The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-24, Page 12S
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*By . ?BILL Z4111 -EY
WEDNESDAY;. JUNE ' 34th, 1114:
History School
Knla�s� da#�s Back TO 100 Years
(EY May Boyle;)' .
•In reviewing the• history of the `son followed Mrs.. 'Hollands and Burt, Robert .Burt, William. Burt,,
Bushell T.nmay. Bushell_ Morley
Bushell; Perry Bushell, Edward
Village of Kinlough the first men-
tion of a schoolwas in the year
1864 (one hundred years ago) ,
This school was a frame struc-
ture built on postsand situated in
ere Geo;
`taught for 4 years. • In 1948, a new Secretary -treasurers w ,
combination radio and record Malcolm, Herbert Graham (1903),
laer .. was purchased and the George Haldenby;(1925),. May
olyrood Women's - Institute pro- Boyle (1958).
d '
vided •the school °with : a fording; Trustee who haveserved are:'
the area where ' the ;Pentecostal • cot, blanket, pillow • and cases, : al; Thomas Atkinson, Thomas, Mal
Church �i ow' stands. The ,desks, .so a first: aid, kit. Miss Gibson colon, James Percy, William Ar-
were built around the ..walls`' with Was followed .by Mr. Goldie Em -
on "one side and the boys on the .The 'next ,teacher was Mrs. Ham 'Percy,' Henry '°:Pinnell, John
other.." The enrolment' was from Katherine . Collins followed by. 'Bushell, Jphn McFarlan,.Wesley
100 to 120 pupils( The older boys Miss Joan 'Vanstone. Mrs,' Collins 1 Thompson, Malcolm Lane, Wes-
staged at home . to help. in the .was'. ' again engaged as teacher. Guest, Alex Percy, John Barr,
summer and attended school in She ' will be. • succeeded by Miss i Frank Brown, Bert McLean,. Bert
the winter months. Betty Hunter who will commence ! Nicholson, Ezra, Stanley; .Donald
James Johnston was . the her in September. • Mrs. , McFarlan, Frank Maulden, Ly-
firMr. teacher succeeded by Mr. DonaldatiScott succeeded Mr.R. l
man Sutton, Morley. Bushell, Roy
James Marshall. In 1875 a ; new C. ':Ireland as, :music. supervisor I Schneller. J. R. Lane served' ' as
brick school was erected at the. in 1957,
trustee 'at one tune 'for' 21 years.
west side of the village; Mr. Alex- ' For a number.' of years. General I Both he and Wm Percy served
ander . MacKenzie was the. teacher Accident Group - Insurance has long terms being re-elected every
at ..this time. He was followed by
Messrs. ' Peter Moyer; Donald
Ross, William Cumming Mr.
Phalen, Paul Powell, William Mc-
Cracken, Leslie Armitage, Thomas
Alton; Jack Gilmour, . Thomas.
Kaake,, ' Miss Murray and . Miss,
Letitia Dreany, MisS' Mary:: Ham-
elin (later Mrs. William J. Mc-
Lean). She was succeeded by R..
I). Lane.
In 1905/:the School was rebuilt'
and Miss Edith Richards was the
teacher. Following were Miss Tena
McLeod, Miss. Laura Fair; Ides
been carried.i Also in 1957' a unit 1 three • years.' An accurate record
of cupboards with, a sink and .etc i of trustee service is not possible
tra 'storage for books and sup- . and only since • 1902-3 have the
plies was added. - appointment of trustees. been. ';re-
In 1958 a. pressure system, , corded, .
'drinking fountain and •flush, toilets I A new school flag was purchas-
were installed. Since then the class ed . in ' 1959. Pupils benefit from
room has been improved ' • .with the Bruce: County Mobile Library,
ceiling tile and ; wall panels and For a.., number :ofears this.
a complete . interior• ;decoration; school was served by the National ,
also, a ' new .basement . ceiling.: Film board..•
The "ratepayers had the oppor- Many who ,learned. the :,3..R's:"
tunity • to voice their; opinion con- at SS. No. 2 . have . climbed . the
cerning a central school. This was ladder 'of . success, bringing hon-
defeated with .a vote of 18 to '2. our to themselves, their families
srs. Everett Smythe and ` John In 1963 the playground was en- and to the Kinlough school.
Lockhart, Misses . Gladys Free-. larged A new 'fence was erected It isnice tothink of 'those old
born, ' Annie Curran ' ` and. Annetta and the teacher's room wasre- school days
Stewart Mr Harvey Becking modelled and. furnished. We loved all the kids, Yn` their
taught for : a short term, enlist Inspectors were: Dr.' Martin, ihy, cute ways
"Mr:. Campbell, . Kr. We never .missed :school, . that . just
War Mg 'for overseas • service in. World' Mt, . Frewer,
mission. e later served in a Chisholm;. Mr. . Mr.Dobson, wouldn't,
China ' •' Misses. Ida Mr. Game, Mr. Gilroy, Mr. Houg- For - the strap might come . out.
Rathwell, Mary Hetherington, Kate;.
McKay and Roberta Edmunston
preceded Mr. David .Bridge.:
It was at this <time `that the vic-
trola.. was purchased with. 'the pro-
needs from the play "Her Gloves"/
presented by • the Young People
inthe school section. •
Misses Mabel ' Hodgins, : Bessie
Lane. and .Grace:'Haldenby each
taught for a term.. `During this
time an organ was purchased and
a new well was drilled. The old
box stove which had served` faith-
fully through the years was re-
placed . with ;a new pipeless. fur-
In, .1935 Miss Clara•. MacDonald
was the teacher completing five
As 1 drove the .long,tired load: you: • ,go fishing,. • You're. liable ' to
terms, Th
' e popular hot lunches
home Sunday night, I began• to : trip ::.over, one of them,and fa were introduced in the school and
over=board, 'while innocently walk-
ing up to the: bow for a cold
,beer. If you, insist On takinglife-.
jackets, tie them to your tackle
box: Fisherman • area drug on the
realize • why so : many fellowsof
nay age are cracking up.
The old lady was sitting there,
talking as though word -rationing
was going into effect 'at. midnight.
several times during the winter
months pancakes were 'a special
School fairs created a keen in-
terest to teachers, pupils and pari
market,.:. but good, tackle 'is ex_ ents. ,These fairs were• held at:
T"h e radio alternated between Holyrood. in 1935 the school cher-
shouts of some group noisier and Pensive• usas won by this school, Music
nausiouser than the Beatles, cour- 'Speaking , of fishing, don't look 'instruction began under the sup=
tesy. of my,; daughter, and the. around before you 'wind up: to envision of Mr..R. C. Ireland.: of
smug announcements of the : disc 'cast. It's considered .. a slur.on
jockey, who broke in every few the. •..agilityof your .companions.
minutesto tell us with . triumph . It's up to the other guys . in the
of another fatality on• roads or boat:. to keep an eye on you. If
water. they .an ' to keep an eye, that themselves and their school. One'
trying rto7doeanything.'.about MyNever swim where: there's a choir'' at Toronto. or ae O.E.A.
' wife's talkinglags, After 13 years,crowd. You went on �your hoh f was c oxen to sing• in th number
1a9 of years delegates were sent. to ,
I've abandoned all "hope of im- ; days, ' to get away from people, the O.E.A. convention '
proving ' my daughter's. •taste or' remember? Pick..out a nice' lone -i With Miss' Jean Anderson teach -
temperament. ly spot and dive in. .
P er, . grade 9 'pupils were 'taught, 1 � g
But by , George, 1 . still have It's old fashioned, but best way j Additional seating was•added; also.;
some love . for my fellow man. tet 'teach' 'kids to swim is to throw two new outhouses. In 1936. the •
ham, Mr. Evans and the present
inspector. Mr. , T. Keith Waldie.
In the military section the fol-
lowing names ' appear.. World War
I- Pte 'Osborne Tweedy (killed
and the dear pity 'you.
We were .sent there to learn, ,to';
spell,: read and.. write
.And• the- school fairs and concerts'
•+w a. ss rr�.y�.0 ua.aaE
in action)„ World War i:I those We're proud\ of .'bur sch,aap,ool and
who. :.served were: Frank Currie, we hope it will stay -
Rae Pinnell, Glen Pinnell, Edbert Just as it is, for many •a day;.
Teeswater who served 'faithfully
for ° a number .of. years. Pupils
participated in the musical' fes -
'ovals bringing `honors both • to
Once nee a. ye.ear, - whether 'I `like it them off a dock. It .can
be em- school was redecorated and in
or not, f publish same safety, .barassmg, if you can't swim your- 1937 a new • cabinet • library was
hints on; hunting, : driving, trying self, and they refuse to float. added,
to get along. with Women, or a ' About fires. Never scatter' sand At
q this time educational sup
similar erilous. undertakin stn c -sand water on your bonfire:' when .plies were provided- for the pupils'
p g�
and have: continued. In 1939 pile
-..---tly: it-Mahe-public��nter-est.:-�---•yo>�leave.._Maybe...:the..:nekt- -fellow
doesn't have a match to start :his school was wired for hydro by.
Fbr example when canoeing, Mr.. ' William Pinnell. The lights
never. kneel in •the bottom : of the own. This is known as':eenitrton• ghts
thing. It's to hard on the, knees: courtesy because' it's .so common were turned on furnace 16th.
• Use a long -handled paddle. and You have, to use 'a' 'little com- Another 'new. furnace was in'
paddle standing up. That way you mon sense to get your barbecue '.Stalled in 1'941. Miss Helen Ham -
can' jump if she .. rolls over. -If charcoal .going; too.. We've tried schiltOool
was the next teacher: „ The
r r
school was re -decorated' and new,
you're merely a passenger, stand a 'couple of those: commercial :chemical toilets •were
Y y funds, but there's not enough• ac put .in. The
. in• the- bow, so - that you can warn . nett, �thacher was 1VIiss Marion
of rocks, large' • turtles, or 'water -tion. What 1 do now is give the
•'falls. charcoal a good sloshing, with. Since 1943 free dental
i lawnmower gas.,Then eve had, sere ,has been
boaryou're boatingwith an - alit! .ry provided for
Ifthe pupils .
hits the deck, t stand awl back
Motor, don't ' be afraid to� . y
display •a little panache. Always and Burl 'lighted matches at the .e ' .Bohn ,: Blackwell succeed-
thin It may:d Miss 14icKay, followed by Miss'
t •do it, but it sure 'as hell. Ell•en McRyride;.
.• At •the last con -fn 1945 thQ School, hoard n roach a dock. Straight on and g'. note thestatus
ceivable moment, cirt your motor gel that charcoal, going.chased , purr
and swing. the filler hard over. ' 'Well. that's'about it. dust fol.- Organ, w e piano •
to replace 'the
Some day' you might c u' t the , low these safety hints, an
will never hay d you In 1�4�1948 ,take teacher. was
filler and swingthe motor, bot . e. a iy more tory Mrs'; . Wanita Hollands. The 'sea ;
who wants to hive 1'orever3. � iiything were placed oix ,kids for rnovin
r take ' life • jackets when .else, g ,
i s about � summer. •()i' a convenielice, Miss Catherine Gib`
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