The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-15, Page 10WEN SPEN• DING MONEtr THAT THey eAtzki FOLKs 00 VAL kiVraoI:JE 1)4 RETURN 40 scot, 714y VERY QUICkLy LEARN ir pita To sil13 JOHNS1ONE SON How FuRNisHINGs •,7":iltitatafte, cued 2�g - 52,e,..3013 HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPL /A NCES1 • , • .4, , t r • • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LOCKNOW,.. ONTARIO WHITECHL..RCH and DISTRICT • FORMER RESIDENT PASSES Mr. John T. Wadel, a. member Teeswater • Roman .Catholic Church anda former resident of 4th Kinloss, whose farm is now owned by Wallace Conn, passed away in Winghant Hospital on Monday. He leaves to mourn his •loss, Elizabeth of Sask„ Edna .of Midland, Margaret and Ella of TeesWater ,and Eddie of ,Teeswa- ter and Jim of Sudburn also 2 brothers George • of Culross and Leo of Kitchener. 'Mr, .Wadel wili long be remembered by residents Of the 4th Con. and vicinity ,for his kindness and help in time of trouble. He was buried. on VVed- nesday from Church's Funeral parlors, •This comonnity extends their sympathy to sorrowing rel- atives. , • Mr. RoyHuffman wai admitted to. Wingham and District Hospital on. Friday with pnetunonia. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, Claude Coffin, ,Alex and John spent the week -end with Mr. 111 6.• WEDNESDAY ," APRIL Uth, 1944° and---W•AllarCoffin, • Kitchener and on Sunday atieftli ed -the cluts tening 'of their baby Kirk, ----- Mr. Charles Tiffin, Misses Lin- da and • 'Janette Johnston visited with the • girls' grandmother Mrs. Charles Johnston at Huronview, Clinton and Mr. Tiffin called at the Funeral. Horne 'where ' the re; mains of • the , late Mrs. Charles. • Merrill rested: • - Rev..Donald Watt -of Prince Ru- pert, 13.C, • attended. a Dominion Board missionary Conference in • Toronto this week and spent Sat- tirday with his sisters Mrs. Millan Moore:and Mr. Moore and. Mrs. GeorgeThompson . and Mr. Thomp . . , . ,. . RED FARE ONEWAY The smart way to save and travel I Extra &oah car Nconveniences to make your trip more comf able. For other economy Red, White & Blue Fares .call • .CNagent . . , CANADIAN NATIONAL Mr. and Mrs. Eldon. , Emerson • of Penetanguishene spent •a few day. with his. mother, Lila EM- erson... Mr. • George. Thompson visited. recently ,*ith. his 'mother at Fev- ershaM.' • .JOHN F. HUTCAISON • On Saturday afternoon at two o'clock at Curries Funeral Home; funeral Services were' held for John. F: Hutchison, '•74, of R.R. 2 St. Marys. He :passed away On, Thursday in St. Marys. Hospital. He is survived by his mile Gladys • Thraves , and one daughter . Mrs. Edwin (Doris) Nicholson of St. Marys., Alsoone brother Robert of Whitechurch. The flower bear- ers were. Beth Gaunt; Elroy Laid- law,* M. 'Templeman. Pallbearers were Toni Morrison, Dawson • Craig, Dustan Beecroft, Eddie Gaunt, Eddie McQiullin and •W. Nicholson:, The late Mr. Hutchison resided on the Division Line on the second farm south of High- way 86 and worked on the High-. way for many years. This coin- mtmity extends sympathy to the relatives. • Y.P.S. •Meeting ' •On Tuesday evening the. Y.P.S. held their meeting in the United Church Sunday school room with Mr. Wayne "Martin presiding. The meeting opened with a., sing -song. The •roll call was answered by the 14 attenders giving a verse of scripture. It was decided to have a bowling, party in Lucknow . • • • •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • I. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• - • • • • • • • • . . • • • . ... • • LOCHALSH Practice teachinat North Ash- field :Public School, during the past week were Miss Brenda Homouth, Messrs, Sam MacAlrear, Andy Clow, and Bill Ulher ill of/Strat- ford Teachers College. •Congratulations are in order for, Mr. Tom MacDonald who celebra- , • ' on Wednesday evening and to have a dance on Saturday even- • ing in Whitechurch if they can, procure the hall. The. Stewardship convener Miss Sharon Moffat plan- ned . the meeting. Mr. George Young, read the scripture. Miss Sharon Moffat gave a story on Evangelism and. Stewardship. Miss 1Vlarian Wall gave a 'poem and also conducted a contest. Mr. Da- vid Wall gave, the story — Where they crucified. Him. A hymn was sung. Miss Sharon Moffat led in prayer. Games were .then conduc ted by those, in charge of the meeting. ted. his 83rd birthday en SundaY. His 'family were all home for .the occasion. Miss Margaret liacLennan has been a patient . in 'Victoria Hos- pital, London .for the past week. Mrs.• Ewan MacLean was guest speaker at. the' Women's Institute meeting in Ripley recently. • Mr. and • Mrs. Lorne iLuther were recent visitors in Ridgetown. Visiting Mr. • and, Mrs. Frank Hamilton and 'Lorraine for the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Spirsbury and family of ,London. •• Mr. anti 'Mrs. Donald McCharles and Stott of Brantford were Sun day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles and John. • Xiss Brenda Homouth of Clin- ton spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther. Mr. John MacRae of Batavia, N.Y. spent the pastweekend here with • his family. • Mrs: D. R. MacKenzie . was in Lansing, Michigan where she' at- tended a funeral. ' • • , . • • • • OFFERS R COMMUNITY NON-PROFIT COMPREHENSIV . . ' BY A DOCTOR OF YOUR OWN CHOICE Surgical BeneffitsI0C111i1:0;;-.Medical Benefits Include: Major Medical Benefits: Surgicial Operations • .. .. • ,'-'• Services Of. Annest.hetists , - : Hospital. Visita ' . ' . . . . . Fritctures and • Dislocations Burns and Lacerations Diagnostic X -Ray ,. ' • . , . . . . Confinement , •. , - . • • . , • , Cystoscopic and Bronchoscopic Examinations • Home and Office Visits - Injections Health Examinations •• •, , Eye Examinations for Correction Of Visidit by Registered Ophthalnologist or Optometrist Limited Number of Osteopathic or Chiroprac- tic Treatments Anibulance Charges. .• Nuriiiing.,Care In The HOme When 'Ordered , 8yDoctor Prescribed Drugs and MediCina Laboratory Services • 7 • Appliances ,and 1*raPY IIIIONTHLY RATESIOR—EMPLOYEE—GROUPS—ON—REQUEST FURTHER PARTICULARS FROM LOCAL DIRECTORS: RR. 31 LIJCKNOW, ONT. _ — - Telephone 69-7508 or on Kirkland Mrs 0 G Anderson c HURON CO7OPERATIVE. MEDICAL SERVICES '• Copt) ty -Since 1 94 7* *- • Office In The Clinton Credit U11611 Building Telephone Hunter 2-9751 R.R. 5 WINGHAM, ONT. Felephene 3573017 - .1 yt. Ont. , r