The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-26, Page 16• PAGE Si*T**Nt`. • e• . THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNDW, ONTARIO Spring ■ • i ■' • ■ JUST ARRIVED'..• ■ .it a ■ . Ali W�ather: ... a rn:A TC and CAP SI. ■ ■; • ■lala. [ �.. ads 4� , .a ' s Priced from . o . ■ so .. y. �x$15.95 to. 25095....-.. •. - .. .... .. . •■ i■ r • AGENT FOR KINCARDINE' CLEANERS .. ■ Free PIck0U0. and Delivery Monday 'and. Thursda . • •■ ■ ■ s. ■ ■ and Men's. Wear '-- Lucknow . . PHONE .528-2126 : .; aaaa.a ■mane.saa■Eiaiis iaeaa aiisaiaaa oa.am • • • • e. Sentinel: THAT there's just threeddays. left • to. save $1.00 on new or. re- newal subscriptions • to, The . Sen- tinel. The present rate ends on Saturday, . andthe office will, be open all day. Subscriptions' which expire later in, . the year may be renewed at the old rate un- til Saturday. . THAT this is a .little 'too late for. the • other „ list 'of "leap year babies" but wewouldn't want • to . miss mentioning that . Joe C,onleyof. Lucknow, will beeighty years old .on February 29. Joe, claims only 19 birthdays hav- ing missed one because of some quirk of the calendar.. in 1900. THAT those who were. requesting the information, will ,be pleased to learn that there will be . skat- ing , for pre school children at the ' Lucknow arena from' 1:30. to 3:30 p.m. starting.. the first, Wednesday in March and run- ring until •'.the . end . of the sea- son. We are advised., that child- ren must be accompanied , by a parent.. Ladies' . s ..aa...sass.a.si■rea..ia■jaiia■i.•a■a■■■as■aaaa..ammieme.aaaaaaaa.aais4' • . • • a • ■. • ■ ■. ■ ■. ■. i�. •i a• 1 '■ 111 •. '■ • ■ ..■ ■ 1 Annual Sunworthy Wallpaper Sale lnce', again Ave - are most pleased to . be . able to bring ' to you. Vie, sane. "TERRIFIC VALUES" `as has been.' our:'policy • over, theyears. .Value Specials 1'0 Ch�ose , From. . Mostly Ready -pasted but some ' unpasted. (LEAKING PRICES pt•just 39c = 59c per- single roll STYLE TEX ■ - SunworthyvWallpaper Spring Decorating Special --- Ready Pasted Priced at only 63c per single ' roil ■ ■ .. i Also the: (-1-1. :,BIUe Diamond . , paints ': and proved so popular last .Spring: Introduced ualit . Economy. Priced Paints , . 5 quart= $7.25 gailon • Be jure to visit our new colour., bar with over 1,09; colours available in any finish you. desire. Tinted for you at no 'extra charge on the • machine now. in iise. • • ' new Fischer. Bantam `colour m • FOR ALL OF YOUR SPRING DECORATING, SUPPLIES ., and IA. ESPECLLY NOW DURING THE ANNUAL SPRING SALE BE SURE TO VISIT FINLAY DECORATORS C I.L PAINTS • SUNWORTI-W WALLPAPER LUCKNOW . • * PHONE 528-3434 ' . ■ iiia■aaaaaenaaaaa aaaaaaaaanuRaI.iia a li laaaar�a.Iuum~■issa11aaii:saaa imRaaaaaa i .■ •■. • 5 •■. ■. :■. ;■ • ■ ■ • i .•■. .5 r. ■ r ■ ■• . •1 ■ . • .. ■. ■ • ■. • 1 ■. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■•. ■ ■. . r. .i ■ .■ • n ■ ■ ■. ■ • i. ■ ■ . ■ ■ 5 ■: • i • ■ ■• i• .■ 5 14- E 13RUARY...64-1964�.= .:. nasda . -. --_now Fruit ma YOUR. "LOWEST PRICES'! FOODLAND' SWIFT'S PREM 12-0z, Luncheon Meat Sale SUPREME BRAND Assorted Cookies Sale, E. A. SMITH'S ASSORTED 9 -oz. Pure Jams Sale ALYMER BRAND 10 -oz. "tomato Soup Sale ECONOMY 400 Sheet Size Kleenex Super` Sade FANCY QUALI'T'Y RED 7 Cohoe Saimon Sale SAVE T(?$Ic'. 2 tins 77c SAVE TO 16e 3'PkgS.•'8.. SAVE T4 .19q 3 jars ' 98e SAVE TO 18c 8 tins .98t, SAVE:TO 26c. pkgs. 79c SAVE TO 19c t111� '%9C We Sell:'For .Less Phone. iucknow.`528-3420 Values: Effective ',February, 2S 29• • THAT Mrs:.Eva McQuaig . who is employed at Dr . James E,.. Lit= tie's: dental office, suffered a heart attack, :while at work• -last Wednesday.. She has.: since,' been in. Wingham hospital, where she is resting comfortably but ,will behospitalized, for a few weeks. THAT Mrs. Walter ;.Arnold . of R:R: 2 . Lucknow.:was . the. winner, last Saturday of :$18 in a . "baby. bonus. draw" held by Hall's•' Red and_ White Store. THAT successful pupils • of Mrs. C. Shaddick of Lucknow to 'pass their Toronto Conservatory ex aminations are. Carol Courtney, grade 8' piano With honors; Jane, Joynt, grade 6 piano. THAT Miss Eileen Baker., has grad- uated after taking a hair 'dress- ing course in .Kitchener and will, open a. business; in Mount' For- est' where her ., parents reside. Eileen is the daughter . of Mr. • and Mrs.: Ed Baker formerly of Lucknow. THAT : those in the.. community • whom we know to 'have been Leap . Year "babies,". and .as, such• have an official • birthday only: every 44th year on ' Febru- ' ary 29th, are; Mrs.'S. J: Kil- patrick of Pinecrest Manor who Ernest beSnowden;'8 On Saturday', Mrs.' _ R.R. 2,' Luc - now; Nancy : Dore of Purple Grove; who will be 16 on. Sat- urdayi Linda . T r e t e 'av en, formerly of this, community,' and Brenda Robinson, '16, daughter. -of -Mr, and Mrs Cliff Robinson of. _.R,It - ._ Kiricardine—arid -t.a- grade 10 student at• L D H.S. THAT E. V. (Ed) Baker of Mount ,Forest is serving this year as ;.Noble Grand of the 1.0.0.F, lodge, . which • he joined thirty Years ago. Ed came, to Luck- now when he bought • the 'Rob- ertson Rob-ertson Produce business, °which, was• located in part of the. press ent Co-op - building.` .Ed later established the nursing :home in Lucknow in the former .•Moore- house Mitchell..residence, now operated as Pinecrest Manor. Ed established. another home in Brussels after selling' his Luck- now business. '.He, later "retired" to Kitchener, before goin; . back to 'the nursinghome business. in Shelburne,: although now living. in Mount Forest. :THAT Gordon Wall of Kinloss Township will hold 'a clearing ' 'auction sale of livestock` 'at ,his farm,, on the 6th concession this Saturday. 'Gordon has accepted .a job as' night: watchman at the. Lloyd factory in Wingham. THAT Ripley Community ' Night Class 'is .planning "their' achieve- ment night' in the :new wing„ of the Ripley District High' School. on Thursday. night of next week. THAT, the burglar alarm at : the • Bank of Montreal had "a good "workout" on' Saturday. It is „thought that a jet sonic boom set off ' the' alarm. THAT 'Paisley ' Advocate recently reported the case ,of a farmer who had 5 cows present ,him. with 5 : calves within .24 . hours. Fred Gilchrist ;of Kinloss.: • can beat.. that ..He has .two . cows. which each presented him ' with twins — 4 calves -- within less than " 12 hours. THAT we had, an interesting `let- ter . last week from Mrs. Harry :. Gannett Of Toronto which we regret was "not for . publication: Mrs. Gannett isthe former An nie~ .-Johnston,. 'daughter. - of the -- late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver.'. John- ston ' of ' Lucknow. 'ferry and Ann were' in. Florida 'for three .weeks in January as their • Doc for felt the change might be good for Harry who suffered a heart attack last summer. 4... NS NEED $2,500 ' • • ( Continued- from -pa 1) - those who • weren't .previous cion ors. The: Lions favored holding their annual masquerade. fee 'carnival. Florence " MacLennan of Loch- alsh, daughter '-of Mr. and Mrs. Emile MacLennan, sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs: Cummings:. She was introduced, by . Gordon Finlayson and thanked by .Ray-' nard Ackert. ' Deputy . Governer Peter .Sisson= nette 'reminded the Club that this district, is ' the host club for the international convention in Tor- onto, and a '50e per' capita; dona- tion was voted` by .the Club to assistwith District, expenses, . Elwin Ball reminded the mem- bers hem bers of the L,D.H.S. band concert next week;