The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-22, Page 3WEDNESDAY,; .JULY 22nd, 1964,. 40■■■■■■■■■•■■■■Nagaaagaea■ • i Dr® •i �.r i'. THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • • ■ E••■BagE■■BrBnBEB■BBB■BE■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■t • PAGE THREE LOc.AL and: GENERAL NEWS •, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Welsh of • Oshawa visited last Week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Plowright. -Mr. and Mrs: ---'ilex Hamilton • spent the week -end in ' k London a with Mr.. and .Mrs. Doug Clark. • Robert "Rae of T,ucknow • teturn .. ... -� .�� ■ edhome last week -end. -after eight is • ■ weeks • in Victoria Hospital Lon • don._ David 'Thompson and Jim Mac- Donald are attending a second year student militia training course a. t Niagaraon t h e Lake. The camp is for five weeks. . The residence of : Mrs. Duncan McConnell in Lucknow isbeing advertised, for rent this'week Harold Cook, ' who had. previously rented. it, <changed his, plans; and returned • : Bob Lyons,' Jr.., returned home • fin Friday after being, hospitalized • for a week in Wingham •with plea-: ■ risy. to Kapuskasing• Mr, and., Mrs. John Mowbray • are spending • their . holidays in Quebec. • They , plan .:to . visit the .city of Quebec, the Thousand Is- lands and Upper Canada Village on the St. Lawrence. • • Circle 5 Best Buys. Heinz Foods 5 ior 49c Str. or Jr., 5 oz. ist • �� Dog Cham'p Food 4 for49c 'Dr. Ballards,. 15 oz. .11 Orange•Juice . 73c Treesweet, 48 oz: Kleenex�:�■ Tissues ' � 2 � for 49. Flat Fold, pkg. 400 Tissue: 4 for 49c White Swan, .white•or' coloured, rolls JeIIy�Powders � 5 for 49c• 11 Red & White, pkg, s • CircleFeatures 5: 1,92U (0511 Pries Worth' .$50;000 In Our Circle 5 Game e` r Robert ' 'Young ' returned last ■ week to Schefferville, Quebec; af- s ter holidaying : for a few weeks • with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. ■ Wes Young of Langside. • .1 • Lloyd Henderson and . his •five r • nieces, daughters of Mr. and . Mrs. • Play it like .Bingo.' Get your free cards. George Wraith' of Goderich,. visit each time you visit our. store. New set.: ed • recently with Mr. • and Mrs. of, numbers in : this ad each week. All cards •� Bob Hamilton of. Lucknow. can be used .for the entire :ten week' contest.t■ lade George Wraith (Eileen • •Henderson).. of Goderich is a pa The Winning Numbers Carne No. 5 trent in Victoria Hospital, London. ■ Sharon Mowbray ' of • Lucknow 2 8 " 10 has been attending CGIT camp at. Mirainichi., . 16 1.8 ,, 20 22 28 ■. 30 32 . .34 40 42 44 46 48. i 50 60 62 68 70 72 74 .■ 8Q . .82' 88 90 92 94 ::1.00 For Nect'v, a Weeks Q . When ' Sentinel Is On Holidays Check Our Window ' r• .Wi.nn.ing ' Numbers ■ • • Mr.. and ' ' Mrs. Fred . Steward of London are 'visiting with his moth- er, • Mrs. Charles' Steward. Mr: and . Mrs... Herb Nesbitt, Elizabeth and . Jon: David of At lanta, Georgia, are visiting with • her , parents Mr. .and Mrs; Wel- lington :Henderson. • Mr. and Mit. Gene MacKenzie and : Janice of Oshawa are visit- ing visit- ing . this week with Mrs • Annie Jewitt, ' Lucknow. Wm: F. Thompson who has been Coffee in $3c , � a patient'� � Western. Hospital, ■ Blend, . 3c off, 1 lb, Toronto, for several weeks; and Red,.' .& 'White where heundewent' surgery, y, •is • • - .elf IYI showing. gradual'improvement. Carnation Milk for ` errs.; VV. ; Alton ` and daughters, Anne and Nancy of VValkerton; It Evap., tall tins visited recentlyin ' i ■ Pork: 3. Ripley 'with ■ Mix ern Beans with York Brand, 20 oz. Fancy Peas, York- J-Brand,•--15---oz Cut Green Beans York , Brand, IS oz. '. ■ atch'ern ' Feature ■ • forr• 49c I Blue Bonnet Marg.. ■ Parchment coloured pack, 3 Ib. pack. Black Pe • Supreme, save 25c, 4 'oz. Habitant Soups .:2. for:.37c 1 Pea & Vegetable, 28. Kool-Aid Pkgs. 1.0 for 49c a Regular : Supreme Ice .Cream Donuts 2 doz:�49c. • Sunspun, ' pint brick- s Pineapple...�' 2 for 49c Bananas• *Sl�ced �! Gold Reef, choice, .20 oz. Cranberries Ocean Spray, 15 oz. Leciver's Mushrooms Mrs. R. H. Martyn,, before leav- ing for • trip abroad. They Will. spend six weeks, in Britain and. •■ the continent or 49c•.. , ■ 1•••••••••••••••••••r••••••i••••••S•••••i.•••••••1. THE SQUARE: E '. PARK s ` � coae�;:res. Showti;nes — ; 7:30 and 9:30 . p.m.} 1, SUNSET Drive-in HIGHWAY' 8 EAST OF G•ODERICH Now Thur., Fri.; Sat., July. 23-24-2S' "MA and •PA KETTLE In the OZARKS" Plus • the Technicolor thrill -show. . "GLADIATORS 'SEVEN". Mon., 'Tues., Wed, July 27-28:29 June, Thorburn ,.& James `:Jeffries "The.: Crimson Blade": Color. Plus Joey Dee & Lynn Fraser in "Two Tickets To Paris" Thurs.,' Fri., Sat., July 30-31, Aug:.1: "TAMAHINE" In' scope and color with Nancy Kwan and ' John. Fraser also_ `Abbott: and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops' Coming. "Tammy' Tell Me .True" •: SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Children under 12, in . cars, FREE. • r": i AT for 49c e THE • ■ ■ :.1 3c■NI Stems and pieces, .10 , oz. • Now .Playing, Thursday;• Friday,;' Saturday,:` •July 23-24.25 . • -2. LASSIE'S GREAT ADVENTURE" . • 'in. color 5: • . • c Starring 'Jon Provost,. June L, ck and 'Lassie •' • • Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday,` July 2 : 8-29 ' , • j' • ' • , Burl Ives,'Millie Perkins 'and Robert•.; Walker e • ,•j In a ;new and' :refreshing.nautical comedy. a; • .. "ENSIGN PULVER"• • ' •• • — In • . Cinemascope and . Technicolor — •• •' .• • Shortcake , • ■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July, . 30-31, :August 1 „ i. • .ELVIS PRESLEY, Glenda Farrell.and Pamela . Austin Shortcake 35c " ■ . ,• Tell , what:. happens when a missile .base invades hillbilly Weston, Frost, 'n' Serve,. reg. 39c each • .• territory I �' • KISSIN COUS NS. • Scope and Color ••t 3 lbs. for 49c1:• • Coming:. "Honeymoon Hotel" -. Robert Goulgt & Nancy Kwan 6 ■ oat■eemesse•oommose •eaao•••n sepias •o•••iteme•ees ■• sumemoisi i■paiai.■IE■i�i■■i ._..0 ..._�� .�.. _. y Peanut„ . Buter 2 for 49c �.: Red & White,; save •9c, 9 oz. • MEAT SPECIALS . 55c sBreas1s Chicken .Leg, '• * Choice plump, lb. Skinless •Wien'e;rs, • 6 ;oz. flex pack: 11 Bacon • i Iusaine ■■■■iawateas With N1rs. ,lean Mrs. Tom MacKen�aie and �Bruce . Sunday visitors wit _ .grs. Jerry- spent a week on the . pp England. were Mr� and Mrs. , _ Kingston. tawa FVailey Route. They were, s andt- family of � Mrs, Maci(,. Bering employed ed at: Tre, , comPan�ed by H. Cooke 'S Mr, Herm .was p Y leaven's Flour Mill several years d'inother, Mrs=: . ,ago. !North Bay Ib: 49c p. fIat:pk.; 65c all's Re.0a PHONE $28.300`1 FREE DELIVER�t” ■ "e•rises■lininsm■i■■wee■itii■iii■ieitli■i■■i ■il. M/IIAYM'!��'BAMA .- Jim Hamilton, Boundary West, is a• patient in Westminster Hos- pital; London. He has been there. for a couple of: weeks with no word of returning home at pres- •enl . • • .Frozen food : Feature MeatPies 2 .for4 Birds Eye, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, pkgs.. Fancy Peas Supreme Brand, 2 lb. econ, ' bag For Speedy Shopping USE OUR REAR -OF -STORE Pdkiiip_.. Lot: Enter •and leave store by. the rear entrance: • ■.• . LYCEVM.-Wiflghaifl t •_,�■ • : ' .: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, •SATURD'AY ' • JULY 23.24=25' • i ■ "Lassie's great Advenfure"is 9c■. .• : ' ' ' Colour ..: i• ■ 1•Starring:' Lassie, 'June Lockhart; , Hugh ,Reilly & Jon Provost :El i This is the latest Lassie adventure which• is guaranteed to' • altouch the hearts 'of old and young. • Bring' your. children 'to • • ; ■•. see this one.. m ■. ■: ■. ■ ■ •■ I■ SI Starring: Jerry, ■ ■ ■ • • MONDAY; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JULY 27-28.29 ■ .■ . ■ 'Rock-A•Bye Baby" is It's in not fact Jerryit's's e Food Store Marilyn Colour Lewis, Maxwell, Connie. Stevens and Reginald Gardner ; neReginald but. � funniest ftlnWfor the whop family. ione of .his s ■• THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY . JULY 3041, 'AUG., 1 ■ • SPECIAL E "South Pacific".. .., ■iii . R Colour ■, 1' Starring: Rossano Brazzi, Mitzi Gaynor and Ray Walston •' • Here is one of the all-time greatmusicals returnini to our i IIIscreen :for a. return engagement, See ' it this tinie, for• sure.le III:. le PLEASE' NOTE that the Lyceum Theatre will be dosed for the week of ,August 3rct for vacation• le ,0•••••ia■aeae■er■li' ]rime■■ sseiisi■is••••l•■ir•l•••11