The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-03-11, Page 15SDAY, MARCH i!•1964 T... ` • '• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO • PAO6; FIFTEEN. hig your -cow kick? not 'high enough to, get a of in a chorus' line h enough to. break YOUR ifshe makes 'contact- 12 -month periods 427' people. ,rt by animals on Ontario .extra. care around: live- in. help prevent accidents LIT , •.. •. you ,need incur-. otection. too., . Farm' Family Protection Auld. help. 'you meet • the f irm Work •Accidents Public • Liability ty. • to FF,arm: ', Employees amage done TO: or BY tractors I other emergencies. nom details jUst call: )hn . A...McIVMurchy • Collect Ripley .119-r 23 Co-operators Insiurance Association ETES WALKERTON SALE nd d Mrs:. George. F. Hunt- Tecumseh has purchased Grocery Store,. which' is ' 10- x ' Highway No. 4, • east of Mr'. and Mrs. Haase ily will .now, be residing in Iver district Mr. ` and Mrs. .and.family of three, boys session . last Saturday. The ion was handled by James' at Paul S.:Starr and 'Co.. !alcor TTibute-laid Dr. C. ickinson For Contribution To Publishing -House A recent issue of the United: Church Observer paidtribute to. the role Dr. C. IL Dickinson has. played in the United Church Pub-, lishing House in. referring ;to his new responsibilities. Well known here, Dr, Dickinson; as • a young man was minister of the Ashfield Circuit in 1925; His mother ,resided in Lucknow.' for a': number of years, and Dr. Dick inson returned, here a.. few 'years ago to. conduct , anniversary ser- vices in' the Lucknow United Church. The article '. in The . ,Qbserver read in partas follows: At its February meeting, the Executive of ' the United Church's General Council .authorized' impor- tant changes in the •administrative set -tip' of the Board•of' Publication. Dr.. C. H. Dickinson,. Book Stew- ard and -general manager .of the United Church • Publishing House since 1937,.has been . appointed f ull time secretary of the Board of Publication, and ,has :relinquished. his managerial responsibilities at, the UCPH. E. W. Scott, who• has been assista'nt general'. manager under Dr. Dickinson.- since 1956, has been appointed acting general manager. The changes' came,' out .of •; re- commendations made.. following a survey of . the House's .activities, The' survey indicated 'that the business,..'which,. under Dr. Dick- inson, .has grown from a $11mil- lion gross . in 1937,' to:. close'. to .$8 million in 1963, "has outgrown man- • agement 'organization 'and • capital.. It was believed' impractical' and unfair ''to ask . the Book' Steward to be responsible for house 'man- agement 'man-agement as .well as. , planning and implementing board . policies :any longer Accordingly, the execu- tive voted oto' abandon . the old title of .'Book • Steward', ... and • for •snally ., appointed Dr. .Dickinson When you're readyto name ,the day see the beautiful R • AINBOW. WEDDING LINE. INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Lucknow' • Sentinel secretary of 'the Board. of 'Pub- lication--a role he has actually filled since 1937. • Editorially . speaking The Obser Ver' had this to . ,say, in 'part: "We have • long .shared the opin ion • held ' by many • that Dr.. • C. ' H. Dickinson has been required .by the church.' -'to carry a load.. that had become ': too heavy for any one roan. Those . of us'.' who are close to him have been telling him so for years.We are grateful for the re -organization that will free him from the practical day-to- day management , of what has be- come close to an $8 million dollar business:' His;; talents, long exper- ience, and devotion to the United Church :..will be more fully used if ,concentrated on, long term plan- ning and execution of 'Board of Publication : policies." • ••rR•••Gn••••••••••■00•.•••.••••■•••••••••••N I • • •, .0: • • • • •. .,• • • ` • i•. • e • • • • O . • .• •• i •. • • . is • . • • •. { •: • • • • • • Home is the ' place where dad is free to say anything he pleases, 2 because. no .one will pay the 'slight- '' i' est ' attention to' him . anyway • ■nlaeruu■•n9i■ann.sr.u• uaaaanarionamou■us■■r .iee■aios00000poomoolool iri • • ▪ • ; )ckey :7 Sponsored by ' i ucknow : and District: Lions LUCKNOW ARENA .at 7:30 o'clock sharp FRIDAY, Club luckr�ow :Ladies jos. Lucknow Peewees.: TUIVIE, EVENTS at 8:30 SCHOOL and `KINDERGARTEN Boy. or Girl. ....:$1.00 '.'75 .50 LIC - SCHOOL STUDENTS s cadet, and 2: Boy • or, Girl rades 3 and 4t Boy or : Girl $1, 00 .75:. .50 rades 5 and 6: '• Boy or Girl ' .*1 '00 75 .5 0 radea 7: and 8:'. Ifoy or Girl $'1'.00 ,75 .50 75 .50 HIGH SCHOOL and ,ADULTS: 'Best .L,;ady' "tir Gent . $1.00 .75 ■ .▪ • . III .. ■. IN ▪ ' . II 0 ■ ■ ■ 0 ■ • ■ -0• ■ a ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ 111■ ■ . ■ ■ .50 •■ RACES . ■ 1 •■ Girls' - race, :Grades' 1 ---and -•2- :75- .50-- ,25 ■ Boys' • race, Grades 1 and' .2 .75 .50 .25 Girls' race, Grades 3 and. ,4 ' .75 .50 .25 , .L' Boys' race, Grades '3 and 4 •. 75' .50 .25 '.` Y •.■ Girls' race, Grades 5 and =6 .75 50 25 Boys' race, Grades 5 and 6' 75 .50 ..25 • Girls': race, Grades 7 and ;8, .75 .50 25. Boys' ,'race,. , Grades 7 and 8 .75 .50 .2.5 : ■ BROOM BALL -- Feafuring the Game of the:. Year LUCKNOW' BUSINESS • MEN sfs LUCKNOW DISTRICT FARMERS (favored to win odds 3 to 1) SINISS MEN'S • Ll E=UP -= N 1. , 1o;al --�- Hank .. Gli 'ppery, Ritchie, • de- erre �v Bill . ,.Casket'" Johnstone, inti "gcoop"•1 Thompson, "Red and shite" Hall. - Forwards - .B'ol `Wallpaper" Finlay, ' Grant "Esse,", - coif», Don "Pipewrench" Merin - Ion,: George ..Nailer" . Whitby, :Fred "Coop" Pie'rie Clarence ' •'Smoke- Holder" Greer, Bob Moustach' Mac- Kenzie, Doc "Butcher'" Corrin' Har- :old, "Spark Plug" Austin, Ray "Liner Thornton, Bill "Loaner'." Robb, Frank "My :Bank" Egan,•Al "Hardware" , Hamilton, • Coach, Gord..Hass'. •Brooks, Referee, . i jack "Cuddles" Henderson. .. aasmasaisassrisee■a■aesiaaminsi rrrwriaa�rew�s�rreermeersswaafwawf�wntranwrrrt�saeair Our SensationuIPte-Sprin� IS :BEING CONT{NUED You Can See For Yourseif BECAUSE ALL • Pries Are Clearly. Mnr-I�e �n Windshield Of Each Car ON THE: SPOT FINANCING UP TO 36'•MONTHS, TO PAY ee':The 'e Have Ori Display •. • • •9 • •0 • •• 0 •o 0 .. • • • • i' • • .-• •w • • • . . ' i' • . • •1'. • • • • • •• •• •'•,' • ev , Olds Corvair, . Chevy 1I, Envoy Dealer Phone 147, . Kincardine •••o•••e••an••uoe•oe•e••••u••••••ew•000••••••n•1 DUNGANNON • Mrs.., Minnie Jones spent the. week-efd with friends Misses Mae and 'Bessie. Davies, Goderich. • Mr. Bert McWhinney is. 'spending a few days this week : in. • Victoria Hospital, receiving treatment. Mr'.. and .Mrs. Harold -,Johnston, Goderich visited : their 'aunt Mrs. Robt. Bere 'on Wednesday of last week,. A' card 'party. ,sponsored by the •local Orange Lodge held in the Orange Hall last Thursday night with ten tables in play, : resulted with, ladies ,high score won by Mrs Keith Cranston; second high. lady -Mr's `Liirne'iversr gents high score was won by Fr. Glen• Wea- ver and. ,second high gents •Mr.; Chester Finnigan.. . Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Ashton and. daughters Gail and Marilyn, 'God-. erich �n Sunday., visited Mr,. andl Mrs.. Bill ,Park .and family. Mr.. Roy Black,. Lucknow was a recent 'visitor with Mr., Tom .Riv- -ett: and- -Mary Rivett. Miss Flora Durnin Markd'ale spent the week -end with her father Mr. R. J. Durnin and on Monday, afternoon attended the funeral of her uncle, the late Mr. Charles' Crawford, Port .Albert, Mrs. Elmer Black was at home. for , the . March meeting • of St.' Paul's Anglican Guild, with Mrs. Elmer Black taking the 'leader ship, opening with the Guild pray- er. Mrs. Bill Park gave two read- ings. Rev. John .King, the rector, was present and conducted a corn- munion service. The 'Guild is plan- ning a bazaar of. 'sewing' and bak- frig on March 20th. • We are sorry' for Mrs. Irvine Henry who lot her brother -in-• law the late Mr, Robt. Purdon of East Wawanosh . in death this week. His widow. is the .former and DISTRICT Hazel Anderson, who is ;Mrs- Henry's( sister. Goes: To Labrador`.: , Mr. M. 'E. .Reid, RCAF Clinton has • Lately received word of . a transfer' to Goose Bay, Labrador, • effective . June 206 and •with his wife and four .,:children will move'. there • , from here. Mrs. Reid/ is • 'contemplating a: -trip to Vancouver this week -end to visit her mother before -the 'move which would be further away. Mrs. 'Arthur Elliott.. spent 'ar few, days ' last week with her ' sisters, .Misses Nettie -and. -Clara : Sproul- in Goderich: Valerie Park,seven-year-old daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Park with ' a letter in at CKNI • •. for cartoons was lucky last 'Thurs- day o have her letter drawn and will' 'receive aprize and a further 'chance to.. win prizesin,' the car- toon contest. ' •;i • i• 1. e y. .,a• .44 • • T' I ,R • MRS ' W. P• . JANE DIED SUDDENLY 'IN. TORONTO The ' death of Mrs.' May.. M. Lane, beloved wife of the late Rev. 'Wni" P. Lane occurred sud- - • denly 'in Toronto on Thursday, Mar. 5. The funeral service was held in Toronto on Saturday with interment in Prospect, . cemetery. Mrs. Lane. is survived by a daughter, Mrs,. E. Myers (Helen') of Middleton, Nora Scotia; a bro- ther, Rev: Edwin Frank Irwin, and three grandchildren.• Three brothers-in-law, also. sur- vive, John R. Lane and Malcolm Lane . of Kitilough and Rev.' .Ah - drew Lane of Lakeside. Another member of the Lane 'famiilyy, Rev.. David Lane,' .passed' .away •ea.rly in February. +r,