The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-08, Page 4• PAGE_ , FOUR;. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, :LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. r' toy o.....+ i.••. •t. wet WTI* WYc R �K"4't � tial " _ Ger�.rrnll A,Mcr. J1 q. 74 A. f t1tyr & `•I�ry+Vv larirc . lar N M4. 440,1' YARKRR MM, 1* Cltrt MawMr tmnM.'MIME,/, _" • 4 tt IA 4—„. M;' CII '.. WEDNESDAY, JULY .8th, • 19414: 1 4 cAVAI c•r±' li'E : ' !�r" -i� CASHIEWIECKEk a 44417.1 4$ w t[ i 0 A10R'' ll„ ... CLERICALS•ACCTG $7085 M4K;f o,°ln trrw M•«1 11 w 4. ir.......M.' •...r1,1. *w.-..•.....; all/ a .nr... w. 0•A.; w FOR SALE HOUSEFOR . SALE - 6 -room house, modern... Havelock :Street • South.; r 3. E. MacDonald, , phone. '528-2170. • . FOR SALE three ponies. Apply Julia. McNall, Belgrave. 1' FOR 'SALE. -- ..Hereford . calf, 1 week 'old: Elmer Vance; • R.R. 1 Holyrood, phone Bervie 2451. FOR SALE —' . Fresh v getables: and potatoes.... James Min, :low second concession of Huron. ;FOR SALE - 160 -acre -farm, K. Hopper.; 2nd concession' of Huron, apply. " after: 6 p.m.' or: Saturday. PIANO FOR SALE -' in good condition. Phone 357-2524 Wing ham, Mrs. . George Deyef 1, ' 53 John St. FOR SALE ' Registered. Holstein cow :-` third calf due within week:. Ira Dickie, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 126-28 Ripley, FOR SALE _ baby 'stoner with top in real good condition;: Mrs. Gordon • Brooks; Lucknow, phone 518-2290 FOR SALE; .- 15 acres standing' bay, timothy' and alfalfa :' mixed: Henry : Gardner, Zion, phone Dun- •gannon 529-7226. - 'FOR' SALE' used Thistle ,baby buggy, lie:new; 1,950 Dodge, Priced ' for quick sale. J. R. King, Lucknow, phone: 528 -3210 -- CAR FOR •SALE ' - 1953' . Belair Chev., one owner,: good condition also davenport, wine colour. • Mrs Harvey Maize, Lucknow, °phone 54128.3934.. HOUSE F:ORN.SALE . — five room. house in. 'Lucknow on' Campbell. 'St.; all modern, 'conveniences, at- tached, garage. Bob Hamilton, Lucknow, :phone 5282326, FOR -SALE HAY FOR • SALE - . about 2 fields, mixed, about 26 acres, Gordon Hodgkinson, Knlough,r . HAY FOR SALE — 20 acres • of standing hay. Oliver McCharles,• .phone . 4-r4'. Ripley. FOR ' SALE — 1959. Meteor, 6- cylinder, stick shift, custom rad io, wheel discs, good ' condition. Phone Dungannon 529-7504.• FOR SALE two single beds, complete; China cabinet and. stu- dio.. tu-dio. couch. All 'in good : condition. Ewart MacPherson, Lucknow. FOR SALE . Bell , City thresh- ing machine, 24' : x 40 with Eber- sol grain thrower. 'and shredder, 140 ft, drive -belt. Orland, Rich- ards; R R ` 3 ;Lucknow, phone ' 78- x-16 Ripley:• EW SADDLES FOR SALE $3944. at - :FAI RBAI RN'S MILEAGE STATION' OR'ANGEVILLE Write For: Free ,..'Descriptio • n. SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks,...cess pools, etc., pumped and " cleaned ---with : mod= ern ` equipment. All work guar- anteed ' Louis. Blake, :'R. 2 :Brus- sels, sels, phone 442-w-6. 'CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and.. pork sold in; any quantity. Custom.. butchering in -Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tu,sday. Beef from Monday through 'Thursday . E LITTON'S MEAT MARKET AUCTION SAL£ '4FOOD FOR: SALE Hardwood .' Allain Macro r is Rawleigh Service amongst your or s ttwood-- slabs Licensed Auct`ar - ne ds d relatives. � Bett _r than h 9 Lucknow 528-351 PHONE'.. 84.i'34' CULROSS CORNERS COMING EVENTS • WEDDING •RECEPTION A reception will be held. for Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Cameron (Emmel- ine Miller), on' Saturday,. July 11 at 10 pan. at the Lucknow Legion Hall. , Willoughby. Orchestra. , . NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:'45 Lucknow, 15 regulargames—''$10.00 each, 4 Share-The-Wealthgames with in jackpot' included' each game: Jackpot this week $80,00 on. 59. calls.: CHICKEN and 'PIG TAILS BARBECUE At' Elliotis' Beach Bar Amberley Beach EVERY : SATURDAY NIGHT 6;00 p.m. to .'???9 Chicken :$1:50 i Pig Rails $1.25 children's ,:portion ANDREW = LANE REUNION The' Andrew. •— Lane : annual :• re- union ' will be held :at the Ash- field park on''Saturday, ' July 18th: All members of • the, clan .consider this as your invitation . and please. inform . all members` of your fam- ilies, who may not take "The' Sen- tinel." IN ' MEMORIAM HUNTER -- In loving memory of a dear 'husband and father,..Ja- cob . Ja- cob Hunter, who. passed away July. 9, 1959. • • You left so quietly, your : thoughts. I unknown. • But • you ' left a memory we: are' proud to own ' Though absent . you are very, near Still loved, still ed deer Congratulations to: Mr, and Mrs; Frank • Murray, on . thea birth of a daughter in Wingham Hospital.. Miss Sharon Stanley spent a few days' with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kaake , and Larry •Stanley, Walkerton; ' Mr. •and Mrs Keith Hackett and family, Islington and Mrs..' Tom Hackett, ,Ashfield, visited Tuesday mess and• r with Mr. and. Mrs. Midford Wall dear. a. and Donnie. • Miss ' Marian Harris was .with Mr. and Mrs:. Bert Harris and Sandra,. Teeswater, the first of the holidays. - Miss :Marie Seeking Who teach es at Galt, spent, last week' with her parents; '.Mr. and, Mrs:. Lorne Decking.. She is.: now attending s. summer . school iii Toronto:: Floyd Stanley is, taking a su''m :;' mer ` school course' , in Guelph. Miss • Donna Wall, North Bruce visited last week with Miss Doris Wall .. . Mr,.- and' .Mrs. 'Pan Tollefson of Islington spent ' several' .days with Mr., and Mrs. Ezra Stanley~ and attended ; the family picnic: Bruce. Parker,. has gone • to kap. uskasing where he is employed: • Lois, . Linda. and . Kenny Wall spent some • time with 'Mr. and Mrs ; , Grant 'Wall" and family of North Bruce. • On Friday, evening several from the community attended the re- ception ' at Holyrood for Mr. and Mrs.: Bob. Smith; (nee: Sheila Hal- denby). • . Miss• Jean Harris. is . visiting Mr. and. Mrs: --:Bert 'Harris; Teeswater-;--T Lovingly • remembered by wife and family.. . MORRISON -' In memory of ', Murdoch .. Morrison, who', passed, away July ,14th, 1963. :We do not know the pain he: borer, We did not see liim die We'' only know he passed away, I Without a ' last. good=bye. Lovingly.: remembered. by sis- ters, Mary, : •Acie and Elsie. MORRISON; - In memory' of Murdoch Morrison . who. passed away July 14th, . 1963. bell Twilight 'and 'evening . And ' after that. the 'dark ! _ And may there .be no sadness of. farewell : • When I embark. ' Ever remembered by - nieces Hazel, Lexie' and •Laura. BINGO `AT TEESWATER BB ..' v d : Redi-Mix: oe • Don't forget: the• big cash. bingo in: the Teeswater Arena this Fri- day night, , July 10th, commencing at 9 •' ' o'clock, sponsored : by the Lions Club for welfare"work. Ad- mission --$1.00, extra and special. cards 25 -or -5 -for, $100.,'• SCOUT` CHURCH 'SERVICE Annual Kinloss Boy . Scout out- door church. service' will be held, at Camp Martyn, Inverhuron : 'on Sunday, July 19; at 3;00 p.m Guest .' speaker: Everybody > wel- come.. WANTED e YOU EARN more' :money: giving. in '10 ' co .. r_ . _ -f • n an • -Better-than e .. • ,. loads. We `deliver. Borden Litt, r aIle working' for a boss. Rasa" to . start. Write. 'Rawleigh, .L pt_ .4005 Rich' ,a�vmill, phone 39276895 Teeswater. FOR SALE Jersey , cows, . good ; ga;liity, heavy producers, cash or terms to, 30 months G L. Martin, R.R. 4 Goder•ich;'' phone :Goderieb 524-6315: r • NOTICES elieu St: St, Henry_ Montreal. • NOTICE Maple : Grove L.O.L.1044 . will. hold its regular meeting in Zion Hall : on Thursday,. July 9. Every -FOR S.4T E — Registei ed North oae . requested to •attend Country Cheviot •ram. three yearsold, Charles Anderson, R.R. 3 NOTICE Lucknow, phone Dungannon 5 : GLASS 'VINEGARJUGS, 7115.The Kinloss Boy Slcouts are col- .Plant To Teeswater Maitland Redi-Mix' Concrete Pro- ducts, . Ltd., ' have moved their plan (torn Highway east= of Bluevale; to Teeswater. The firm. has .another plant at: Listowel. The. ' manager,. . Elmer ; :Pardon; points•out that: the move to Tees water ' was 'Made:. to better`' serve this district with quality.: . concr..ete for all purposes. i,;- Mr.: Purdon �s a;, native ofi West' Wawanosh, ;a son.' of the `'late Mr.' and. Mrs. James Pardon.. Elmer's brother, Bill'Purdon, operates' the home farm in West.Wawanosh. The' plant Moving, task was ac -com lis. e d with� a hi mm mu m of A _, -- - . _: n. . delay: They shut down the High- can y girl a er!ear t even' add often -distract. way 88. operation, on Tuesday, June' 'Chivalry -A' 23rd and were back'•.in operation . male Instinet' which , rompts 'a man to' protect a wo- • • • • Miss ,Elda Wall,. 'London, . spent •; Dominidn: Day . at her. '. home ; here. On Saturday thedescendants of Mr. and . Mrs. Edward . Stanley ;: ;gathered at Camp -Keewatin for a family . picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar .. Guest and ` : family, Uranium City, are visit- ing relatives here.. Mrs: Frank Brown . spent the week -end in ' Teeswater with Mrs, Harry McKague. • at Teeswater on Thursday after,.man" from every man but him- _: _ : � : ' - • noon of that week THAr'K cc,. • • 4 s. • so` DON'S ..i.,; ,. treats and vsi#ed ' nip w bile � '• . �: � : e" ital and also : doctorsand nurses: • Special thanks to. all • who • SERVICE.. helped take off the hay. ' r Gordon Struthers • Experiences lecting 'glass vinegar . jugs of • : all Mrs. Orland. Richards wishes :to•' . All Work Guaranteed • ' PEN -S, PENCILS. `calendars;`. nov- sizes during July and. August. express sincere thanks to • all her • as • QL1YET-NEWS a, ( too late for last week Y e •Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Walter Dexter at: II•' tended the • wedding of.a .cou'sir' .' in Midland, 'Mich. on' Saturday:' :. Among some three hundred guests • prompt Ser ; 'Guaranteedthey only '. Canadians• ' elty items with our .name • Would everyone wishingto Met us friends who remembered' her with 6•vice • ed'` for businesses,1 have your jugs' please lea-ve. them "cards' and. i.-isited •hoer; while ',ra' • esent were a -. on.o aIl . types of . ; , . •. ' Reasonaihie. Rates • P Sympathy is extended to Mr.. 7any Scout .'home. or •at Kin- patient in vein m are. 2; -affable right ,in Luck- , Tn h>Ysptial. • i, p ON _ and Mrs. David: King and family` now from the Lucknow Sent •- ' or at Mrs Jas: .- . • • • . E 184,. • RIPLEY • of Teeswater. Their son Clair loss and . �' to stores arm 3�i d• ' ' a Hendersa3n arid' children • •••11•p••+ „Coilingand •famil , attended + • Luc�ow.� fihank s•ou.vai y • ply ting rel- ¢. and appreciation. to •. all. � � '3piece bath. new .oil furnace. newkind., . • ex -1 [heir home here. , • . . pression of syrrr a by at the time i I . ; Mr. and Mrs:• Ken •Bradley and:• Phone �"`-313, Let , .us -e you SBc-erwaods Egg Grading plant m array an _ Gertz ilws•s41•••••Ib• o passed away Mr and mri Mel the funeral on Monday. ' an, estimate. 'HOUSE FOR SALE. - Hthse and, , ?UT SENTINEL ADS TO .WORK eaves., neighbours a fr ertds for d lot in ' the Village of. Lucknow. •FOR YtiU -- PHONE 528-3134 , their .many acts and wish to express . sincere thanks - ••••••r• •..,....:,. �...,... �,,,,, - • h : an Mrs,' Earl Stacey of Cepa London spent the week -end' at S�O�lt water . ,beaterplum. builtuse and m 4t-uph:�-�..�~: . 2 -car-- oar• •� ' • � J G^ r ' ' of `berear�' • �ernent .'� • '� em�va vice' porch. 7 room bous. Property. situatEd at' ' Ha`-eloc , and Go• g,b St... See or phone T. • Henderson.. :. • . . Lu .ow family of Kincardine,, -•Mr• and Fred Moulton of 1CIn orf o � e ag e e licensed d t 'Mrs, a Dead anima) Removal� 'Ear bEAO or bi$ABL=EU ANIMALS — Call COLLECT Darling and 144my • of :C Ltd, Clirito'tt I l✓� 269 beam A.n:ursal toe • N. 262-C-63, Schuett's, Mildmay act{ut�yy �7 p5s.�u� it.�ey . L1Lokurn and Carpets,p l an .. Pianos . 'CHOICE SELECTION FREE DELIVERY TIME • ,PAYMENTS "q DISCOUNT PRICES G�dfrey. Mary or •Mt. torest ;,, .'?HANK ' YOU'` . i . 1 Kph. to 'tl ; all s '..47,1 . i T.� ., • ce se o remove visited c Sunday with am land . vow` dead,or' crippled farm Mrs. Oscar White 1}• .remembered me u ;ate .1was in t .riknais i+or sarfitary disposal. , and famStr hospital. and helped rn, fam.i v ' .. Miss Phyllis Clayton of Strati: spent the week -end . at her at beige.. A s. y ORDONt YOUNG;.. Elmira _�.►ec:.a, men.w��n. '•�„r:, w fora e ere. • 4 , Sunday Sch o . �"' " `"l . c:ass and '" MRS Go-RDON TAYLOR * ,• ,Mrs W R Frid of `Hamilton y. y N of ' re 'e Schee— _ + is visiting this week with qtr. •LAKE w.i - L Th E 1 met the• 1 -Lake . i�-. i" �1tu'te .s ~rte * ., b the home a ,. >..� .. �.. �... .0.,00.... ,Ball visited and. assisted • • .W.� u.... ' service end1V r•� opened the ..tet.'..: -kg. t a .. :, 4a w.:, •.grow better to mus• u penny sale, was •hold's t� than • 1.�r�s .� 1 n gaffe art out; close of the meeting.' a � ,. attend. .�w„e ; Doris Moulton .the :early residents 'and, Misses Janet Hamilton and lav-: was. accepted . "�.� ��,..��.:. ��- .ne � of Wyq{����,,//`�Ipj�� meeting A.'{,4 t 5.,.v��' life of the tillage ' of Kinloss elyn White were heard in 'a duet - �. ' B:ackliti��•se . Life of .L o, r d 5"V.>r0450... ell. ssto a . Luckno�v� � �' and Mrs. W T.:� . oil n and SILVER L' p ice Jack. 1.., o�rr• Scrt� .y ''r•ence ,�-as,,., e xp overs at churc• L i1'� J�y'i �• y' .1� v . meo$:.+ of hl e` •• 21 • and x21159 on Thursdayafter school. Re4..er� J414 3/� uw ..p"<.rF.w..,.'�•+.. a��ri ��Y J�...J�.j T" p _ F>_a , T'��.r* ',..,,,,..4, ..P d �h inl the worship A on Sunday in the United Church Log; ..abs. So * p J:v 'r -A sratfir"• tasread by Helen accompanied by Miss Shaten Col gate .a ~t the district' Mrs. Doug 'Bannerman servedannal; Hely e, read t.'„°- lunhm. Jean C,hl ang .:a Stanae.Mrs.Glenn Young aria •¢.ling at the .organ, ;1s Your Subscription , Renewed?