The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 141. • .14 • • "PAGE FOURTEEN THE LUCKNOW '1SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW ONTARIO PURPLE GROVE .and DISTRICT ,Mrs. Bili Sinirl & Janet, i Donald' or .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rob - Fort lit„. John, BC., Mr. Glen inson in Lucknow . Friday. and. Sat Goodberry, :Peterboro,, Mr. Bill urday nights,. , Martin of. San Francisco, Mr. & Mr. and Mrs;.. John ..Emmerton: Mrs., Frank Colwell, Kinloss spent of London (nee Elaine Shaw) vis Tuesday . evening with Mr: and ited w 'Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mrs; Donald McCosh. Smith rior to leaving on Sunday ,. • Mr, and Mrs.. Kwineth' •Robert morning for a holiday in. the Can- son and Gordon, Miss. Annie Mc- • adian West. They will visit hi Leod, 'Miss Geraldine Emerson Calgary . with . John's brother, Bert. and Mr.' Frank . Robertson and They .. •plan on. visiting Victoria, Mr. Frank Emerson visited Miss.! Princes: George. and Dawson Creek, etc. • - • Mr. and Mrs.. William Arnold,. Mrs. Charles Hedley, Mrs. Frank Dore, and. Dianne, 'Misses Eva Cul- bert and ,Margaret Robertson and Mr.. Don McCosh were among those on the bus trip to Cape •Croker. on. Thursday,' ' Mr. & Mrs. Francis Boyle; Bry- an., Kerry, Bonnie, Heather & Cor rain arrived home after spend- ing-the pend-ing,the past week 'at family week, .Mrs. Jifh McEw..an,, Jamie, Ken Five . Oaks. and Sandy . attended the Orr fam-. ily::reunion in. Arthur on Sunday. Mrs. G : eHarkness was hos- . Fami father;i n mooTr` y g Margaret. Robertson and Mr. Don- ald Robertson..• •Mr..-' and Mrs., Frank Fowler, Windsor were ' Sunday .guests • of Mr. and 1VIrs, Aurel Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Schlagen- hauf, San Diego, California; Mrs. Frank, Stanley, Susan and Trudy Stanley were guests of Mrs. Helen `Swann and Mr. Norval Stanley. Mr.: and Mrs. Bill Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mr. and .tess to . Kinlough . W.M.S.: on Wed- : 'nesday afternoon.' Mr. and'. Mrs. Frank : Dore and. Frankie Splan of Harbor Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dore and family . of Flint, Michigan visited Mr. and :.Mrs. Claude Dor•e.. Friends are sorry to.; know Miss. Margaret MacDonald is in Wing - ham Hospital. Eldbn and Ralph Thompson of Teeswater, Jim Nicoll ' ofd Madoc and Cathy Dore ;visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald.. „ Mrs : Albert Trafford, Hanover ?as; a• Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs. Harvie Thompson....• Misses Eunice and Ella Stanley, Windsor visited Mrs..Helen Swann ` Mr. an Mrs. d M 1VIuno g MacFarlane, Mr, Walter Needham. visited ,,Mr. Walter Collins. Mrs. Harvey, Houston; Mrs - iie=. Held At"BIuevaI.e In the afternoon of Sunday, July 19th members of the Raynar d and MacParlarfe`. fah -Mies gathered: at the home: of Mr. and 'Mrs. Clifford' Brewer; adjoining the Bluevale park. The ' : afternoon was spent reminiscing and renewing acquain- tances. , Present for the occasion were:. Mr. and; Mrs. Harvey `Clark, -Shir- ley, . Murray, and Brian; ®Mr. and Mrs Laidlaw, Sandra, Douglas, 'Donald; Robert, Jerry. and. Rose Mary; Miss Ruth: and Linda Clark,, "Mr. and Mrs. Tom.:MacFarlane,' for . Emerson and Mrs. Don Mc - , c , Cosh attended. the • ' semi-annual Board meeting:of the:Grey-Bruce Area Women's Institute at Wiar ton on Tuesday. ,Miss' Patsy MacDonald spent a few days with Mr.: and Mrs.. Glen Fraser, Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDon- ald, July, and Mary, Helen were guests : of Mr: and Mrs. Bert Thompson at their cottage:: at Lorne • Mrs Herb Farrell, Mr.. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mr. and . Mrs. Gor ' • don: Patterson ..were guests at the. wedding of Miss ' Annetta. Forster and' Mr. BM .Robinson in Ripley on Saturday. , Mrs Black and family, Mr., and Some' folks attended. the recap- i Mrs,;Donald MacFarlane; and fam- tion for " Mr.. . and Mrs: Ken Mac- ily, Joyce MacFarlane. NIP 'i"EESWATER 6-5. Lucknow, edged' Teeswater Pee Wees 6-5 in a real close game in Teeswater last Friday night. Ron Stanley pitched for Lucknow with John Coiling doing the catch-. . , Teeswater — 0 2 0 01.2 0 ---5 Lucknow— ' 10 3 0 0.2 0 — : 6 ;BANTAMS. ,DEFEAT WINGHAM : TWICE INT PAST 'WEEK :: Last Saturday night, in Lucknow was a bad one for the ..Wingham. Bantams as. Lucknow soundly de-- ,feated them 21-0.. Wingham only threatened, to break the ` goose' egg once when Murray Mewhinney tagged . the runner out • at home plate. • Tom O'Donnell. and Hughie Todd divided the pitching' with. Mewhinney ' catching. RAINED. OUT IN WINGHAM• • In • Wingham on ' Monday ' night the teams only played 41; innings When rain ended the game. 41 innings, was: long enough though for Hughie. Todd 'tO get struck on the `head by a pitched ball and'. momentarily knocked . out. Hughie was revived • . and went back into the ' game and pitched another ,in- ning before, the, ganie ended.10-8 in favour of Lucknow: ' It : was after ten 'o'clock before'the ' nine;. o'clock scheduled game,. .started. A prior game .held up the • Ban tarn one. Tom .O'Donnell • and Hughie Todd pitched with 'Mur- ray . Mewhinney , catching. .. , Miss .Helen McGee and Murray Juveniles,: MacFarlane.; Mr. & Mrs: Clifford . Br -ewer and -David,; Mr. and -Mrs- • Walter MacFarlane and Jamie, Seven : Straig Mr.: and Mrs. Sylvester Raynard. 1 Mr. and Mrs: Ronald. MacFarlane, Lucknow' Juveniles remain , un defeated; having chalked up their Robinson - Forster St. Andrews *United Church, Rile was the setting for the Ripley, marriage of Annetta M. Forster and Howard William E. ,Robinson on . Saturday, July 18th at 2:30 pan,. Rev. George Ball .officiated at the ,cereemony.. The bride is the daughter of Mr, & Mrs. Walter Forster of Ripley and the groom is the,, son of Mrs. Howard Robinson and the late Mr. Robinson. of Lucknow. Miss. Dianna MacAuley et: Rip - 'ley was. organist. and. Miss Joan. Pollock of Toronto Was soloist.. The bride;' given, in Marriage byher father, chose a: floor -length gown, ' with. scalloped . neckline, white, lace bodice and silk or- and Tom, Mr. and Mrs: Joe Ray 7th straight victory last:. Wednes ' day night : when they downed Goderich ;6 to 1.. Ross. Forster and Doug MacKin- non were The Lucknow battery'; with Ross scattering. six hits; striking.: ' out three.: and. ,Walking one pian. : • Snell for Goderich allowed 7 hits and gave . up 4' .walks. He.. struck out ` three. MIXED BOWLING DOUBLES SATURDA(f1 AND. , MONDAY: : Lucknow: Bowling ; Greens has been busy 'with fine weather pre- vailing for. ;.the past' few weeks.. In mixed `doubles. Saturday, ' Mal- com MacKay of 'Wingham placed first; Fred Jackson and Maudie Fisher, Lucknow, second ' Roy nard, Darlene:and Dwayne, Mr.. and ' Mrs. Bili Raynard ` and Paul- ine, Mr. and 'Mrs Paul Leith and Steven, Mrs. Roy, Campbell,; Con- nie, ° Steven, Mike and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill ' MacPherson, Bev- erley, Gail, Janet, Margaret, Ste- phen: and Larry, Mrs. •.Fred- Thompson, ' Benny and Billy: Absent were: Mr. &. Mrs. Aus- tin Raynard of. Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil .Clark, Fred Thome-: son, Roy Campbell, FAL. C K.,:and t .. • ■• C. FIR TIE GAME' PLAYED.' IN HURON-ASHFIELD LEAGUE. The second game.between North Ashfield and Ripley was.played on the Ripley. , diamond, on Wed- nesday evening, July ' 15. The game was scheduled for . Monday even- ing but was rained out. The, final score was a 9-9. tie. The :battery for Ripley was John Fludder and Billy:' Kirkpatrick; for North Ash- field, the :'Courtney brothers. For Ripley,:. J. Fludder slammed a home run. with Brian. WyldS get- ting a triple. Des. urtney was �� best batter for North, Ashfield with 2 doubles. WEDNESDAY,. JW. 22nd,:1'9.444; Nuptials ;Saturday ganza over taffetta skirt.embroid- ered with lace medallions., Her shoulder -length: veil fell, from a matching headdress, and she tar- ried red, and. white ,roses. Miss . Shirley Robinson . .of St. Hubert, Quebec,, sister of the grooin was maid of honour, wear- ing a blue chiffon. over taffetta. gown featuring' a scoop neckline nd bell-shaped skirt. Her head- dress was a- pearl tiara and she carried' shasta daisies and :roses: The . bridesmaids were 'Miss Carolyn • Forster, . sister . of the bride and Miss.Diane. Farrell: of Toronto, who were similarly dress- ed to.the maid of honour: Stewart Stanley of Kitchener was :best 'man...Roy Emberlin. a[ Lucknow and Joe, Forster, brother of the bride,. were. ushers, A wedding dinner.followed in the .church parlours. The • bride's mother received the guests wear- ing .: a rose -beige dress of.' lace . . 'over taffetta' with matching ac- cessories'. The . groom's mother -assisted wearing' a pastel 'pink ensemble with : matching ' accessor- ies. For a'. trip through the United . '. Stites the bride, chose. +,a , ,pink dress . and `jacket with. white ac- cessories: The couple wil ' reside in. Oak- ville. and Elizabeth I 'Anne.'" 'Finlayson, Lucknow, third,,, Jack Bowman; Wingham, % fourth; G. MacKay, Wingharn,. fifth. Rain on Monday ' only allowed two games to be played. Jim Mc- Naughton and Jim Cameron of ;town placed first; Arnold Fisher of Goderich was . second;' Harold Vodden; Clinton, third;. Jack Bow-' man,, Wingham; fourth; Alex Hac- kett and Gordon. Fisher, Lucknow, fifth. There were 18• entries. ■ , ■ i ■ " . . .• ■■ . .(All Waterproof •Glue Line)• • ._ For - :11 ■ ■ • • 1, Cabinets. Floor Underlay • : Roof Sheathing • WallJ. I. aek Bow-. m Grain Truck Rks• , . .. • w Etc.' .. / '-r ■ ., . I■ , .. .. , Rez Wood ! ■ • . - Insulation .' , Finishes 2" Medium Thick Batts' �, ■. bring ' u 3"■. li Full 'Thick Batts ■ ' g new beauty and Micafill (Pour Type) . ■ • lasting protection:. ■ to wood, - • ■ i ■' I • Insulate for a Cooler Home n. r . Rez Finishes. Are 1 All Summer ■ ■ ■. ■ Penetrating Sealers ■ .. ■ .4l rP owdwaros�i 4....i, 64rn ritim wi NsA b�.,.0wi�fl ri , �,K III .r FRES•H CEMENT, 1N STOCK.l'. ill . i ■. ■..Y)...u1111111i41,0411.►o..1.,N..rieii4MINX..c;,i.0411111N.. 411111+►d..tN..o.li.n,,.:.M. � • • 4 al John W. Henderson lumber Ltd. r. r Phone .528.318.'. P%EI6Err■rnIBIBtaaiAailaaUiE■i Sherwood Picnic Held -On Sunda: y The descendants of, the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherwood ,held their third annual pi"cnic on Sun- day, July 19. at the home of Mrs. Robt. McInnes and Mr; Win. Mc- Innes, near Teeswater, with an -attendance of thirt seven. A programme of 'racesand games under the direction,, of Karen MacKenzie 'and Brenda Henry was enjoyed 13 years : and over was' won by Murray Mc- Kenzie; 11-12 years, Donald Thorn- ton; 9-10 years, Kenneth. Girvin; 5-6 years, , Debbie Walker;, 3-4 years, Jimmy Finnigan, The spot race. was won by Allan Thorn- ton, the . relay .:race by Brenda Henry's, team, While Mrs, Robt„ Mctnnes kicked 'her slipper the farthest, 'The young folk then had. a all game, person. present was Mrs. Maud Sherwood and the LucknowYoungester oft wasMr r Nancy and McInnes, ■ daughMrs. Dan t " �y McInnes, atlaifp'>saegie A REAL FRIG Frostfree ;Forever :ZENITH Deluxe 14 -ft. d Combination • ulY range Cold Control Porcelain ' Enamel Liner • Magnetic Door Gaskets, • Non -sweat. Cabinet • Auto. Interior 'Light Budget . Plan with ' low. down payment ' '• .9.85' ft. Auto.' Refrigerator, • 4.12 .ft. Frost -Free. Freezer • O • Full -width covered Crisper S -.A -V -E . On' Freezers 2' u. ft, size at the: LOW PRICE'of f.. 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