The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-22, Page 8GE EIGHT t'HE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. • ONTARIO' R1PL1.Y.NEAT Custom Butchering Mondays Hogs, "$2.00 in by 4:00 p.M. • Cutting,. and. Wrapping, 2c pound ' CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY,. .4 EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking . Beef, Pork and Lamb, SOW' Whole, 'Half or Quarter .. For Better Service, • And Lower Prices --. Call Ripley ,:100.' Chas. Hooisma. = Prop. Mrs. Geo. Whitby President Of W.I. Mrs. J. 14, MacMillan presided for the annual meeting of Luck- now Women's Institute, on Friday with 30 members present. Mrs. MacMillan had , served as, presi- dent for the., past three years. Plans ' were made ' to ., attend short course • on desserts at Walk- erton. District director : Mrs. P. Stewart reported on the district executive meeting and explained how the $1.00 fee is ' used. Mrs. Stewart ' was appointed as alter- nate delegate to the national con- vention to be held in June in. Nova Scotia. Excellent reports • were given, by all . standing eom. mittee conveners. Sec.-treas. Mrs. A. J. Wilsonreported a profit of $440.00 for, the year. The nominating committee, Mrs. Barkwell .and. Mr, , G.Fisher pre- sented . the following slate of ' of- ficers for 1963-64: Pres., Mrs. G. Whitby; 1st' Vice:`•Mrs. O. Brooks; 2nd Vice, Mrs. A. MacKay; : Sec.- treas., Mrs. A. J. Wilson; assis- tant, Mrs. P. Stewart; kPianist, :Mrs. A. MaeDiarmid; a sistant,, .::Mrrs..J , W. Joynt; District Direc- tor, Mrs. ; J. MacMillan; Auditors, , ..: Sproule, Mrs. MacDiarniid; Federated , News, Mrs. Barkwell; Institute directors, Mrs. Adams, :Mrs. N. . J. MacKenzie, Mrs. C.' Cooke; ' Standing committee con-. venors, Agriculture and Canad- ian Industry, : Mrs. S. Stothers; Historical, Research, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie Public . Relations, Mrs. G. Fisher; Citizenship. and Ed., Mrs. \G. '' Saunders; , Home Ec. and Health, Mrs J. Emmerson; Resolutions, Mrs. ' W. F. Mac- Donald. • Retiring... President ' Mrs. J L. MacMillan acted as installing •of- ficer in theabsence. of Miss M. MacLeod. Mrs; N. J. MacKenzie moved., a vote of thanks to Mrs. MacMillan for her faithful leader- ship in the past 3 years: Mrs. G. Whitby took charge of the new . business. Mr. R `. Gibson and Mr. Van Dom, representing p g. the . Cancer , Society of Walkerton spoke 'to the ladies and .stressed the; need.: to keep'our' cancer so- ciety organized o-cietyorganized to help as much as possible in the:. great work be- ing done . in the clinics and re- search laboratories. The meeting closed ' with . the Queen and:, Institute grace.,; A buf- fet supper was enjoyed by all. NEWS BRIEFS Safecrackers, described by po- lice as professionals, stole $205 in cash from the Paisley municipal and `hydro office,after doing an expert job of opening : the ' large steel safe. A • majority ' of Chesley merchants have voted in `favor ' of closing all day on Wednesdays. Somevoted in favorr•providing' all stores. of 'a :sim- ilar • nature ...approved. : Others . who. withheld an opinion, s a .i d they ,would go. along with the majority. • i 1 'e, •• • 1 WHITECHURCH U.C.W. Spring Meeting The U.C.W. held their Spring meeting in . the United . Church, prettily decorated with baskets of mums and daffodils,'. on Tuesday afternoon. The organist Mrs. Gar- net Farrier played while the ladies of the congregation, guests from. Lucknow, Bluevale. and White- church Presbyterian gathered. Mrs. Claude • Coffin presided and gave the call to worship and led in prayer and; gave the meditation on hope.' The. scripture. was read by Mrs. Dan . Tiffin. A hymn w a s sung and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth led ': in prayer.. Mrs. Corrigan of Bluevale gave a . piano solo. Mrs. Millan Moore introduced. the guest speaker, • Mrs. Arthur Jacksonof 4 Belgrave, whose ,message was, 're volutions :,area going on effecting everyone of our lives in all walks of life. '.God can only lead us so;: far as we are' willing to be led. We must.: w a 1 k in future w i t h faith in .the church. Mrs. George Mitchell thanked the speaker. and presented her with; a gift. Mrs.' James McInnes gave 'a reading "Faith The offering was receiv- ed by Mrs. George Thoinpson. Mrs. Russel ' Chapman and Mrs. Carl' Weber gave the offertory prayer.. The president invited, . all : to . the basement , for lunch. Rev. George'. Mitchell. gave the closing prayer. Presbyterian Chuych W.M.S. WERE TAKEN OIIT OF THE PICTURE i Plan for your family's security 110W through, 'life insurance. Don't gamble on their future. . Even, tomorrow may be too late. I am a Mcal Sun Life representative. WIT) not call. me today? WILLIAM J. KINAHAN R,R. 2 Lucknow" Phone Wingharn .357-1967 SUN' LIFE 'ASSURANC,.E COMpAN'1r OF CANADA • Chalmers Presbyterian a Church W.M.S.` held their meeting on Wed- nesday. The president ' Mrs. Victor Emerson welcomed all 17 mem-; bers: and 1 child and opened the meeting with spring poems.. The roll call was answered with 'a verse of:.scripture: containing the word "Light." A letter ,was,, read from the missionary. Mrs. Lilian A. Dickson, Taipei, Taiwan, thank- ing the society ; for. used Christ- mas cards, birthday cards, etc. sent • to her. They print ' a verse of scripture in Chinese . on these cards and give them.. to .children and adults on all occasions...' The Bale requirements are baby, 'lay- ettes, warm mitts, men's socks, children's clothing, clothing for elderly folk, quilts, gifts for adult for Hospital patient, used clothing clean not mended, not out of date. The treasurer's statement showed a balance of $43.53. The next meeting May 20. will be under the leadership of Mrs. ,Dawson Craig. and Mrs:; Jacob Kuiper, with Mrs. Ira Wall and Miss M, Laidlaw as` helpers. The Glad Tidings ' Prayer was given by Miss ' Lila Emerson. Three scripture readings and med- itation was given by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt:: Mrs. Russel—Ross had - charge of the second chapter in the Study Book, Presbyterianism in the Bhil field and Jhansi field in India. She made her_ message •impressive because of the' `large map she had made ,to show where the work was 'done. She also con- ducted a Bible contest and gave the offertory prayer. Ladies Aid ' Meeting At the Ladies Aid meeting i• the treasurer Mrs. H. D. MacDonald reported a balance of $90.47. The question of a .sub. ; floor and new covering for :a floor at the manse was discussed–It It was decided to do the• work and Mrs.. 'Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. James McInnes and Mrs ,Jacob Kuiper were the com- mittee in charge. 'A committee to decorate and.' obtain flowers for anniversary, in May are Mrs. Dawson C r a i g,: Mrs;: Andrew: Gaunt, • Mrs, Frank Coulter, Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Jacob . Kuiper,- c_ wark_.committee,•--ar.. Mrs • Donald McDonald, Mrs.: H. D. • MacDonald and Mrs. W. R. r Purdon: Mrs, . Emerson closed the •meeting with prayer;. Reception Friday A reception was.held on Friday evening in Whitechurch . Cominun- ity Memorial. Hall for Mr, and Mrs.Eldon Emerson (newlyweds). Tiffin's orchestra supplied musk ., for dancing and the callers. off WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 22nd, .1964 CA'NADA'S ,eat 44'cite NIGHT CLUB ENTERTAINMENT direct; from Broadway, Lour V+gas, . Hollywoad.and Europe ..., Lavish revues. sparkling entertainment and 'finest food:. .. '.' only two blocks 1' front the Royal York in downtown Toronto. . Luncheon. dinner and supper served daily . :. Floor. shows at $:30 , and 11:30 P.M;., nightly' 4ti asis • 'Front & Simcoe. Streets. Tolephono 363.4151 in: the • . Barclay modern roons and suites mrt for corercial and transient guests,' singles' .} Y after which' dancing was resumed. Mr Alfred. ' Buckton'. returned from. Winghan' and District Hos- pital:. to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Morrison and Mr.' Morrison: • 'Mrs. Don :Gray, ,Bonnie, Tommy and. Donald of ,London spent the weekend: ' with , her parents . Mr. and . Mrs.' Tom Magoffin Mr. and Mrs: Doug Wright, Mr:, and Mrs: Eldon Emerson, Pene.: '. tanguishene 'spent' the week -end with.' Miss.' Lila,. Emerson. -�P HAY AN PASTURE: MIXTURES 1 • Now—more than ever -the Co-op: Big Bonus Hay and Pasture Program takes the guesswork . out of 'selecting. seed -mixtures for higher'. yields, and hence higher' farm , profits. How? Simply by taking advantage of Our new.: prescription mix seed service. And. it's so .convenient too ., .. right in your own' area! Here's;how it works:` just pay a visit to your:. Co-op and discuss your particular. seed requirements with its Soil and Crop Specialist. Based on Department of ' Agriculture recommendations, high quality name -variety seeds will be accurately blended e III our -NEW -.-SEED ' MIXERL. hese..specIic.- ;' tie .were Mr. Leroy : Rintoul and Mr Arthur Laidlaw, " At lunch hour " Mr. and Mrs. Emerson were ,call - ad to the platform and given set... a as oft honour. Elroy Laidlaw`a�ddress. , `ed the •couple and read an address e• With Earl Jamieson ,presenting • a r • gat of • money.. and Wayne Martin Lucknow .. presenting i floor lamp on be . half of the community. Mr. Emerson; Tclephaoe 5284125 thanked the folks for their gifts, . • • v mixtures will allow for . maximum yields of the hay and' astute required p in YOUR livestock program: ' Coop Our objective is to make You more successful . UNITED - PERATIVEB OP ONTARIO 0'•