The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-18, Page 7IA NESDAY, MARCH at, `Ita4 4111►,oYr 'i THE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO.W,., ONTARIO 1■0®■1111B■EEEE■MBB1tr1Elrlu:EE■EEnoppisou 1BgBEEEBtEE,EEnEt EEBEISEErpEAAR0B■RR PAGE SEVEN CLEARING PRICES at USt 39c — 44t Sgt per single. roll ... V i.p.tI.41:.lss.lrr.,,o4•69..o..H r!olo, I s. N. STYLE TEX Sunworthy • Wallpaper , Spring Decorating Special Ready Pasted Priced at only c per single roll Be' sure to visit :our new colour bar with, over 1,.095 colours.' available. in any :finish: you. desire. Tinted for you at no extra charge; on the 'news Fischer Banta colour machine now in use. FOR ALL OF... YOUR SPRING DECORATING SUPPLIES .Bi). SURE TO VISIT FINLAY DECORATORS C -1-L PAINTS SUNWORTHY` W ALL,PAPER LUCKNOW ' PHONE .528 34.34 11 e. is theomy beating system that offers you all these important advantages: flameless clean safe quiet • (WHITECHU. RCII'NEWS) On Thursday afternoon while Mr.. Russel Gaunt and Donald were cuttinglogs with ' a .. chain saw at . the farm of. ',Mr. ICen' Currie,in some ' manner; . Russel came in contact with the saw and received a deep gash ' on , his . left leg below the knee. He was tak- en to Winghain. and District Hos- pital. where he was treated by Dr, Corrin and later that evening was taken by. • ambulance . to Victoria , Hospital; London.' His brother .John; Gaunt accompanied him in . the' ambulance to London.: Latestre- ports are that he will .be ' able to return home m two weeks, but will not be. able to walk on it. for some .time. This community wishes him a very speedy, re- covery, .• -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, *Don Mills . and Mr. 'and Mrs. , Gordon Fisher, . Lonnie and 'Lorie . of Guelph ,,spent. the.: week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher; Mrs. Clarence ; Adams and: in f ant daughter, '.Dawne Corinne re- turned homeon Wednesday from Victoria Hospital,; London Mr.,Russel Ritchie, Mr. Leslie: Ritchie and Mrs: Fred Tiffin vis- ited in London on Saturday with Mts. Russel Ritchie- An St. Jo-. seph's` `Hospital The. Mission Band of Chalmers: Presbyte4an Church held their Easter meeting . on Saturday . at the home of the . assistant leader Mrs. Earl Caslick The leader, Mrs: Hugh .Simpson, gave the Call. to Worship. A hymn was sung and 'Prayer given by Joyce. Tiffin The Scripture readings were given by Mary Lou Wall and Irene De - Boer. The roll call was ,answer- ed: by 16 n%embers : and 2 visitors. The election of officers : were pres- ident, Irene • DeBoer•, • secretary, Darlene Simpson, treasurer Paul. Elliott. The offering was received and the' Offertory Prayer was giv- en by . Doris Fisher, ' Mrs. ' Simp son gave the story. — The Easter Rabbit:\ A reading was , given by Darlene . Simpson;'' Mrs. Caslick told :the Easter' Story and then the story of the : Parable of the Rich =Fool and . Paul • Elliott : put the pictures on :the Flannel .graph. A hymn was sung and Paul El- liott l liott closed the .:meeting with pray er.:. . a thermostat . in every ' room ntore.� riving space • econority • Electric ' beating is one ' of the many comfort features of h�� ^ m Medallion all=electric homes For, full information, co 9 famous : nsult a • ual0e, d electric heating contractor or.yourliydro. .. . o► • ' • .W • • tudy Group . ,fillet t Dungannon -: The. study. of the Anglican Con- gress Message was Continued : on Wednesday . evening, March 11th. at St. Paul',s Anglican parish 'hall, Dungannon,• ,following Evening Prayer in the church. The theme r of the study period' was. to helpthose present to under- stand :that "God has ,called clergy and laity to : serve Him together' . It was pointed out that . while the: clergy are . 'ordained to perform' certain functions in .. the church, both clergy and laity must exercise a Christian ministry.; All must witness as the people .of God, Ab -' solute' co-operation between clergy ,and laity,•and between members of 'the : laity, is essential ' if the Church is : to be effective. in, the community. . .• The last of these Lenten services and. study groups will be held at St. Peter's, Lucknow, on Wednes- day larch, .8th,-at_13:30_p.m r News :Briefs The Housing Branch of the On- tario Department . of Economics and, Development, at the request • of the Council of, the Town of 'Walkerton,is conducting a survey to determine the need and de- mand for public 'rental housing in the municipality, • * , # A A 180 -ton generator Was recent- ly 'installed at the CANDU atomic energy plant' north of Tiverton. The, monster piece- of equipment was built by Canadian . General Electric' at Peterborough and transported . by special train to - Port' Elgin, and •from 'there by truck, GARAGE CARS -TRUCKS -TRACTORS LAWNMOWERS -WELDING 528-3428 LUCKNOW Family Honor r. Robert Geddes. (AMBERLEY NEWS) Mr. Robert Geddes of ' Kincar- diner was guest of . honor at ' the Borne of Mr.' and Mrs: John de Ruyter, , (Marion : Geddes): of the Clinton area. Presentfor the : happy occasion were Mr. Robert Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Taylor, Mr. ' and Mrs. Roy ' Geddes, Mr. and: Mrs. Floyd Johnston and ,'family, : Mr. & Mrs. Murray Johnson of ,Hanover and Mr: and Mrs: 'Clifton Geddes A. bountiful dinner was :. served by Mrs.. John- ,de Ruyter and mem-' bers of the family. The many 'fri- ends .: of. Mr. Geddes' extend best wishes for' many happy returns. • THE 'HUMP OM THE CAMEL'S BACK' ,nay look strange, but it serves a prat tical purpose. On the desert, the camel' must go without food and water 'for, king periods of time. But he is able to. More nourishment in his hump sufficient to tide himself over the tean'days that Might )ie ahead. les. yen. m or, , ng on 'Ar ne ef ^'he ro tat !a- re re :•o id n-. of •ic b ,e •?n ill ,s • There-artrapt•toterlearrdayrfor• eve t one. Life insurance can help tide you ' • s at times .of greatest need. d Sun Life' e over many of these, for it provides cash Insurance program, forexample, tit • ' s safeguard your widow's independent*, your children's education, your hone . and your retirement years, $.et•ma telt J. Kmahan LR.. 2, ' Lucknow Phone Wingham 357,1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE .COMPANY OF CANADA 0 1' r" *. • :. 'b •,9 • '14 .r' • tr • 4ai i