The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 10•
• ,.
Discovers Old
Baseball Picture
SUN CACK:i.1).4
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.Phone R.R.�WinghaM 3.5 7-198 7
Visit Furness Abbey Ruins In :Tile
Lovely� •. Of . La
Dear Friends ; stopped by the side of the road,
Now, what : shall I tell you under a ' shady tree to eat our
. about today? How 4 ould you like lunch — soup, salad, cheese, buns
to hear about one' day — or ' .or and; bananas: And tea of course.'
twelve. hours of it? Last Friday, Ournext objective' was Furness
June 26, ' .to .. be exact. Abbey. ,rum. Likemost of the
We wakened fairly early, as old ' Abbeys Furness is , built . in
usual, in our dormobile in ,a field a beautiful valley beside ; a small
on :a farm near the village of stream. Also, like many , of ''the,
Levens • ,,also ' near Sampool Abbeys
the' stones for NOW,
the b=
Bridge.. That bridge crosses .a ings. were quarried literally on
river, which in turn ' crosses ' a the:: spot.' The' wallsof the old
drainage ditch ' ' It really does! quarry are right across • the stream
The farm was ;so real that the from the buildings. Up until that
family were out drawing in: baled time on Friday, . all the houses
hay • until ten the night ` before. , and barns had been of grey stone.
' We were near : a river which is To our surprise, Furness was the'.
tidal, but high tide ` was .after lovely . mellow, red, sandstone' that
dark, ' so' we didn't ':see the—liver I like ' !so . well.. 'Again, ' the ruins
flowing backwards; as it were. are of tremendous 'size: It Is al-
We got up and ready for the day most impossible to visualize . the
following our usualroutine and height . and extent of :the build
before leaving filled; the water Ings, before the Dissolution and
tank and the eovered' container:: later .' the Commonwealth. The
Then up. to '.' the village '.:to, get sandstone weathers .rather badly
•. Toin who had spent the night in 'but . there were still traces of the
'a tiny inn: And then. we . were ' 'On arved doorways and windows
our way. which. must -have been very beau -
That par cular part of ' Lan-. tiful six or seven hundred years.
cashire is 'very flat •and has been .go. Like the face of an old per -
reclaimed but , it was done ' hun- soon ' in which: you can 'still' see
dreds of years' ago. After driv- traces of youthful beauty.;
ing a few miles, we came nearer After the visit to Furness the
the mountainsdriving
, agreed next thing ,was to find, a suitable'
�� andwe a
`that we .be from camp site. We had one 'in our
Lake ' Simcoe to Lake • Nipissing book and when we. ' got.. there it
—the same ,rounded -hills, near was very ,suitable indeed, right' on'
and ••,far, the. same smooth 'little the edge of another sandy estu
valleys,: even the same rocky out- 'au. It was ,beautiful and .1 had
crops. About then I happened . to visions of soaking in the sea and.
ask if the book about The Lake the sunshine. However, when we
' District was in the • Dormobile. It tried: to find a' bed and'break
had been. forgotten, so back we fast in a .nearby house or.inn
. went, for it, causing a delay of there just wasn't. one to be had.
probably half an_hourr, very. .for- 'bur •dormobile will --certainly sleep; M
unate as -it ',turned out. five or six but not as old as we
A.few miles farther on we were are'. 'So we drove on and on and
`stopped on asteep hill b a. on, •' And' didn't encounter, a bed
motorist who: ".shouted "British and breakfast sign for miles., The
Columbia,. British , Columbia." We road was very winding and very
stopped and , began . asking giies- hilly and very, narrow just so
tions. It •turned out that ' he ,. m
was narrow ` that there were nuer
th'e grandson of a lady Ernie had ous L. places specially, built for'`
known on the Vinay pilgrimage in meeting only. 'And you, had to
1936. And we had entertained his watc ' ahead so as to stop in,;;
father in our home during the one:. f 'these •places if you saw':
last war. Ile had seen, our Vis- traffic coming,
• itors to Britain- and CAA stickers As We neared Lake Coniston
and just wanted to talk ,to some- B and B signs- appeared again,
one amo-
, but there was 'Still no Strom
m� Canada, But ' wh t a •
co-incn nce which . would never dation available or if there was
have occurred • if we . had .not accommodation, ,'there ' was , n o
gone back . Tor the book.,place nearby 'for us and our Dor-
f that we went on t4'. where,. mobile. ,dally, one lady sugges•
' I shopped tor food acid then. we ted
that we try, Boon Crag.` Farm., '.
Al Baker has "discovered" a
large framed . picture of .a Luck -
now baseball team of; early in
the century, It was stored 'away
under a stairway where Mr, and
Mrs, Baker reside and where Mrs.
Baker has her beauty salon down-
stairs .
The building, owned by • Art Gil-
m. ore, was . the former Legio
Tulh and'. at one time was the
residence and office of the Tate
Dr, A. M, Spence: '
The, picture. is of the ; Lakeside
League champions of 1906. • Mem-
bers of
em=bers,of. the team were "Pelt". Mc-
Coy, catcher; V. Brislain,.'pitcher;
Russ Robertson, ,first base; Frank
Thompson, .second -base; Wilbur
Bryan,: short stop 'Met Bryan,,
third .base; T. S. Reed, left' field;.
Will Johnston, centre 'field; John
Habbick, right field; • C. Trevett, .
J. Findlater and W, Millyard,
Officers of the Club: were: .:Ro-
bert Johnston, manager; John 'Mc-,
Garry, president'., George IL, Smith
was president of the Lakeside
The • picture . is • on display at
The Sentinel Office:..
,Your Subscription
Mrs., Oliphant .(think of .; elephant
but don't. say it). takes overnight
guests and shejust might' ; let
you park in :a field. Welly.we 'fol-:
lowed directions ; as. well • as we
could and found Mrs:. Oliphant and
Boon Crag Farm Yes, .,she ,had
a room • but it ' was a' .double room..
'When: , I :learned the ' prree, . I as-
sured.' her that Tom would. • 'gladly
pay it 'for a comfortable . bed and.:
good br..eakfast', . even ,. if it . were
a • single, not .a double. Her . hus-
band agreed that we might 'park.
in the field. And . here we are. We
came for . Friday night and are
Still 'here Sunday • night.
'If you *could 'see • theplace, you
would : understand why. As I sit.
here ' writing, I am looking down•
a good part df . the.: length" 'of .Lake
Coniston.. We are in a somewhat
wrinkled valley with . the friendly
craggy Mountains or hills of the •
Lake District all around. Our
WEDNESDAY, ' J114y ; ti, ow
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Push-button: aerosol ,,.
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hold and garden in-
sect pests.
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nearest neighbours 'are. a Mother-
less lamb and its daddy. And on
the other side ofa holly and
hawthorne , hedge.' are the lovely
old stone farm .;buildings. We are
getting milk;' , lettuce, ' rhubarb and
gooseberries from the :'farm. And
we have mademore new friends,
the , kind, : generous, thoughtful,.
people these . hills produce, I wisl
youcould know ' them' too.
The Country Mouse
Boon Crag Farm, Lancashire
June . 28,.. ,1964:
P.S. Boon' Crag and :its sur
roundings and owners : will mak
a whole. letter . themselves som
day. '
you start your .liters on�Purina '' •
Baby Pig Chow and Pig Startena, they're °on their way;to fast, profitable
growth. •
THEN, HURRY. YOUR 'HOGS TO 'MARKET( Research -deet red rowth-
promoting Purina Hog Chows~ will help , your. hogs develop fast, andyoull
fitt„d you',re selling them up' to two weeks earlier. than the average •.Can-
adian farmer.
WE HAVE COMPLETE PURINA ` HOG CHOWS, or We can:' give . you
'Purina own entrates'
that will make more efficient use of your own: home
gr grains.
COME. IN TO OUR STORE with the Checkerboard Sign and "'let us tell
you more about Purina's Hog ,Program;
omas Hackett an
PHONE $28..3530
want bigger .profits, torsiorrow,feed.urnaChows PiToday,'
Canadiarxs 'who
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