The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-29, Page 11_--.-_,,.--•-,-��;F..*S!1aIU•f ;Ar -. - .:r�,ri Y'�lAI�.rigt LWEQNESDAY', APRIL 29th, 1964 ., THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • '.PAGE ELEVEN! ER and..ENTERTAINMENT Enjoy lavish reviews and tap entertainment by nationally known stars of TV, radio,.. stage and the continent.: Dance to, livemusic and enjoy 'the finest in ,foodand drink on ,; the Dinner -of -the -Month plan.1 As priviledged • OINNER O F-TH E - MONTH CLUB MEMBER Membership .entitles you . to special courtesies, plus •dinner :for two .. .' you pay for only :on. meal. Write•for.applicatlon and 'complete details ..'. Front & Simcoe Street OBITUARY JOHN MacKENZIE` • in everything Scottish. For /a time, Mr: MacKenzie.. - worked as . a fireman engineer at the' salt block at Kincardine. La ter,. , he . homesteaded. int Saskat=. chewan for a'number of years and then came...toGoderich w ere he r h worked at the .salt '.block there.; In his later years in Goderich, he was employed by the Town Parks -Department.. For the past 11• years, he lived at Huronview. His wife, the former Mary Mac- Donald of Ripley, predeceased him .22 years ago. A younger bro- ther, who was studying : to bec a • Presbyterian minister, died be- • fore he 'graduated.''John'•MacKen- zie was the last surviving. member of his family. . A . funeral service . was held at the Lodge funeral' homey Goder rich for John MacKenzie 93,, whose death occurred at Huronview, Clin- ton,:. on Saturday.. Rev. G. L. Roy- al' of• Knox Presbyterian Church conducted the service. Interment was in Maitland cemetery. The. pallbearers were:. Graham Macy' Donald, Clarence MacDonald, John, Marwick, ` John . Pitblado. John I acKenzie ..was born at Broadford, Isle- of Skye, Scotland in. August, 1870. As a boy of eight years he came ' to • Ripley with. his parents.:. from ' . Scotland. His father was a Gaelic -speaking Pres- byterian minister. John . could speak Gaelic and was.. well versed vinummemosiommiumw use dee3?nysi These wonderful days of boyhood last such a short time. But while your son is growing up,' you canbe helping.him to face the future. with confidencethrough" life; insurance. For example, you can .assure him.an advanced education' with one of Sun Life's educational policies; you can guarantee his future. insurability with a Guaranteed ,Insurability Benefit; you'canlay the foundation for his future life insurance with'a'Junior Adjustable Policy where, withno increase in premium, each $1,000 of insurance increases to $5,000 -at age 21. Most important of all you needi an up-to,dat0 program on your own life to assure'your family. .an adequate income in the event of your death. KNAHAN a tscUu WM. .1. • � �� i o� het' �,Ee S n�� yowlg . po R.t2. 2,. L cknov Phone' ' 'ingharn . 357..1987 SUN 'LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Hear From World Trav�ller Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton of. Lucknow recently received an interesting Ietter from David Kel- ly, written on. board the Castel Felice ' enroute from Australia .. to Singapore; David. is known to quite 'a num- ber in this community having worked here for . a time with Andy Ritchie in Ashfield and for Harvey Ackert in the Kincardine' area. A barber -shop chance acquain- tence, stemming : from -mutual. "Old Country" interests, resulted in the friendship with the • Mc- Naughton. and they have since. "kept . in touch " Two years ago last fall 'David returned to Yorkshire following the death of his' grandfather. The wanderlust . soon had him travel- ling again, thistime.- through Eur- ope and the Middle East to India. David took a .' deck hand job for a passage to Australia. He worked for a time ' last year at a hospital in Melbourne and . after Christmas spent a month "going round" Aus- tralia, travelling some 60:00miles which took him to some real Aus- sie' outback country. • He 'spent a -month in New Zea- land, where the McNaughton Chris- tmas card caught up, tohim. in Auckland. In his far Easttravels, which he is now enjoying, • he plans to see , Malaya, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Japan. He expects to arrive in Vancouver early in the summer, and 'who'. knows, he says, but "I should be, popping •in on you in September." Attended and Clinic eek (Intended For Last Week) Elwin Hall of Lucknow: District High School : was in. Waterloo last week -end where he attended •the; Waterloo Instrumental • Clinic '64. This .;annual convention, ' held at the -Theatre' of the Arts, Univer- sity of Waterloo, . attracted over 300 bandmasters, music educators, and instrumentalists from all ov- er Canada and parts of. the United States. It is; .•sponsored each 'year, by the Waterloo. Music Company Limited as their contribution.. to the • growth of the instrumental music in. Canada. Included in this : year's program 'were : some of North America's. most outstanding music educators and bandsmen. In : addition . to these . outstand- ing clinics, which besides teach- ing new techniques • and .'devices, .acted. as ` an inspirational stimulus to the delegates, there were sev- eral outstanding ;performing groups which • ably demonstrated these new techniques and thrilled the , audiences with ''their perfor- mance. The delegates also had ' plenty of time to examine the compre- hensive displays ompre-hensivedisplays; of music • and musicalinstruments and to meet. with. each otherin informal' groups. Elwin informs us • that the things he learned and the inspir- ation hereceived at the Waterloo Instrumental. Clinic will most cer- tainly . assist him in his work with - the. Lucknow District High. School band. Letters TO Editor. Dear Sir: " The Editor, ' Lucknow. Sentinel. , I amdelighted to send to you and your .newspaper the , sincere .appreciation of 'the Ontario So-, ciety .for Crippled 'Children for the generous support you have given to our Easter Seal .Cam' paign. Our. annual appeal to' the public inviting is simply a letter their financial. assistance.. With your help in reminding ,and . ehcourag ing a response, our campaigns' have been successful. • ' I send this expression of thanks on behalf of our campaignv lun� tears throug ' Ontario " , .d .l especially for c ippled childr n,, r Si erely yos, J. C. Preston, Chairman, • Provincial Easteii "Seal Co' nattee. MucDONALD; GARAGE 7LAS B/.:TJE.R1ES. DUNLOP TIRES Top Quality at Reasonable Price ROTATE TIRES ' REGULARLY Wheels Balancing and Alignment Shockabsorber Service 2 Licensed Mechanics REPAIRS to ALL MAKES OF CARS and TRACTORS, Bowling Tournarnen (Intended For On : Wednesday evening, April 15 ' at . .8:30 p.m. a bowling tourn- ament was, held at Lucknow's new bowling alley.. The contestants,. 48 in all, were divided into .6 teams, •8 on a :'team. The teams were . Sil- verwood's, Businessmen North, Businessmen South, Lucknow Wood Products, Municipal and the 'Le- gion. Le-gion. Each team was required'. to pay , an entry fee of ''$10.00, with prizes of $4.00 a : team • going to the top team:. in each of the . three, games. A prize of. $1.00'went to the high' scorer in each game also. The first game was won by the; Business; Men . North with the total score ' for • the "game ' being 953. High single went to' Gordon Brooks of . the Businessmen' South, who had a top score of 280. The second. and third games were won by .the, Businessmen South with top scores, of 1039 and 1044 respectively. ' Don MacKinnon won both high. singles for these two 'games,, coming up. with 'a 308 and 277. The tournament.: was an exper- intent to see if the interest was `. great enough to produce a Business Men's League in next: year's bowl- ing • season: This'proved that there seemed to: be. The players on each team are as follows: . SILVERWOOD'S Ron Thomp t Meld At New Lanes Last Week) • son, Prank , Hawthorne, Harold Smith, Bruce Hamilton, Mark Hut- chinson, Gordon Maize, Art Pull- ey, and Jack Fisher. BUSINESSMEN SOUTH --- Ernie Button, Don MacKinnon, ': Roy Fin layson, : Lloyd Ashton,. Gordon Brooks, Chas.. Webster, Bob ' Fin- lay, and Al Hamilton. ' LEGION — Russ Button,' George. Whitby, Hank Ritchie,. Bud Thomp- son, Cliff Crawford, Chas. Ander- son, Ab Morton, and Jas. Mathers.: LUCKNOW WOOD PRODUCTS- Ja ck Cameron, Jim MacDonald, Jack McGuire, Peter': Al, . Bill Hun- ter, Cec Garniss, Gary , Gammie, and. John .Elliott.: MUNICIPAL _ Howard . Agnew,. George Joynt, Mike Sanderson, Joe Balzer, Bud Hamilton, Hugh Mac-. Millan, Omar Brooks and Floyd Milne.• - BUSINESSl1iI' El1f NORTH -=.Jack Treleaven, Flank Eagan, Al Al Baker, Bill Johnston, Rae Gainnon, Eldon Wraith, Bill olt .and ,Ray Thorn- : ,ton. During , the . first day at ` school, the teacher 'informed all the Stu- dents . that, if anyone had . to go. 'to the restroom' 'lie. should . raise two fingers._ One. little boy, seemed puzzled and asked, "How's . that . '' going to help?" 4 i THAT WONDERFUL .WORLD WARMTH, 'When it,comes to home heating, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort able as safe,' dependable-Esso.Oil heat.` We "have.a.wide range of oil heating •,equipment to suit.every'budget.. No Down Payment,- Up To 10 Years To 'Payr'. ROY HAVENS Plumbing And Heating Phone 528-3012 Lucknow' ESSO•. OIL BURNER . SALES And SERVICE 4 i SERVICE' • • • f4