The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-29, Page 3WEDNESDAY,. APRIL 29th;. 1.964. alfi simiwe • TH.E 1,-UC•KNOIN. '.SENTINEL, �LUKKNOW, ONTARIO • /■■ M■.® O■ r. ./r.aara.r ■.■A.r■r/.Mit t•■ 1■11ouni mA inn / mama 1: • . o- ut • 1' • • a: ■ : . i i.. • Heinz F.Oods.. ,rate ✓ Str. or • Jr. 5 -oz.. 10 for •rte„�:.. � s;, Kleenex Tissu€s: 7 : for , Chubby :300 or Reg, 200 . ' • White Swan Tis. 8 for. ::1• White or Colored, 26 off Twin, i ack... Roll Clarks Beans 5,` for. $1 111. with Pork 20 -oz. SAVE 15c Salado Tea Bags 60`s 77c ■ Rase: Margarine 4 for 95c . i ib. pkg: G.t.:.Size: , omopkg,8e i. 1. • it • Supreme Biscu s•$ iFancy Assorted, 120. Biscuits in Gt. carry- : out pack' ' : !'Dog�. Food • . Champion 15. -oz.: ✓ . Liptons Soups —, . fore $1 ■. Chicken Noodle, Tomato,.. Vegetable : ' IApplesauce, i 'Smarts :Fancy : '1:5-0z,. for $1 Johnsons .Li'qui.d.wax.:.. Kle.ar 32 oz. Bu ePeanut tt r Red and White 16 -oz: 3 for 1....:.':Cooked Spaghetti 6 for r.1.• Libbys ' 15 z.: Fruit :Cocktail • 'i Aylmer Choice 5.oz. for $1. Asst'd: Drink : 3 •:fo.r,. $1. i . Aliens , • 48 -oz. , Jams or Jellies 3 :for. 89c ✓ .' F b: Smith Pure . 9 -oz: Tomato Soup• 1a for 1 r. Clarks 1() -oz. D:Mon_o Lge..Prunes 39�c t . ,. i•' lh' Cello ✓ r Lipton Soups '7 for $1• Chicken wth,•Rice,. Cream of Chicken pkgs. ■ Jell. * Po,vders •10 for. ■ Red: and White pkgs. 0.. ■ ' r ✓ . 1 ✓ r, Gillette • Steel:.- •$tainlesa; 6's i •and • i Gillette La#.her Shave. Crea. • . • ...• m. $.1.:32... Value: • • i •■: i' all f0ji' $1 BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD: Delicious New `Veg. Dishes, your • choice :. Cut Corti in Butter ;Sauce, 1.0 -oz . ■ Mixed Vegetables in. Butter Sauce,• ..10 -oz.• �. Green .' Peas in . Butter' Sauce, • 1'0 -oz.., • for $1 ■ •■ ■. 0 ■ ■ Coconut Macaroons 39c ,.1. . ;Weston or. Sunbeam • 2'4' to :pkg. Reg. 4 3c ” •. • I�•:' "�: :Special�� 39cellRols PAGE THR!sW. LOCAL. and GENERAL NEWS • Mr. • and Mrs. .George 'Tucker Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Brumby of, Exeter and formerly. of 'Luck - now visited last week, with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet, Henderson, Mrs: Ed Thom is a patient in. Wingham hospital with. bronchitis. She was admitted to . hospital . on, Sunday. .' William P.otter of Lucknow has returned ' home following; . a . win- ter in. California with his .daughter and family. He .arrived. home' by train •last week. .• Carmen and Jessie Beaton have returned • to their home in Detroit after spending ,a ,month. at Mi- ami Beach, Florid. Mr. , and Mrs. John Wraith ,vis ited on Sunday in,' Walkerton at the home of the former's sister Mrs. Henry Albrecht and Mr. Al- brecht ' and with Mr. and Mrs. Jim, . Albrecht. • Mr..:and Mrs: T W. Smith: who have • been. at ;Pinecrest: Manor during . the winter,. returned to their •own ' home ' the first of the week: Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nic- holson. of town are with. them. Mrs.. John Hall :leaves • on Sat- urday to visit her sister, : Mrs. Lydia, EverdelL at Lancaster, New Brunswick::: She will `.fly to, the Maritimes. leaving . , from 1Vlalton. , Mr. and • Mrs. Bill Cummings and Murray of Owen Sound' spent: the week -end -here with .her 'mother:. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill ' Blue . of De- troit visited over the week -end with her' mother; Mrs. J. D.' An- derson at Pinecrest ` Manor. ,Mrs. Anderson. recently suffered a fall, but; `'was not severely injured. , Mr. and. Mrs. H. •Gibble of: Port Credit, Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Bryce' of Port' .Elgin and. 'Mrs. Maurice, Geisz ;. f Kincardine Were ; recent visitors ' with their cousins' Mrs:. Jack McKendrick and Madelyne McMorran. of Toronto, were week -end, guests of Mrs and Mrs. Harvey Webster. • Mr. and Mrs. • Herman Phillips of Ashfield moved 'recently to an apartment in .the Henderson. Block. Mr, and 'Mrs, Orley Cooper at- tended the funeral of their, cousin. Mr, John Wilson at . Mount For- est orest.on . 'Monday , and .visited with. friends in. Mount Fairest and. Har-• riston,:. Nonagenarian Passed . ' Away MRS. CHARLES GOODENOW Mrs. • Charles N. Goodenow ';pas- sed, away at Lucknow on Wednes- day, ednes day, April 15th in her '. 94th year. She was The widow. of the late Charles N. Goodenow, a former well-known ' 'Detroit 'builder in which city Mr. and . Mrs.` Good- enow had made their home for many years. Mrs: Goodenow, . was . the for- mer or mer Margaret McLarty, , daugh— ter of ' the late Mr. and Mrs'. ' An- gus :1VIcLarty ' and was born : on Concession • 10, near ' Ripley • op June, 3rd, 1870. Services , , for . Mrs: Goodenow were held Saturday, April 18 at 11:00: a.m. in the McCabe -Funeral ". Home, . Detroit, with'. interment at. Woodmere Cemetery. Survivors include ' her' .children "--- Jeanette, Charles F., Bruce' A, and .Margaret 'C., (Mrs. Don , F Zi nmerman), all' of Detroit, Mich- igan, five grandchildren and one great ' grandchild, as well as a brother, Duncan McLarty of .Al- berta, Canada. Maurice " "Rocket" Riiehard was,:' guest speaker at a minor hockey banquet in. Durham on , Wednesday. Westons Reg. '45c' 1000000000000000000000000000000000000•000000000111 D�I,iMont�,Raisins,,, nr THE SQUARE �i PARS � . •' ■. - TktE . GoderieL' • THE : Goderich' Nickel Pack, pack,' of b i ▪ • 'Thursday, 4 'Friday;' 'Saturday, ' April. 30 May 1-2 ' • Vincent' Price .and: Debra Paget Sho 'wtitnies ? s30 SuaveHair":,Spray''. . - - Reg:.1 29, 12 %2 -oz . Normal and Extra ▪ :. SuaveShqmpoo 7?c,:.. Norrnal,: and.. Dry, 1 2 oz. and 9:30 p:ai, • •• g •� 9c ■ • In • a hair-raising mystery adventure yarn "• • "THE HAUNTED PALACE" Color i... 0. Monday,:, Tuesday, .Wednesday,; May 4-5-6 • • :..• • ' James .Garner' anl, Lee ;Re�i'`nick • : •, n one of the year's -BEST dramatic: productions, Miss.Sprays Net,:.79c • Crystal Clear, 6 -oz. Reg c ■ • ■ • •.•• . 98 r` ••• i • - • ., Oranges _California Juice Laden... "The Wheeler Dealers" ■ • • .. Cmemascope and Technicolor • oz..$1. ■ • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May ?-8-9 • . : • y, ngk • . One Show Only -each each ni ht starting • at � 8 , 00 'o'clock cloc • r "Mutiny: Oii The':±'BoU'ity" uChi• $3.99 with $S.O�Purchase!: Qtitdity 'Meats Cottage .. •Rol Is. Ib. Sweet Pickled Cryovac' Halves Back 'Bacon Sweet Pickled Boneless Rindless Bacon Ik i ■ ■ :•• . . Starring ' Marlon. Brando and'Trevor Howard • Magnificent i" ' Scope' and Color. e ', , Adult Admission advanced- to .75 cents for this .program . ' ' �' • `• ADMITTANCE . • w COMING — "NEVER. ; _ REST R 1 C T E D • • • OIV TO. ►ERsoN$ • i 'SUNDAY" a 1(EARS of aca +N4•i•l1•••t1N • OI! OVER .' ; • easaaomaiaasit■ter■aar■ meld ■■Eu ■,I ion ■n aaiR mu Ingham . ▪ .. , . i' .▪ . m... Wenars : Skinless •2 Ib. 85cme • • Mild Seasoned a , a Breaded Haddock Portions • Olmstead Fully . Cooked ■ Ib, ‘.59c Y . • ■ •' ■; • �nC ite Food • i PHONE 528;.3001 -- IFREE DEL VER r . i, rrr■asatasaar■atsseatsaw ■a■ ,...,., alis®®set®ttr■ee■rNtesla.■'weritt�imiraat~iswrNi�wi::i■ n r nasal• ��Iliaal9.ERaM..MIsEtM•rtt■trtiliRaan■■taitttiiiitatt�R�i. , ■0 • :.. May 1-2 April.;'30, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- "Straight : Jacket" Starring: Joan Crawford - Diane Baker • and Leif Erickso k n Just keep saying to., yourself 'as you see this one that "it's only a movie,". "it's only a movie:" We ;advise . only those with• strong hearts and strong constitutions to see "Straight Jacket" ;as, it vividly portrays axe inurders, It is not for child- ren. Saturday . Matinee -- May 2 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S FEA'T'URE • ■ 4 a • • r•