The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-02-12, Page 11.11111111117111-51kg.,.. j*. Wednigday, FEBRUARY 12, 1964 3ilic‘f*,7111**Xmar.it,v4pciar • THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • lA P • 4.• • PAGE ELEVEN. -- ROY- N,—BANTL EY PUBLIC . • ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO -Box 478 / Phone '5249521; • • A. AA.' HARPER CHARTERED • ACCOUNTANT' • 55 - 57 South Street, Goderich • . Telephone. .524-7562 JOHNST9 NE'S FUNERAL. HOME Modern and tonvenient Lucknow, 'Phone 52873013 • • Day or Night •/ Serving All .Faiths. According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established 1894 < A. R. DU VAL D.C., Sp:C. , ' Chiropractor • fhiiio andElectro Therapist Wingham — Phone '357;4580 Office.located. on Jelin St' West text to Toronto Dominion Bank). INSURANCE: • . • FIRE,' WIND, ,CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and ‘LIFE • To Pkotect Your. •Jack, Insure With jack Today. • • .• . A.. McDONAGH Lucknow,Phone 528-3423 '"'""!.."•••••1•044°,04.14040.4,00:•0:0!44°.:••. STATE , FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOB tLE , ••INSURANCE • investigate ,Before Investing '. REUBEN .W115SON R.R. 3. GOderich , .Phone .105-r-8 Ripley ..Ai. W. ANDREW Barrister •4ind• Solicitor '• • :7LISTOWEL-r:-(314TAIO -• • LUCKNOW Every'Wednesday. ,ond Saturday AfternOon Office in the JOynt 'Block.: •.. Telephone.: " • • ••Lueknow 528-3116.., °' • t. S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc.., • Wingham and Lucknow •.• 1NLUCKN0w MONDAY and WEDNESDAY ' .Located in Kilpatrick -Block • '---Phone-Wingha )ffice .30-3930. 'Res.. 357-2570 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and "quality products, • • • .dontact: • GRANT 'CHISHIOLM • . Phone Collett', `. • Dungannon $294524 • Always Look. TO Imperial ' For The Beat" • A i463.1.441.4.ate,404,. • VAIN,';‘,.. me.cr.qstt.Mapor:-7 Nursing Home . member: ASSOCIATED NURSING .Prows of Ontario'•. • 24-HOur Supervision of • A Registered Nurse.. • Consideratc-Personal Attention For Elderly and Convalescent Persons. Excellent HOmba,.Cooked Meals BOX 220,. '; Phone 528-2186 • LUCKNO*, ONT. Reporter:' "Living.. to be 102 is pretty...old; Uncle„Jeff. To what do you attribute your ireat age?” Uncle Jeff: . "I've •been. taking vitamin pills ever since. I. was • .rirrerairoaror.erarrerormvir•-•ror4o0~~44#04, . . . MacKenzie Memorial. Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE <, Services conducted according •' to your wishes at your Home,. . your Church, or a our MeM- oriel Chapel at no additional charge. • Lucknow, Phone 5283432 N• Day or Night G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist •• Office on Patrick St., just- /• off the Main St. in. WINGHAM - Professional Eye Examination Olitical Services • For appointment Phone 357-1282, Wingham froodiriperowarero.r.i...o+..•.......morsoar•••• K. J. tAacKENZIE, 0.0.11 Optometrist . • , . • NOWIN RIPLEY • , •• EVERY, WEDNESDAY' Office .Hours 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 pan. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment.' R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH F. T. Armstrong • Consulting Optometrist • The Square (Phone JAckson .4-7661). LUCKNOW DISTRICT. • • CO-OPERATIVE INC: 'Lucknow Phone 528.2125 ./r0/40:113.1P*41.11/04111,40,41"4115/044,4.14,4110.0.11.~04 TEDOLLYER.. Registered.Master ElectriCian *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR' Specializing In. • Electric Heating, Eledric, Wiring and Repairs and All Electrical' Appliances Lucknow Phone 528-5182' • r Goiller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED:ACCOUNTA,NyS 'Regiclent Partner, . E, Icetinedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office. ',Phone 881-3471 — Walkerton 404.4.444 Lorne 'Parrish wishes to express • his sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered him while he was in Wingham Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Doctors. Corrin and •McKim and the nursing staff, .Mrs. A. G: Elliott wishes, to thank all, those who remembered her with cards and letters on the occasion of her ninety-ninth birthday. • Atui and Lisa Collins would like to thank • all who sent, cards and best, wishes during their' stay in the hospital. Their thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. The family of the late' Alvin Hamilton wish to thank the many friends,. neighbours and relatives for their many acts of kindness, floral gifts, and messages of sym- pathy extended to them. These kindnesses were deeply apprecia- ted, . , • . Mrs.' Alvin -Hamilton and family . Mrs. W. • R. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs, •Raymond Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert wish to express their • sincere thanks for the many .cards and letters received at the time •of their 53rd . Wedding anniversary February 1. • • • Mrs. Thomas 'Blake and family wish to thank all their kind friends and neighbours for their Many • expressions • of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes at the time of the sudden death of their father and grandfather, Mr. Tho- mas W. Blake. We wish to convey special thailks to those who so willingly helped from Blake's church, to Rev...G. W. Kaiser, to Mrs. A. Gaunt and Mr. Howard Blake, and to Mr.. Bertram Cur- ran. • • , •' Betty and George McInnes Wish to sincerely thank all their neigh- tiours and other 'kind frkends for • the lovely floral tributes; cards and baking. Special thanks to the Lucknow Fire Company and 'Dr, M. H. Corrin: The many kind and thoughtful acts and expres- sions of .syrnpathy in the sudden and tragic .death of their beloved son, Lyle, Were deeply apprec- iated. • I wish to express my apprec •iation and thanks to my many neighbours and friends for the host' ofcard and letters I. re- ceived. of get weU and good wish- • es. • This being • my first exper- ience in a hospital I learned at least one • thing that •there - are in Victoria many nice, good look- ing young nurses and most of them have a sweet smile and •a, sweet tooth too. *. • •• Thatiki again, • W. I. Miller. Mr. and •Mrs. Geerge' Emerson and Bob wish to thank the friends and neighbours who helped the night of their, fire. and the days following. .A special thanks.' to Ripley and Lucknow Fire Brig- ades for their wonderful work ,that. evening,' hi saving a portion' of our horne. We appreciate it • all. I wip to exPress my sincere thanks to .all who . so • kindly' re- membered me during my: illness in hdapital 'and since, 'with cards, gifts, visits and letters. Thanks' to -Drs.--:-Corrin-and- McK111171 All Were deeply appreciated•. . •' Helen Harper • 4 • fair and Acheson. Chartered 'Accountants Municipal Auditors. Box 663 •Kincardine . Phone 55 At Cattlemen's . eetingin U.S.A. •Harvey Ackert of the. Kincar- dine :district returncid recently from, attending the annual con- vention of the American National Cattlemen's Association held .this year at Memphis, Tennessee, Tbe Executive of this Associa- tion had become- med over • • •.3,tet .3, 3.: , alar cattle produeers.. Mr. Ackert is president of the • Bruce Beef Producers Association, and no doubt he will have a report: of his trip for the annual meet - 'Ing to be held in paisley , on March 2nd. • , g • Mr. Ackert flew to Memphis' • where the Canadians 'spent eight days. Following the convention •they enjoyed extensive tours of Tennessee, and visited experimen- tal feeding ranches. •• a the imports of beef t� United a■■■■■■■••■■■■0■■■■ausua States and .have• been making a close study of the problerri. In 1962 they spent a week in Western Canada, but aren't con- cerned over the number. of Can- adian cattle going into the States. The Canadian climate -is.'a factor in increasing produetien costs of cattle in this country, • • The American AssociatiOn ir- vited Canadian cattlemen. tos-their Memphis convention, and Mr. Ackert was one of a group, of 27 men from across Canada who at- tended. At this meeting emphasis was placed, on the. sharp increase 'of imports of Australian ana New Zealand. beef. ,and 4 mutton.' This increase last year* in frozen meat. Was in the Millions.of pounds and is the ginef concern of American • "Look at you!' shouted the ser- geant indignantly, as he inspect- ed a bunch of new. recruits.• "Your ties are crooked! Your hair isn't combed! Your trousers aren't presS2rl!. Your shoes • aren't polished • , Suppose t ome country suddenly declared war?" . - • Some people are easily .enter; ■ . a ■ ■ ■ Ingham Office! Phone 357-3840 - ■ IT GERALD (Jerry) WALTER • •' Western Ontario Nursing' :, Home -with annual income ; I' exceeding $30,000.00 Licenied, ! • • 4aecommodations for twenty ; patients. Asking price of 12 , ▪ only $35,000 includes all the ; .. • furniture b e d s, bedding, Is "• ■ cooking, refrigerator n • laundry. Equipment neces- • sary for the operation of the ; " home. No. • 3-362 • 4 . , .1 ^ •••• ' • „.• • • • ° • 5,1?,•:,•, • ▪ Only 412;000 for this 115 ■ . • •t acre' tarn' ;in ICinloss •TOwn- ' .„, 7 *, • '1 , ! shi'P. 11/2 storey 7 room home • '` tained. All ou have to do'sit ; with furnace, • water, etc.' , , , • y.. is down and listen to them Large bank . barn, silo, 85 ■ . • acres crop land, . balance in .• ,buh and pasture. Terms ■ • '' • ; r Police have been investigating a. number of reported cottage break- ins in the Point Clark area.• 0,07.00,0, 4104,400e,004.040NINIPNWINPIIP04.44,411r.•41, s i b dStoc k 1 . 1 Removal Service! We are licensed to ',remove i your dead or crippled .farnil animals, . for - sanitary disposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect to: I., • MRS. GORDONTAYLOR• 528-5950, -- Lucknovv ' 4 24- hour Service 1 Licence Nos. " t 215C63 and 22R63 i • "........,._s....!......•.....__,........,.....,................;,,, • available.-' • • No.: 3-365 • , ▪ . PROPERTY WANTED a Sincere purchaser from the • • II • ■ Toronto area has available • in excess of $35,000 cash • • • and . wishes - to purchase a ■ ▪ 200 to 300 acre farm. This • .■ a farrn must have a good set is of buildings with convert- it ■ iences. Possession wanted by ! • May 1st 1964. Golden op- ; ▪ portunity if yen are think- 1/ ing` of selling., 111 J. Everett Pennington • • • R.R.• 2; Teeswater, • ■ 'Phone 392-6064 Local, Agent For: ■ . ' • .Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd., on • Ilariover .• ' Phone 870 iii■■■■■ii■imilanase■■■■■if Pedlar Agency Golden Glow Snow Bird Snow Blowers Egg" Pick-up Depot thanks for cards, letter's, gifts and , I wish to express rny' sincere visits while a patient in the Wing -4 hahlDistrict •hospital.• • ; • Mrs. Chester Taylor Ken Cameron would like to ex press his thanks to all those 'who remetbered hirti in various ways while in Wingham Hospital, All this thoughtfulness .,was ..*very much ,apprcciatecl. ..1 Wish to express my sincere thanks for 'cards, visits and other kindneSsea extended., to.. us while I was in Wingham hospital, This. thoughtfulness was deeply appree. iated, • • . Dorothy Murray • W LIFE4 . . Supplement - 32% The ideal , concentrate for. Growing Stock and Market. Finishing as well as 'the Dairy. Herd.. • 0, ' • D,airyLCo'nienitrate--32%;.i•, Blendeclg:io' give better milk production (using your own :grain) as well 'as keeping' the 'cow in good flesh: D'airy 'Ration' :16% A 'complete balancpd feed, no other grain need • • . ;fed. . • • •• POULTRY, :HOG and :SOW, 'CONCENTRATES ..Always In Stock • Can Still Fill Your KT) Corn (Bulk) Orders, also oe'l FEED BARLEY and No. 1 FEEDSCREENINGS 4 NM.KNECHTEL and SON LTD. Lucknow' Branch,.' Phone 528-3014 ' "There's A' New Life -Teed For '‘Every Need" ' • • • 4/4r? 4.4 •• 13t • , . • • - 4t. • • •• . • • ••• ' • : ' • • °' • • . a ••••••'