The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-22, Page 11• ,w r. WEDNESDAY APRIL. 220d.. 1964: • , • THE LUW' CKNO.SENTINE,; 'LUCKNOW ' ONTARIO e :automotiveproducts with t, plus factor ownership... 60-012 Heavy Duty OIL Now gives even bette'., • ' protection against .high ' temperature, heavy duty type • deposits in diesel°•afad gasoline engines and also`. against low-temperature sludge deposits; Effective in' resisting wear and in stopping hydraulic valve sticking. CO-OP 'LUBCO Multi -Purpose. GREASE One grease.. for; all the; jobs around the farm. Pumps freely at 20°' below zer9; does not melt. • under high temperatures. Recommended for: ' •. Wheel.Bearings ! Water Pumps • Chassis •' Universal `Joints • Ball'&.Roller Bearings • CO-OP, Cofax GREASE Made wi'th'a heavygbase oil: at•. Recommended for:. • Loose-sleevetype bearing• • High'speed anti -faction bearings' • As•:an.economical gun, grease • for protection against lusting and •: corrosion' • Chassis lubricant.: • UCKNOW. DiSTWO Lucknow - Phone 528-2125 You can always depend on CO-OP PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Passes After iIVIRS.. HgRO. After' . a lingering illness and. severe. suffering born with patience and cheerfulness, death • cane• . to Mrs. Harold. Tanner of ,Lucknow; at Wingham ;General Hospital on • 'Friday, April ' 10th She was . in her 56th year. •Mrs Tanner was the former. Gladys V. J... Elder, daughter Of Benjamin Elder and Saran .Jane McCullough of 'Sullivan . Township, and later residents of ..Amabel Township ' where ,their. , daughter. Gladys was born on March 13th, 1909.: She taught school, for nineteen years, and ten. years ago on March 4th, 1953,. she married Harold' Tan - nes of� Elderslie Township ' at :the United MTs iti-PiiTt"Elgtn. 'r min'..1961 lVir: and Mrs.. Tanner oved froth Amabel Township to Lueknow- where they purchased 'the former Gardner property to • the .West of the Elwin: hall pro- perty on Stauffer St: • In., failing health during her residence here, and :gravely' ill for over six • months, Mr.and Mrs.Tanner had' courageously faced. the inevitable the fact that. Long Illness LD TANNER to. pay their respects,, • was a fit- ting • tribute to the esteem: in which Mrs.. Tanner` had. • been, held. Burial: was in Tara cemetery, the , pallbearers being two broth- •ers-in-law, John , MacDermid and `Robert . ,Turnbull; two neighbors,. James Keane and Philip Stewart; and• .two cousins, Russell McCul- lough and Dr.... Norman . McCul- lough., cCu1-lough:, i PAGE E4EVEN: • ' The flower • bearers were nieces, nephews and a cousins, John •Mac- Derm'id, . 'Georgina MacDermid, -Ruth • . Brough, Kar!o1d • 'Brough, Mary Elder. , Besides her husband, Mrs:.Tan- ner is survived by a sister Mrs. Harry Ramsa.y.•(Hazel) •of. Ripley. it s;tonary lurch' Manse. She, pxe ceased by two bro- thers : James. ,'and Harold of Allen- ford and an infant brother John: Friends attended the funeral from M CTigan, Owen.• Sound, -Para, Paisley, , Toronto, 1'lamiltoti,, Pres- ton, Durham,.: " NEWS BRIEPS During March Grey County launched ,t.nrh d e .nii ' active campaign to hold the. Dutch Elm Disease in check. Diseased trees in six Thee - bons woe clisintly• by cutting and burning the grub in • tested bark - • OLIVET NEWSL °The Olivet V.C.W. held their. April meeting at the • home of Mrs. George Ball. Mrs.' • Jack Mc- •Guire conducted the worship pro- gram with • .Mrs. Herb Clayton. reading • the' scripture and com- ments. Mrs. Harry Coiling gave a . Bible quiz and .read a poem, Mrs. Robert Osborne reviewed• :a. chapter, of the . study book. Mrs; John Maceharles sang;a solo` ac companied . by Miss Mary Roul-. 'sten at the piano.: President, ''Mrs. Robert Osborne, ' conducted the. business when. she and, Mrs. White' gave .reports from the Presbyter- ial held a Walkerton'. Mrs. Wal- ter -Dexter thanked Mrs. Ball and all who contributed. to the very enjoyable meeting,. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Morrison of. Rexdale and- Mrs. Mintz of St. Helens visited en Sunday with Mrs. Mae .:Hamilton. Misses Mary and' Helen White of. Kitchener, Mrs. McNairne. and Jinn McNairne of Seaforth visited on Sunday .:with'. the White family. Mrs. White. was heard in a solo on Sunday in the United Church: accompanied by Miss Sandra Mac - 'Charles at the organ. REPORTED ON' DIRECT -LINE CARDIOGRAPH' EQUIPMENT At . the monthly meeting '' of the Wingham Hospital Board. Dr: .Mel Corrin • reported for, the medical. staff in regard to the direct -line. electrocardiograph equipment which has naw . been removed from the. hospital: , It • Was installed. by: the Bell Telephone three morfths�:-ego on a"• trial : basis' in transferring:. heart impulses ,direct by telephone to the heart:specialist in London for immediate ;diagnosis: He said that it had operated quite satis- factorily but that a survey of the local doctors , indicated that the number of emergency cases did not justify the expense,' involved.,. Pufact, there had been no. em- ergencies in the three month • per- iod. Cost of .installation was about $20 per month, plus the long dis- tance . charges for each time it was employed, averaging about' $5.00 per patient: The •equipment: was employed on 90 occasions during„' the :'three months.. FORD 6000 ,ill-POPORS 1RACTO • :Sef e ct-O-Speed .Transmission keeps you' moving shift on the go without clutching. '* •. Power Steering is: standard. on: all Ford 6000'sto give you work- • saving Operating efficiency. . • Full. Power Disc Brakes are oil.cooled to last longer and provide easier, ,,more positive control. Powr-Stor Hydraulics give you fast, responsive hydraulic action anytime; you' need it at all. operating engine .speeds.' • Extra comfort foam -covered' adjustable•seat:... steering wheel, tilts up for convenient• stand-up operation. Drop in.and..see ' this S -plow farm power -house... Ford 6000 TRACTOR DIVISION Lucknow. .Phone 528-301,0 pow,.. • .•,.. - . • .Iv .•• REN.. TAL Hnnsini!I , • • v; • InrSFNIflI? fIT17FNC ViIIag of LUCKNO W of Jae of the AND ADJACENT AREA ■. !1 I Q Al FICATIONS:is 0 al Age : 59 or ` over, physically able to care for self. Annual income' not.m um m. exceeding :approximately $2,1.00' for individuals, or ' $2,700 for couples. ■ ■ there Was 'rro hope for her . re: covery,.•• The funeral service Ywas .field at the ,Johnstone Funeral Hoene_ on' Monday, April, ' 13th; conducted '4 Rev. Rod McLeod of ' Luck- 1,;1_01N uck- n0W Presbyter,Tan Church' and ltJ; Dormer :of the Church of God at lhlytit . The many friends from 'their. former home eommtm- ity 'Who carne to the funeral home c ` : * a The :jircilrosrcl Rentor •}-Citizens` low recital alit tnie it project tak- en ak ell oil •by the itineardine Kinsmen p , Club is .now almost a certainty r with the committee set up within a Opt club considering. u' number of • properties . for the. site. • RENTALS: SING LE APARTMENTS (for individuals) about . $45 monthly ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS_ . $5-5 • �• (for couples” ,=— about. $55. monthly RENTALS INCLUDE - heat, water; electric • range and refrigerator, blinds, venetian TV aerialshared red automatic washer, and dryer. , If Interested, please reply by letter,' giving your name and., adcJress,' to LI.JCKNOW and . 'DISTRICT- LIONS CLUB c/o Box. 380. Luckuow •Sentinel, . i' Y';L Y' 9 Y i W •'M W Y' Y .1' Y i. Y 'i.Y Ya' W a[ Y, Y' 1' i Y 'i Y Y • r • MIIsi NM II II IMMO'MarAte•■ eN11>IM•1l#Yrrti•`111MI•ii NSfillitili Iitlit* bi■M INiie NArMir Address Y 9 P i Wv p Y W S W 9`,f H• Y' f kY v. ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION