The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-19, Page 1111.11111.11,S1PriTlagar41°Minfilltliallit flarlo=" delcinahisi AreME • • 110,01'41,19r2P- • 0 A. Year InAdvance ;IX • Extra To. U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Wednesday,. FEBRUARY 19, 1964 Single Copy 1tIc 16 PoOfts • N SECTION FOREMAN WING FOR HOME HERE onald Straughan is the new ion foreman at the CNR, hav- been transferred here from, ter. His problem now• is to a .three bedroom house for r family of four children. rs...Straughan, is a .niece of and,Mrs. Wm. G, Hunter of 1,• her mother being the •for- EvaGardner of Zion. New Section .. Shed new section shed is currently ig built just south of .the CNR, )t, .This is a more convenient tion and replaces the old cling some distance north of depot, which was damaged fire some time. ago. , • Sig• • THIRTEEN. TABLES ATTEND ht ncertain, INSTITUTE CARD PARTY Lad Back To' School - • Ronnie IVIanto, who suffered ser.: bus injury 'to his eye when. struck by a pail he was attempting to hammer, into a board, is back to. 'school, . , • He returned on Monday, but has ..to' go to London periodically for treatment of the eye. The 'degree to which the sight may be restor- ed is still uncertain: We under- stand a 'cataract forms' over the injury and this will have to be dissolved. At the present time light is about all that Ronnie, can .distinguish with the injured optic. Members of the Lucknow Wo- men's Institute were well pleased with. an attendance of . thirteen tables at their card party •latt Wednesday. • • . * Shoot prize winne.rs were Mrs . A. Solomon, Mrs. Elmer John- ston, Mrs, N. Maccallum, Mrs. J. Ritehie, Euchre. Winners were Mrs. • Hallam, Wm.- Buckingham; Mrs. Steve ; Stothers and John Emmerson. ' • . ' Sandwiches, .tarts and . tea were served by the lunch committee under the convenorship of Mrs.' George Brooks. , The 1aies are holding •.another. . party tonight (Wednesday)„ , • . . ansaction Finalized tore • ••• business transaction of 'con - cable interest and magnitude, hasbeen in the negotiation e for some •time, was final:. on. Monday. ' ' • • • a renult Bob MacNay will over the Ross Shielis Gen - Store at "Aitiberley,.. effeetive, day, March 2nd. • ie transaction includes the Us- Store and residence, the line and oil service, and two nt ,lots On the. busy intersec- at Highway .:21 and 'Highway Cine lot is :one the south-east er -across from the Shiells • 'and -theother lot, is the 1 -east corner. .A total' of some a• acres - of .land is involved told.. , and:'Mrs. McNay and two lren Sharon,' 9 and Steve 6,, le at St. Catharines and plan' nove, to. Amberley early in • as :soon ,as Mr. and'Mrs. Is can. make renevations to. home Lueknow, which bought recently 4roin Ewart Pherson. " ' • • •• •• b McNay, who ...has . been • for fifteen years, :is the of Mr.. and Mrs. Alex' McNay ucknow. McNay in. the er Marybelle daugh; ter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mc. @lain, Con. 6, Kinloss. The Mc- Nay children will attend North Ashfield Central School, ' Mr. and Mrs. •Shiells have one daughter, Mary Ellen, a student HAS TICKETS FOR GAME AT DETROIT MARCH 2; ,. • There is increased local in- ,. terest in the Detroit‘Red Wings hockey team this Season, due _ to' the fact that this, Liielcnowite,• .Paul Henderson, is with the - Wings.. ' , Detroit winds up the schedule at home on Sunday, March 22, . with Termite .Maple. Leafs, and • Paul's father informs us that he has bus andhockey tickets for about thirty people for this game. Transportation and ad - Mission to the, game is $9.00.. The bus' leaves .early after dinner -land the game starts, at ., 7:00 o'clock.' It's about.a four „ hour trip. • • • Garnet • says ' he will have:* tickets for • the playoffs. . No • ifs, ands, s or butt in . his mind .about the• Wings not being iii at Lucknow District High School and an 'accomplished pianist. and organist. ' . . Busy Corner ' The Amberley store is a. busy spot. In the summer they have a: daily cottage, service along Am- berley beach, as well as a big tourist and. cottage trade at,' the store. • ' •, But the tourist 'isn't catered to exclusively, This store serves a wide rural area, and during the fall ,and winter months, the card • Kinlough Area Barn Razed By Fire; 5th Fire On412th Concession In 3 Years Fire of unknown -origin levelled sows with about 44 *pigs in iitters. the barn ' of Gordon Hodgkinson About 1450 bales of hay were de 'west of Kinlough Friday about troyed along ' with about 15-20 to noon The farm is 1pcated on the of grain. Miscellaneous machinery • llth ,concession of 'Cruets Town- includinga drill, hay elevator and. • ' ship, about 34z , of, a mile west •.% , HP motor •werelost"' in the of the hamlet of Kinlough' and fire. just to the east, of HaysLake. A car, that had not been in , • Three tows- were having pigs use, was. sitting close to the barn, and 'Gordon. had , left the barn and firemen put out the uphol-, about eleven o'clock when he went stery • that had become ignited. to the house. On his way back The motor in the car was worth to the barn about 11:30, he no- saving according to Mr. Hodgkin-. ticed smoke in the upper portion son of the barn. He alerted the, tele- Mr. .11odulcinson has no, . plans, phone operator who called -Ripley for replacing the 36 x 72' struc- Fire . Department to the scene, ture. The. loss was partially Coy - Firemen, however, were unable ered by insurance. He has lived to save thebarn because of the on the same farm all his life. flaMesbeing too ..far advanced. This twelfth concession has had The Ripley Department, . under a heavy . toll of fires .over the fire chief Gordon . Scott? stood by past three years. House fires 'have. to protect the house. A. wind blow- hilt Alex Percy, Jim Haldenby. and. . ing to the south-east caused most recently George Emerson. neighbours .and firemen to keep Barn' /fires struck . Jim liodgini a close. watch on the ' house for . and the Hodgkinson place. Lucknow a time. Gordon phoned Halden- Firemen fotight, a 'stubborn, grass • •• by's. store at ..Kinlough for help lire just to the west of the •Hodg- and neighbours responded to the kinson place.. a. few years ago. A ,• car wreck , had been set on fire As soon as he noticed the fire, in the swamp area around Hays Gordon started , freeing. the -cOw.s, take and firemen had a real job from the barn andall eleven on their hands in: extinguishing 'cows and a bull Were saved. He .the fire that had worked into. the • . managed to free one sow, and three swampy *groundi, , small pigs but lost another five . . • . 4 ' , . Scout and Guide Groups o Hold 'Thinking Day' Observances This Week 'table is out every night' as the "Thinking Day" on Saturday, • * "boys!' in the 1neighbrho�d con- gregate at the store. This general store. business dates back well over •a century. The original operator was • a Mr. Wil- kie. He sold the business to Ross Shiells' father, the late James Shiells, over fifty years ago. Ross was associated with his father,. whose death occurred in 1955, And since then has conducted the bus - Mess with the capable assistance of Mrs. Shiells. The old store which sat close to the road,. had to go to meet. Department of Highways require- ments for better visability at the intersection and le was replaced in 1956 by the present store. is Week Lions Launch Easter Seal nipaign_Willi Objective Of $1,000 e Easter Seal campaign in ort of the work Of aiding' Aed 'children in the Provinee, cos getting underway. • e panipaign 'in, the Lucknow is sponsored annually, by the now. and Distriet. Lions Club, h has set the objective at 0: Last year the' Club re, KI donations of $798.00, half hich went to the -Ontario SO - for Crippled 'Children. e. Club ' retained •some. $400, h with a • balance from the ious year, has all been spent ding crippled children in this • .This work is not limitechby -funds If crippled ren projects exceed the funds ned locally, •assistance •is able 'upon application to the. rio Society. • e local committee during, the' year provided such crippled ren services as leg braees, )Pedic, shoes, body braces, chairs, surgery. a* -Lions also provide child - glasses where there Is need. is financed from the Clubis ire fund, raised by local ae- es, and is not associated with Easter seal fund, • Letters Going Out' • Week the local committee iiding out Easter Seals let, Which are expected to bring wally prompt and gnertni:s , • , • response to this appeal.' • " The district covered, in addition to` the Village, 'is the rural area nerved by the Lucknow and Holy rood' rural routes, R.R. .Dungan -- nen, krt. 2 Auburnand that:por- tion of R.R 3 Gederich, north' of the 4th Concession.. • • ' Anyone who does, not receive seals • may obtain, them 'from the treanurer; Gordon Fisher, or, may. leave their donation with hiik.or the chairman . of the committee, Gordon .Montgomery. , The .campaign • will continue throughout March, until *Easter time,:although 'donationsare '&111- wayt- welcome: - Deer Killed But Driver Uninjured .• Mrs, Lorne Johnston of Lucknow struek' and killed a deer with her car on Monday afternoon but was uninjured herself,' Mrs, Johnston was returning from' her sister's at Auburn at the time, On the road between Au- burn • and Carlow, in .front of the. re,sideriee of Fordyce Clark, a ,hound chased a deer ,across the', road directly into the path of her car. The car. was •damaged and had to be toWed.„ away, MRS. •PETER JOHNSTON DIED IN LONDON SUNDAY The death of Mrs. Peter John- ston of "Lucknow, the former Nel- lie James of Kinloss Township, occurred on Siniday in Victoria Hospitai, London, where she had been a patient for the past few weekS after undergoing surgery.' The funeral service is being held' at the Johnstone Funeral Home, Lucknow, on Wednesday afternoon with temporary entomb- ment .at South Kinloss mortuary, and 'final resting place in Green- hill Cemetery, • • Find Stolen Cor- • In Gravel Pit A 1061. Monarch, owned: by J. W; Joynt, �f,, Luelmow and stolen from 'his property •at the south end of the village, was . recovered a few hundred yards from the Joynt home. The theft occurred sometime: Saturday night or, Sunday morn- ing. The misting car was reported to Chief Constable Joe Balzer of Lucknow on Sunday morning, , I Grant Chisholm, returning frem church on Sunday,' noticed, tracks in' to the. "Culbert gravel pit" across from Greenhill Cemetery. He discovered the Joynt ear,, nosed over the side of the* pit. InVestigation by Chief Balzer, has revealed ,one person InvolVed hi the theft. Some damage was dont to the front of the car.''' February 22; . Marks the birthdaY - - -,Ivi. Charles Lorenz, returned of • *both the' late Lord -.-Baden- Powell and :Lady • Baden-Powell,,hpoitamie .wkehc:rn:lyshle7inhairlighbeeiat hos. tientwith virus , pneumonia. • " • . • World Chief Guide, and Scout and Guide groups Brownies and Cubs will hold special observances this Week. There will be appropriate cere- monies at meetings • of the local groups this week., Guides have a Thinking Day display in the Bruce • County Health Unit window in the Johnstone Block. On Sunday morn- ing Scout's, Guides, Brownies. and Cubs will attend service in•Luelo: An. Eight Week African'. Tour . . Mrs. N: A. Graham of Torontd is presently on an eight-week tour of Africa'. Mrs. Graham is the former Mary McKim, daughter of •Thinking pay and Boy Lucknow climax climax ofddrhainis party one of a Mrs. A.of now. Presbyterian church as a Scout Week: " - of fifteeen who will include in Thinking Day penniesare col- their tour a visit to a few Safari lected for the, World' Friendship 'Camps where they will photograph wild animals. The group flew to ome where they spent a 'few • days before' going to Africa. . ' Some of the cities that will be • visited in their tour down the , • east— coast-- -are- Cairo; Nairobi, -",7—z--- • Mombasa, Livingston and Victoria Falls, . Durban, Port Elizabeth', Johannesburg. and Capetown. Mrs. Graham will fly home. via Athens' and London where. stop- overs will bemade; *St. ?eters Held Ash Wednesday Serviee. Fund, which is used to promote Guiding -around the world. • Guid' ing came to Canada In 1910. The Boy Scout movement- will be greatly aided by 'a national Scouting magazine, known as -die, Canadian' Boy, with an assured circulation of 300,000 „members of the Organization who are each adding 50c to. their annual mem-. bership to pay fOr the magazine, the first issue having been pub-,. lished in January'. • ' . Sell Business, .Will Return'.ToKinlough (KINLOUGH ,NEWS) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton have th M. and, Mrs. Clyde: Robertson who willcontinue the business, under the same nathei Mr, and Mrs, Shelton will be retiring t* their. borne in Kinlough in the near future. Mr. and mrs. Shelton 'establish,. ed' a business here several years ago for the ,manufacture and hand printing. of .lazysusan serving trays. . ' Later they went into the power tool business, and eventually, rnov.- ed .to Hanover ,to expand this sales and service business, in pow- er taoln, • • Shelton has for years lab- ored under the handicap of, a •eomparatiVely rare muscular il- ment. •, • • e e • 's ' 11'. • • ; • 444 "' r ,• • 4 at" • • • • 1 • • 0 . • ' . ; •••••;,,, 4;14' ; • . • '• . • IF! • , • . „ • . • The penitential service ,for Ash Wednesdaywas held at St, Peter's • Anglican • Church on, Wednesday. evening, • February 12th at 8 : 30. The- ,service Larke Lie beginning . of--the--40.--day--Un,ten—seanori'f'or members of the local church., Following the church service. • the first of a series of discussicri groups washeld in the Parish Hall, The Rector pointed out that the Anglican 'Congress in, , Toronto last August was a high point in the history of the church. After. a brief talk on the Congress and , the far-reaching effects it is ha' ing On the Uni'Versal Church, a recording of the opening . service of the Congress, held in. a -jam- packed Maple, Leaf ,Gardens, was played.. • The subjet of the group • eussiori was "The l'rue Function ,of' a Parish," This series of Leti4 ten services and discussions will • continue next. Wednesday at S‘t Paul's Ripley. 4 , I. 1• , • 4 „ a. ; . , 4, . e.944 • TIV ; 9444 44 .1‘;''' 4•4',„ • • • • • . 9.