The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-10, Page 1$4.00 A Yaeir In Advance $1,00 Extra, To U.S,A. Kinloss Receives Highest Hof Presbyterinn Cl inch LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAYJUNE 10th 1964, ..,. .l:n Business::45 REV. ' HUGH ' A. MaCMILLAN 'Rev,' Hulk A. ,MacMillan, .' who was born and raised In Kinloss Township, has been named Mod- erator of the Presbyterian Church Canada — the highest office • in the church ' •.. ' ' °Rev. MacDonald This community ular • distinction in honours extended who •'have• served MacMillan is. thea The son of`' the late Mr 'and 'son." 'Mrs. John MacMillan, his • bre-.1 . •,Rev. ' C: H MacDonald '.who wail they Ross .is still on ,the . home Minister of'Lucknow • Presbyter - stead on..the 6th Con .•of'.l inloss..:ian:,Church for, 25 years, served, A brother Dr: Clarence MacMi17as .moderator'. during his ministry lan resides .in :Tor'onto. ' A brother here. • George. died, a ::few years , ago: " : , Rev. D.. T.: L . McKerroll . who M Mrs:• : acMillan is the former . ministered here from 1904 until Donalda MacIntosh one Of a f am- • 1910', became moderator . laterr in ily of ,;itne daughters born to. Mr 'his ministry. • >rM .. Peter McIntosh of ` the Rev. Angus .MacKay • whowas Single Copy 10c 16 Pa9es Years J. R. White, operator: of the. Ripley Drug Store for the past 45 years, was aided from his ,second . storey window about 5 o'clock Sunday morning by mem- bers of the Ripley Fire• Depart- ment' as fire • anrl.,•..smoke filled his' two storey business and apart- ment in ,the 'heart of the Ripley business section; Thought It Was., Fog The fire alarm was. turned in. by Charles 'Hooisma; owner of the Ripley Meat Market located. next • •door to ' 'the north of , thea drug store. Mrs. Hooisma, who is ex"- pecting a, child shortly, had, been • experiencing some ' difficulty in sleeping at nights; : and • had ': re- tired' early. Saturday night is open night in .Ripley, ,and Charles had' worked late , in the butcher shop and :so as not to disturb his. Wife, he, had gone to sleep.on the stu- ' dip •couch in their living room,. Western: Graduate En Engineering On, Saturday,'May 30th, the. 'weatherman co -, operated'' beaut- ifully for the. University of Wes- tern : Ontario . Convocation cere- ' monies. Held Office rias won sing= moderatorship to clergymen •here,'; but Dr: first "native •cath i Ira. is ession of Kinloss, the called here : after° the' union of owned", by. ,Mr, and Mrs. the - Knox and St: Andrew's • Pres- . .Mr.. •and Mrs.` Mae- byterian ' congregations,' later re ti..v Millan . both • attended High School ' turned to Scotland, •: where a ac - in Lucknow:. cepted .. a • call to Kingussie..and For '•thirt :-ei ht � � ears, except eventually was named ':moder•ator when the hadgto withdraw from of the Scottish, , church.' ' y �:., • Another article pertaining �to the +ar' East • due to war dev SANDY MacKENZIE '- , Rev. Hugh MacMillan's' recent ap-. opments, _ they /served ; on the Os- Alexander Wesley (Sandy.) Mac - retiring. field • in Formosa, until ; pointment, his. views and ' his mis ' ' ]� retiring a' year . ago. , sionary service appears. elsewhere �i Kenzie . obtained his" degree.of Y in this issue. Bachelor of Engineering . Science. . after a'.4 'years Honour. course 'at • "• Western: The ,Saturday convoca- tion was addressed by Prof. Ivan. Q• Pines Rand;Dean of: Facultyof LawLeOion To.Consider . Twin,rsit of :Western On-' , of the Onive y Lucknow •and District: Lions ' eel, the Legion hoc tario s '' � . • . 1 been ap-. t `•o and 39 members' of the-' dif,. proached in • the matter of offer-ferent branche of Engineering ob- ••Club held their meeting on Mon •, nce and'.,the 'tamed their .degrees..Sandy grad= day at Holyrood with President ing financial, assistance Bob: Mclntosh presiding. matter is to be discussed by th e uated • in Civil Engineering and • has p p 't' Reports of the convention : at Legion executive, ; Kitchener were given by Donald • Mackinnon Gordon13rooks and ' • • c , moon, Gor on roo s' •_ District Governor elect,' Peter �, r . �( Floyd . SfianleBiss I ono �� 1 ette. t• In th m • 1 vice on Suer• + ® _I 1 evening he. e t lM � pY acce to a osi ion wi o- cony:• Mobile ,Oil, He flew to Cal- gary, Alberta last weekend for his initial.training 'blit since Soc.. ony is world wide in its operations it is .quite likely that Sandy will lin . -A -re- be in for-some""trav`el g e er error la s daynames of local 1 incl V a cent purchase. by Socony has been Mem MacLennan . and I ,e Great"Slave area which n, hers, H:. M. _ . Ripley : }futon . Central school is t m'ou'nd the mil- Morgan'Henderson were. . read l _ ... 1-6ard iS.�ad�°c'rtisini; for .a Crade � volved somewhere A foursome from the Barber-hoaSandy r. duties' to. c.om lion dollar. mark, Since v onhas s oppers; who'call' themselves, e , teacher. y 5.chosen the expora ion i ► lr. Uc now qu h th t her with 1 t' d' it L . k artette entertained nience ill ScpteM �e . the is quite likely he wilt follow, some. w .. . quay- � The ,t��canc,�. i5 eau, d` bY_. the former. graduates of this ith several •selections. The qu , ti, rincipal, Mrs. of tette oohs sts of ,... 1VlacDon- resignation of thep been on area in seeing' a bit of the'world. y r Delbert Wilson. • who ha.5 be aid,, Elwin Hall, Norman :Taylor � D , ,� Relatives. from Toronto,• Hamil- and Raynard The are I the staff :since 1958, ,, :ping .,Ackert Y ember•; Plgyd. °ton ind` ,North,trayaccompaniedto.fill Any. "engagements,"iAnother staff.m ofr, polo- tondan iNorth to family to the the are interested in singing Stafne),, has. been appointed and exercises, A family. as 'a Y ..' . _ come such cipal, Floyd is the• sorb .of i a. • buffet graduationiwas .served at home qulartette and ,welcome 1V'trs, l�;zi'a .,�l�inley of Kinloi g Practices," ' : graduating ft from Stratford and neighbours comp etc the • ay dies ` li , illi be held on Upon" �rac� g , d taught.with a surprise .��isit to extend. N 8i tTeachers' t,ollebe Foy dune 2� ._ end r when �" ° . before ain- their. g��d wishes, far his future:• 22nd • slate .officershe form, th.. , . be at S.S.No: 4 C�ultoss bef.....1 -o, Sandy• son of Noris and e new of will Ripley staff a year ag is the . i .n, the liipley, Those MacKenzie on the Second installed, graduate of lg �'he' president announced; that in Mr'. ' Stanley . is aConcession of 'K nlosa.. / regard to theproposed Twin Pines Luckn►pw District high School; • This. fact may . have been .a life saving factor. The living room is next to the White building while the other bedrooms are on the north side of the building, Awak-, ing and . noticing what he first thought was ' fog, Mr. Hooisma. realized' that 'it ,was . smoke /and immediately aroused 'his wife and. two .boys. He went .out on a back roof thinking•for a time that it • was' his. own building. Out on the roof` he noticed 'smoke ' corn- ing from. the. White building. and not knowing where Mr. White, was sleeping, rapped. on the back'win, dows of, the • White building. , r • Turned, In Alarm • It was • Mr. Hooisma who phon- ed the Ripley phone' operator, Bette' McLeod. who in turn sum'- (Continued' on page 16)' Railway Jigger • fn .�oilison With Farm Tractor Legion Present Paul Henderson• In recoinition of . his achieve-� ment in . the' world- of hockey, Paul Henderson 'of the Detroit A farm tractor,CNR jigger col- Red. Wings was guest. at the May, lision . in Kinloss Township last . meeting. of the Lucknow Branch of . the Canadian Legion • at,which 'time he was presented- with a fishing rod and.reel by the:Leg- ion. Harold Ritchie made ;the pre- sentation. Paul,...in extending his thanks, spoke of his pleasant memories of minor'hockey. days in Luck-, now.He said . he often thought of the many problems; ' encountered • by ' sportsmen of'the village in their. efforts to '.see that there was hockey for.all the kids. Paul is the son: of Garnet Hen- derson, a Legion member and a past president of the group. He was -tendered a big applause by the 'meeting. • Thursday about noon . caused: in- jury '''to four' ..Canadian ,National Railways employees, one' of them seriously. • '' • The accident occurred on the for- mer "Walter MacKenzie farm"' on the `4th ,of Kinloss west, now own- ed by Anderson' Flax Products Ltd. and tenanted:by:.John .".Mow- bray. John:. had been spreading manure and: was returning to' : the barn when the accident'occurred: Visibility up and •down the tracks at theycrossing is quite poor. A seven foot bank:' borders the railway tracks in ,.the • direction•, that. the : jigger was coming, The .driver of a tractor sits well back on the machine and 'John told . the •Sentinel that by. the time he Could 'see around the bank, the :nose 'of the tractor was ; quite close to . the tracks: He succeeded in stopping the tractor :with• only .several inch es of the wheel on the track 14 Young Folk: Join Church Last Sunday d . .,The' congregation of Lucknow The jigger,, proceeding : toward South• Kinloss and Dungannon the Lucknow station, struck ; the Presbyterian Churches...met point - wheel . of: the tractor and ;;overturn= ly on 'Sunday morning for the . ob ed throwing : the four occupants ' servance . of the: Sacrament of to ' the. tracks. Most seriously in- .Communion About 209 people jured of . the foursome was Robert took .. Comuion, with Re.. Neil' Brodie, 46, of Orillia:who` received MCCombiemconduncting thRee,svervice. . a fractured pelvis. He is. a patient Mr. , Hugh ,Jamieson.:took "Mr,: in Wingham . Hospital. • Joseph •McCombie's services. • : Stauffer, 32, of Orillia was hospit- 13y: transfer of membership, Mr. alined until Saturday with an in= and Mrs. Donald Murray: were ;re- jured . shoulder at first; thought'. • ceived' from Erskine .Presbyterian. to be ' broken. The two ;Others,. Church, Dungannon and ` John • Roger Wells, 23, of : Parry Sound Mowbray transferred. his mem- and. Donald Collins, 28, of London •bership to S o.u' t h, Kinloss Pres were treated and 'released. The byterian Church,. • foursome 'were ' . CNR '' telegraph • ' Fourteen - ,young people . Were. men. who • w e r e " working on received` by profession. of ,faiith,. the • line, They.were' staying >!n Judy Reid, Joan, MacKenzie, Wingham:. Cathy .and Sylvia' MacLeod, Peggy John Mowbray was not injured. MacDonald, Barbara ' Humphrey,. Mary Finlayson, Edward Brown,. Doug Johnston, Brian 'Johnston, 4. Wayne 'Jamieson, Donald Fisher, repair. necessary<.for the tractor. 'Gary and Brian Gainmie. The force oU the impact swung the tractor . around: It did not . over- turn, A new wheel was the .only Capt. dnd Mrs. Newman Leaaiiiii Area,' Plan !tett Shield Canvass This- Thursday Seven years of devoted . and . ef- several ' occasions was . conducted fective service : in' the Wingham by the. Lions, ' ' area, will shortly- conclude for • No --Red Shield canvass has" been Capt. and Mrs. 'G. S. Newman conducted here this ` spring, . and of the Salvation Army. This news Captain Newman, is planning to will be received' with regret in have uniformed Salvationists• from the Wide' area in which they have the Wingham ,''Corps make a become, well known. house-to-house visitation in Luck- Captain and Mrs. Newman have now this Thursday. been officially instructed to fare- The Red Shield ' donations are well from' the Winghaim Corps on used .in their social service' work, Sunday, June 21st.. and Capt. Newman is hoping for Climaxing • their material ac- " another generous response 'from complishments while in Wingham this community before he bids was the official opening' of ' the farewell. . new Citadel about six ,months agog Is Overseas. Delegate Flan Canvass 'Here Captain and Mrs. Newman's Lucknow and district has in services were recently recognized recent years generously support-. by their appointment as . delegates ed the Salvation Army, particu- next year to the International larly at the time of their annual centenary, Congress' of the Salva - Red Shield Campaign, which on tion- Army in London, England.