The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-04-01, Page 17Official • I Supplement n+` Ludmow, Fowl and Billiard Academy WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 19,64 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO TAR10 ........ . . PAGE SEVENTEEN . A father and son team, Lammert 1 to Canada from Holland 14 years, and John. Van Der Veen of Loch- alsh, will next .Monday see the. of, ' f ficial tepening of their new business venture, Lucknow Bowl ,and po- llard Academy ideated on Luck now's main street,kitty-corner from the Lucknow United Church. A. $42,000.: renovation .program has been in progress since the 3rd of February. of 'what was 4formerlY the Lucknow United Church Shed. The interior of the shed has been transformed. into a modern attrac- tive building that will handle bowl- ing on its. six lanes, ' billiards at' the north end. of the building and a snack bar to service' both.:If drain- age ' :cart be arranged, the new building will ..eventually have a modern laundromat also. but 'work • these' past weeks has been geared to ready the bowling and billiards for use. . ' Owner..of the new' Lucknow bus iness venture is Lammert Van Der Veen. His • son' John,, who has worked closely with , his father throughout the . construction, will act . as manager of 'the business assisted by Osinga of Listowel. Nine pin boys have been engaged, and snack bar help will consist of. Mrs.' Betty Gannon, Mrs. Karen Gardner; Sharyn Whitby; . Brenda Haldenby and . Carol Maclntyre. The bowling alleys:havee' been de. signed to handle either five or ten pia bowling and the proprietors. plan to have ten pin equipment available 'for those. who . wish to' w game. It is their ho bowl this �s pe that the billiard room. will be :suit= able for family' participation and they hope that . both •wome•n : and •men_wiil-participate-in- this game. The. Van. Der 'Veen; :family came ago and first located at Port Elgin: They later moved to Sarnia :where they farmed. ' Lammert also' work- ed there for Dow Chemical ' while John was ' assistant manager. for Loblaws and later manager of. a private food market. While in Hol- land, .Lammert ol-land,.Lammert ' was; superintendent of road work for; the Dutch .govern-- ment,; They presently operate a dairy farm and' hog raising business at their Lochalsh'` farm, and plan. to continue. farming . as well as the. operation of the Lucknow Bowl and. Billiard Academy. The Van Der Veens 'purchased. the building on the corner of 'Have- lock and Campbell. Streets from . the village of Lucknow. The village, under the authority of the original shareholders of the church shed ...or .their descendants, were author- ized to turn over theproceeds of. the sale to the Lucknow Lions Club earmarked for the . artificial ice fund. Sale price of the building was $3,500. The building will .' be officially opened nett:Monday, April 6th. at 7 p.m. with George Joynt,-reeve: of . Lucknow, and Murray Gaunt, M.P.P:for Huron -Bruce officiating at the, ribbon' cutting ceremonies. There will.. be free pop and ice cream for everyone the first even- ing. All: in the community are in- vited to drop in at sometime during'' the: first night or the first week. Adequate provision is made for spectators who do not wish to bowl.'. The building will be. Oen from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily .except Sunday. The highest score of .any bowler_durifg the -•opening week` will receive '. a pair of bowling; Built 36 Years Ago As church Shed, Now Transformed Into BowlingAtley One ` must "step inside" to ap- The proprietors have futureplans preciate the transformation that for "painting""the foundation, and has taken place in converting the metal sheeting and landscaping the former community shed on the cor- . surroundings as far as :possible. ner of Campbell and Havelock Sts, History Of Building , into modern .bowling alley and . oil- ' The new . church shed was built. Bard hall with snack bar and in 1928, with many district farmers lounge. outside the . United ' Church Mem- Those who, prompted the building bership contributing to the building of this church and community shed fund so ..that the shed might be en- in almost 36 years ago — larged to offer greater accomod– could1928 i byan .tion - than that . required by the could not have envisioned y, a q stretch of theimagination what - use church. + the shed would be put to, when the "..Decided Future day . of. the . horse-drawn vehicles By1951,the shed -had had longsince came to an end •-- and come., it ceased to be of any service to, the must. ' church anda public meeting was purchase the shed from the United It remained'with natives of Hol- called to discuss . its , future, at. Church, which sum was regarded, land, who have made Canada their .Which it was voted unanimouslyasthe• equity they had ..in . the ho meland•bY adoption, to have suf; to contact the' councils. of : Luck-. g.: P � buildin f icient faith in ' the future of this now, Ashfield, Kinloss and West Rural canvassers named at that community and sufficient confid- Wawanosh to'determine if the mun Meeting were: Kinloss, Dave Car.- ence inthe potential" patronage; to icip: lities were " interested in tak- ruthers, Ernie Ackert, Harry Lave . . launch this major project. in _over the . shed. is, George Lockhart, Douglas Gra-, - They are . Lammert Van Der Delegates to make' ,these con- ham; Ashfield, . -.Fred • Anderson, yGrant acDiarmid' Wm. G. Hurn- Veen & his son. John, who.conduct tacts were: Ashfield, :Gordon Kirk M a successful farm operation at land and Wm.. Helm; West Wawan- •ter, Elmer Alton, Wilfred Hackett; Loch lsh. osh, Fred :McQuiilin and Andrew west Wawanosh; `Gordon Struthers, a Andrew .Gaunt,, Bob L ons,. Clar- Next. Monday, ' April 6th: has: been Gaunt; Kinloss, °Ernie. Ackert and fi i P Earle Hodgins; Lucknow, W. B. ence Greer. set for � the official opening.. of. the ., , . Anderson : and Robert Rae. _ • By the .'fall of 1951 the : required Those who had contributed to the amount had been oversubscribed building . of . the shed ` in '1928had and the shed Was' transferred to the been issued receipts reading: "This. Village of Lucknow under certain.. At `the time of . the disposal meet- ing eeting in 1951, . 68% ' of the original subscribers were either dead, re -- tired or . removed.". Incidentally, `.`policing" of the shed so that subscribers could find accommodation for their horses on busy days , in the village, was quite a problem at one tune; Held ;Canvass To Buy ,Shed' Action. came fast in regards to the shed, with a ' second meeting being held within a week when it was decided to make an urban- rural ' canvass to raise . $1,600 to bowling - lanes, and . the :public is invited to• attend the opening or to visit the premises at„ any time. duringthe week, andsee the fac- ilities offered . the public. with ' no obligation to participate. The transformation,_-.as–we said- -isa t apparent until you step inside. Outwardly, as yet, it still has some - is to certify that "John tones” has stipulations. aid the sum of $10.00 to assist the �... _..An- ; `. --ove r600rwas-tr–�be . • � Lucknow United Church to, erect a used to set : up a building rep, air � shed in Lucknow and is Cher re fund, with . the Villae:. assuming entitled to the . free : `use . ofcaretaking cost; of ordinary ...taking (Continued on: page ;21) e shoes, . .. , .what . of ' ,the ."shed" appearance: same..... Ribbon • Official Cutting Ceremonies , Reeve George W. Jayne" Murray Gaut; Hiiion4)ruco.. • • Grand F -R -E -E 'epsi Coda and Silverwoods Ice Cream' Far.... Everyone F -R. A Pair .Of; Bowling Sho�s:, for. Highest :Score In . F�r�st Week's' pool,• bowling, a snack or if you wish just to look' around,' you will be welcome at our . ' Whetheryou fancy pening Monday:. If you can't make k Monday, drop in at any time. Lots of seats available and we will offer, a complete family recreation centre.• • pen..D.aily Closed All Day Sunday 2 t' • rub 1