The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-24, Page 1ArkIATA e Year.-In•.-.-Adva ce $f00 `"i:xtra... - j.. KN nt To U,S,Q," LtJ,C OW, ONTARIO EARLY COPY PLEASE FOR . WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 24th, 1:464. Single Copy 10c 16 Pages: NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE ew Additjon Or 'Extensive Renovations. Next Wednesday, ; July lst is a statutory holiday, and.. certainly not a convenient day for 'closing, shop in'othe news- paper business, However, we • hope to have.. ' The - . Sentinel published by Tuesday night, and to de so. requires •early.receipt of 'news- .copy ews-•copy and advertising, as it will be necessary to have some of the paper printed this week -end. All • ruralnews budgets will have to ' be in : by ' Monday . noon. • t Members of the Lucknow "and streets; The' hi l way' ditch to the g west .'would be closed in •anda spacious ' off -the -highway parking area provided.' This project would include re- pairs, remodelling and repainting of the arena inside and ' out, a. program which in any ,,event will have ; to soon be undertaken,' Grants under the Community. Halls Act have "run out" on the present ' building. The new building. could be done.. under the 'Winter Works program, District Lions Club Executive, the Lucknow Arena Committee and the Municipal Council, met on Tuesday evening of last .,.wek' to discuss. what is . to .be done • at the arena. ..There are two courses.. of •ac- tion Reeve G . W. Joynt points out,' ..which the :ratepayers will • have t. o const er. an decide upon. bba; CrVse'"`h One iddis a newdaddition at ,...Cari �� West end ' of the present buildin Award For' Sales P for thethird consecutive year, Montgomery • Motors' 'in ,Lucknow has qualified ''as a, prize 'winner in the Ford Motor •Co. promotion held during n April and May.Two years ago Gordon. and Ruth Mont- gomery totlred the British •Isles. and ; Europe;. last. year they visited ' '•Japan and Hawaii as a reward' for car sales and this year the trip is .:an eight day cruise of the Caribbean for Gord , and Ruth. They •will fly;. to'4Florida in Nov- ember and leave from Port Ever.- glades on an :.Italian cruise ship. The .,ship ` is entirely air condit- ioned and. among other conven- iences is equipped with an . 'mit- door Swimming ' pool. The . ship Skirts' the .islands: of Cuba, , Haiti,.. Dominican Republic and makes its first port : of. call St. Thomas in the Virgin ' Islands: From there the ship sails to San Juan, Porto. Rico and • on to. Nassau in the Bahamas. Salesman Harvey Webster of • Montgomery Motors is the win ner.'of . merchandise prizes accord ing to the number. of : -points . ac- cumulated by the dealership • in their sales: • and renovation of. the East end. The modern new building with and with other grants, including glassed in assembiy room, hoc- special. centennial grants; the cost. .key. and skating room . accomo- locally . could be about cut in two, dation, showers t'and rest `'rooms, • estimated . at somewherebetween will become the entrance to< the r $30,000 and $34,000. building, removing the traffic: ..` This. would be debentured over.. congestion and hazards from/ the 20'' years, and it is considered by corner., •of Campbell and Ross • Reeve Joynt, ,who has studied the. costs closely' that -the. taxpayer would .not likely stand to have to . pay any more than he did when natural ice was in operation. At .that . time there : was an an- nual deficit of around. $1,000 which was . undertaken by the taxpayer. ' The two winters which artificial` ice has been in operation have showed a small operational profit, and it is . considered . that year- round .revenue could be increased with a new .and modern . struc- ture: ' ' • If there was , an annual deficit of ` $1,006 • in meeting the . deben- ture, this would 'figure out at about. $2.84 per $1,000. of assess- ment. The Other .Alternative •The other ' alternative is for Council. to spend some $10,000 or more on straight maintenance and. preservation n of the. present build-- ing without any of the other ad- vantages incorporated in the new: building• plan. • '.To. Inform, Ratepayers • At last week's: meeting it wad agreed that this "vital statistics" information be incorporated in 'a questionnaire form "Are you in favor? , and circulated person-. ally. • by, 'members of the Lions. Club,. Legion and. any other . in=. terested' organization,. so that the taxpayer would get . a true and detailed. picture of the proposed project:: Sufficient support for the un dertaking would, likely , mean that Municipal Board . approval would . be received without the necessity of .a plebiscite:. BURIED/ In RIPLEY CEMETERY • INVALID FOR MANY YEARS services •. , Fune Funeral were conduct- ed from the MacLennan Funeral Home, . Ripley,. on . Monday for Kathleen Hodgins whose • death .oc- curred' at North Bruce last Fri- day. She :.was 46 ,years of age. Miss Hodgins was a sister'' of Mrs, .William. G. Webster. of Luck - now ..and is also survived . by an- other sister" Mrs. • Calvin. Smith 'of .. North Bruce with. whom she had. resided for the ,past six. years: A .brother Nelson : Hodgins 'resides in Ripley. Kathleen , had never enjoyed good health and a polio illness at the .age of nine months had caus- ed:er : to 'be . an invalid for or 'her entirelife. Return, after Four Years Overseas Having completed four 'years overseas :service,' .Flight-Lieuten- Flight -Lieuten- ant and ..Mrs. Lloyd . Henderson have returned to • Canada.' They re- turned. by plane, landing at ''.Tren- ton on, Friday,_ and are visiting relatives in . the community. • F(L Henderson, who his., 25 years'. service in the RCAF was stationed at Zweibruchen, -. Ger- many. He;, has two years to ; serve before his retirement and has been 'posted: to Centralia' where he ' will reporton July ' 0th, and where he and Mrs" Henderson will reside. Their elder daughter, ': Adrice Eileen was married - recently at ' Halstead Parish . Church in • Eng INFANTS'" BAPTIZED SUNDAY land,' where she. 'will, make. her AT PRESBYTERIAN : CHURCH ' home, 'and will complete her nur- • • • • • :Three children were `baptized at.. the Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church' on Sunday `morning, They were:. Teache r s�Take •, , .. Suzanne .Arlene Kirkland, daugh- d :M ter of Mr. anrs. David :Kirk - son • Dona d Reid. Murray;on of, . Su�a�rner Courses lin 1 Y, Summer , course : time, : is ap- proaching .• for elementary , and secondary •' 'school teachers, who will spend some five weeks or more of their vacation. ,period : in "plugging:, Five members of the . Lucknow District High school staff will commence courses within t h e next. ten ;days or so. Mr. L.E. Goyette, principal of i D.H.S, will • take ' a secondary. School ` principal's. course at Wes- tern University, London • •Elwin_ • Hall will' take' a Guidance course at York University in, Tor Mr. •and Mrs. Donald Murray and Donna Darlene, : °daughter of Mr., •and. 'Mrs Harold 'Humphrey.. The baptism was •performed by Rev. ' S. M. Scott, who. supplied' the pulpit.' for Rev: Rod; MacLeod who is convalescingfrom, a heart attack:, '. Rev: .MacLeod ' returned to The' Manse . the first - of last week :after. a,' few•' 'weeks . in, the' hospital.' Pulpit s'u' n' p l' y arrangements. have been. made,' until •mid-Sep- tember,... • ses training. .F; L" -a -n -d .r—Hernderson's younger : daughter, Miss Lillas Henderson, is completing a bus- iness course. at Windsor, Ontario., She flew to England to be brides- maid for. her sister. • Lloyd is looking forward a coil:.. ple ofyears when he will .end. his service in the. ;RCAF. He has purchased the Alvin Hamilton (Stein) farm, and the: adjoining. Orland Richards farm . on High - Way 86 west, with a view to go- ing into beef cattle ' raising. ' He has plans made .for Mr. and i Mrs Claus ; (Chris) Hoffmann and' (Continued on 'Page '16) ' 11 : Lucknowites At be promoted DEPARTING • TEACHERS PRESENTED AT PARTY; A . L.D:.H.S • staff parity, was held:. at the home of Mr ' and. Mrs, Elwin Hall • .on Thursday evening' of last week as. the teaching term came to. a close. ' Guests of honour ` at this barbe- cue 'party were MiSs`. Gall and Mr. Tom Pettit, who have ,con- eluded on-eluded theirteaching duties here. Each was presented with a''tra ening alarm clock, and best wish- es extended them.: T� ' Tenders'. Areii�'.. FIO�rFor. The .•Arena. Floor.•.committ ee' of the Lucknow and District Lions Club :has: been details etails: and specifications ,or the laying' .of a permanent, ,steel re-inforced cement floor Jin the, Lucknow ar- ena. • This is 'he •final stage .of the t g project of. installing ' artificial ice. The' . ice installation was in 'the neighbourhood ,of $25,000; and, :the. pouring •of the floor . will cost an additional few thousand dollars. • At the Lions Club. meeting on Monday night, the newly installed'' president, Bob Finlay, brought. the meeting up' to ' date on the .floor' progress, •.announcing: ' that .tenders were ,shortly to be called. • He addedthat, when the floor is finished the Club can expect some, money -raising .activities to Placed Third in. Fiddler's Contest Mrs.:' Jack. Irwin; formerly Eleanor *Reed' of Dungannon, plac- ed 3rd in the• Kinsmen's Old. Time • Fiddling Contest at Listowel in a class. of,. 15 contestants.' Contestants who placed ' 1st and . 2nd were Iden 'Ducharine of CKNX .' and' Nelson . Howe of • Cromarty: Eleanor was also a third prize \winner . in the ladies division. at the Shelburne National Old Time Fiddler's, Contest , last `• year, . and plans to enter :the ' contest again this year `in. August. Heods 1966: Lions Convention Com. • OHA Convention • ThOntario,Hortiultural .Association ,annual conventioi-was held at Guelph. last week; witheleven members fromthe .local Rae Wtson of .London. was intown ' the ' first of the week, andaccompanied by his` cousin, : MrsJessie • Alli, attended the .•Ladies' Night meeting of the Lucknow and District Lions ; 'ClubMr:' and: `Mrs; °Watson have rent- ed their West " Wawanosh home' toMr, and' Mrs George Humphrey and'. are lving in London, although their yacht is moored at Kincardine. HarborRae ` wasinstrumental in.organizing the'local Lions..Club. Heplans . 'to transfer his membership to his formerClub, London Central, and' has been gamed convention chairman for' the pro • - vincial convention to be held in London . 'in 1966. egister This Week�� C� R. Lewis • and. T. M.. Pettit ,' ' w •• will take "courses, at the . 0.0:E?, t or Swim Toronto Mr Pettit is leaving the I ' • local, staff and will teach at ' Lorne Park Collegiate in. Toronto next - t will take a° Mr. Robert. Dowce t physical education. • c o u r s e at • Guelph.. . FamiIyDinner On� 48th Anniversary Mr.. and Mrs. Art Breekles held a family dinner on •Sunday. June • 21.• to . mark their 48th wedding anniversary .which was on • June 20th. Their granddaughter, Sheila Haldenby was married on the' 24th, cher .grandparents •wedding day. Guests at the dinner were Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Powell of Mill- iken; Mr.' 'and. Mrs. Beverly War- woodro. . ca rbo Cedar Brae, S of C Mr,. and Mrs. Vernf 'Warwood. - Jane and John,Mrs. Gladys Dav- ies, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. Walter 'Brec-;-les and fatriily, Mr.' and M' s li rold aldenby and family, all of inloug nmg Children, of this community who wish' to receive swimming in- , struction at the Teeswater ' Lions . pool this summer are required. to register at the Lucknow Town Hall ' this week. • Registration' will be , on Friday ' evening.' and Saturday. afternoon, information is contained in an. advertisement in -;this , issue, The registration fee does . not cover'' the costa of .transportation and i'nstrtiction, and the. differ - been , financed in other pence has: years by. the Lions Club, Legion and Fire Department., I • The first day ,of q switnrning will n by Frida. July 3rd. ' Registration will be in• charge Anne •,Ritchie• and Jim Ander- ofA S., who son, students , at L.D.H. will. be in charge of the Lucknow Playground which • will be held during the month of July, Anne and.•Jirn are at a roc .. n camp �'r'cation leaders instrttctio this week,- The eek T.•. . Playground • is sponsored The Yg free of'charge by .the Lucknow' Recreational Committee. • Society attending the. Thursday session. . Lucknow delegates . were . Mrs. ' Ross Cumming and Norman Tay - ler 'Others n in attendance were 'Mrs.' Morgan. ': Henderson, Mrs. Wellington Henderson,. Mrs. Chas. Hallam, Mrs. Ted McClenaghan, Misses .Ada and Hazel Webster, Mrs. 'Gib Hamilton, Mrs, T. J, Salkeld and Mrs. •Otto Jouwsma. 1 There were about 1800 horticul- turists at Thursday's session, far exceeding the. anticipated attend- ance and'. with one bus load /from as far as Gravenhurst. • • The Lucknow delegation remain ed for the Thursday might ban-, quet at the OWA:C. with an atten- dance 'of about 1,100 ;,persons. Professor. Norval Richards, ,Dean of the College, . spoke briefly • in welcoming' hegatherin in .t g The Lucknowites were tproud to claim •Mr. Richards as a Lucknow boy," being the son of the late Mr'. and Mrs,' Dick Richards, Boundary West, n leek. Second Hand� Books leek. � To HeIp Save ThijiiIn Providing "Free" School Books dor Grade -9 told 10 Students The . Provincial Government's is 'entering -- reluctantly — • the, policy of providing ' "free" text ' second .hand. book business. books to Grade 9 and 10 stu-1 In this 'issue is an advertise- dents . effective in • Se tember listing ' the books required' f September, ment, isn't quite what it might seem 1 for Grades 9 .and 10 which the at 'first glance. ; . School Hoard will purchase 'for , •Designed to relieve parents .of .approximately. half price, depen- • the cost 'of providing books re- %ding on their condition. • quired. ,for • these Grades, it is go- Will , Buy Them Next Week. ing to. throw an additional burden • In the 'advertisement are listed. on property 'owners ing generai. the times that.. these books will • We understand - there was in ef- be bought next week on Tues- feet a $6.00.per pupil grant, which day, June 80th only. The number has been increased provincially to of books .purchased • will be Unlit - $12.00 per student toward the cost edaccording -to September . re - of these .'`free" books, which rep- quir•ements.. • 4 resent a cost of • approximately $5,00' Deposit $30.00 per pupil with local mun When these "free" books are icipalities bearing the ' difference issued in September there will be. in .the 'actual cost and' the grants. a $5.00 deposit fee, refundable• at the end of the recWant Second eivable. • • • if .the books _`term Hand, Books are turned in, in: reasonably good In order to effect some . saving, condition. ., • . , which , . is , estimated . might run L.D.R.S. Board.• has decided . .. he L.D. , ., : around $1,000 if the plan works,' on this fee in order to foster care the Lucknow .District High. School of these hand out books. •