The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 15legged' .race, ,boys, John:Wall, :.Ro- bertMr. Mrs.,Jacob Wall; .:wheel barrow . ace, Raymond, : Paul, Dick.' and 'Mrs in Gr ill nl Interment was eenh Ce etery, ` the pallbearers being V[m.: ends Elgin Sleightholm and David Bertha De: Groot attended church met • in Harrison. on Sunda :and visit-, acPherson,. Gordon Macpherson, Sleightholm, Beverley Soloman • YAn Ma eDonald All Cranston and Phyllis Sleightliolm; farm: yard animals, Heather Hand,' Joyce Tiffin,;' . Brian' • Farrier, Thelma Purdon; :.:marshmallow race, Colleen Farrier and Donna Hand,Carol' Frrier. and, Brenda'. Soloman;' kick' the slipper, Donna pp Hand, : John. Gibb; tying knots, Russel_.P_urdon--41r-s --Dan Angus an raps n L WEDNESDA /kY 22 �. • Vii. "194.4,. GQDERICH BUSINESS COLLEI,.c. .teiit .At (vitit,tio,9;..stro,t, gorner, of Wes 23rd Fell term a Pens September 8 Modern Building—Nee, Electiieand Manual Ty. p e riters--- ' Qualified :Teachers,-..Mimeograph—Dictaphone— ition •.$30 -.-Diplomas: issued, to, Monthly • Junior Courses' by;Graduates for Senior and The Business Educators'. Association of Canada •Final' Examinationsare . set and graded by the - • Board of Examiners, Register r uY ggest that Yoe start With the class. on September 8. ter Now! Dial JA 4-85210284 or 6307 for an Appointment. • -THE .L.UCKNOW SI=NTINELR. Li EKNOW, ON:?A210: WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT UnitedChurch. Picnic . i with Mr• and Mrs:; Malcolm Stew= On. Saturday the United Church: art of Kitchener. • their Picnic at . the Lake held � :Misses 'Margaret Robinson ,and with around 60 present. The win ...Joan Currie .: ners ,of the races were as •follows;. turned to their homes 'on Thursday after spend - children, '5 , and under, Donald' ing 10 'days: 'at Camp Kint 'l. This . Ritchie;. girls; :6 • and '- 7, • Irene week , Miss. Robinson�' Wall; girls, • 8 and 9, Brenda, Sol- , will 7p d Mr.: and Mrs.George Carter "a'hd:.Mr, oman; boys, '.8• and 9, :John., Wall, and 'Mrs. Ken Currie and• family Robt. ` Wall; girls, 11 and " 12, Cathy , at: the : Soloman,' Colleen . 'Farrier; boys, ..iir cottage.` at Pine River. Mr, and. ' Mrs. Walter: •Mor an 12 to 20 .Elgin and David Sleight- g Merchant Suddenly .un, a Just three' weeks years and twq w after he had • taken over the Miller General Store at St. Helens, death came suddenly to Donald Arthur .Pannabecker at;his home at St. Helens early'Sunday morning. He • was 43, . Mr Pannabecker suffered • a seizure shortly before midnight on Saturday and' had passed away little more : than one hour later. Mr.Pannabecker ' was born at Hespeler on ' Apr-il 15th, '1921. `The, family came to St. `Helens in the. summer of 1961, with' Mr. Pan- nabecker taking over the St. Hel- ens business on.. July 3rd from Isaac Miller." This, general. store had been in . the Miller family for 76 years. • Mr, .Pannabecker was an ' af- fable' gentleman • who made. : many friends in the ,community. He rep- resented:•a farm drug firm in this area, by which. he. extended his acquaintanceship and popularity. The . funeral' •Service was held at the MacKenzie Memorial Cha-. pel, in Lucknow:'on Tuesday after- y ' g -Donna, :Marie, Walter ''arid John noon; 'conducted ' 'by Mr.: Harley. holm, walking race,' 1 minute•, .: • Of: • Toronto, ;holidaying. at Amber- '.Moore, `student minister at "St. Beverley Soloman, Mrs. Moore; leyHelens United ' Church : of which ' 3 . legged race, girls;. Beverley Beach, visited Thursday with Soloman Phyllis Sleightholm 3 Mr and, Mrs. Ken .Currie. Mr.. Pannabecker : was . a mem-.Fran PAGE FIFTEEN. .. HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, .SANDED' & FINISHED OLD FLOORS MADE LIKE 'NEW, CARPET. LAYING:. REPAIRING :& CLEANING ALL • tYPES :OF: FLOOR COVERING `' INSTALLATIONS. • COMPLETE • LINE 01 'WILDING, MAINTENANCE. Domestic and Commercial H.OUS • ', E:CLEANING DONE PROFESSIONALLY. •,. Call 'Collect — TEESWATER PHONE 492-6488 ed with Rev. and Mrs. ' Gerard Van Dyk: Mr: Clifford Huffman. .visited on Sunday ,with ' Mr.':& • Mrs., Elmer Huffman and : family of' Lucan. Mr. & Mrs:. Elroy ` Laidlaw, ' Jo- anne, Janie, Paul: and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw; attended'the 'St gha an Charles MacDonald Frank Me- e Quinn); an of` the St. Helens tow munity...• Surviving are his ,wife, the for- gathered for theirannual picnic. mer Margaret 'Dahmer of Galt; at the Ashfield' Park.' thTee, sons, ' Gordon, : Ross and ..Ro - The afternoon:was-spent play- er ent :: $p Y er and one daughter, Mary, all at ing games, . after which races' for. • rau n home.,' ,—_a11.ages_—were--enjoyed; .result�a reuiuoir hick—was=heiu in Har follows:; Gibbs . Mrs. 'Willis,ties; Lunch r . ,.W , unc boor Park,,:Sunday. ;afternoon.. 0v .Girls 5. and under, Joanne was served:.:and all- en o ed their :er 90 . attended the'•reunionThe there was � •.ere enjoyed , -.. : � no law to disbar •it> Stothers;: boys, 5 and under, .Ste - dip in the lake> '• during the after- '.oldest ' lady. '. was Mrs. .• Charles Mrs. Roy' . Pattison of : the flouter::phen Stothers, Kenny, Ritchie, . Jef- noon. Straughan of': Auburn; the, oldest connmitee.. announced a; new' list fer Andrew•.. boys,*. 6.8 . Scott Y �, auldenASI°FIELD And�rmen's � � Missionary SocietY vas July meeting of the Wo- held at the home '.of ,Mrs.. Alex. Ian ` "Picnic Macdonald. Mrs. Gordon Finlay- son, who was in charge'of the' program, opened the meeting -with prayer". Devotions • were taken by ,: Mrs. Colin . Howes and roll call was .answered . 'with a verse on trust.. The Study Book was • in charge; of Mrs. Wm. Johnson, acMurelly; IVIr-s- ' iayson and Miss `Sadie Johnson. The meeting' was closed with.. prayer by - Mrs Wm. Johnson, and the hostess and • committee, served 'lunch. There •:were ` 23 present. On' .Saturday,,; J'tly 18th, mem- .bers .of .the Andrew -Lane Clan Mr. Kenneth -Laidlaw visited re, :gentleman Mr. '.Bill Straughan.;' would. be posted of :those to. pro-.Stothers; girls, 9-12, N ;ncy . Kirk- • TheS• d,' •• picnic postponed • to . vide flowers.. • for . Sunday service:.la. d.; boys,.9-12 ' David ..' Carruth- ' Frida� :was held at.' the .. icnie.. Gently with .his,. mother'.Mrs. Jas::; Held Barbour Reunion Y n. , Y,, P •. . :, .. • • 'The • C.G.I.T . in Bel ave • had ers-�• l an. Andrew' Brock Whale;'grounds • at the.....twelfth. ;with.' .a,,; .Laidlaw. •while .Mrs, Lasdlaw .•and , On ,Sunday. .the .Barbour .reunion 'been' . , � .�' , •, � ..• , , , I. i : the: been :donated . b Mrs Keniris 13 and :over Linda _Chis geed 'attendance.' :.girl$ ,visited with: Mr �� and .Mrs.. picnic was ,held . at the, ,home. of; - � _ .. the. .Y.. � • , • . .. g . _ ., .. ,... . : w • � ... � r ; • . ,..: ' . ' .::: ' is r and �s " ' o' l Mason• . and: the . society: received holm, Wilda •Dawson;• married Rev. Neil MacCombie• leaven on • • ;Bill , .Hunter..,; , of ;Zion:, M . Mrs: Angus MacDona d ::Monday for , Miss Donna Forster of ': Luck -:'1 of St: ; Helens where • around' .:70 a _thank' you note .from :Miss' Joyce 'ladies, Carol Andrew, Ruth` y a •,trip to :.Scotla'nd.' • . i 6 . , . - Proctor , sec. of 'C.G.I.T. All were: Schultz,; Marilyn: Stothers now is . •visiting: this • :week• ,•with. gathered.• � Present .from. com ...:. . + - • �' , •, mar- •Among ••those :Who � attended the invited, to : attend . a day out 'at .God- vied - men,. Bob . Andrew, ..:.Brock : her ' cousin:. Miss, Sandra .� Fisher.; 4,iiiunity . ,were Mr. `� and 1VIrs.�: ;Carl .. , .. , ., ,.;.....Carter-lViaci�enzie� � wedding,, and i , , ! • ; erich 'Summer Camp ..September 'Whale, : •Irwin Carruthers; single..; C• See. Dia Van D.eimere, Wilma,. McClenaghan and. Mr. Paul Geig :Visited relatives .here were:.:. Mrs, . 12: ,Improvements-..at':the' church .men, .Ken .Kirkland,: Don, Andrew, ' Alice and ;Homer of. 'Ripley visited a err, -Mr: sand...: Mrs: 'Ben • McClen.......• Kirkland,. .. .,. •- . .. , J. B; Rhodes, Messes Anna and p; : were discussed. The financial com- Don Kirkland•• kick the slip per Sunda evening, • with � ,Mr and, � �► han• : •Mr:: and _ Mrs. Jim' Nie-�. .:. .. ..: . � •.. . ��' , .Charlotte `Mackenzie, .MISS Miu'iel Y i $ 'Tiffin: f g, mi,ttee .are •to. decide. •on: �a. ro ect. ;Wilda ,Dawson. . Mrs.: Charles Tiffin. ,HoMer er . is lintyre and; family '' of: Rxdgetoyyn .. P... J, ; : . : Farrish. and Miss Margaret Mac :- m, r. for raising • .funds.. Mrs: A bountiful, , supp. er , w.as served • employed, at the. Red and White ;•s.Pent .the week -,end, and Mr...and, donald; :all 'of Toronto, : Mr.• and Taylor, on behalf of Doreen; thank'- :after .which the ;president; ;Irwin •a ` store la Listowel..: where he:.is , Mrs... , MelVie f . VIcClenaghan and Mrs. Philip Gower , of Batavi , . Specializing ed :