The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-29, Page 1*n• SWOTi 64.00 .A Year In Advance r-- ;1,00 ' Extra' To U.S.A.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th, 1964 Single Copy, 10c.. 16 Pages, Replies Indicate Housing Interest e Replies' to the 'Twin ' Pines Apart- meiits advertisement, indicate 'suf-. ficient interest for follow-up steps. to be taken loftily.. Selection of a building" site,. which will have to ' be approved ` by . Central Mort- gage and Housing- .Corporation. 'will precede a survey 'of. pros-' pective applicants. It. is . expected a : representative. of CMHC will be in the•: Village.:within. .the : next • week to confer with Reeve, G. W. Joynt and the , Lions Committee regarding prospective , sites` The. project -= still in ' . the. in- vestigation • and ` ' discussion stage is promoted by the Lucknow and:. District Lions Club . which named • a 5 -man .comrnittee to. ob- tain details, . and assess interest in this senior, citizens apartment. housing plan.' At Mondaynight's meeting E. H..Agnew, :chairman of the in- vestigating committee reported on the, results of ' assessing local in- tereSt: r The.. 'eleven'replies were from nine :individual, 'persons . and two couples. Five of these ."applicants were home owners. It has. been'stressed , that there ��is no'obligati• on in. ; these replies nor. •will .;there beany obligation. in` a, follow-up : survey that will. be—taken.' This : will be in the, form of. an application which '"does not bind any Of the.parties" & .any information requested will .be."kept confidential, , and known only to the Twin " Pines Apartments ; Lim. ,Require 16 Applications A, minimum of 16 of these ap- plications are required' which will. be presented to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation officials for .evaluation .before the 'project ' would be .approved. • Government. Finan:>ced, Twin Pines is chartered ' under the National Housing ' Act and sponsored'. by United Co-operatives of ,Ontario' 'in conjunction with .a local organization •in this. case, -- -the 'Lions -Club. Mr. Art • Haas • of United Co-op- eratives ' is in ,chargeof pro- motion of this senior citizens .-lows. rental modern, apartment accom- odation. ' He' spoke to : the Lions about 'a years ago. and again on Monday night when he • was In- troduced by Fred Pierce, man-: . ager :of • Lucknow District 'Co-op, • Many of the details of this housing plan have previously been. Publicized. Mr.- Haas stated that • ten apartments are now operat- ing' in "various smaller centres and six .more are underway. Kincar- dine..'and Chesley are currently promoting the project.. Qne is in operation . in Wingham.' The response. here warrants more effort, • he ' said .for 'iii'' only . one other. instance had more re'- plies, been received than by the. • local committee; The public.'. has now come to realize that there is no ' gimmick Jin this plan. It is , a combined part uitable :Site .Approve Federal, Provincial and Municipal. effort.Central Mortgage and Hou sing Corporation provides 90%* of the capital cost; .Thereis a straight ; provincial gift from the Department of Welfare of ' some $4,000, The local sponsoring' body provides the site of the • building and this generally represents, ac- cording to Ideation, a major share of the local organiza:Lon's :equity. Fixed Rental A:. tax rebate arrangement is made with the `municipality to as- sure a fixed rental for a '50 -year. period. Rentals will . roughl be .000 " for single y $45... units and $55 for double units. Eligibility regulations are' very_ elastic. Thereare • 7� single units an 4 double . units • in `the f1, apart- ment 'building of . fire -proof con- struction apart from . doors, . • cup- boards and roof. Tenants a r e selected by a screening ..committee, and upon. being accepted their' occupancy is secure, if they ,are of good Char- acter. Leasescan beterminated by either party within thirty ,days," but • in 'the case of the • tenant, only if of undesirable character. .The maintenace and operation of the 'apartment' building is solely the responsibility of Twin Pines Apartments Limited. 'There is no. obligation locally whatsoever other than : to screen theapplications with a three man committee rep- resenting Council, ,Lions and Min- isterial Association, ':. named for this . purpose, which Mr. Haas said One- Vacancy To Fill . On. H. S. Staff Two appointments were recently • made to .the.. Lucknow Distr"ict; High .School staff. One vacancy remains to be filled,, . resulting, from the'resignation of 'Miss A. 'Gall, which was _received on=.Mon day. ' • Miss Gall ' will teach in Hamil- ton next. ,term and :,the . local 'Board is presently advertising for a math : and science • teacher to, succeed her,. • � .Staff, Members recentlyengageded are MissBetty Anne=McCall and Mr. Thomas (Tom) .Rai nautar- singh, (pronounced. Ram -o -tar- sing ). • Miss McCall will teach all' the French at L,DHS and some girls' physical education, She *graduat- ed graduated from Orangeville District 'High School " where: she was a member of the : military band, .She has. taken 'eight honour courses. in French and will graduate from Waterloo University .College. ' in May with an honours: degree in English and French. She has sung in the •A Capella Choir. Mss McCall will succeed Mr. T. M. Pettit who resigned ;to ac cept a . position, in Lorne Park Collegiate, Toronto, ..commencing in . September, . • 12 Member . Staff ..,, __ Mr. Rantautarsingh is ' an• ad- e of the staff, ' ' nal. member ditto oung PeopIe Wash the fall 'will number which hi ` � .. twelve including the principal, Carsgtte. t,. 11. ��For.. Mr. y . ' itarsingh : will teach Four itribe 'f " th Y ° . Wis. Ft:iinar People'sme rs o e oung . ,group of the Lucknow Christian Reformed rmed Church had a busy afternoon on SaturdaY .They promoteda car washing project at the Finis' Service Sta- tion, and were kept on the lump Washinand twen- ty cleaning some ty cars inside and out. • : . Ther o p oceeds. of the hard-earned money are for_ i .. n Work, of then.. the misiso r. church The foursome were Diane 'Van beeen, Elizabeth Kloostra, ..Dick Askes and Sipke Bakker history throughout the school, He has been; on .the 1incardine high School staff for the past two years. • He is a graduate' with a general Bachelor of' Arts degree' from Waterloo university College, Among Past .activities he was a delegate„ to• the Cornmonwealth Youth Conference in London, Eng- land the World land and: �a of to ,. Assembly of Youth in Berlins Ger-- many, He -was a, tneinbci' and player la,., er With K.W. Little Theatre, ['and Trinity Players. • was customary - procedure. A ' resident janitor receives a $10:00 reduction in rent for very light duties and ..reporting; func- tional defects which need repairs. A n "outside caretaker," pos- sibly a youth, is engaged for grass cutting and snow shovelling. All services ' are included in -the ren- tal fee. WARBLE SPRAYED SOME 6000 CATTLE .IN 'WEST WAWANOSH; Victor Errington, Warble ° fly in- spector in West 'Wawanosh Town- ship, reports . ;some 6000 cattle sprayed . in the Township this spring, which' : is about 50 -less than the . :number treated last, year. The second spray will start this • Friday, May 1st > .at. Tom and Alex Inglis; and proceed westward along Highway 86. Actively Fanning StillSfit At Age Qf 85 Peter ..Moffat of Kinloss Town- ship,' a lifelong., resident of the municipality was - 85 years of age last week, and is still actively. engaged • in the operation of° his farm . on Concession 8, three miles east `of Holyrood. A family' gathering was - held on d :