The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-08-12, Page 2PAGE : TWO. e•n. Win ow Had Repercussions . A broken. window�causedby e a foul ball hada chain 'reaction at the farm of Jack MacKenzie,Con, I2 Ashfieldin mid-July. A ball game was in progress with the MacKenzie and neighbour children participating,' when a foul ball crashed through the glass in the door of their farm home,, Mrs. MacKenzie was' picking up • some ;of the broken .glas"s •when; •: the children approached to enter,' She held the door so they couldn't Frushin, and at that moment, a large ; upper section of the. shat- • tered window • crashed down. Fortunately it did not fan out. on the children, .but it did result in a :badly.- lacerated. left. `. hand. for Mrs:.. MacKenzie, An artery in the palm spirted Moodand the tendon in one fin- ger was' severed,, making it Sues- turnable if the • finger .. could be Jack was .absent Huron on a Hu County. 4-H bus trip; the car.. had been left at Gordon Finlayson's and Mrs. MacKenzie had a two-'. months' o 1 d.: baby .;which . just couldn't, be left. ' • Mrs„ Gordon ', Robb responded. A tourniquet was . applied o th bleeding hand. • Mrs. MacKenzie got the car and : came to Luck- now. ucknow. It - was in the morning and the doctors .were in Wingham, so Mrs..: MacKenzie.' drove to the hos- pital to receive treatment, and up- on arrival : was getting quite ..weak. ' from loss of blood. She was'dater taken to 'London' where successful measures were taken to save., the finger, and'Mrs. MacKenzie had the cast removed; last week. • MISS ':ELIZABETH HENDERSON LAID, TO, REST" LAST WEEK; The death ofMiss Elizabeth' Maud Henderson of ; Lucknow oc- curred at '. Pinecrest :Manor' Nurs- ing Home on Wednesday, ' August 55th. w ' " merai service" , end • at the MacKenzie Memorial Cha- pel on Friday ; with interment & in" South 'Kinloss Cemetery. An obituary will . appear next week. IVE-I ANOVER TUES, THURS. Aug. •. 11 1 ,. 13" g visited during the past week with had spent a ;week previously. • at =f . � was held• Miss � Margaret Moffat � THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO MRS. , A. G. ELLIOTT PASSES ( Dungannon.IN HER 100th '1/;EARAirman The death. of` Ella Hays, wife of the late Dr. A. G. Elliott, form- In 11A ddie:East er. Lucknov. medical practitioner,. occurred on Tuesday at St. Marys Hospital, London in her 100th year. The funeral service will ' be at St. Peter's Church, Lucknow, on Thursday at 2:30 p.m.• with in- terment in; Greenhill Cemetery, Sumer Features'• Lake Rescues There have been an ;unusual number of lake incidents this sum- mer off Point ' Clark:, and Kintail, although au have' bad a happy ending,although in onecase there was the loss of., a motor launch. On. Monday morning Mr.and. Mrs.' Wm; B. Young ' were picked up about 7 miles off 'Point Clark' by a fish tug. from Southampton, afterthey abandoned their cabin cruiser when it took ' fire. • • .Ari explosion on the 32 -foot boat about. 7:00 ,a:m, spread f i r e' through the craft andit burned to the ; waterline. ' Mr. and Mrs; Young got •a' duck- ing when their dinghy upset when abandoning the cruiser, Both g ood �� �� h s ers;Tthey they righted the float and, rowed ..a safe distance from the: c_ raft, . Seen ' By ,John .Wharry John,, 'Wharry, was doing some early morning fishing off the Point when he. ' spotted the .fire, and went out 'and; circled the, burning boat. The ' twosome were rescued by a to as he arrived :it • the scene. g John's- parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Win. Wharry, had' an 'anxious time when .. they, ; 'couldn't spot John ,on the lake.` . Finally ' with the aid ' . of ' binoculars • they saw him returning and • the burning craft' on , the "'horizon..' Fishermen ' Rescued •An 'alarm turnedin by Mrs. Murray. Rankin :whose ` Ashfield farm: home is ' near Huron • Sandys tea -cif -south of $ ptail, brought help from Goderich td two 'fisher- men whose motorboat was dis= abled off Kintail' Lost In Fog • Three Michigan boaters' over- shot Goderich hi a dense :fog and without • fuel or food, drifted help- leanly about five miles.. off : Point Clark for almost twenty-fourhours before : being spotted Sunday mor: ping; July 26th, by a northbound 1 yacht which gave the. 'threesome enough , fuel to get . to Goderich. F'.0. WAYNE,,• BROWN F.O. Wayne Brown of 'Duncan- non fulfilled a, longtime • ambition when he was recently notified , that his application-was--accepted—to-Eedy, Mr Eedy and . family, . was serve :a -10-month assignment as stricken with. a heart attack and pilot with 115 'Aix Transport Unit removed to Goderich hospital by of the. United Nations guard on ambulance on Thursday of last the Gaza. Strip.. The base ismi at ' week. We hopes h e recdv ars ,El Arish, Egypt. He left by plane 4wck1y on July 30th from' . Uplands ' Air- .Hold Family Picnic' port, Ottawa, : and after a short. About .35eople gathered at the topover in France will proceed home of. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon tohis new duties._,,Schultz ° on'' Sunday, August . lst for Wayne is the' son of Mr anthe 4th. reunion of the late John Mrs, Wilbur Brown, •Dungannon, Ladd and Elizabeth Holtzhauer and was . born on :April 1, .1941. The afternoon was spent in games He'. .received 'his public schooling and contests; the .results as fol WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1$4 UNGANNON and DISTRICT Mr, and Mrs; Art Brown, Steven and Diane of Dundas visited re- cently with Mr,, and Mrs. Wilbur Brown. ' Mrs, H. Brown was hostess for the regular meeting ' of Dungannon W,I. Mrs, C, Crozier 'presided and 'eighteen ladies 'answered the roll call "A :cure for wrinkles." •A port, was given by Mrs, Popp on Huron County Historical Society, Mrs, Crozier extended the apprec- iation. of the membersto the Sunbeam. Club for the ' recent bus. trip. Mrs; Brown handed out sev- eral health pamphlets and Mrs. Girvin . conducteda humorous contest, "People like fire take on a : new brightness •if stirred up a bit" was. well •given by :Mrs, Zinn. Lunch was• served and a social. time *as: enjoyed by all. Visitors 'on Sunday, with : Mr. and Mrs, T. 'C. Anderson were •the. lady's mother Mrs: Lucy Babayan and her sister Mrs, A. Arzouian, husband and daughter Arti of Tori onto. Visiting recently • for five days with their.- parents- Dr, and Mrs, Vokes: were Mr: .and Mrs: Bob blokes, Debbie and Neil of Mon- treal. ontreal,,' ' • Mrs. Simon. McKay, who resides with her daughter. Mrs. ' Irvine at S.S. No. 8, Dungannon,and lows: ' Adult mystery prize; Marie graduated from G.D.0-.I: in June. Park; child's mystery prize, Mar - 1959. The same year he, received ilyn Ashton; ladies' kick the slip iiia' private' pilot's licence at Sky per in box, Marie ' Park; lady Harbor Airport: His interest 'm with ' newest hairdo, Mrs Nell flying -stemmed , from his partici- Ladd; 'ladies guess pennies sin jar, pation with the Air Cadets at God- Mary Schultz; ladies tray con- erich Collegiate.. In August, ' 1959, test, Marie Park; ` mens guess sort: Lloyd of'' 'Stratford visited on Sunday with Mrs', Bell's sister Mrs,. Les Schultz and Mr, Schultz. Mrs. Mr. Jessie John ' GreenOliver, Poandrt her bAlbert, io- ther Jim McMillan, Goderich' cels erated .their birthdays together on Thursday, August 6th at the home of Mrs. Oliver. -Those Area- ent were a sister (Becky) Mrs,: Herb Morris of Goderich • and Mrs,. Arnold Green of Detroit, • On Sunday, visitors with Mrs. Jessie Oliver. and Miss Liza Mc- ,Millan: c-,Millan: were Mr. ; John Stevenson.. and sister Mrs. Jewell of London and Mr.. and: Mrs. Lloyd ' Jantzi of Welland;' . Mr,. and Mrs. Ross Eedy attend= ed the wedding on Saturday of Miss. Rosemary Skaz : and Mr: Bradley McTavish in Harriston. Miss Rosemary Eedy was junior bridesmaid. Many persons will re= .member Miss Sitar, teaching here at the 4th Visiting 'cin . Sunday with ; Mr. and Mrs,, Bill Park and family were Mr. Fred Tideswell . and friehd' Jerry Shanahan . of . Clinton : and Mr, Roy' Ashton of 'Goderich. Congratulations, to Mrs, Elean- or Irwin, formerly Eleanor Reed, who ' placed ' second in the women's class. at the Shelburne Fiddlers contest. ' Mrs. .Irwin formerly :re- sided;'here with. . her 'parents ' Mr, and Mrs, Allan Reed. Aunt Of Murdered Boy Resides In East Wawanosh T•he: tragic .fatal shooting of two Halifax boys and wounding of a third, touched : the nation, ` and !l comes fairly close to . home, with an . aunt of . one of the . lads' living in the Blyth area. She is Mrs: • Arnold . Cook of Con: 5 East Wawanosh. ' Her nep- hew,; Gordon. Harding ....age . 11 died almost instantly on the side- he' joined the' RCAF, air crew: 1 length of ' string', in drug inches, 'Bill walk in front of a store in • During the. past five years he. Park; .man with newest' haircut,.Halifax with a . bullet -hole in, his has been stationed. at various :Tom Hallam Aman with- broken head. bases in Canada . and for the past ' shoelace, Tom :Lawlor; man guess He was' the third victun of an'� two. years has, been stationed .:at : pennies in jar, Jim Lawlor; lucky 18 -year-old . marksman : who . was •Winnipeg. •. • • stip,, Torn -Hallam; .lucky chair, later taken into custody and is `' -'..Cut Courtesy ' Signal -Star ,Carole Anderson, mystery persons`. 'under . observation. • game, .Tom Park; : Allan Parka Mrs.. Cook, : who is a sifter of • a ; Elected president was. • Mrs. `Mil- Mrs. Harding, ,flew to'' `Halifax to -' MOFFAT .FAMILY REUNIONS lie 'Lawlor; sec -frena: Mrs. Nebe with .the HELD' AT TEESWATER PARK ll, family in .their time •. Ladd; sports ; conveners, ',Mrs•, Mary of deep sorrow.- • Schultz and Mrs... Verna. Culbert; ! Mr Cook, is a brother of Sunday, July. 26th, was an ideal 'frs: lunch convener:. Mrs. Cynthia An- James Boak of ; the , Crewe • dayforfor a Clan reunion, Eignty : derson.. 'Next year's reunion ' is to :'trice in. Ashfield. • Her niece Sari five ,members of the Moffat, Clan E met. in the beartiful'grove in''Tees� home o: and 11+irs. Tom Park. Cook home in East' Wawanosh a watQr : Agricultural Park. A boon ST HELENSMiss Cathy. Wrigley of, Wiarton , :helping care far : the ' children, tiful lunch was • served' ' at noon and again at 530 on the i g'.. a week with her ` while Mrs Cook :is; in `Halifax be.', held 3rd Sunday ` in . July at. the dra .Boak of Lucknocv; ' is at the ., h f Mr' b picnic is spendw her. Stuart miller of Calgary friend Miss. Sharon Spivak: Sharon R tables.' A short' business 'meetin — • • • F ,relatves and attended his . bio- W � Coined of Terrors refired as president, ,and 1415. y they funeral Rir, �W. I MiIler turned home here Sunday I Color Scope Peter,. Torre, V •ed as sec. fillers' etre' to ' P that Will cy 'and Bradley. of Sudbury are Next , ( nee Pat' .h1Cllwain) . who were,f iarton with •Cathy ' and both • re-. • 14ionday �• I. . Mr ndaY,' Ken Grewar; i nn-..po ted to fill the office, hits• weds Mr. and Mrs. B Price. • 73essie Steel was returnill Rivett James •Moffat of Toronto, was ap- . Congratulations to the newly - Color in K cry. N years reunion will slay your Punieyi one. visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs. be held the last Sunday. in Jul n' ed' recently, Stage Coach To R t( no ea and Loci attended rbc Harvey Webb. ° y 'to r th in the same place it isi rs seen y , wi Mr,. Arid '! this'. 'past week from est= W were Mr: 'and Mrs. Charles Sher=. lilt: � and ?Ars. � Ba hlcl3ona arc ..Mr. ,Gerald Dorsrht returned menta `can be Made- Alvin Sherwood and Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson wood et Detroit and Mr. •and hits . had charge of •a few games for mit Sherwood and Paul of Port the � home minter. Hospital, Landon €� • Mr. 9 and ,Mrs. Mr: •,; and ;Mrs. Ailari Miller, Danger J. Lawrence Corbett picnic at Alliston on Sun- CAIITOON !day last. er members The' older ' members were happy •to . sit in d Mrs to ` and Red " the ,.shade reminisc- and mond of Goderich visited :with • LUCK�NOW • 1 . UNITED CH URCH f Rev, • H.awa W. rd W: Strapp Minister' 'i • I SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th' •,10:00' a•m %Sunday • School.I. •7 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship: renew • , ..�..�..�..� bfisses •Margaret and Brenda ing- a tances the formers tocsin .: Mrs: Jack. c9 Mr. and bins, . , . . ,. AV Aug 1+4�iS 'Wilsoh of London visited, for a . ` . Chishoha at the first of the week _.• FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Lance hiaffat of R.ivercourse Al few days with 14ir had Mrs Frank' in. . - est. MroPet- H Visiting on .:Sunday with Mrs. ammy mid Misses vera M . Ryan her • eDanald, 'Mary son -in- law Mr er Moffat has the ,oldest ire_ a daughter and � l.uCkndw �•. Corinne and MrsY ,Gordon Panaabecker � man; mss Emma .Richard- � • • � ° , son the oldest la ,lir, ydd and their son. It. an and .Fresh terran Church :! the Doctor and ,Beverley MacPherson spent Iy wife aveIoffaf had the largest the week at the L=need est am- .„_ _ y all of: Is ` ionic.. Susa•n Color i il� present at the p g Callers on. s were Wednesday with Mrs Rev. Roderick MacLeod Peter'. Fondery' Sandra Dee Church Camp at Godench. F. Jones ' her daughterMinister Mr. and ;•Mrs. David BlackvFood• Conley :and Diane ,:Huff man are (Lyon • Romance and Tammyin'a hospital Whitevv the nes '.babies. born' since Eli's Steve 'helesic and Mr. $• SUNDAY, AUGUST `16tH and Ruth of cod, • Sask; r i 'last . Helesic. They had' .s n Colon Audis Murphy =reunion..' , TeeswAter tiews �spent the Civic' • liday at Algonquin Park d' 10:00 a.m.” Sunday School were tees 11 Mr; and Mrs., Allan. �siI%r.� liev T 1�icKxnne� Show Do� n St. Helens W.I. Meeting.: and Mr. Leonard Corbett of Al- listonrecent visitors with an called in on their- way .home to for this project. The motto ' Vision tees Y , r Visiting recently at the Brown .. Teeswater firs• Ernest Gaunt, are the leaders 'Goderich a`m. Y CARTOON • . TheHorne Economics & Health �Grr mblmg aporia more homes Smyth. home were '. "`.}"'••,`•• "' �•-a..•� .-• ,�. ••• ••° : Western Action. '" y hit. and hits meetingof the •St. Helens Wo- than' r coo Michael, Doctors and•Reg.• Nurses FREE� was taken by Bill, Smyth 14Lcha 1 David, I� SUN: • WED. g" inns, ,, . ladies and 4 children. Mrs. Ross 'W. &icePoisons, their use lair. and,11rs 'Thos, Park visited' MAm and, + Gammie presided and the roll. and misuse in the home. Short o t� Sunday. with ' •• QDd response was ...'The lesMrs and most .c art, were Adult Entertainment • • neighbourly thing• that ever hap- t i Kitchen°f by Fred George • .awlor ' Kinks ' and fir. Mr. Auburn. aid nits. The Most Talked w pe€ied to tris.«. P1a were rBrown ilbur"' About dei Lorne Woods E�srne lin-visited o Sunday' • • A must to see for parents and hied m o ,was don- •bw Mrs Harold Cooper and Mrs Visiting over the Civic holed Church tee is the +� Agricultural � cod $a:ir. Mrs. ay School 1.0:30 a•m • • • e , avi eV- then's Institute . was bold in - the firs. 'Gordon MacPherson,, The in, Steven and'' Laura of St. The:, Aug. 16-1718 1. 14 hail with an attendance of 26. topic was. charge ST.:PETER'S ANGLICAN,. CHURCH for an, exhibit at the Luckarw rovementw. Readings � w' he t?n ay" with friends 12 SUNDA• Y ,AF.... TRINITY r picture. ��,Mitchell'. th ' Fair. Teri dollars � ,Y1 . pere TER .gi�ett near itChel tlietiitg ` . . nage �.; .. � . .;' . � :.. . -w W. � Rice. week-endwith ' siety . ft was . agreed • * e ndueted` a. ew,iate , Hoes _ r . herdaughter -Mrs : Gordon Ra ,were Morning lay • er " ,1;15 aYn . One 'Sh0 ; .2 Nightly. At .l k ay�lso thr Y yy1 ypro. , �} } �7�� yWy oMT. Mrs. Go.F ;1.tl0. �Sho ineC111 4 �irn i M`'^-' WYf'.+ .H G, -' n 'Ae e Mrs. H old' r. K d their, d ham,. n th "1"hee club girl on - �' a d and. Islington. son. Ryan .ani. The ltevY JY �R. i tg, guard. Croper» MiYs. Ang�,is►iacrionald wife all of lslingtort. hector _. 4 Mrs. Gordon 1a 'irerson •.ata d and Miss Helen Ha ' fir. ,and Mrs. Jack Bell abd • •• 0•. v. • 4• .