The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 8IV. 3.1 PAGE. IJOHT -THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • *.flEEEr•EErtEEEaEE11Eur•EEEEBEIIBBU■BIUEuI..II■.EEK*EEEEE■E■IEE■EEEEN ■rtEEo■EEE■eB■EE■EKE'!!8! a s. . f . g MI. ■ Iii •a • ■ ■ ■ • Closed all day Thursday, July 23' to make. ■ extra, 'markdowns for Friday Open Friday Evenings for!. your shopping convenience: Jul WEDNESDAY ,. JULY' 22nd, - 19.,..4 EEEEEEEErt■r■EEE!! 0rnmai mi■EEEBEEBBEw81i11E� • l' ,. a • ▪ : • to . •; n : n ai ■ on •. r • a•. • • • .■▪ ' • ■ ■ ■ COTTON SKIR•S. —•89c. ▪ • 4 to .6x, 'clea ance price ■' SLIM 'and : SHORT . SETS Reduced from 20 ' to 33%% CHILDREN'SWEAR •GIRLS' • NYLON DRESSES -.� STA0. Sizes 1, "2, 3, and 4 to 6x, wipe they last. • , $1.00. • •. i�. ■ ' i ■ PEDAL PUSHERS —* '41.19 ■ Regular' $1.49, to "$198,: patterned cotton sizes 4 to : '6x ■▪ • ..aai POP, -TOPS = ` 59c Asst. patterns, values to $1.25, one price . 59c DRESS COATS ; Y2' PRICE Spring .dress coats,' . sizes .1, 2, , • 3,• 3x, 4 to 6g' . PEDAL PUSHERS -•.1VV OFF. • Terrylene and cotton ` pedal pushers, plain shades,, sizes 4, . . '.6, .7 only BATHING .SULTS — .$1.98. Sizes 4 .'6x, asst. colours $2.98' value: FIGURED :_ TOPS — .98; To go with.. plain slacks, ''slims • or .'pedal . , pushers . 'sizes ,'4,, 5, 7 only 1 price 98c°, SHORTS 2 :FOR $1.30% Shorts for either boys or ; girls; 2 to Sit. and 4 to 6x', asst. shades. ' 'A' `' group. of . 79c, 98c.. and .$1.49. ,values only 69c or 2- for- $1.30 SOTS' .■ BATHING TRUNKS 2 to 3x • and 4 to ; 6x, : reduced to 49c, ■ . ' 79c . and • T -SH IRTS,. 69c ` Assorted s'tKipes, sues 2 to 6, ■ 98c value ;for 69c ... 1111 ,■. ■ Girl COTTON ,SKIRTS $1;98 Sale' . price. s' ear 8 only . . • BATHING" •SUITS, BEACH COATS' ■ and SHORTS �; 20% discount.: COTTON DRESSES, Sizes 8.14 2Q to 33%%discount. • MEN'S.. BRIEFS ' and TOPS: A :.very 'low price, 2. pair' for 79c;' 'or our name' brand stock reg. .$1 OO, sate •price..89c, 2 for $1.75; or 'reg. • $1.25 • line . at 3 . •pair ' for . $3.39, • MEN'S WORK 'SHIRTS • Reg. $3.95 2, for $700 Reg. $2.982 �.. for $5.00 WORK 'PANTS; Beige; green; navy. and a •.few grey, reg.. $5:50 and/ $5.95, for • $4.95; • reg. ,$4.95; for $4.39. • DR•EsS SOCKS 59c PAIR :. Substandards and 1st • quality.. mostly 98e .and $1.50' lines, . 6 doz. only @ 59c pr.,. ,or ' '2 pr. for . •... ,,, $100, SWIM TRUNKS,: 60 only, :Ili price Allothers ' less'' 20%. EN'S • �av� Ofr This MEN'S DRESS PANTS . Reg. $8.95 , • $6:99 Reg. ,$10;95 $8.99 Reg... $14.95. $11.99 Reg. to $19.95 • •' $12.99 Tailoring extra. • MEN'S BOXER SHORTS On sale at $1.25•, 89c, 59e. WEAR SPORT COATS 12 ONLY $2.98 . Tweed sizes ' 3 to 6x, $8.95 values:" WI.NBREAKERS.:-. $1.98 Sizes 1, 2, 3 and . 2 to ..6x. • COTTON TRAINING• PANTS Sizes 2. 4, 6 priced ;'at' 5' for. . 89c 8"to'14' PEDAL, :PUS: HERS :' 1/4', of BEACH HATS. ifs price TERRY,LENE • & COTTON :.SETS _ 1/2, off.. ' Included are blouses, shorts, .' pedal' pushers : and Slack's: • • WEAR MEN'S, DRESS ' PANTS • /•—.$4.49 PAIR Better Ines, broken sizes: Sizes : are from 28 to 42, •values to $14.95, 40' ° pair at $4'49 ' pair: • Tailoring extra '60 PR. MEN'S : PANTS $3:99 In washable'' cdttons, all values from $5.95 to $7.95, to' go at the- low price .x$3.99 SUMMER' .HATS ONLY . ;98c 'To match beige and.. green uniforms, reg. $1.98. MEN'S PYJAMAS _ $2.79, Plain broadcloth, •Canadian made in: siz. 1B, C, D, E+ Flan- -nelette , in asst. patterns, a11;• sizes, + . Men's T-Shirli GROUP NO 1 $1.98' • • 30 , only, clearance :price, '$198;; , asst. styles and all sizes,. reg. $2.98 and $3.98. ' , GROUP, NO. 2'.. • Clearance` .Price •$2.44 ,. GROUP NO, 3 $4,95 Stanfield and Forsythe. golfer shirts with action insert : in '.arra+ hole, . $6.00 values for , $4.95 THIS' IS'A STORE -WIDE Every Purchase you make. will be at a: sing... OIC ALL GOODS NOT: 'MARKED 'W'I'I"�` avA SASE TAp► , Ladies' & en s Wear.tOnts _ Yoo Will Receive � a 10 /o Discount. ..v nimisimmit mpaia■■■umiuArsysto nssuusrsuurssut toss Nsrreear�riiMr mmusiooantra*aesrnrl� shisst'summ imomskossri>i oolo Smits Friday, July 24th. Continues until Saturday, August OPENfN6 SPECIALS Nylous — 25c' pair • Hand Towels 3f.�r',$iOQ lst quality . seamless ' Limit 4 pair to a customer Limit 4 pair' to a. • custome. r. Boys' :Wear T-SHIRTS ° Plain, stripes and :pattern: Reg. • • $2.98 • for , $1.98 Reg. $1.98: for; , a.. $1.59 Reg 98c . for 69c Reg. 49c for•:' 3. for. $1:00 SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Hawain pattern — only • 49c, sizes 8 14.: years. Other -sport shirts, short sleeves at; 20 , off: LONG .SLEEVE' SPORT SHIRTS '$2.98 values` for ,,,, •$149 •,& $1.98 8' to '14.' 'Years HATS - $1.98 Value - For 98c TOPS and;BRIEFS' Sale Price 39c or.'•2 : for .75c: BOY'S'..: JEANS . 8 to 18, navy, beige, , blue. $2.98. reg. -- for $2.49. •' $3:98 reg. for $3.49 : Basement Special •a ■ ■, • • ■. •■ • ■ ■ ■ se ■ ■■ .■ ■ ■ u • ■ ■ ,■ ■ Boys Jeans, ' cotton pants and a • i few: 'dress pants.: 125 pair at ... $1.98 pr. Sizes.'6 •to_.14 years: : ,r BASEMENT.: SPECIAL ALL -YARD GOODS • 20.'% 'Off • LADLES'. BLOUSES •-r 12 11,111 'Sale- Price :• , , BOYS WINDBREAKERS. 10 to ..18, Sale Price, $1.98 DRAPERY REMNANTS' ,' 25c to 50c. WOOL BLANKETS.$3.79. LADIES' COTTON .SLIPS Pink • 'size 34•.only lac WORK SOX.` • 29c REVERSIBLE ' SCATTER MATS 18 x• 30 $1:49 '.. LADIES' COTTON SKIRTS - $1.98 •CHENIL'LE 'BEDSPREADS. ,At special :prices. TERRY HAND TOWELLING • 39c and 47c MEN'S DRESS .PANTS Values ' to $14.95, . '40, pair .— at $4A9 pr. plus alterations. HOUSEDRESSES .— - $3.98 and $2;98 reg.,. Sale $2.49 BOYS' .WASH ,PANTS •— '6 to 18' 125 pair.' at $1.98 pr.: FLANNELETTE Reg..' 69c: yd..:. Sale :....., .49c. PLACE 'MATS 1Sc LADIES' 'CAR -COATS -- Spring and fall, I%s.: to 1 off.' MEN'S WINDBREAKERS' Sizes • 36-46. Clearance of 'last • season's styles, values., to $19:95, • : ,. Sale . $2.98 and $4.05' ' RACK OF DRESSES Special clearings of better dresses broken sizes and asst' styles, 'reg... prices. were up to `$19:95..,While they ,oast. $2.98 No EXCHANGE or . REFUNDS: 36" • WHITE FLANNELETTE 10 'yd. for• $350; ..:coloured 5 yd: for •$2.49, gold, green,, , blue, . pink. First Quality FLANNELETTE Blankets 7,0x90 80 x.90 $4.59 °pair' 55.49. 'pair LADIES, LADIES' WEAR - 1/2 PRICE Rack —'• consisting of shorts;. pedal -pushers; • slims, . ,short, and slim sets,' blouses and boleros. broken sizes, ,y • ALL OTHER SUMI��E SPORTSWEAR • 20% off SUMMER DRESSES, ' • ' • Sizes • 9-19, 10-20, 141/2-241/2" .. -- Less . 2Q%.• . SUMMER MILLINERY i,t Off SMOCKS 40 only. -= .ani assortment' of sites, shades and patterns. Sizes • 12 to 20, only $1:,09 BRUNCH' c`QXTS'_.. Size'. 12 to 20, Sale .price \ $1.98, WEAR' ;/ SO .SUMMER' 'COTTONS' Values to $8:95; Sale price $5.95 or 2 •for • $1.0.00 SH I Fi'S `.— Values to $8.93 Sale, price : ; . • $1,98 to $6.95 NYLONS .:. ist' quality .-.. Seams;. Discon- tinued lines; Our 98c and $1.50' lines, Sale` 59c or 2 'pr... for $1.00 BATHING' SUITS Less 20% few .at � price, Many bther .ltems Sale Tagged! Which Space Does Not Permit'. To ' Advertise. -PLUS ,-:: a DISCOUNT ' On Alt Merchandise . Which ,1s Not Said • Tagged, • C (NO . PHONE 528.2120