The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-07-01, Page 4• PAG$ Poole 1.4./CKNOW 'SENTONEL. .'14$C.K NOW, ONTARIO eig re sell. r r e. roar Ili•M artrai=9.1411:"% WRONFISIDAY, JULY 1st, 964. 1.k/1.71 ASIE .4•11AZ /API .L.le • '1:* •••1 iota v.* CASHIEIKHECKElt CCTO .:.".5;271q7114-7.1_10174,. • - INFO arra reireei, WA, Orreire • elVillpiak4430 41 .•1.0.•••••41.9 serraro• ea re • • • . • •444 F.OR SALE FREE PUPS — two part German Shepherd — collie pups. Come and get them. Elmer Forma, R.R. 2 Lucknow. • • FOR SALE — feed barley and spring wheat, Gerry. Van Beers, phone, Bervie 2474. CAR • FOR SALE 1957, Ford sedan, in good condition, reason- able for quick sale, Ted Collyer, R.R. 5 Lucknow,* phone 528-5182. CUSTOM HAY BALING Fru* Alton, phone 529-7218 'Dungannon. FOR SALE Case A 6 combine, pull type 'with motor in A.1 con- dition; also McCormick Deering 7 foot binder. Gordon Drennan, Highway 21, 2 miles northof Kin- . • • • . . .. • HOUSE FOR. SALE -- 6 -room. house, ,modern, Havelock Street South, possession June or early July. J. E. MacDonald, phone 528- 2170 HOUSE FOR SALE — five room house .in Lucknow on Campbell . St., all modern conveniences, at-. • tached garage. 'Bob Hamilton, 4 ;Lucknow, phone 528-2326. • FOR SALE..— small Astrol frig, Suitable for _cottage or cabin trailor, in A-1 working Condition. Lucknow 'and District Co-op. rti V• •• • IV; '. • . FOR SALE -- Brick house in Belgrave, 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, cupboards, Small barn, • shed, nearly 4 acres .of land. ,Ap- ply Julia McNeil, 13elgrave./ FOR SALE 4----Massey-Hartis- 6-foot binder in good repair; rub- ber tired wagon with 600 x 16 tires; 1948 .Chev car, with 600 x- 16 tires; 10 -foot dump rake. Wm. • E. Haldenby, Kinlough store, phone Bervie 2390. WOOD FOR SALE — Hardwood • or softwood slabs,, in 10, cord • loads. We deliver. Borden Litt, sawmill; phone -392-6895 Teeswater. • FOR SALE — Jersey cows, good quality, heavy producers, cash or terms to 10 months. G. L. Martin, • R.R. 4 Goderich, phone Goderich • 524-6315. . . • . / • •."' ' • t..) • • • .4 A; • PENS, PENCILS, calendars, nov- elty items with your name print- ed on for all types of businesses are available right here In Luck - now from the Lucknow Sentinel,* Phone 528-3134. Let us give you an estimate. . FOR SALE 2 -burner, 3 speed electric' stove, heavy wirhig, • au- tomatic oven. Phon•e after 5:00 o'clock 528-2123 • WANTED • . , STOP WORRYING about debts. Pay them by giving Rawleigh •Service in Bruce County. Estab- lished routes. Easy' to start. Nq money required. Write Rawleigh, 'Dept. G-271-615, • 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, •Montreal, • " WANTED — man wants room • and board, Apply Box . M, Luck - now .Sentinel. • • Dead Animal Removal - For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Call COLLECT. Darling / and ' • " Company of Canada Ltd. Clinton Ht.I2-7269 • bead Animal License • No. 262-C-63 FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT — situated. 7 miles south of Lucknow paved road, 7 rooms, hot and cold water on tap, built-in cup- boards, low rent, available -July •lst. Phone Dungannon 529-7295. • FOR RENT —in Lucknow, apart- ment one, block south of post of- fice, 2 bedrooms, kitchen with built in cupboards, hot and cold water on tap, • living room, 3-. piece bath, oil burner and tank, heavy •duty wiringthroughout house, garage, available July 1st, phone 141-r-1 Ripley, Margaret Carruthers, Box 173. SEPTIC CLEANEDEYRANVKISCES Septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment, All work guar- anteed.- Louis Blake, .R 2 Brus- sels, phone 442-w-6. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in . any quantity. Custom •butchering in Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. LUTTON'S MEAT MARKET AUCTION SALE Allan MacIntyre' • ---•kicensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 528-3518 IN IMMORIAIVI!.. IrLieviit_LineMory of Mrs. Lorne, Parrish who ',pass- ed away two. years ,ago July 5th. The depths of sorrow we, can •not • tell, . •• ' Y • Of the loss of one we loved 'so • And while she sleeps a peaceful Her •memory we shall always keep, • . • • Ever remembered by • husband and family. • • — in memory of Mrs. Jack Ritchie who passed away July '3rd, 1961, Our lips cannot how we miss her• Our hearts cannot tell what to say God alone knows how we miss her In a home that , is lonesome to- day Lovingly „remembered by hus- band and family. •• NOTICE NOTICE. Members oftheHorticultural Society, who wish to go on the Garden Tour, on Friday, July 3, meet at the Town Hall at 7 p.m. 4#0...••••••••••••,~0...••••••••••••,••••• PUT SENTINEL. ADS TO WORK FOR YOU — PHONE 528-3134 0 • Furnishings Schuett's, Mildmay includes . aboiit 75 suites of • .Furniture, Linoleum and CetipetS, Appliances, • Pianos. CHOICE SELECTION FREE Da.IVERY, • TIME PAYMENTS ' •.DISCOUNT PRICES Godfrey Schuett • Mildmay or Mt. Forest 4 -4 -444++.44 -*+.44--41-4-44-46.,' COMING EVENTS,. NEW CASH BINGO'* Legion Hall,Lucknow; every Thursday evening, 8:45 P,m. •15 regular games — $10,00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included in ,each game. Jackpot • this week $75.00 on 58 calls. CHICKEN and 'PIG TAILS BARBECUE At Elliotts Beach Bar • Amberley Beach EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT • 6:00 p.m. to ???? Chicken $1.50 . Pig Tails $1.25 children's portion CHURCH SERVICE Kincardine District Oran g'e•-• church service will be held on Sunday, July 5 •at the Baptist, church, Kincardine at 11 a.m. Orangemen to meet at town hall at 10:10: • . • CHURCH PARADE The annual church parade of the Kincardine District L.O.L, will be held at Kincardine Bap- tist church on Sunday, July 5 for •11:00 o'clock service. Members to Meet at the Town Hall at 10:30 a.m. • ••• ANDREW — LANE REUNION The Andrew — Lane annual re- union will be • held at the Ash- field ark on; Saturday, July 18th. members of the clan consider this as your invitation and please inform . all members of your fam- ilies, who may not take `The Sen- tinel." RI) OF THANKS - Mrs. Mary Cranston would like to thank all her friends who re - Membered her with cards and visited her while. a patient in Wingham Hospital. We would like to thank all our friends and neighbours, the U.C.W. of the United Church for their lovely cards and gifts. Also the Village of Lucknow for their beau- tiful basket of flowers, on the occasion of our .Golden Wedding anniversary. These remembrances will long be cherished by us and our (amity, • Annie and George Swan. Andrew Gaunt wishes to sin- cerely thank all those who so kindly remembered him in var- ious ways *bile he was hiispital, izecl. Such kind' and thoughtful •acts -were.. deeply appreciated. •••rrreeeer•me • 1 wish •to thank the • doctors, nurses and staff for their kind- ness while I was ,a patient In Wingham Bospital. Also the friends for flowers, cards, gifts and visits. • Mrs. Herb Finnigan, Dungannon, • I 'wish to thank all who remem- bered me! in any way, while' I was a patient in• Wingham hos- pital. ; '•• ° Cliff Kilpatrick._ 1 Mrs, Evelyn Barkwell wishes;:t exprest her thanks to all. who re- membered her with cards and gifts while in the hospital and since returning holne. • t•••••ftiosiis••••••••••••• • DON'S TV ' : 11, SERVICE • • • Ekperienced, ibo • •• . A__ Work Cuhra,nteeA 2 • • ProtrPC Service 4 AI • : Reasonable, Rates • 41 • PHONE 184,RIPLEY : • .00.0114011•41111/1101014101011.01101 • n • LANGSIDE Mr David. Wall and, Mr, Peter Steer left Monday by. train for Toronto then David goes to TOm- agimi, and Peter to Kapuskasing in Northern Ontario as junior, For- est Rangers for the summer. Good luck boys! Mrs. Edith Brown. and Barbara of • London visited Sunday • with her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans'. • • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Neable and family of . Brampton visited Sunday with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. • Wm. Neable. _ Visitors during the last. of the week with ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were Mrs, Annie Swassi Mrs. John Evans, Louie- Mc- Carthy, Tiverton, Mrs. Mary Ken- nedy of Buffalo, Mrs:. J51114 Smith, Kincardine,Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Miller,. Davidand Dean and Allan Willer, Kitchener, Mr.- and -Mrs. John Dahmer.'and faMily,of New Brunswick. • • (Intended 'for last week) • The /anniversary services at. Langside were well attended. Sev- eral made it an occasion to renew friendships and also meet and hear the former 'minister, • Rev. R. T. A. Marshall. Mrs. Marshall and family accompanied him and they were guests, • of 'Mr. • and Mrs. Frank McKenzie Saturday. night and on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Scott. Music was enjoyed at both services, the morninj by the older 'girls, a number by the men and an anthem by the choir. In the evening the junior girls and Bobby Bregman sang and two an- thems' by the choir, Mrs. • Scott • deserves much credit for her. leadership. • . • Mr and Mrs., Chester Feagary iof Goderich attended the anniver- sary and were guests.of Mr. and David. Moffat. • ' , • - Mr. • and Mrs. Allister. Hughes visited • with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans. • Best wishes for. lots of luck go to Miss Linda Johnston who has WANTED : . :Real Estate Agent: • FOR : Lucknow and . • • !strict Experience preferred, but not El • • necessary. •Apply: • : Wilfred A I ntee : And Co.. Limited • ▪ REALTOR — WALKERTON Ph. .881-27, 0- or "write - Box- 549 • ..imilimarimomminevissumesii■ • Dead Stock V• Removal Service • We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animalfor 'Sanitary digposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira, Phone 'Collect to MRS. GORDON TAYLOk 528-5950. Lucknow , 4 • hour Service Licence Nos, 215C63 and 22R63 ••••••••••••••,i44.44.44" PHONE 528-3134 PURPLE -GROVE •Mrs. .Frank Dore and Nancy visited Miss Annie °Hill, Kincar- dine. Ms.. Donald McCosh... and Mrs. Walter Forster spent Thursday with Mrs, Ardill 'Mason. , • , Mrs Howard Thompson enter- tained at a family shower in hon- our of her niece Miss Marilyn Thacker, July bride eiect, on Fri- day eeng Mrs.Burton Coliins spent a few days in Toronto. • . Some attended the entertain: mene.bY the danbing class ,in Kin- cardine on .Wednesday evening. Joan Thompson and Dianne . Dore were two of the pupils. SOine attended the auction sale of either'. Miss Mary Gaunt or estate of Norman Leeson. ' Mrs. Gordon • Patterson, Mrs. Donald McCosh, Mrs. •Walter For- , • ster, Janet, Barbara, Mary, Dor- inda and Cathy attended a Col: well shower given at Mrs. • Ardill Mason's • on Saturday, evening' in honor of Miss Annetta Forster,., bride elect. • . • Bonnie Boyle entertained • She-, lagh and Cherie Nicholson, ,Carol and Diane MacKay, Carolyn and Mary Anne 'maCDOnald on the oc-c .casion' of her birthday. • • Purple Grove Institute •held a. picnic on Friday with a good at- tendance; Mrs. Aurel Armstrong; Mrs. Peter Leeson and Mrs. Har- e Thompson were committee, :Mrs. •Howard Hollands „ was -pre- sented1With a lawn Chair by her pupils. Prizes for „picnic are iad- ies, Wanita Hollands, Gloria Mur- ray; pre-school, • PaddY • 'Murray, Marilyn Rhody; ' primary, Margie. Collins, Dlann Dore; 8 and 9 yrs.; Mary • Anne MacDonald, • Wayne Rhody; 10 and 11 . yrs., Joan 'Thompson, Marilyn Peter-. baugh; 10' and 11 yrs., boys, 'Al- lan Rhody, Allan Mackay; girls 12 and .over, Susan Farrell, Iona Leeson and Ann. Mackay tied for 2nd „place; boys 12 and over, Jim:. my Blackwell, Dale Armstrong; kick the slipper, Darlene Currie, Joan Thompson; wheelbarrow race, . Allan and. :Wayne Rhody, Bryan .Boyle and. Allan' Mackay;. relay of, toe rubbers, oranges, bean. bag .game, sack 'and bean races, peanut scramble hrought. the pic- nic to a close. • : • • started work ' at the Mutual Life in Kitchener and Miss.. Nancy Scott at London Life in London.. Both were students of Wingham High School , • UL ROSS CORNERS ' The community was shocked and saddened Thursday evening to learn of the sudden' passingof James . Wraith of .bucknoiv and.. formerly of. this Community,. We extend our sinCere. sympathy. Janice and Valerie Stanley, of Kinlossst.asnreynt,, MondayMondaywith l'Irs Ezra ' Miss Beverley Wall left last: . Wednesday . for Dwight where she' islleomnapildo):e.pdarfokrert,heFosurrilni_weiriiinim, Spent a short time .athis home, th:rtea,k.ebeafosrueinlmeaevrh,tegoar,fteer. London" ai vtatOeinnda•etdt,thhuerssdeahyool a fwteitrhimon, proceedsthe teachers and pupils ' held a earn. for the. Red dress: The mothers ToBrorunctoe. Parker spent last week with `Mr. 'and Mrs. Gary gdwards, Miss v Ruth 'Whitehead, T whtlaistserLiosipsenwttiiiTi.hurSday nightvw" f;:rnIVI,jy.rMrs, Everett Parker and and Mrs. (:ary Edwirds, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and , Congratulations ,to the Grade 8 .students who , have successfully completed their year's work , in'. Schepaptetelbe;t stlhilleirbelifset?rting another •