The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-10, Page 9' A441111, WEDNESDAY; aUNE loth,° 1964' THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. .;LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :EBB1001111RREKels■Brnh,nguagltlaa■■n4n■■■w■■■1 ■NEEE■n .• ii.. :-.y CooI This Summer. ,.... ..i.'• r wfth•. ■ PAGE NIWE Canopy an f Alumnum.. Windows, it withacreensfrom. �. ' • ' ' • ■ Glenn's Aluminum 'Sales . i BOX 274 LUCKNOW �„ ■ ■, PHONE 528..=3723 • ii■Bn■■urrRargRgR.■n■■bg.niiguesgmupBnairii Constructed Pole Barn Last Week Teachers Rehired At North Ashfield (LOCHALSH NEWS) ' Congratulations to Mr. arid Mrs. Jack .MacKenzie on the arrival of .a baby girl in Wingham hos pital on Tuesday,.... • . ' Mrs, Wrn, Ross is a. patientin Wingham° hospital. , At: a meeting of • the North Ash- field School • board on Thursday evening all four teachers were re- hired for another; ,year. • Mr. and . Mrs. Eddie • Magill of Pawtucket, R.I. have • been holi- daying with Mr'.. and . Mrs Oliver: . • ." M, °: . •:.� "� McCharles and: John Y p ' Recent visitors with Mrs.' Don-' The United Church Anniversary worshl service and is convenor will be held June 21st with morn- of membership and: community ald :MacKenzie were. Mr. and .Mrs. ing and evening service , and Rev, friendship. The theme of t h e George Carter ' of Londsboro John Thompson of London. meeting was Every time I feel . 'Joanne MacRae. had the cast. Langside Presbyterian Anniver- the . Spirit,. Mrs, Gaunt ..Opened the removed from the arm •she broke Bary ' Services will • be . held June meeting with the Call to worship six weeks ago. • . . 21st with Rev. R. T. A... Marshall and prayer. Mrs, Elwood . Gros- and is extended to Mr. of ..Strathroy conducting services orth • read the scripture,: Hymns Mrs. James Hayes ' in the morning and evening: . : were sung and also read in, un- • . death of _heir wee son .who pass=, On Tuesday evening White- loon. Mrs,. Ezra• Scholtz read stor- ed away Wednesday : evening in. church Juniors ' and Belgrave . In- ; ies 'from the. book -- Out.. Reach. Kincardine hospital. termediate teams .played on Wing- k Mrs. 1Viilan ,Moore recited .poems Miss Jane •'Finlayson of .Toronto ham diamond With the core • of --Little'. Town and Be 'A Friend, spent the week -end with her par - 5 -8 being in favour. of Belgrave.. -1 verse of Scripture with theed by'. a tints Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Finlay- The roll Gall was answer Messers Charlie MacKay of i P word SoC , •. • on friends in th• is com- • Dunnville and John 'McKay of brother.+Mrs. Clarence Ritchie ex- Wawotar' Sask.. spent Thursday ; pressed her thanks to the u.C:W. munity . are • Mr. and : Mrs:' Dan evening ' with Mr. and :'Mrs. Victor for their assistance in •supplying Rese holidaysci froth Erne, Ontario. Ontaraore on;, Emerson. lunch for. the Messengers meet- • ` a Mus. a of Elphick . has been ' •On ThursdayMrs Maud Hag-ing of 'May 18th. All enjoyed the thep mum 'birthday tea. •' _ . .mumps. ,Mrs•: gift' returned' to, her home in Brus w Stobo of Teeswater has been • with sets.' for ' the. ` summer • ` months.: d her daughter while •'she was . i11; Walter' Elliott this week built a . St. Helens .W.1.. Visit Museum' Mrs: Tom'' • MacDonald :spent a pole barn with Mr. 'Lloyd John- I The historical research meeting few ,' days in ."Lucknow ,with, Mr. ston • carpenter .Assisting him .1 of the ' St. Helens W.I. in charge • were Jim McGillivray, Archie ' of. •Mrs,: Lorne Woods took. ;the Pardon," Don Hill,• Miles St. Marie,. (form of a tour through the God - and Dawson-: Craig.. ''erich, Museum: on Thursday, June ' The • Presbyterian , W 'M.S. •meet i. 4th. , A goodly . number were: pres- ing will be held June 17, at 2:00 ; ent;' and greatly enjoyed the after- NEWS • BRIEF p.m:.at the 'home of Mrs. John noon The curator of the. museum Because'•of ill health the resign-. .resi n Ston Conn � �' �•invited the groupto have their anon..,has�beenreceived of W. ' The' U.C'W.: held'' their . June , lunch in:• the log rabin..The. hos- H Morritt; reeve of Blyth,:. Bor.- meeting or.-meeting Wednesday at :the home ' tesses .were Mrs: Lorne 'Woods, den Cook has been. appointed his of , 'Mrs. Albert Coultes. • Mrs. • • Rus . Mrs. Allan Cranston and Mrs ,T. successor for . the'balance of :the Set Gaunt . was.. in- charge of the .JTodd.. ` ; Year, and Mrs:. Alex Andrew. St.. Andrews United Church Rip- ley had their -annual' piclnc on Saturday at Ashfield Park.. ,.....■■u..Rr.■■i■g■■u■■■■ulna■.■■i■■.n■u,■■an■■nu.n■■......■■■BiR.BBrm■■n ■EUEE,.. ■ Ir . ▪ - ■ THE4TRE. ATE0 . .V ■ ■ r. ■ " WE :TRY TO 'M �..KE YOUR: VISIT ,' ::: ,W.INGHA�IN PL : , ■ ■ ■ A PLEASURE ■ ■ Phone ,357=1630,• • ' COMMENTS.' -WELCOME AT ALL TIMES 1 1 . STARTING TIMES 7:15 and .9:15 • ■ ▪ ' Except .,as listed SELECTED SHORT'SUBJECTS' 1 ■ _.. ■ ■ ■• ; • THURS.-FRT:-SAT. JUNE 11-12-13 ▪ "WHO'S MINDING 'THE STORE" • Colour • Starring:Jerry Lewis, Jill' St.. John and Agnes` • Moorhead ■' 'for. the ..whole family: When Jerry ■ It's a •fun -film h. • Lewis is let .loose . in a department store the: ■ results •'can,, ' and do. become• chaotic. ■ m • i . MON. - 'TUE S. ; WED; . JUNE. 15.11' ,1 "SURF .PARTY" • • Starring: ;Bobby' Vinton•, Patricia Morrow, �.• 'The Astronauts and .The ,Routers Bobby, Vininton .and a group " ou of. teens really swing ■ ■ at . a. surf; party. • • 1 FR1.-SAT. „JUNE 18-9.20 "MAN'S. FAVOURITE SPORT" ■ Colour d °pial_ Prentiss ■:: _. ,° anon, Lvecvbody ■ ■. THUR.. =. PRI. - SAT. - •JUNE 25=26.27 am "MR.. FIOBBS TAKES. A VACATION", ■ CinemaScoAe — Colour, ' . ■ Starring: Jimmy, Stewart, Maureen. O'Hara, ;,. Fabian and' • Reginald Gardiner This comedy promises ' great fun'for • all' the ■ family ... a. vacation that will long be remem- ` • 'bered. ■. MON. TOES. :, -.'WED.: JUNE 29-30; JULY 1 --SPECIAL .... ,- ..' • "LILLIES OF THE FIELD". • ■ Starring Sidney Peltier (Academy Award i' Winner)• ' ■ This .comedy=drama will, be the' strangest mir-. . adle that . ever-gladdened—your -heart. The ap- piest, warmest screen experience of your life- ■ tune. ■ THUR. - FRI.: - SAT "BEACH. PARTY" CinemaScope' Colour ■ . JULY. 2-3-4 •: • R Starring:. Rock Hudson an h i Starrui Bob Cummings, [torothy. Malone,` ,; • g ▪ This is the fun -fest of the . se d Bock � Frankie Avafon; Dick Dale and The •peltohes to _at _.�....i_ is -_entitled h least one sport, arid �t girl , eta this beach party' and feel young 'again:, i ' '� lludson' had his �•= fisl7tng �-- until the � Corn ,� �. ■ ■ i.. ADDED ATTRACTION ■ Is hooked •him.•.. � .- . . W "Tl -IE. BEATLES COME TO TOWN" .ii i JUNE. 22.23:24' 1 23 24 Starring: (of course) The Beatles • ■ MON. l TUES. ■ 1 CT' IllO-M-171-4G, TO. THE LYCEUM THEATRE:..i ■mi NI ,n~ ` ; "SUMMER' HOLIDAY" . • "MISADVENTURES; OF MERLIN JONES" L "THE 'INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" ' • • U WED. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT rFOR. .:• I.,OVE .OR MONEY". ■ MI ■ Colour. • ■ Kirk Douglas+.,.Mitzi Gaynor, • "THE CARDINAL" —, "MAIL ORDER BRIDE". 11 Sthrrrirag. "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE" ■ ■ Young and William Bendy 11 r ,�umm■ .- f n ShO for tl PINK PANTH ■ R ER" -- '`KISSI'N' COUSINS" r ■This . is another. u partner a ► het "'Jr "TOM JONES"• r ■ : season. So,• grab your , pat t. f itm caper. ■ fr share. o1< comedy & fun. in this c • (Clip Por Reference) r ��1..w. 1 wwwwwa,MiN..09••www•1,ofh.11w 1�.ww.h.. Ir< side the gall....� PAID ON ARANTEE RTIFI •• issued in amounts . from $100' upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. earn.•514%' interest, payable half - yearly by cheque. :4 - authorized investment for all 'Canadian 'Insurance ` Companies and° trust funds.. THE R G:):TRUS TS' CORPOR TION • 373 Bay St.,. • '35 Dunlop St., Toronto ;. 'Barrie 73 ' Mississaga E., Orillia AR, and SPICE By BILL SMILEY THE :IMAGE HAS1, CHANGED As the school 'year'' draws to- 'alined petrified panic with one wards its close;. I can't help '.look- ing back : on the ,'past.10. months, My first hitch • as. 'head of • the English department in our fac- tory, actory, with a ' mingling of amaze- ment . and amusement ' 1• `amamazed; that T •have. ' not. gone down for the third. time in a sea of paper: There were times when . I rose to the : surface only long • enough to gulp a breath: of ink,, .;before :being' swept under ,by another wave of, essays, or: book: report :-forms, or ' memos, .My amusement stems from an- other source. -the• old-fashioned image of the . English teacher.; There just ain't no such thing as a modern image of same. cial worker,'' and. 'a lady who. got For many Years the image of ..sick of housekeeping:. the English teacher was :.fairly concrete. Not' only do these ,birds not fit It Was. ,'that' of a , wispy, 'gentle the old . image ' of the' English' spinster of either sex, wholly ded- teacher; •they .don't .fit' the ;new, icated to the written word. The one, either. There's.. not a beard,'only. person' in,. town who actually in the bunch, an esthete. in the; read poetry. Some kind of a .nut ensemble,, pansy in the patch.... o actually believed' Shakespeare And not . one thank goodness; was 'thrilling theatre. is `dedicated".: to. the. teaching of. * * *, English:' Norie . shivers in .ecstasy When..I hold ' that....ima cub flash.' of those eyes. There's Geoff, , the young Eng- lishman who cam a here .after . a; year teaching in.an English gram- .mar ram-•mar school He . planned to spend`' a year in .Canada, as a .lark ' He was" horrified at the free-and=easy attitude of our. 'teen-agers. He .was appalled' at. our 0 materialism and love of• comfort.: Now'he has a caon, the never-never plan, and is ' beefing about his'salary.: In short, he's become- 'a typical. Can adian. : We, also have a gal who 'grad- uated' in music,'. a former ambu- lance driver, an ex -chartered accountant, a . dream -shattered • so- gallery up : . g of characters who over ' a Bonnett; -bursts into tears taught English, in my department this year, I chortle. There isn't I daresay my polyglot, hardwork- even the•most remote resem- ing ,'crew has taught the kids' Mance.• •more about English 0 and about life ' than many an old ' gal whose . Let's see, 'now.: `There's Jack, 'idea of heaven was to make a ' a vast. young man of'great. good nature, and ' courtly manner, who journey to England and stand ' in reverence before ' the . graves of is'• a dead ringer for.Henry 'Vl II the poets. • on one' ' r.good 'dys He''s a .'beerofthedrinker,Tatte's a collecator. of antiques and a :former adver using• salesman. . ' • There's Mac, 'a • former ,golf ;pro. He's also an ex -bus driver, ex - house painter, ex -airman.. He's an inveterate punster who, writes some pretty funny stuff.' As wit- ness our, production this year of his master -piece, ' "Julius . Seiie 'er", in which the principal char- acter was br, 13ladder from Caul. There's Jeanette,' five -foot -noth- ing, 98 pounds of doe -eyed French- Canadian, who spent thefirst six months ' trying. to convince ` the other teachers she was not one of the students, , who can /pin a six-foot 2( pound lout into ' par over the beauty of an ode. But NEWS BRIEFS A* bone malignancy has require' ed' Bette Ann Harrison, • 14 -year- old daughter of Mrs. Leonard- Wissler of Teeswater, ,to undergo surgery for the amputation, of her right leg above the knee. . * With 'the objective of .$25;000in sight, tenders are being called -for the installation of artificial ice in Teeswater arena. ' *.'* L. and W. Jackson Motors at Listowel has 'been taken over bit two long service em'"ployees of the Company, Wilfred Klein and John McMillan, who will continue to 'op- erate p-er. ate it under the Jackson name. J h 9 • y..