The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-06-03, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1964 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i■.r r ti ni■■■■■■•■■■■■iimellirii blot r ■11tiA■�1A - ■li�0■ ,�0■■■1■■■t■fr*r1E■Erik■E■ ti■ Bridal. Shower ' Is FIeld At .Kinlounh ■■ ■ ■ f,K,NLouGH ,NI=WS) at Announcing' The .Official Grand a• on Saturday evening, May 30th 12;15 with Sunday School at. 11:00it 11111 II • amt. •a1,11 Mrs, Frank Maulden..and Keith ■ • visited on Tuesday evening with ■ ,...._ .. Miss- W, D. Rutherford at StMalcolm: of Tenon- al Helens., 4 ® t,. ■ Miss 'Helenat ■ ' ■ ', : - ° • to and Misses Nellie and Margaret E. ■ Malcolm of Lucknow .'were recent A, . a■ callers at the Maulden , home., • ®. ® ■ Mrs, Jack ,Hewitt and students in' rade 12 enjoyed 'a trip to Dearborn, Mich. and also visited'. many places . of interest.. Mrs,.. Charlie Hodgins of • 'Wing - ham visited. •on Sunday with Miss- es. Edna and May' Boyle. Mrs, ' Audrey : Borthwick of St, • strains of the wedding march.' . Catharines visited over the Week - Following.. the opening of 'the. many 'end with her, parents Mr. and lovely gifts,' Sheila thanked every- M's„ James Hodgins Sr,: • . one. .Happy birthday was sung and Messrs, Fred •'Guest and Tommy a, large, 'Cake with 21, candles was ''Gordon. spent .the week -end at •' brought in by Mrs.. Margaret' Castor Centre: Mr.' ''Alex Smith . Haldenby , and Mrs ..Mary Breck- accompanied them and remained les (aunts). Sheila made a wish ; for .a, , visit with relatives 'there.. and blew out the 'candles.Lunch The' H W1. will meet on 'Thurs was 'served: . day. with Mrs. Alex Percy'. and Dear Sheila, Miss • Edna Boyle hostesses: , The •your friends and relatives.' guest speaker will be Mrs. 'Ber- We have gathered here this evening 'I, nice Campbell, Dairy. Princess for t honour ' you as our "Bride of ' Bruce County, - ' the Month:'' ..We trust 'that when- � Mrs.. Charles'Crossland,- ,Miss •Violet, lylcKernon,.. Mr. Jim Boyd. ' ever; you make your hew .home in, and• Mr:, .Robert Patterson: all' of the .future - you' will not forget 'to Gravenhurst ' 'spent the week -end come. and visit us Often.. "." • with. Mie and Mrs. Frank Maul Also:.to:night, Sheila, we have 'den, Keith and Mr. J'. R.'„Lane.' • come here .to help you celebrate , The • Communion Service : in, the .your • twenty first: birthday, which Presbyterian' Church will be held we all know is'',to-day., May 30, on the 2nd Sunday`in. 'June. ' and` hope°' that we can m .some. , A .number ,from -the H W L: at - 'small way make • this a : special :tended. the, Bruce .South District • day for you, that :you will. ;.always 'meeting, on. Wednesday,: ', remember. Mr... and Mrs Frank Johnston And, now we would ask' you to visited .on Thursday with' Mr: and accept these gifts with the best, Mrs. '.Mark' Johnston wishes of • all 'your friends and Mr. and: Mrs. Rex, Stewart of relatives . in hopes that, they will Millarton 'visited, on. Sunday even - bring you••' many, happy ; memories ' ing with Mr; and Mrs. Bert Nich of W. Olson.: Signed on behalf of your friends Mr. ' and .Mrs:• Dan. McInnes and - and relatives ; 0. family were recent visitors. with Laura Dahmer' Mr :and.Mrs. Frank Johnston ' Mr and Mrs: Russell Hewitt of Kinloug'h' : and ' 'Mr. and'.':Mrs. Earl Blackwell were Sunday' vis- itors with' Mr, and Mrs. ' Frank Johnston., 'On Sunday the following 'child- ren • were' baptized at. the” Pres ers _ followed The word for the byterian Church. Margaret Ann,: roll. call was. "Father.": Visitors'.. daughter: of , Mr. and Mrs., ;:Bob • were welcomed Plans were made; MacDonald., Judith Eileen, Baugh- and; committees' named for sere- ter: of Mr: .'and.Mrs.' Gordon :Mac= ing a. wedding . dinner; ` also a 'con F Donald; -Blair Russell, son of Mr:. •gregational' luncheon and other !.and `Mrs. ;Morley Bushell. 'and, Ron matters. of 'business. A get well aId :Ivan, ` son ..of _ Mr, • and Mrs: 'card 'was signed by all ' present; . Ivan; eFarlau also a -letter was read •from Rev. On :Sunday. `Mr. John •Geddie of • and Mrs:. Stanley. Tomes.:'(nee port Elgin, a retired :High School ;Doris Lloyd) of Big' .Trout Lake; teacher at-ihe . Taiwan -Mission ■ Ontario 'Mrs. • Bert , Nicholson School in China, was.guest. spea- 1 thanked. the hostess.:- Prayer, clos:. ! ker. at the •Presbyterian • ser -vice. 5 ed the meeting . and delicious re= ;:-He is • home on furlough; Miss ■ freshments were served' .. by : the I Dorothy . Douglas. of Lucknow tea-' hostess -and committee.' A "little ; rhes : girls -in the same school. ■ lady"quilt was quilted during the Films' of the school, church and -81_ afternoon. . • pupils were shown; also • Chinese. ■ Mr.' 'and ' Mrs. Chris Stark' and money . and • a`' collection. • of ar= i' family were . recent visitors . with. tides were displayed. ■' Mr.: nd Mrs. Bert •Nicholson, Al'- Mr.. and Mrs-. Howard White- : • Ian and Lois , ••. Side and family of Sudbury, Mr: ■ We 'are pleased to'; report . that and 'Mrs.. Arthur Haldenby of Tor- am', onto. Were here :on ''Saturday at- r• Mrs: Tom. Hodgins who has been■ a, patient . in the Wiir;hatn 'Hos- pital:, os= tending the . relative shower. fora Ni Miss 'Sheila Iialdenby, bride elect prtal; :.rettirned home on t1'ctlnes ' day. We wish' 'h C'i• improved - r health. • On Sunday, June 7th the' Pres- byterian ' .Service . will begin at:. 4 PAGE :SEVEN... AS relative shower and . birthday party was ''held in the Anglican Church basement..for Miss Sheila Haldenby, • bride- o . the month, Miss' Jane Warwood of . Toronto, cousin.. of . the' bride, was in the . • chair, Mrs, Shirley 'Whiteside of Sudbury, _cousin of the bride,. ,gave• a reading which was followed, by a quiz by. 'Sandra Percy. Mrss Kendra Donaldson favoured . with a solo, `4lt is no Secret." This was followed by 'a quiz , by Mrs, Laura Dahmer :and• .a reading ..by. Jane Warwood, :Sheila , was assist, ed by Jane • 'Warwood ' and . her • aunt, ' Mrs..' Ethel Sparling, to the. • The - Evening. Workers met. on Monday -at the home of Mrs Gertrude 'Walsh. Miss Edna. Boyle presided. Mrs. , Howard ' Thompson read the scripure Psalm ' 1. Pray - ■: ■, 1. ■ 111. ■. . oi, --.i.,;,...11.8,1.1•81i0:,saii.igoal**777777:. . .41.. • . ■ of BAIRD MOTORS •(Goderoc) LIMITED • _• w ■ 1•■t• ■ sir. '� ■, tr ■ ■ �' ■•. ■t: ■. .• ■ ■ 0. • :Commencing:at 8.00 a.m. and. continuin thru . ••.... . la .. .. Friday .•.g. ..., ....„. lit' ■ ■ w.-.� ■ i ■■ ■• ■ L • ■ ■ DOOR PRIZES15■ ■ ■ Balloons for. the children —Roses for the ladies . . COFFEE and DONUTS ■■ ' ■ II . ■ e ■, ■ ■. It III III ■ ■ II In111 II .IIII ■ III ■ III III • win STYLE YOUR. HAIR SO UNIQUE FRIENDS. WILL STOP FORA SECOND PEEK 'ankh SHE BEA0FUL: ELAS' BEAUTY SALON —x"140 IL,it,SCacra®moi, OPer- est Wqwan�sh ' A ff0:Comp 'lett . . . Warw afO +h S'epool . Area 01 Board has completed engaging f fjr staff of leachers for the 064- 113; '$4 r,,; .fel tm• with: only one ' change '' ;1ndic at ions are ,thtere wi1.1 be -about 133,-strtd rtw at.tendil g_ tftir ; five + :public :whorls' i the townsbrp ; N •next term. • lr.1K St 'enrolment' w ill he at •S.S. No, 12, For'dyce. where* Mt's. '-•. George, ltionnedv s,yi11 ' have 41 stu- I. ■ cleYtrf ° in ftgrades, . Thera . ‘ ill .;h(' ab `Ut 31 Pupils ' ■ • at S S 'No. 1, Si. 1) '`lens. VY}Itre 11 L1 Mr S. George Fisher is the 'teach- I is r`Nli; s l‘tar garet 'Wight man •. of ; o. Belgrave has . been .engaged at a S.S.�' .. '1, "Toww'r�shi ' Hall, Seo ', Mrq. Nancy succeed have • r•(Goderith) Limited,wvill' h ve 26 2trtdcnCs. rs 4.5.1 0. 2.phk1 will h a�vle �� r Mrs, Harold EIp1. 12 .sttt(Sents •'andatf.S. Nort. 1:7,•,Virl' "Thr 1`rigf;Ins , Mrs, y Ire .11 I will have 17 students. In Display Reuciy For mmedkte Delivery CHEVROLETS — OLDSMOBLES CORVAIRS CHEVELLES taige$electiOnOftate Model Usedcars,'From. • Which Ta' Choose!' "F.or, Safe and Trouble -Free Summer Driving You. -Can't Go Wrong With '.Any Of These Sig Value Used. Cars. We.. Invite Yau To Pay. .Is• A •Visit 'on Friday • ar.. a'ny day. • 0 •'. ■ ■ • ■ ■ 0 ■: . . ■ s 0 .t r i.. ■ _. . ■.. 0 :s 0 ari • .. 0 s 0 0 U,. 0 ■• is •0 0 •■ r. •. 0• w 0 r 0 0 ■ 414 Huron RcL, Goderich ' 0,. PHONE 524-8311 1 or 524-8312 u ii■■■•■■irree■■■■■rl■ e■ssiler■err■■wtainl iMmommN■tt N■■maillimi■ '1 .