The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 16Paoli ;IXTEEN •
Fora full
Prices ai
of money saving
seasonable merchandise
see page 8.
inar4Fri •Pick -Up and`Deliver, ;: y and
and Men's Wer
PHONE 5284.126,.
By The Sentinel
THAT an error in the copy 'sup- I.
plied us for the CKNX ,Salute
• to Lucknow ad.. in last week's
paper had'; it `listed' as' Friday
It should have . been Monday -
THAT lairs. Stuart Collyer enter-
s tamed, a number of •friends and
•: neighbours urs on Saturday at a
• tea in honourof her daughter-
• in-law, Mrs. Ted Collyer,
•THAT • Gordon . Kiel land returned
IS l home on Monday from the
• Sholdice , Blink : at Thornhill
wherehe underwent double sur -
LIGHTNING STRIKES THAT Mrs. John • Carter recently �y thehospital
underwent surgery age
on � Tue:Sday
t : London. ' It is theith ''operation T S. J. lastobserved .his
��.. fr+aln page !), •. �T
' .m stere' she has undergone in the past birthday on Wednesday,
The'liglaning• year and a half, and it is Pos-
ted 'clothes/line ( sible that a fifth operation may
feet oe their sis• psi- et t
' • end •the .pole' and gouged • a hole �• •. .
At the base, throwing up a shower THAT Sun Anderson and Anne
of . earthand stones, which • didn't Ritchie, into atthe. Reg'
nation Committee's ommittee" Bader
a� as break a window in the porch. may ,, '
the' Lake Huron zone. • Ontario
'recreation association . pia y
:gri and leaders' training course
to prepare them for their Work,
In 'exams, Jim 'scored 79 and, .hutehelt this : year, it . was re-
`Anne'86- The highest` mark: gain- k cid' that his. father, the ..late
�was 89. *.
amd THAT Clan Donald rie n' wi l eft was. ch `the hoses The bolt be held again. this year oa Aug-
ust out the fuse oa,. their' hot ust 2nd. Rev. G. S. Baulch of W tso�n used the
Barrie, :. F wed- din sects his father had
't sf�dt their . or tete- � terian
and s1e' f oar file R� w at lire ' siibe a€ where Mr.
they she their from i. in''. South Sim church sit 13 and . lig may are go-
m be build 7�ho�r}n f�t�Tph/e.
A / t!': R''' \ ➢ 9 � OW �1e.w_ ,,��.i�+�r ;w,.�,� i Yi,,,�a,7...? vp�T,,^,.
' • � � - .l: f a t � � i � �ii1M.�C � +�iNr� fiSEtiR '�M tGiCi .S. iIGL
. ' frOMI
the hof the B. .TaFtor. THAT ' deaaace: Sits are - "will t be the third .new
�• a is issue ; - �? ' • tile` ' village this'
terra Ids lb's; " Wear); Fear- llacPbersons'. are
Suffered' toad Ache n thae€r 13ew home,
Std ..fug to'the . souse afld lbs. Ram . , S +,f
tom. home of 3Nr: andr• Yr . .: g ..5 lt. `' l `il: and,tom Christianmirth Refornned
Jelmstone had fuse blown aK talis.e .
There a at - � nearing com-
a n.d their' p� gam! lid`. as a�' T is° a
Mrs.' was at a. Hospital,
a ' .•: , ..a stroke ata
where'.the ' b to . ' e The.
", a ` ffi . E1�Q� r�..- ' � 'sister,
and a ,1. tr
�� w i
o w • ber .fit
saw. ;� moped
`'felt f an a at ` . K
• the b eft ice ,Sine re~ .
affects.d the; .aterilbat-- •-•117a
teationt „ and :i~ fin e that
ter. ear,s `t seem lied
The course of. this: ,fie.' seers
oed.. to the septic
:tank to• the � outlet in the
in Mct .bath.
ooaz. atdrs. Mcg was
vain'thee'. feet 'of the :'spot„ as
s was leaving the bathroom,
water heater but .oddly enough.
hydro are ' rods
freedom Looking out.. from their
July f: 22nd He is 'how . residing
in the Carruthers home, adja-
cent . to the Legion Hall.. He is!
a veteran of " World • War 1. His
wife,:• the former Margaret Hen-
rietta. (Seward) Pymm; 'died a
few years ago ; :Mr. 'Pyinm is
an , accountant
THAT when Watson.. Webster was
declared the best` drummer. at
the 12th of July' celebration at
Robert . Webster. had won the.
.same 'home . the. last 'time 'the'
held in • Mltchel ° 3T
Years . ago. ` a Wi#h 6,i.00 Cash:. Pur chase :_ HALF
same ice: Cream
chi willbe TAT exp was dune this
Pick Up Your Pails Cherries Now.
Maxwell House
Coffee Super Sale
SAVE 211e
Ib.hag 79c
Avon Brand' : REALLY SAVE
2 tilts 35c .
Choice P�os'SOIe.�
SAVE t6c
cellopkg. 69c
Kadana, '100 x.2 Cep. Sisk.
Tea Bag:,Sale•
Aylmer, 11; oz. .
Tomato Catsup S•
Kraft.; Large 16;oz.
Cheez Whiz Sale
SAVE 7c�.
e 2 . btls 31c.
SAVE l c
ar 59c
Hinloss and Hmlough,
a m. `There no.. . to . a new e_ We Sell For Less
:u oc i Phone. Luohnow 528-3420
THAT new rental rates at. the'THAT the customary.' Civic.. Holi-
Legion Hall in Lueknow : will go day :proclamation for • 'Monday,
i into. effect'September. 1st, and:August .3rd, appears in. this is
are listed in an advt.. in .. this . sue, ; Which. emphasizes • the ;fact.
issue. that the . summer holidays .are
slipping away. r '
Values Effective.'
'JULY 23, 24; 25.
THAT .due .to a "slip of ;the �„
we: stated: last. week that it
was Steele'Murdoch who ' 'did:`.
the. stone WI on thea fireplace•at'Rest�e, Brvice' Beach
- . been l ,tee.. be steerehas d theWe •
. • . .� ,:: -. _ � 6 , It was his son urinated his employment. . withLorimer
: knew better.'
., � , Te —. and h bro- John C.Murdoch who' did, the them ' and ' started as an orderly
ant y `fir work, "being . a skilled • Stone ° at Kincardine Hospital the first
THAT Berwick Bell, an employee
of/ Kincardine • Cleaners for the
past 13 years • and . a •familiar
face around LucknoWhas ter-
- : ► tib, -cfcl home town." a few mason who followed his father's of this week. -
Tl aro' . ,:gym ,`� ': trade„ and three. work will long T
• � - �. �THA• Joanne Thompson, 9 -year-
R t� a� �' > . r tib leg men remain. as ev deuce of their o
ervkrd, Ten., 1
, old ..daughter of h#ir. � and Mrs.
zecscti59Fds- bad he
Have -
t ' bb a
sant --- Campbell _Thompson, suffered a
Vie» THAT we expect Ross • Errington fractured tittle finger whsle talo
`• is tib'46'4oa`' St. Helens might:.ask for , his in art tin a• ball
# t � ..g F game at the
•• •.. - �i-::�'�w�� . � 3 ��s��'.at• �� e n sda.o coon
cigar back ,after our '•g. last « Playground last Wed-
`Tbe''�-Frringtoas were y morning"' The �5nger,
• ,a. r AI e., 11Nd
Killaiiked ` BikeP� ..5etteek, . cent.
in no - • ;tom
the nca ori
•.tati ia•`�?:#;!!e-rt ' .. Las)
.. r :power . t► 1trttui r� ... c
.f,:,t" .� sa Y 'q� ...,i'4�i71LZ'
Lade -
was tam �" ' wed I At tom' przcr is 1-414nday • ev
rite.``c; •'�:• • ' lit , E Lary + S.. B. Ste, to A diat,
.arid*Lsg,Itized cti hiS. north -7' '2(krezen `ik'a f
• "
• ' l � T dare
• fel-1=y of . • t,ektihone knOcked iec t.. week for Erridev g -Lis
" R
M , • Alt :4 ,
iWrena: pleased withh their first; . her heti hand, was broken off '
baby bo:*. after 'three girls. The , at the knuckle . at her:: hand..: A
el reported 'the new • ar .east . was applied .• and an x-ray
rival asa . `brother for ' Lorne ' was being taken . Wednes�da to
hnwe ` el Lorei e. It r� ,one determine' iii the bone ►iouiti
ci t tr errors "set," or . if' surger t would be
t;gh-necessary to correct .the break
, f '.ti .1 ».r.,. C�. ,,,'GTi1•:•�1y. . y; •"ig3^'.,i. + ��,.,.t:,,; ^:
G �t" b*
�&1 DAT P
Madngost 3rd
rt i iA A FC4t Tleit
Villtige of Luckflovi
. •
c the Gam:•''
• had a tit,. to the ciictre's
• beEre the erg
to W►ta a-' •
• MAI' ` i Vii: Ca -te-
` gPtrt
, ace "..• 'v'.1:=
+ ai
vire =t-ittteCat if Via
MEE:r mid HEAR
Port Hall-
Jp;:ky., ;28th.
teereorie Weft
161 p.isriamizeragsaksamamgraknoi