The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-08, Page 16Y �4, (* • r, 21,1 . tit 1POE,.:SIX'f -: ..-_ . uutlu r*rn of i■ ■000.iona�n�nUiiii■ i ' �' ..:. ■ ■ 4 THE: .1.UCKNOW • 'SENTINEL, ' LUCKNOW. CNTAR1a us • GIRLS' and ' BOYS' COATS -- 2 to . '3$ ': 3, 0 •, In Wool,, Corduroy and Laininated Nylon TO 50% OFFal . CHILDREN ■aaaaa. ■ ■ • et■ ■ ,'•. ■•, ■ ■ ■ •■ a ■. ■ ■• .■. ■ ■ Sizes : ut GIRLS' COATS ,4 to 6x:. Values from '$9.95 to $1 7.95. is . ,Reduced to Two Low Prices of $6.95 and $9.95.. : REVERSIBLE COATS "for Boys and Girls ■` In Sizes :4 to 6x and 8 to 14,' In Stock. ▪ BOYS' SPORTCOATS 4 to 6x ■< Values to 9.9.5 ON.E PRICE $5.95. ■ GIRLS' WOOLEN COATS — Sizes 8 to 14x.. 20: to ;50% OFF. ▪ BOYS' COATS -- . A group ;of boys sport .coats; 1.;. 8,•to .16. REDUCED 331/a%6 50% . ■ • WEDNESDAY', APRIL ath, 1964 AGENT -FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Fe. Pick -Up and Delivery rMonday: and Tti Ladies' and Men's Wear • PHONE 528-2126 Luclaow annionliiseetom aisui■■ai$a■■■■imamtammein si :■IIsi■ , WARBLE FLY SPRAYING STARTS FRIDAY IN ' ' `'• WEST WAWANOSH Victor Errington announces:: that Warbfe ' Fly spraying ' will offic- ially . start in West Wawanosh 'Township .on ' Friday,, April 10th.' Spraying ra will P reseed from the: North , . end : this . year, starting at Alex 'Inglis ..farm and west along Highway 86. ;. There are three weeks .between ,the : required two / sprays.. The second one, will have to start . by about May 1st and be. completed by May 9th or 10th:. . ' -Lewis Bl e., is the sprayman and Victor Errington. the insp c tor. ` The 'lo ;ality in which they will be .each day 'will be announced on CKNX-Radio each morning. about 7:35:. THAT a Palmerston lady, was the winner of about:' $90 at .bingo here the Le- gion last � . Thursday. THAT baton classes are resum wg this Saturday at Lucknow District: High School for juniors, beginners:. and. seniors. THAT' word' from . John : Loney; federal member of parliament for Bruce, advises» us that the lowest » tender quotation of .$2,- 291:30 $2,291»30 by Percy Speers, Winton (slip, ferry wharf. at Tobermory) hasreceived final approval by the Department of Public Works. Construction isexpected to commence in :mid . April. THAT at. the ..United Church Wo- men Presbyterial meeting held in Walkerton last week, ' Luck - now United Church. . was rep- resented 'by • Mrs. H. W. Strapp, -Miss Ada Webster; Mrs. George Whitby; Mrs. Kenneth Camer- on, Mrs. . Garfield » MacDonald,: Mrs. Omar ' Brooks, Mrs. Wm: Wherry,Mrs. Ken .Murdie: ' The chief speaker : was `:Mrs." Percy Chalmers of Niagara Falls, president of Hamilton "Confer - mice U.C.W. ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCT FROM dr. SUNBEAM STYUUD RICO $'TYIED` YONG_ 'Wooli.w..... dn't you like`to trave .tTlroug6"yb`:"" leisure hours On a path of comfortably soft cushions? Not practical ... Not possible? ' Don't give up hope' " Now you can enjoy this I y with a air of pet casual. shoes. u�i► � p 'Whip . There's absolutely nothing like "them exclusive air -soft cushion archsupports; extra' strong steep shanks; superbly soft natural grain steerhide' leather. Available in ad attractive range of colours in Several smart styles' for both men and .women. RATHWELL '.S'HOE Lucknow, Ontario uckno.w YOUR "LOWEST PRICES' FOODLAND y Th,e'Seflt'in'ei THAT' Lucknow Peewees. last , a 4-1 decision . to . Virginiatown in ,the Young Canada hockey tour- nament. "C" series in Goder- ich on Friday. THAT a ' couple of members of the Teeswater. Artificial Ice Committee were ' 'in Lucknow last week, seeking information . as to, how the 'campaign for ice was 'conducted: in Lucknow. They plan tolaunch their, .campaign during the week of April 13th. THAT The Chesley Enterprise noting local donations to. the, Easter seal fund , as having re- ' cently reached the $900, • pointed outthat at a .comparative date• donations in. Chesley were only • about $350.. THAT if Judy 'Dorscht calls at The Sentinel she can pick, up her. ' lost. wallet. -There's • been an-. ' .others purse. at, The Sentinel Of- fice for .some '.time. Its'` a' red Burse with. a small. change purse, but no identification, THAT Mrs. John :Erdman. of Walk-. erton, Division Commissioner, of • Girl Guides,_ will; address -a meeting ''of the Local Associa- tion on . Monday evening .in the. = Town . Hall . to which all= inter- • . 'ested : ladies are' .invited...' THAT. afiong . `former residents visiting here et the week -end and attending the .:dedication of •the memorial' organ at St.' Peter's' Anglican. Church were: 'Mr.. And Mrs; Sam. McQuillin,. John, David 'and Bill of Galt; •Mr. and Mrs. .• Allan' Durnin and Mr: • and; Mrs.. Wilbert Durnin and Janet of Lon-. don; Mrs. Verna Myers of Kit- chener; • Mr. and Mrs.; Tom Mac- Pherson of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs.. Ivan. `McCabe ; of Windsor and. Mr.: and -;Mrs: ' Carl Johnston - .,of Bluevale: •' • THAT: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wareing of, Hamilton Were week -end visit ors with relative's in the cornmun- ity. Bill who is engaged in con- struction work is on an enforced holiday with' a broken left; hand. Mr. and ' Mrs: Wareing had a trip to England last "year. It was. Bill's first return to'" -his' home- land since leaving there Some :37 years ago. His aged parents who reside -in Liverpool still enjoy good health and.are quite active. THAT Saturday's 'Free Press car- . ried ' a photo story of the On- ' taro " Agricultural 'College • and associated colleges, which' short ly, will become known ' as the University . of Guelph: N. ' • Il. Richards of Paramolint is .Dean of the Agricultural. College:. THAT Bali» Mole of ;:'Dungannon • willmove . this week . to, the 100. acre farm he recently purchas from Norman. Rivett located on. the 6th concession of Ash- field. Norman has moved: to 'St, ' _ Marys where . he will operate a service station. Bob's house in Dungannon will .be. for' sale.. Supreme• . Brand Mixed . Ci e Sale Schneiders 1 %Z lbs. . Picnic Pork Shoulder Heinz Brand ' .5 -oz. Baby. Food Sale. Tenderflake Pure - Laid Sale.. SAVE 16c pkgsl 89C SAVE 20c i $1,09 SAVE 17c tins 1. SAVE rte: 3 Ibs. 59c iscou nt Brand . 100 x' .2 cup size 'SAVE '.1 Oc' 69c cello pkg. Tea lags S� ., With $5.00 Cash Purchase HalfGallon, SAVE 2 4c 69c Meadow Gold ice Cream We Sell: For Less Phone. Lucknow 528-3420 Values '.Ef fective :April 9,10, 11. THAT Gordon Wall of: Kinloss was a .recent winner of . a pick -a -prize draw in a contest being. icon- ducted ' by . Teeswater., merchants. THAT .Kinloss Central . 'Public School » Board is still advertis- ing for 'a male principal to suc- ceed John Bushell» who resigned several weeks' ago. Tf L4T Lucknow Boy Scouts held a-. successful : paper.. collection last . Thursdaywith' about 13 tons being picked up. THAT the top cow '`:at 'the farm auction of Cliff Geddes .of Reids Corners went .for $410 ' with her month old heifer calf .selling for $153. 'Fifteen . cows averaged $315. Lorne'. Henry of "Wood- stock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Henry. of Reids Corners, has purchased the Geddes farm and: will move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes ;are :•moving . to Kin- cardine. Emile MacLennan was auctioneer, at . the sale. ' THAT Buttons Meat Market have • installed a new refrigerator countermaking ., the addition to their present equipment the first of the week. THAT Gerald Lundy of Ingersoll commenced work at the local Bank of Montreal ' ,this " Week: Mrr 'mand---Mrs: B�II Robb -°will`-" move . to' Chatsworth where Bili has been appointed with .the bank and; Mr.. • and Mrs..Lundy will occupy. the apartment (in' main street being vacated h by the' Robbs. • THAT there were ' 13 tables• play- • ing euchre at the', final card party for 'this season in St. Augustine last Wednesday night. The high prizes went to Mrs, Mary Chisholm " and' ; Edward • . Brophy; Mrs. Art Eggleston and Johny MacInnes were second' and the door . prize to. _Mrs., George:: Hallam. THAT another list of donations to :the Lucknow and District Lions Club Crippled Children Fund appears in this issue. Don- ations to the fund at the end of 'the • week total "$1,040. n 'THAT Mrs. J. If. Geogheg an, Mr. And .Mrs ',Beverly .Whitehead. (Eileen . Geoghegan) and. ' their three • sonsS..Pet, :Mike and; Tim- othy all of 'Woodstock. •.attended the • dedication• service , .at St. Peters on Sunday ;Mrs. ;Geogh- egan Geogh-egan was the guest of . Miss Emma McCluskey.' The ; late Rev. Geoghegan, whose ?deathoccur red over seven years, ago, . was rector:at' St. Peter's Parish. from 1932 until 1937. THAT; Mr. and ' Mrs. Don Strang - hen and three,''children Glenda 11, ` Kenneth '6 and Barbara, : 4 moved ' -from ''Brucefield: 1 a st week . to the residence. of Harold Greer east ..of Iucknow. ' Mr. • Straughan is. Section foreman , at the • CNR. w THAT Gerald Walters 'of Ashfield has moved to . Goderich . to take ' up. residence. Gerald recently held ' an auction.. saleof ins equipment. ,The home 200: acres lies: 'been sold to John Plaster , of Toronto through ` Paul- S. Starr 'Real:. Estate: The other.. ' 100 acreshas ben sold to •Clarke _ Zinn and is. located 'right' be. - side Clarke, . , • Notice To The CITIZENS OP LUCKNOW •'ANYONE • of Having family Coverage for Hospitalization, , etc Under Ontario Hospital Services Commission PLEASE NOTIFY AT ONCE,' 1 9EORGE W. JOYNT ,, k,,,, REEVE and 'W1�•Lp`ARE. OFFICER, L'UC,KNOW '4•4-410-4-4,444-44r4