The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-18, Page 12.11 • ' nviLvE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1r,i.r 110111 Dal■,ai#nni •A`BMnrp11n1•area11110 n®aal1larr404mar • 9 • WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 1i, 1964. 4 • When it comes to, homeheating, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort- able as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat. We have a widerange of oil heating' equipment to suit every budget. • iF 13. sri Y r, . pV ,.• 1�. SOY HAVENS Plumbing And Heating •Phone•: -528-30.12 ,Lucknow ESSO. ' OIL BURNER SALES And SERVICE • •HOME : HEAT .• SERVICE BITUARY ROBERT Funeral :service was:. .held at the R. A. Currie & '.Sons funeral home- in : Wingharn' on Monday of last ,week . for, Robert S ' ,, 1t"urdon of Bel ave who, .,died$ if ham . and District • Hos ital on ' Fri:: - day., • MMr ' 'Pardon' wh2 was 47;4 had •been ,,. Rev W . J. ,:1Glorra on •.=. sell'., conducted the Sei4i • interment ;at Wingham :Cemetery. The pail' earers: were nephews,. Clifford,; Russel,• Bill and Ken n Coulter'o s Purdon, Alex and R s 'Henry.' Leroy 'and Gary . grandsons, Carried floral tributes., •Mr. Purdon • was born in East Wawanosh Township; :;'son of the late 'William. Purdon: and Isobel 'Stein. He attended school 'gat S.S. 14, West Wawanosh. and, then farmed. until `he: returned{' to• .Bel grave in October 1962,x ; ' • His wife, daughter'of. 'the 'late:, 'Mr. and. Mrs. Archie • 'Anderson, was the former Hazel• Anderson `Lucknow 'whom •he S. PURDON married t:: Helens in 'A m led at S April, •1918,E survives.. ' There''?re three dau.g hters ' Dor-' een, (Mrs; Gordon. Rintoul)' bf, Whitechurch,' Muriel ` (Mi"s: ". James Curran) "of, Lucknlow, farjorie (Mrs. • Floyd Gott) of Be1w od,, and "son, Archie of East Wawanosh. He is• also survived' • by sisters,''. Mary (Mrs. Frank:Coulterr) •sof Whitechurch, Miss'Mabel=Purdon,, Whitechurch and, two brothers John of Teeswater ` and . Aldin o Wingham..A' sister, Nettie( Sdied. �., in 1914. ' • , Mr. Purdon leaves r thirteen. grandchildren One gt*aindthild died in- .1958. N,t • ;,•••?;;••,,,.* • Deceased, iVaSr a _ rRieixber of Belgrave •PI^e5byt�eriexi Church NEWS BRIEF After ' several lioFurs of, smooth, uneventful riding, a small 'boy on' a motor trip with his parents said to his :father- `!I. sure wish you'd let mother drive --'it's alot_ more exciting." • : E"R.--ard- -N:TERTAIN' Enioy *lavish reviews and .top , " entertainment ,by;' nationally • ,knows! ;stars. of TV, radio,' stageandthe continent. Dance to, live music and enjoy the finest: -min food._and drink on� the Dinner -of -the -Month plan. • ref Membership entitles ,you to special courtesies plus dinkier for two .. you pay for only , one meal. Write for applieation and complete details .. r ' Front & Simcoe Street • • C.A.Q. Supervises- Care In: Home I addition to other categories of child'' protection, the Bruce County Children's Aiir. Society supervised the care of 421 child- ren .last year in their own homes, a policy which has proven- more desirable and beneficial in terms of the child's welfare; as; • well as the realization: by parents of 'their - obligations to their offspring. Reporting to the sixty-sixth ,an- ual meeting of the organization the Society's : Director, Harris S. Congdon stated that the; cases of children being protected in their homes by the Society, had shown a gratifying increase from the 1962 , figure . of 342, with such in 1961 and 1960, numbering 267 and 221, .respectively. The ' trend with regards to the child. �• being return- ed to his home to 'reside, 'under• the surveillance, of the Society . is revealed in the . fact the 16 child- ren were . thus, directed in 1960; with the respective numbers in the successive years . untilthe present being 30, 48 and 65 A ' record number of 286 cases was presented : to • the Family Court 'in 1963,' as. , compared with 48; ..30. 'and 18, graduating back to 1960. Boarding '' in foster homes amounted to 37,784 child care days, in contrast to 24,411 in 1960. Adop- tion placements numbered 31, as compared to. 42 in 1960, • while new childrenbrought. into . care in 1963 was 81, with the 1960 figure, 42. C.A.S.' Officers. Re-elected aspresident of the Bruce ' County Children's. Aid So- ciety was Reeve Elgin Young of Tara, the other officers being: Treasurer, -Walter Wagg, " Walker- ton; secretary, Mrs. Harold Mc- Arthur, Dobbinton; directors, Tho - mase Ribey, Underwood, . Robert MacKenzie, Kincardine, Zig i n Lamcke, Eastnor Township, Or ville Johnston, Cape ,Croke, Don- ald ald Tanner,'Brant ' Township, Alex Chess, Southampton, Donald Blue, Ripley, Frank Fields, Teeswater, and ; Rev. R. A.. B. MacLean, Walkerton. Over recent`, years, the work of the ' Children's Aid Society among the Indian residents on the two Reserves ' of the county has stead ily increased, until : now such : re .presents approximately half of the work carried out amongthe par- entless and neglected children. °: Last year the Society 'received, however, $27.,279 from the Indian Affairs :.branch of the , •Federal. SAVE4%OnA10mmflUm. ■ assurAwningse delivery. Windows,Doors • � a • Place Your Order. before. March 21st to . ■ ■ All Productsgo up 4% on April 'lat. No Money 'Down ■ a Nothing To Pay Until June 1st, 19.64,. - •■ Glenns Aluminutif LUCKNOW' Dial. 528-3723.■ w. ■ g aEnmeniamapessanenaaaeexass,rennesiarananesinsmioBBEB • WIDNES... it Zion U.C.W. Meeting The ' March meeting of the Zion U.C.W. was held' at the home of Mrs. D. A. Hackett. The presi- dent opened ened the meeting with.the use of hymn . 378 .'and repeating the Lords Prayer • in unison. The roll call was answered by 19 members. Mrs. John Hunter had 'chargeof the Devotionalperiod and Mrs, Alan Barger . conducted the 'Bible •Study from The Word and the Way.: The chapter from . the Study Book was taken by Mrs. Gordon; Kirkland.. The , visiting committee ' reported on. their- ;vis- its during the past month During the business period, the meeting at Exeter was discussel. Plans were made to have a quilting at the home of Mrs. D. A. Hackett.. The social ' . committee is 'to" ar- range' for :a bake sale' in the near future, : also see if arrangements can be made to hold a social evening at the church. The Thank :.offering envelopes a r e to be brought to the April meeting. The visitors for .the coming : month are' 'Mrs'. Pete Cook and `' Mrs., Jim Hunter, and Mrs. •Marshall. Gib - on has charge'. of the Bible.Study. .for the next meeting Mrs. Kaiser closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by, Mrs. Hackett, -•Mrs.. Eldon Ritchie and Mrs. . Nels Raynard. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Raynard on Wed- nesday, April 8th:'. NEWS: BRIEF Theodore Parker, 61, who' gain- ed nationalprominence in 1955 when he fought hog .marketing legislation,` died Tuesday in Strat- ford General Hospital. 'Mr., Park- er, .'Perth County warden . in 1944, Di,s,frict. Visits Loyal W I; President, Mrs., J, . L. MacMillan, presided for the regular meeting of the . Lucknow . Women's Instil tute: with 38 ladies present. The. meeting opened with the Ode and: Mary Stewart Collect. ' Mrs. 'A.' Wilson : read 'the minutes of the previous meeting and gave the financial report. Mrs. G. Fisher and Mrs. Barkwell were appoint- ed to act as nominating commits tee for the annual " meeting in April. , Mrs. W. F. MacDonald convened for the program. Mrs. R. Cummings favoured with . ; a medley of :Irish melodies. • Mrs. J.' L. •:MacMillan introduced the District . President, . Mrs./ Hewitt, who spoke on the'proper proce- dure in writing : up . a resolution and a medley. of „Institute topics and closed with a poem ., "Indis- pensible.". The roll call was sug' gest an improvement for- our ,meetings. The motto, "Don't be like • a, 'rocking chair, all motion and no . progress," .. was prepared by Mrs. W. F. ' MacDonald and .read by. • Mrs. M icNay.. Mrs. J. Emmerson sang a solo 'accompan- ied by Mrs. ` McDiarmid::A report on resolutions was : given by Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, and an Irish readingby Mrs. P. Stewart. Mrs. MacDonald thanked Mrs. Hewitt for her visit and informative. talk' and all • who' helped, with the pro gram. • Mrs. H. Nixon conducted an Irish contest. Lunch Was serv- ed by Mrs. MacDonald,; Mrt.: Nix- • on and Mrs. Stewart. created • considerable furore in .a ., gricultural circles when he event ually. took his proest over market= ing legislation g eg slation to .,the Supreme Court•,•of. Canada. in 1957. • Dept. of :Citizenstup. & Immigra esninenemannnenennigoononnnassensumeienuannsisionounsas tion to take care of . this portion. 0... Of : the work load. In 1963,'`the total. cost of, Direct Child Care amount- ed to $46,218, exclusive of adminis- trative . expenses, it was revealed by the Treasurer, Mr. ' Walter Wage • Conveying greetings on behalf of‘the' County of Bruce, was War.- ;filen_.Chester: -Emmerton of Huron - Twp. Later in the '.program, Mr. Emmerton, ': a recently retired member of the C.A.S. board, was made . a ,presentation for energetic work ' rendered -on ' behalf of the Society over the years. Donald Blue introduced the guest speaker, Rev.. Donald MacDonald 4, Kincardine United Church. • LOCHALSH We are happy to • reportthat Mr:..Herb • Ensign ' is home from the hospital. Mr. Oliver McCharles' spent a couple of • days in.; Oakville . and Toronto during themast -week:. - Little ; Donna Elphick celebrated hed 5th birthday on Sunday when they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton and Donald of Ashfield and Miss ,Joanne' Alton of Lon- don.• r Mr. John MacRae of Batavia spent. the week -end. at . his home here. Mrs. Daisy McCharles is back. in Ripley, with Mrs. Allie Munn after having spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver McCharles, Mrs. John MacRae entertained several, of . her friends and neigh- bours to a Tupperware party on Thursday afternoon. . NEWS .BRIEF.. Total cost of the dial change.' over of the Blyth Municipal Tele- • phone System was $137,450, ✓ . ■ .0 • 0• • . • 4.1.963 Pontiac Laurentian sedans, :automatic •ti 1. 1963 .Chevrolet Impala, 4 -door hardtop, V-8,' fully equipped .0 4-1963 Chev Belair sedans, automatic, radio: '1963 Pontiac Parisienne .2 -door hardtop, •V8 . fully equipped,' 1 .... , . 327 "engine / ■ 3-1962 'Chevrolet Bisoayne sedans, automat,c transmission M • 19evrolet- Belair, 4 -door, automatic 1962 Chev • Biscayne sedan, ' standard -transmission -t = e Ch . ■ rahsmission` ' • 2-1962 . Pontiac Laurentians, automatic And. radio is 1962 Falcon, ° automatic and radio a 1960 Chevrolet Belair, 2 -door; hardtop, V-8; automatic' 1960• "Ford 6 cylinder,. '2=c 6r standard tr8 smis'sio ° 1960. Chevrolet statonwagon, 4 -door, •• estandard: transmission M , 1959 Chevrolet Impala,. 4 -door hardtop, 6 cyc. automatic • • 0 1 1959 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 -door' `sedan, 6 'cyc:, ,automatit M al ar .1959 Ford sedan,- 6 cylinder, standard transmission r NUMBER OF 1957 ;AD 1958 MODELS FROM' $450. UP : • MAi ''Y OLDEt' MODELS TO CHOOSE` r FROM, r • ■ '/ ` i 0 TRUCKS ... e is .TRUCKS • IN 1960. Chevrolet •1X1 ton 'pickup e 10 Brusseis M aau t Cities Service Dealer Phone 173, Brussels lin Ea�mmani Mtomemomilimuras9i*1 inimmu mil110000 /if°Mlir� Ro.ya Consis. Person'; TV,. Ch, Wall P'.: offered FUR' A 2- cushio grade nsn , 7,piece, v Suite,piece .in: compleD sprung:. and two headboa sets' of Chrome Tables; APP • A.1 Ranges; over 6 and Re .Televisi For :y be ars CNE Hon At, A • shower