `accempan, ied, by •her 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Wilson of Nottawa, visited on Thursday with Mrs. J. McKen- drick and. Madelyn McMorrati. Mrs: Laura McNeil of 'St. Hel- ens returned home' last Saturday froth Wingham hospital' where she had been a ,patient for ten days. Mr, . and• Mrs. Philip Stewart ,., spent the past week -end in Lon- don and Were guests at the Mur- ray — Granger wedding in • New' St.. James' Churoh .on Saturday. Miss Winnifred Stewart was one pf Miss • Granger's' 'bridesmaids. 'Harold Tanner spent part of his vacation in Lapeer, Mich. visiting. with his cousins' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shoults and, Mra a. n d. Mrs. Guelph _ houits. Last week- end he visited with his sister s Mrs, Harold McKay and Mr. . McKay in Chesley and, with his father . R. W. Tanner who observed his 93rd birthday „last Saturday. . ■ me. L Y G SIJ M-•' ingnant. • ■ ■ • a WED. rHUR.:; FRI ,; SAT:,'. AUGUST 12.13.14-15 'I:, B'• SPECIAL ■Y • • . r . ‘The. Cardinal". .. . a°; ' Colour -.• CinemaScope ; . �a si r a . Starring: Tom Tryon,. Romy Schneider, John, Huston ■• • s Here is a provocative, intriguing, and highly interesLmg -film. •' g ' that presents religion under a bright and revealing light. . ' r •i Due' to the len. of his, there ill only one .,. show- • r . ,. length , t picture .will be • ing • each. night starting at 8:00• p.m. v IN ,, • n ;o MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AUGUST. 17-18.-19 sir:. • • a ADULT ENTERTAINMENT aF . A 111 North To Alaska . 0= .- . ✓ Colour , CinemaScope r .7 Star.ring... John. Wayne,: Stewart Granger, Ernie . K vacs, i_ • ■ • , 'Fabian land •Capucine - r` This is ` riot John, Wayne's newest, but it is one of his best: • : ` .It's a comedy' and 'thrill, visit to : the State of Alaska' - : . ■ . t.., r PSui UEEAiIErirl*ii:rilemis`■'N■■fr■IrgitlU■ali■ivar■. p.,