The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-25, Page 10• IPLEY MEAT Custom Bul....c ..:tering Mondays. -- Hogs, '$2.00 in by 4:00 p.m. Cutting, and Wrapping, :2c pound: CATTLE,, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY lLanl. We: Do Curing. and Smoking .., .Beef, Pork and SoldAnd .,Lower Prices Call Ripley 100. `. Whole Half or Quarter .... For Setter Service,. Chas. Hooisma Prop, • TovocKtivA SENTINEL, ONTARIO }} WEDNESDAY, MARCH Z3,. 1964 CUIROSS' CORNERS and DISTRICT We extend our sympathy to Nor- Midford Wall was among the en-: tertainers. , man Smith: _ .andfamily,, ' recent residents of this community, in the passing of '' Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley spent Tuesday in London.' • : The, March; Lion ' kicked .up > . its heels last 'week and really roared. Oh,' well maybe the March blow is now over. At, the sale last Friday at the Bervie sales ' barn,. Ezra Stanley won a ' door prize which was a towel.• Notice the worried look on the high school students' faces! It ..is caused by examitis, so will dis- •appear; come Easter 'vacation. The • 10:30: show .,on Cii;NX-TV Monday evening was a;.special in- terest toviewers. in this area as UCO T�..OpenNew Fertilizer Plant A new ' fertilizer manufacturing; plant . owned by United : Co-oper- atives ofOntario at Kemptville has ' been . `completed. UCO', Board and management representatives, with Doug Parks, Director of Soils and .:Crops' Branch, ,Ontario. Department of. Agriculture, will officially open .the new plant on April ,15th. The new ,cd -operatively owned plant' is now in; production serving farmers in eastern . Ontario . with high-grade ' fertilizers. It is the fifth plant tp, be `. built by: UdO� in.. Ontario, . Coming ' in the fiftieth year of this organization's devel- opment. .. In addition . to thesecentrally owned.. plants, the Lucknow. Co-op. plant is among twenty-one' of, the local . member co-operatiives. of UCO which have built warehouses toprovide bulk fertilizer services to farmers. Floyd Stanley who is very active in sports ' 'and . plays on the hockey, team, Holyrood Butchers, was one of a bus load of fans going to Detroit on Sunday to. -see the Tor- onto -Detroit game. • - Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wall and Donnie were recent dinner guests. of Mr. and . Mrs. George. Haldenby, Kinlough .: Frank Murray, Reg' Brown and. Jim Wilson, last Thursday dropp- ed -in ropp-ed•in' at the Kitchener sales barns. Wand visited beef set-ups in; that area Mr. and Mrs. Harvey- Nicholson. and family, Bervie, were . the guests. ' Sunday evening of Mrs: Frank, Brown and Reg. Mr.. and Mrs. Grant. Wall and. family, North ' Bruce ..:and Mrs. Remelda Whitehead,. ' . Teeswater, Miss, :Elda Wall, . London. and . Mrs. Earle. Hodgins were Sunday visit- ors isitors . with . Mr. • and . ° Mrs. Morley Wall and family: NEWS The`..'Kozy • Kustards The Kozy. Kustards 4-H . ` club met at/ the home of Sandra . Mac- Charles..:This was the final meet. ing in the Milky Way'' series. Mrs. Clayton, conducted a questions and answers session,; and Mrs. .Mac Charles . spoke ' on how, to make good :pancakes. Mrs. Holm, . the home . economist, visited briefly' and spoke of the achievement day program and urged the girls to . attend the special 4-H program. on the morning of. ,Teeswater. fair.. The girls made cream of celery soup and ..pancakes: • ■••••■■•■■•■■■■■■RE■etio■imamemiolimm E■■nI■o•■•• ■ ■ ■. ■• • ■ i'. • ✓ • mi • ■ i. ■. ■ • •■ i ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ M � We woe wo, ON ■ did For Insurance { On fertilizer: Requirements' CONTACT YOUR a:rristonFer-,tiliZer. D._..:aler: or. Your. Local . Bruce Ci unty C ■. • ■ ■ ■.• ■' ■ ' It■ • ■ 1 ■ ■ i' ■•. ■ ■ a Harrsfon Fertiliser Plant • at .Wii1kirtnn. 1. feel we can GUARANTEE ADEQUATE STOCKS r; ALL ANALYSIS through . the Spring season as we r. ' pshipped by other' r, not acceptof the export orddr • any P • Ontario plants to Cuba. ' . a y ■ ■ a HARRISTON FERTIL!ZER LTD. "�■ • WAf ..}CERTON, ONTARIO ane' ° 881-2308 ■• f■■airy■laninnn■l�rnra■r.'iir■rsa■■aNa■�e■dea:lrarrri' KINLOHGH Mr. ' and Mrs. Alex McTavish and‘Miss Beth MVIcTavish of Huron were dinner /guests with Mrs. Wil- liam Cox and Rev. Benson Cox on Thursday. .• Mrs. Elgin Hogg and. daughter Sandra of Winghamspent. a • few days with Betty and Jimmy Sch- neller. . •• Mr. and'. Mrs. George .Haldenby entertained relatives and : friends. at•`a family: dinner on Sunday ev- ening, Mr. . 'find Mrs. Perry Hodgins were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, George, Ernewein , at Walker ton,. Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Mrs. Gert- rude Walsh, Mrs. Lyman .Sutton, Mrs. Frank Malden, Mrs. John Barr, Misses Winifred Percy, Edna and ,May. Boyle were dinner guests with Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm on Saturday evening: , Mr. Lorne Culbert visited with Rev: Benson ' Cox and Mrs. Wil- liam Cox. ' Mr. and 'Ws.. George Percy of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and •Mrs. • Perry. Hodgins Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Graham vis- ited On Thursday' evening •with Mr. and' Mrs. 'George Haldenby. The . Anglican Young People met on Friday evening .: at 'the same. home. SUFFERED 'HEART ATTACK We are sorry to report that Mr. ' Spence McFarlan.. suffered, a. heart seizure on ''Wednesday' .ev- ening: , He was taken to the Wing - ham and ..District •hospital where he will be a patient' for a time.; We : wish • him a 'speedy , recovery.. We are 'pleased to report that Mr. Chris Shelton who, underwent eye surgery •.in Toronto was able to return home : on ' .Saturday. We hope for Mmsteady improvement: Miss Donna Nicholson of Strat- ford spent 'the week=end, 'at her home :here. CAST OFF AFTER FIVE WEEKS IN , AOSPiTAL Mr. and. Mrs.' Bert Nicholson visited during the week with Allah Nicholson at' .London. • Allan ' who has been hospitalized for 5 `weeks expects to, .have his -cast put On this week and may be 'able to re- turn home : before long. . Miss Lois Nicholsonvisited with David, and . Carolyn Nicholson, South Line. `Mrs, Catherine Hewitt, who has spent some time •;with " Mr. and Mrs. George Graham has ,gone to thehome of Mr. ''and Mrs. Albert 'Young for. awhile.: The . March meeting ;of the Pres- byterian WMS was, held at the home? of .Mrs. ' Alex . Percy with Mrs. Tom'. McDonald in the chair. 'and opening the lneeting with the theme "He . is ' not here; : ` he is risen". The Scripture on Miriam. was read by Mrs. 'Edburt Bushell. Prayer was by Mrs. Tom Mc Donald, missionary by, Mrs. Perry' Hodgins. The Easter .worship was taken: from the Glad Tidings: Read- ings were given by.. Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs.,' Stuart •Mcbonald, Mrs..:Perry Hodgins, Mrs. Morley Bushell. The Bible Quiz: was taken' from ' Samuel. A , news letter from Mr. McIntosh was : read by Mrs. Frank Maulden; Mrs. John . Barr and Miss Winifred Percy.. Each lady ,`was'asked to bring an: Each to be sold at ' the April meeting.' Mrs. Donald Bushell thanked the. hostess. A hymn and the Lord's: Prayer closed the ,meeting:.A lunch Was served after the meeting. ' There will be a change of date for the next -WI'. meeting •at the home of. Mrs. :William '•Iteirlpyn, a further notice will appear. next Week. • Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and Arthur visited' on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. .Kaake and. Larry Stanley at Walkerton Mrs''/Doreen Brown of London visited, over the weekend with ,Mrs., Hagins. Mr. Floyd Fl Stanleyattended a hockey match at Detroit over the weekend. , Mr.. and Mrs. R. J. Kaake visit= ed on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Stanley. ...., andMrs. Ezra .Stanley . were. in London on Tuesday ,and visited with 'their nice MrS. AP.Eizinga; who has beenhospitalized since earlier in the winter as the re suit of a car accident, . MrMIE■■■■■■w11��'�as��11N'IA�r�`■r'�Ir�Er'li■EEEEE�r■■sell S Until Further 'Notice . Business, Hours W! Resumed. As: ,Of Last Year: "OPEN::. FRIDAY: EVENINGS Until 10:00; p,m. in :Frida April ` 3rCommenc g ', .,k;•* at 0: Closed • Saturdays6:0. Be LUCKNOW BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION 26 DAY THURSDAY, MARCH • , OPEN ALL , (Preceding Good Friday Holiday) (And Oil SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28) Reporis On Success 'Of ,Winterint erCarnival PP' : (By Fred Pierce) preparation of the, event we were Very, pleasantly surprised at : the enthusiasm _ and . spirit possessed by the girls in their hockey game, In only .four practice • periodsthis team, with practically no previous experience, playing together, em- erged as a well organized," spirit- ed group that :. really gave_ , the • Peewees .a run for '•their money. A great . deal of 'credit goes to Toby Greer for his patienceand,.: superior ' training talent .to . whip this team into• a well functioning unit. Toby, I believe, enjoyed play- ing ' with the girls.. It .seemed to inspire him . 'and bring back his youthful. spirit '. as was shown by his.. dazzling display. on Friday night. seemed ' the ,broomball, gameto, create thebiggest interest of the night, " Doc "Butcher" Corrin's dress • 'I believe took: the cake, although .. there were other • cos- tumes likr :. Hap' . "Red" :. Halls, "Hoss" ' Brooks, ' "Casket" John stone and others that really add. ed colour to the evening: As chairman .of the evening' t would like. to thank all.. :the mem- bers' of - the Lions Club that par, ticipated, the judges, , the children, the hockey players, 'the Broornball ..' 'pl'ayers, the racers and Floyd. We will be ._.looking , forward to ' an :even larger and longer event next We , had fun and I' believe that• nearly everyone who attended the carnival had .fun. to. Even •' :the Farmers Broom Ball team hada fun, although they were quite dis- appointed lit : their' defeat . at .'the' hands of the strong, well discip- lined:: Business men's.., team. Again` the Business men of Lucknowhave taken the , farmers for a- ride. • Although the : Business men s team' was in top, physical shape, there were a 'few of the ."stars" who woke' up Saturday. ,morning .with aches they haven't felt for !some .time. • The hockey' gamefeaturing the Lucknow Ladies and the :Peewees. was an . excitingand very even encounter. The.ere Ladies w sparked by the flashing. skates and tricky .stickhandling by Miss Toby. Greer, whoi 'scored all 'five 'of .the. Ladies :.goals.. , •: The costume events although re- .ducedconsiderably from last .Year, were: very good and there should be' a loud . ring of • ,applause for. the ,the parents for 'their all out 'efforts .to, dress 'the children in their cos- tumes. The quality. .. and; ingenuity of the dress provided the judges, Mrs. " Ralph' Cameron, Mrs. 'Rod McLeod and Mrs.. Harvey Houston'. with many problems of indecision. I . would like to -thank. these ladies for -their. ',part in :the " car- nival. It was greatly appreciated. As` a point of interest in thea; • year. +!■■■E■n■io■nn■uraIei.•■i■■■i■a•.■.■■sa■vin■ri■1 ■i■a'', u ,,. ■: ■' • V 1K!E:1 LL! LLK!• . ■ ■ Sponsored by . ucknow Agricultural Society' ■ . , �', ■ . ■: ■ Lucknow District flHigh .Schaoi •. Thursday,March ;26th • ■ ■ The Agricultural • 'Socie 'will- observe their centennial,: ■ next year. Support this ;local .talent variety `concert` and Nu help thein , society their centennial plans. .. • ■ PROGRAM''WILL•.START : AT' 8:15 pain. •■ ■ : Admisison Adults '50c r,, -:-..Children :'' ■ n 25c • ■ ■ :: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■. 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ .1 i' ■ ': ioor :-size for ' a vance sa a tickets Tickets Available From - Directors; r a a Brought to You. •As a Public .Service by ■ a 0 0 0 • r. a ■ , _•.�...0_9,.-, • 0 ONTARIO'S SILVER and BLACK FLEET . • f 071,' y