The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-05-13, Page 6• jAi • !'Age' Six ST. HELENS Mara. Gordon McPherson is via- ding with her daughter Mrs. 'Keith Black, Mr. Blackand sons at Middleton, .Nova Scotia. • Sunday,.' •morning church, Larry Gordon, son of Mr., and Mrs.. Bill McPherson was bap - tried by Rev.. W. R. Tristram. . Mrs, Gordon. Elliott of Wingham was Sunday visitor . at Mr. . ,and: !fn. Bi11 McPiierso,a's. ' Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Woods spent 'Sunday in Kitchener. Little Leslie ' Anne Hawley returned-. to Oshawa, on .Sunday... Mr, Mid Humphrey returned .on, Tuesday, from ; Victoria Hospital after :beinga patient' ' for • five. • weeks. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Miller of London spent Mother's. Day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. ,I. Hiller and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor:.• Mr. Harvey' Carrick spent a few, days in ..Detroit attending his`. bro- ther's funeral.- Sympathy of , this. community .goes to the Carrick family,; NEWS BRIEF Increased county and school levies have sent. the . Listowel: tar; rate zooming by 14 mills: Two mills .. were absorbed. . by cutting. general. . municipal . expenditures, cutting the overall :increase to 12' SATI PER LOW LUSTRE ENAMEL appearance Ittraacive Mors wears and wads without equal Benjamin oore nts f •' William Murdie and Son *l&dware Lucknow Phone 528-2906 THE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO etters To. Editor Roy D. Lane, 5457, Bonnie ,Cove Ave., • Glendora, , Calif, To the editor of Lucknow Sentinel: - Dear Campbell: - After reading your paper for a number of years. cannot help, but voice niy opinion . on .the let- ter written by S. M. Robinson. No doubt she was referring to the publicity given :'Paul. Hender- son :recently in your paper which. he rightly. -deserved, Paul's abil- ity' as a oekey player is• an • nna =spration to 'all' of the young peo- pie'..' in and around Lucknow. Knowing a professional athlete is: a great thrill for ' anyone, just as we admire Gordie Howe ' and thousands of other great players inany sport. I': am sure the Doctors,. Engin- eers, Politicians,. Flight nurses and what have .you from around Lucknow •don't expect publicity in their particular field, they :: are all well known and appreciated ' and wouldn't . expect. to be " compared financially with Paul.. He will never make themoney a ;neuro- surgeon will and will be consider- ed :old by the time the good. 'doc- for .is reaching his .prime. Any time the young people of Luclmow: are 'fortunate enough to have Paul talk to them personally about -hockey ,he .will do more, to promote sportsmanship and lead- ership in fifteen minutes than • all. the doctors, lawyers,, . engineers and nurses will do' in a life time: As these are basic ingredients for good citizenship in ° any country, Carbert Resigns. OIF.A. Position I feel Paul should 'be given the credit earned through his: achieve- ment. AnYone in is ware of athef ofield factthata there are more people unable to achieve their goal in any sport, than there are failures in nursing or any technical field, - S. M.. Robinson has a note of jealousy through out. her • letter; rather than pride in one from her home town.. • I sincerely hope , my friends in, the Lucknow area take the same. affront .to.. her. letter a$•, I .do. My 'wife and I enjoYed! the Write-up: about Paul very much 'and .our daughter took the article to her class- for "show and tell" to -day; so now .bis.. fame has spread to Glendora,. Calif. s Sincerely, •Roy. D: Lane, Mech. Engineer.,.. 4 B.A.B.S. Robert W. "Bob" Carbert; has ,resigned as Secretary Manager of the' :Ontario Federation of Agricul-, tore; his' resignation to become ef- fective May 29th. In making the .. announcement; President A. H. K. Musgrave paid warm tribute to Mr. Carbert's competence and ability ;as Secre- tary -Manager, and, to the valuable: contribution he has made, over the 'years, to the. °agricultural industry: and farm organizations in particu- lar. Mr.: Musgrave emphasized that he had . accepted the resig- nation with the greatest reluc- tance and. ' only on the insistence of . Mr. Carbert.- Bob .Carbert joined the staff of the Odtario . Federation; of Agri- culture in: April 1962 as Director of Information. ` In February. 1963,. he- succeeded H. AL—Arbuckle-as- Secretary-Manager .-Arbuckle -as-Secretar.y-Manager of this organ ization which' represents • 100,060 farmers in the Province of 'Ontar- io. Before joining the 0 F.A. Carbert, had spent several years in Ottawa as Director of, Informa- tion and Assistant -Secretary of:. the Canadian Federation of Agri- culture. : otIvET NEWS 'The tl.0 W. ' meet at . the home of . Mrs. John MacCharles ' on Thursday evening. Mrs. Walter, Black's group led . • in " the worship service. Mrs. Walter Dexter read the Scripture and comments. Miss Mary Roulston, offered prayer. Mrs. Melvin Colling ' gave : a Mo-, ther's Day reading: Mrs. Walter Black led in a discussion ` which brought o u t many interesting ideas. Mrs. George all sang. a lovely solo . acompanied by Miss Mary Roulston. Mrs. D. R. Mc- Kenzie of Lochash•..told of ' her trip to the Pacific coast' • showing Some beautiful coloured ' .slides. Mrs. Herb Clayton expressed app preciation to the hostess and all who contributed to: the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W T. Roulston and Jack and 'Mrs. Mae Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mrs. iii1.: J. Roulston in Wingham. '• t Misses • Mary and Helen White and Mr.. : James' McNairri 1 of Kit- chener and Burt White of Clinton spent the week=end with the. White family. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Christie of' Teeswater and Mrs... H, Anger spent the weekend in Detroit visitingwith relatives. Mrs,, 'An- ger's An-ger's mother is seriously ill. , WEDNESDAY:, .MAY .13th, Hit. or :You r SPRING F Life ;Time GATES in 12, 14 and 16. foot length. s: Canadian Barb Wire r ' 3 ,grades to choose.:' from EXTRA HEAV'Y=**/48?? lbs.. H • -•. LIGH !� ,50 lbs.. 3tae{ Posts la Stook • LUCKNOW DISTRICT COUP 76 lb .Telephone 528-2125 • • No, --,1 ••••• was Specfal service bulletin for Mutual We poticyholdera • Nose ' —ter, a The :value: of a university :education can't be figured in dollars and cents' but the cost cant If your child attends a university in your area today, the expense for books, tuition fees and clothes could come to about. .=$1,000 ;;per .year ; away .fror .alone.. with Broom and board included, the cost would be. about $2,20CP each Y' " year : Naturally, costs will vary . depending ' on the area, the course taken, and the institution — but in every area costsare continually rising. • Your child: couldpay/some of this expense himself ..:. but probably not all of it. He will need your help. Most parents don't have this amount of cash available/ either, but you can if you plan for 'it! Will you take the time to discuss this important matter with your Mutual Life representative? He can show you a plan :'for accumulating money through The Mutual Life which will guarantee funds for university education. The Plan' will guarantee that ` the money will be available whether you live or die. This is the way thousands of our policyholders are building a guaranteed fund to enable their children to have a university education without financial,wor.= ries.-Call your Mutual Life of Canada representative and talk it over with him , .. or mail this coupon. i . Nisi The Mutual Life :'-XSSU.RANCE .KA OF CANADA 4 ' I R OfICE:. WATERLOO.•ONTARIO/ ESTABLMB$RD 1808 I Yee, 1 am most interested' in learning how I can beat provide the funds for my child's, further education: amnia I CI" iu00uN4444.q00HN.q•NM0 . .M.N.NNN..p»»..M• 44 ,.-pRovYtvcE line swim rel* .m.• `..r . r.... , '.w .ie..i Nor .Ny i 1 ML -14-$C 1 • Representative: p W. JACK SALTER, Leopold St. North, Winghem', Ont. • 'Phone 357.2741, ,. VVinghun.