The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-29, Page 12a' i' : p� • • PAGE TWELVE: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. 'LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO.- sp....,....................„, NTARIO•. Sovereign LifeAssurance Agent1 1 would be pleased to discuss your insurance. problems. with you. Agent for:.' BRITISH MORTGAGE and TRUST CO.: HURON and ERIE E 'TRUST .CO. Donald B. Blue . Box 88,' Ripley Phone. 79=R Ripley. SUGAR �a ..SPICE qr BILL. SMILEY IT WOULD' BE HEAVENLY! What would you like' to ' find, ' wages to' Pay, and nobody asking- . m to. donate to something ev-. ery 12 minutes. My personal fantasy` is a simple one.• I'd go like a. shot if `some- one ome one:.would promise •me, uncondi- tionally, a dark, : swirling trout stream, impregnable to invasion by women,'telephones and other nuisances. I can see it now: '.Swift, deep, crooked, :• ending in; . a vast, silent, mysterious . beaver pond, loaded, with lunkers.I " can hear ' it the exciting 'mutter , of a small dam, just around the. bend; ' the, ,splosh of a .startled, frog; the sudden, heart -stopping ,takeoff of ;a dis- turbed partridge, the whack of :a beaver tail.' most, : when you, go to :heaven? the Let's. assume, for one wild; exhil- arated moment, that we're au . go- ing- to . get there.. Some people . Would' plump for a meeting with loved ,.ones. This • I' can never understand.. It'slike, a fellow who has served a'hie :sentence waiting to be greeted by the • warden when be hits the pearly, gates. i Others, sad souls, would be ov- erjoyed . if they. could "justbe happy." Not me. ' Being happy J all `the time would be a ,'real drag, I 'thoroughly enjoy being. miser- able' miser able ' on this orb, so that when something good happens, . my plea- sure .is intensified. Quite a few,' whosuffer, from physical ailments, would be sat- isfied with 4peace and . comfort.. nights of solid slumber. The a arth- there, I guess I'll' settle, on Open However, since mychances of getting to heaven are just about as slim:. as my chances of a per - The insomniac imagines days and isonal trout stream if 1 did :.get 'ritfe'dren"g-lif `" 'hieing ' 'able fo ing ` ] ay;'Tor `my'' old haunt, . the. scratch his ;opposite ' ear without feeling as though his arm was "being severed at the shoulger by a red-hot iron. r Flathested girls : would settle for . a mammoth bosom. They for- get that, none of •the rest of us would be . interested. Some chaps I know ' would be perfectly happy to leave anytime if . they could ' count on a golf course with emerald fairways and velvet greens, 18 holes a day in which :they - sliced:' not, . nor did - they hook, and' a good game ' of poker at the • 19th, with the bar handy. Many •, sober citizens 1 know would be happy in heaven for ever afterwards, if they could be guaranteed (and get it in writing) that their wives (or husbands) , would be: in the' other '"place; per. manently. ' Alcoholics would not only be in heaven, . 'but the seventh of the same name, . if their ': crock ran neth over, perpetually, and . some- . body ome-♦body else was looking after things. A few millionaires, once they had • admitted they couldn't ' take it with them, • would . be serene in a : place where : there were -no - Secret Place Where The Big Ones Are. Not a soul knows about it, except me And the 900 noisy characters who have • heard about it since last year. Heaven, thou art distant,. yet, I would work like heck to get There, if thoucould condone A stream for me—and me alone. MRS. BURT ROACH • WAS CHEERING FOR. PAUL Goderich, April 24, 1964 Dear Campbell: As we now have our; . mail .de- livered to our door, will you please address .my paper to 26 Bruce St.. East, • I have no box number anymore so' might not get my . paper and :you .know I justhave to get the news of 'Lucknow. ' • Right. now 1 am watching the. hockey, game and ' just saw -Paul Henderson; score for Detroit. I' could .:just 'hear Garnetcheer, the: same as I did. Hope you , are ail. well. • BERLEY .,.Mrs, ' Burt Roach • days. with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Shiells. • • Rev. J Webster of the Anglican. church at Walkerton was guest rector at St. Lukes . Anglican. church, Pine River on Sunday, He spoke of his ' work among the 'In- dians and Eskimo wherea min- istered for fifteen year a n d where he said there was great need for missionaries to enlighten these people who suffer from fear and superstition. The fine weather.` over the ,week- end isaw heavy traffic on gall 'high- ways and many cottage's visited. their summer . homes at the re- sort areas. Seeding operations are progressing' and a number of far- mers have : completed, seeding. Gardening ,will be next and who can . resist the brightly colored packages of seeds in the stores. and the shrubs to be planted here and there to beautify the lawns. Birds are busy building nests for their young among the sheltering. cedars. Daffodilsare at their best and tulips .are already in bud, ..so Spring is here at last. Mrs. Laura; McNain of Amber - ley and Mrs. Dave McKenzie of Kincardine visited on Wednesday_ of last week with Mrs. ' Robert Reid of Clinton and with 'Mrs. Robert ' Webster . who is a patient in Clinton hospital. Congratulations go to Mr.;and Mrs." James . Mills•,(Mary Smelt- zer) of Weston on the arrival of a son, Blair Clark. ° Jack Campbell, Wilfrid and Don Steele took part in "Singtime" at Wingham on Sunday from Pine giver United church.. Mr. and' Mrs: John.. Morgan, Karen and Bob. of Stayner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Court- ney and family. on Sunday. Mrs. John -A., -Campbell of Am taxes, ' no labor • movements, no berleyvisited in. Ripley for a few Consignment :ocker Monday, May4th,'at _ Lucknow Community Sale:: Can handle up to 5 00 head .m .., f Phone 164r11 itipley oti :Lucknow 528.9912' WEDNESDAY, APRIL Mho 1164. r enan 41'041PION.4Nt/#41,P4WhiP#00~#00.4~4~0104,.!....40#4041.49, Supplies 044440 Garden. ias EARLY ALASKA `Pound I.,ots , , ,30c 'Ib. • GOLDEN' BANTAM Corn • •. T-0.4Lo.ts1' .. . 35c .lb. Evergreen: Fertilizer The safe, non - burning! plant food for lawns and gardens. 20 lbs. , ... .: , ' $1.95 40 , lbs: . . $2.95 80 lbs. $4.95 Lucknow CERTIFIED Seed Potatoes .. Cobblers, -r, :Katandin Green' Mountain --Sebago Kenebec 75 lb. bags; -- 1:5lb pee 'SURE GREEN" Lown. Seed Mixture ontaining Kentucky Blue, Creeping Red Fescue, ' Red Top, Rye Grass, Bent Grass 75c per pound inlaysoi Phone '5282903 HEATING Call lmporial0'Fnow..:andin48laurs you'll have the savings and service you want .NOW'S THE TIME TO SWITCH TO ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE .:. Canada's first—and finest -home heating plan. In, 48 hours an Esso • Home Heat Service specialist will thoroughly cheek your heating,equip- menti or the heating equipment in your new‘home if you are moving,, make all the necessary adjustments and complctcly condition it for peak,:. .:_performance next winter.: _..._ You 'PATIO MORE FOR ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE.but'fhere's a world of difference in the value. Your, heating equipment is 'serviced, and maintained by Canada's finest heatingspecialists,, hand-picked and Constantly trained ' by 'Imperial Oil,' econom y throe Their' quality of service as•suxcs gh trouble free' performance, You. get more heat...at . 'reduced,cost through Imperial service, IMPERIAL OIL: LIMITED GRANT CHISHoLii kucknow t w