The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 517. 3. on .n- m e; ;it ►b s- te... id is n,. C. •s, ne • qtr• er th Y. rip • at Er. nd it= ,nt nd in.. >n ed nd nd ud. rs. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1964. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW 'ONTARIO • PensHistorical Review.Qf�75 Years Expecf 450. At !n The Life Of OIive Congregatjon: ' Area Convention (By M'rs... Oliver ' McCharles ); a �T On July 5th, ,•i964, the congrega- tion of _„Olivet United Church cele-' brated the )75th anniversary of their founding - In the year 1889 the faith and 'coura'ge of our forefathers set them_. to builda place of worship for they and their children.,• This Church was to be :known as Olivet Methodist Church, situated. on the corner of the second concession of Huron. 'township and. the' 15th Side- road. Before that timea small 'Church on the farm of Joseph Coiling, "known .as Virden and services iat Clover Valley School:. house serer ed , the. needs . of. the first settlers. Six ' young • men entered' the min- istry in ' one age group.. Although some were of ':other churches. •••••••••••i•••••00000000000.0000000000000•0•00.9, • • • • • • • • ' ®: • ••��tl► . I • • • • ,: • • • • ', Olivet . had an influence on their lives a,s a community. Duncan MacTavish, Fred• Mac- Tavish, T. C. . Wilkinson,. A. V. Walden and Edgar Roulston along 'with Charles • McGillivray have served in many 'churches in var- ious parts of the Dominion. Olivet, at'firs0a frame building on the land' given by Adam Wil- son for the sum of, $100; to make this deal legal was •bricked . over in ' •.1905.. This brick was brought several miles on,' wagons. It ; had to :be loaded and uploaded by: hand .one brick ate:a time tossed, frons one to the. other. Four churches made up ; the., cir cuit,' Olivet, ' Ripley, Clarke and Holyrood., Local preachers . were ,.appointed as a'minister could only .• •. Ana lo: ar= fns 10. (4).!' Or' • wa mt 8t. ool �Nd a rne ;• f ; # w� f • • rJ• • k yrs , 'a}r .:; :`.>•� • .. Ho-•• :1.� • •fit.. •• •. • • • IY�uNeed.. • • • • • ,, • •' . • • PASTURE. DAIRY CATION •. . . • ,;.;....,:...,..............,;...,....,...:,..,„#,E#Ew.,,. :. . • o ere.: fed' well," . ...all �''. : 'the fact dairy cattle w• Despite , wintercould . lose . weight if fed only lush, . ; •• they Pastureso are'high in 'protein. ,but • • green' pasture. • low in carbohydrates and energy. • • •• • : • PASTURE' DAIRY' RATION is high• o' SI-IUB=�A�I• rovides the . _ . _ h__4 ates and hue p energy a. h green • p2as'ttires Maintain'.' your --herd• • -lacking in ly° oW:in Season • ••• • production • ,eut e wth•.SHURZAIN PASTURE DAIRY• •RATION. •• • • • •• • •• °: • • •• •' • • • •• kno : L�J w Phone 52$2026 4164,•4404i•i•i•••• l•o i ••000 , . 4040410.4 • •• 0 ' • • •, • • • • • feed service ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS Lid. the Thirteen members of'' the Grey- Bruce Area executive . met i n Wiarton, •.Tuesday, July, 14th% to make 'further plans for the. 6th Annual 'convention of the Women's Institute when ;it will • meet . in:. Wiarton„. October 29th and . 30th, 1964: They met with members of the Wiarton. •W.I. and other organ- izations who will be billeting and . catering 'for • this group. As the dates' are most favourable = for rural people and after -'the . tourist 'Season, it is • anticipated . that•..450 or more ; may attend. Convention' theme will be "Your neighbor needs you.:. The banquet. on Thursday even- ing, . October 29th is always a,• highlight. The guest speaker will be Kate Aitken, 'Toronto,: who: is very well known for. many years work in radio. •.Miss. Florence P. Eadie, a Field .. Worker in the Northwest Territories, where many new Women's. Institutes have been formed, • will -show slides. Wiarton Public School choir will entertain. Request for banquet tickets should be' in ': the hands 'of . Mrs. T. J. Cornish,' Chesley, 'September 15th. Mrs. Sand'lie, Colpoy's Bay, a weaver of • some distinction, :will have a• displayand give a com- mentary, which ' should be • most interesting., Many .other , features make for an interesting two days, with registration Thursday at 9:00 a.m. In Grey -Bruce area there are 138 branches, 9 . districts, with a total membership of 3,341. Mrs. Harvey Itouston, Public Relations Officer. handle three churches on a Sun- day, travelling by horse and bug- gy or . cutter. When the church was opened. and dedicated, three services were conducted .to. an overflow crowd each time. It is noted that one service was taken by ' Rev. Sutherland, a : Presbyterian : min- ister-from inister from Ripley. • This shows the fine ' spirit 'of fellowship between lr 'two denominations s• A Women's Missionary Society was formed in September, 1914. at the home of Mrs. Wes Thompson,.. The Epworth League ; of • young :people was formed in 1895., In 1925:. Olivet, along with' Many other .churches, became a United Church of .Canada The community around this church is a closly knit .one and many are the gatherings and - stor- ies g told.: The. first organ • was ' 'bought' in 1908: Price of coal:oil was18cents g a silomat- ches and . ' were ,.5 cents a box, taxes. were $10.00,' insurance $1.45; min- ister's salaries ` were .'about ' $550.- 00. Weddings have been few in this church. The: first one was in Sep- tember 29,, •1896 when Kate. Jeater and Sandy MacMurchy were un ited . in marriage. The ' next was in September, 1934'; when Marion E. McGillivray was united in. marriage, to Oliver. A. McCharles.'. Only eleven weddings have taken place since that time in this small church. which now serves about twenty .families= One local preacher was known far and. ' wide, as;the. man who; pulled the fringe on . the pulpit cloth • during the sermon. Another story told is one on a girl who tried to • explain the' meaning, of the different flags ' . calling • the Irish flag, Pat's flag which made the Irish settlers a bit hostile. I At •one service, long since for; gotten, two girls with flowers on their hats„xwere , asked ..by_the' presiding layman • to kneel. Of course everyone knew. who the PAGE FIVE Ile delivers. your' CO-OP* Gasoline, Fuel Oil. and' Lubricants.' As a Co-operative employee he is.' directly' responsible} to the'owners... you and your fellow fi members. That's one of the reasons why..• you get his ob special brand of conscientious service ... friendly, courteous;: and co-operativ .. Like his.many °COOP f. petroleum products for:car, truck, tractor and home, heis ca pfetely dependable ..:. that's because;(your ..;; Co-operative really does have your ' interest at' heart. p" Lucknow Phone '528-2125 'Registered ?rade Mark,' You Can Always Depend on CO-OP GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS and .Mrs . Mrs.' Gordon Kirkland Allan Ritchie.: A thank -you. • note' ,' x.91. Mrs.Frank . .Bit= Was � read:.from chie. The program was" then tura ed 'over to Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and { the 'following numbers, were heard. Zion tl.c` W.. m . Duet, Charlene and Joanie An-: The July meeting ox Zion U.C.W. derson; 'reading, Wanda Hunter; was;' held it Lucknow Park .in the solo,'Bryce Ritchie; recitation, form •. of a 'picnic , • as : this was -the Donald Ritchie; duet, Donna anci children's meeting: After'. opening Elva Ritchie;reading,• Marybelle exercises.: the, roll'call was :ens ' Hunter;solos by :Brenda. 'Ritchie, . weied .• by 17 members` with the 1 Janet Ritchie, Catherine,' Duns - naming of a children's hymn. The muir. • After the' closing ' hymn, ' • - Scripture Was ' read by . Marilyn: Mrs. Kaiser closed the meeting Brooks.' During the business per- with • prayer,-?& lunch•was served - iod orders were. taken for the by .the hostesses for . July, Mrs... new Book • "God and His Pur- Kirkland, Mrs., L. Co*, Mrs: H. pose." The first.chapter of, this .Ritchie, Mrs., Wes Ritchie with the book ..is to be prepared by Mrs. ice cream cones for. the.. children .Chas. Wilkins for the :September much enjoyed. Thee' August meet meeting,' • with`; the chapter , from ing' will be 'held at 'the home of The , Word • and •.The . Way for the Mrs, Allan Ritchie. August meeting to' be taken by ' , Mrs. Jim Hunter,. It was'decided, . _Duncan McCallum, -Hanover town if agreeable with the . •. Sunday ;.clerk ' is • a graduat+e: this year of • School; the ladies would ,loin with t h e municipal clerks training. them . for the • "Church Service"course. This is a correspondence August 9th.flans were made for course conducted by. Queen's. Un - the '•` wedding dinner' the ladies are iversity. Mrs..McCallum y is ,.the catering to this month; . The vis- former Lillian Osborne . of Hutton ,. iters for , the coming month are Township. .w. . a girls were and by this time they had red 'faces to go with' the flowered .bonnets A. cortinunity ball park "across from the church provided many happy times for ` the people of the area. Picnics at Point Clarke were an 'annual outing, when ev- eryone who could pile in the old' democrat spent the day at, the. lake To -day this picnic is • as eagerly looked to'as in the days gone by t livet, as in many Change at •� 0 other rural omiaunities, has made the congregation small but eager to carry the torch set by -the build- ers of this place of worship in 1889 . es®•o0••� .. RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom ;Butchering Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 pain.' Cutting and Wrappink, . 2c pound CATTLE, 'CALVES -and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking -.. . Beef, Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, 1-iaif or Quarter, .. . ;For Better Service, And Lower Prices -- Call Ripley 100. Chas. Hooisma --' Prop. s.