The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-29, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1960 the, ;with ` dying: Mit. :The verse ed'to" )sday iciety tuary Dday, Hist . .. 3onn, aunt. neet 3ene-;,' it .be rch, voted. fatter nges, made e'i d. at Wen. 300.. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. :LUC.KNOW ONTARIO hurch nnuals At Whitechurch (W IITECHURCH NEWS), • dy The Annual meeting ,of White- church United Church •was held. Wednesday evening in the school roomof the .church A potluck supper was: held with around 40. in attendance. Rev. George Mit: cheli Was chairman for the • meet- ing. Reports from all departments were encouraging. The 'session 're- port showed 42 families 'on : the loll.. Deaths- in the congregation • during the year 'were, Mr James 1 :Martin, Rev. John, Watt and Mr..,1 Thos. Inglis. $2371' was raised for. the General Fund and $1244 for"1 Missionary and: Maintenance. The combined SUM raised by all groups including ; . ' donations • to Ontario ••Temperance. Federation amounted, to over, $5000.., The . U.C.W, Were 'pleased'. to .report they had ex - ceded their allocation for missions ' having sent $266.00 to ..Huron Pres,-' bytery 'treasurer. The organ fund started some., years ; ago.,. by the women :has been :increased by gen- erous contributions 'from the con- gregation. An Electrohome 'organ,. <. was purchased in, timefor the; • anniversary. Mr;: Charles,' Martin, Mr:: Russel Gaunt,. , Mr: 'Ernest f and e`Thom' Beecro t Mr. ' George G g P son were ,elected: to .the. Board of Stewards for . a: 3 year. term.: The. auditors are ; Mr. .Elwood.. Gros- korth, Mr: ;Russel 'Gaunt .and Mrs. Albert Coultes.. The , congregation decided to end $200. to. Huron Presbytery Capital . Fund. ' Rev. ;., George Mitchell: expresssedthanks to the . members for their . loyalty .4114 and co=operation; A motion • was passed by the congregation to Rev. and. Mrs. George Mitchell for all their help and fine .leader ship. ; The Annual . meeting of Chal- mers . Presbyterian Church was held on •Saturday :with a. fair at- tendance:. . Student minister' Mr. Jacob Kuiper : opened the meeting with•scripture reading and a pray; er. Rev.. Gordon Fish, Interim Moderator,. was present. 'Mr. Kin- ney was •appointed, chairman for the meeting, and Mr.. John Gaunt was appointed secretary, Mr. Kuiper gave a report of his year's work. There were no baptisms, four 'were 'removed 'from. the roll - by .death, namely Mr. Albert .Pat- terson, Mr,' George : McKague.' Mrs. , :Mary :Roane and Master Barry. De Boer. There are 42 fam- ilia in the congregation. The re.. ports of the different • secretaries were .studied and several. of.them had increases. The ,Sunday' School reported 'a Successful" year. : Mrs. James: McInnes ' was re-ele cted treasurer, and tendered .a -,-vote of • thanks 'for her work. Two new trustees were appointed : and six new managers. M s: Frank .Coul- ter er tendered 'a votb .of. thanks . to all officers -.of the 'church for `their. 'work. Rev •. Fish . expressed ap- preciation for their co -o eratim and contribution to Presbyterian College Building Fund.. Mr. = Kuiper closed '.the ..meeting: with prayer.' Order your co-op High, Grade Fci 1i izcr• lois ddlivery by • Feb,,1 and you will save $2.00 per ion 1 corde1 very bctw.t 'Feb: 3 and Feb. 28•you'r "Early befivcr•1'" disLount w:ili 11 '$1.50 per• tong I'n addit ono you cap cal: cash' discounts ,,:or : • 6:,1/2%.- for pavm?nt. 'b'r prepayflwft by ,17:-1).. 1 'will 6 ,g.1 v. Feb; 28 unlit 1er:�t sc Co=operittt�ve s • You,can depend .on coo q Y .) are owned and controlled. by the' people' th`y, serve' the tanners of Ontario', Every time you make a porC,,Itase at r .ouCo-operative you are making ,►'oiir :business stronger your P •flc+�ytstere,d TrMdv: M41 irkk;' -and more suceessrul,' . ,,,JANUARY SAVE .s2A;1O PER- TON'. FEBRIJARY *SAVE $.15O PER TON' 41.14 . COOP' CiUALITCTION.` Y. CONTFtOt. i5 YOUR `CdUi4I�ANTEB OIC gATI$F'A w DisttiC,.' 'TeiepitlfNi►e 5284125 • • n , Lifelong. Kinloss Resident Passes --fir In Her 90th Year• : MRS. MARY JANE TIFFIN'. The .deathoccurred of Mrs: Mary Jane Tiffin, a lifelong resident of 4th . Con. Kinloss on Saturday, January 25 in. Wingham District. Hospital. She was• in her 90th year and had been a bed patient Since January .1963. " In April 1956" .she; fell . and received' a broken :hip and even though she was able -to: walk :with a walker, ,she never enjoyed the best 'of health from. that, time.: She wag the !daughter of Letitia Falconer a n d , John. Morrison whose farm'. was .the second north of . t h e Langside :'Presbyterian Church • and where. 'she was born August .15th, 1874. In, June, 1896, she was :married to • f,euben Tiffin, who predeceased her -on March 30, 1942. 'She •'was a member.. of Tif fin's: Methodist Church: and later of the United Church, 'Whitelchurch. Surviving. are two.; sons • . Fred ,and Charlie: of Langside 'and, two daughters, Margaret, Mrs,• 'Russel Ritchie . of' Larigside;; Valetta, Mrs. .Victor ' Emerson of : Whitechurch; also a sister Mrs..` Marg aret Bak- er, ` Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, and two :.half' r hers Mr..; a b of e , ,Harry Hayes, .Birmingham, Michi an and Y � Michigan Mr. .John Hayes. of Livonia,, :Mich igen, A son,, John predeceased her in August, 1909 : She, was also predeceased by tiro Brothers: James: and Dr. William Morrison and : a sister Nettie; (Mrs. Cyril. Kernahan): Rev. . George Mitchell :conducted the funeral service on Monday af- ternoon at 'the MacKenzie Fun- eral . Home in Lucknow, ' with, teni porary :entombment :in South KM - loss mausoleum and final;' resting place, Tiffin's: cemetery. • Pallbearers . were Jac and. Don k Hayes, Tom Morrison, Jim Rich- ardson, Russel Ritchie Ritchie and ' Vic- tor, Emerson; Lucknow Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary The . January: meeting was held: on Tuesday : eveningat the home of Mrs, Robert MacKenzie with twenty-four ladies' present. '. The President, "Mrs, Noble :• Johnston was in . ; charge . of the meeting; which, opened. . with : the .Call to Worship . followed by, a *hymn and prayer . by Mrs Johnston. • The Scripture was read in' unison fol - ,lowed by the' meditation • "Thank .; -God .--for----Tidie" given by Mrs. Otto . Petersen: Members were asked to bring their used stamps. to the February meeting and to give their ' Christmas Cards .to Mss Mary McLeod. • The roll Icel.'' was answered with the •payment of. fees: Mrs.. Norman 'Taylor read from the , Glad' Tidings "New Years Greetings" from Mrs. Kerr the ;President .of the" W.M.S. Mrs. 'Ronald. Forster ' gave a reading, entitled "A Clear Conscience." •Mrs: ,. Clark Finlayson gave the topic introducing ...the ' Study for this year —• "The Christian Church. Mission. in: South Asia'" : The, meetr Ing closed with ‘a hymn•,and pray: er by- Mrs:w• MVIaude Sherwood. social half hour followed. BRQWNIENES : (by Joyce .Ann Johnstone) ;The 1st Lueknow: Brownie "•Pack began its' meeting on January 22 with, games°" Janet Thompson was Toadstool, Fairy Wethen held Fairy 'Ring '. 'followed,"by Fairy Gold and Inspection, Tweenie, Cor • alyn "Henderson; was given the Grand; HoWI after . being enrolled into Fairyo Pack.. ' Sonne " of the Brownies received .. their Golden Ladder. After we had completed our work . we returned to. Fairy Ring where each Brownie receiv,. ed a white envelope; containing • a yollew comb, a •gift fr m . Brown Ow1, who left last week. The Meet- ing closed with .the Squeeze end D ownie`.' Chimes. 4 •h ,PAGE EVEN. • .(AlllEl))+ ALLIED FARM SERVICES ..•ALL' \PAYMENTS•TAX .DEDU9T1B1.E or THERE IS, NO "DOWN PAYIy1.ENT" ••.AL'L:EQUIPMENT IS INSURED'.' * PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE FARM LIABILITY INSURANCE * GROUP SAVINGS ON FARM SUPPLIES * FARM INCOME TAX PREPARATIONS 373 QUEENS AVENUE — LONDON, CANADA larris' YOUR HURON COUNTY AGENT, ` Phone BayfielE 95 Rev: 'ristram' To Leave St. -Helens:: (ST' HELENS "NEWS) Mr, ..and. Mrs. Fred '• McQuillin Miss:' Isobel Miller. Al : members were recent visittors., in Kitchener. with ' . Mr: and Mrs. Barry 'Mc-' Quillin and Jill . and Mr. and . Mrs. Harold Scott. • Mr W I 'Miller entered Victor- Hospital, London on, : Monday for • eye ;surgery. Misses. Loree Campbell '. 'and. Judy "Dorscht` were contestants in the:. Canadian . Legion Public Spea- king at Wingham on ,Saturday. Loree and Judy both received hon. ourable mentionfromthe judges.' Congratulation s girls! • . Mrs. Aitchison :'returned are ;asked to please bring their.. penny ' round -up bags.:, `St. •Helens Church Annual Sleeting- . . T e . 'annual meeting, of the St. he.. Helens , .Church was held in ' `the form of• a pot luck supper with a, fair °attendance.. Various' reports .'/ were given. from the different or- ganizations ...showing a successful -yeair ;in each .group . The u.0 W, met their allocation '..of $212. A :vote .of thanks to all members'.: who helped. to .make it, a success- ful. uccessful . year in the church was .moved: A donation' -of .$100 was voted to home on Thursday. froth; Wingham' the..capital fund. ".,Rev: Tristram Hosnrtal foilouvmg surgery announced :that on account of fair- .' The February ;meeting :of the ily illness `his services'to the ',Con. W.I will. be held' ; on • February • 6 'gregation: would terminate. the end. :at 2:00 o'clock: Rev, Tristram will of June. • This ..Was accepted . 'with. address . the Meeting Motto, Mrs._regret. . Andrew • Gaunt; Roll . call, ;One; ; ad • Mrs. W. A: Humphrey • returned vantage of living in. a .democracy, ,home • on Monday from . Victoria, Lunch and program, Mrs: G..,:Hospital, London where she, had , Struthers, Mrs. Pannabecker and. been ., a> 'patient :for . four weeks a retiremE Perhaps it seems far away now, but the` years' • have a habit of ;flying by. It's never too early' to plan for your'retirement .years. And:remernber that Sun Life, one of. the' great life insurance. companies of the world, haspolicy, plans that will J these"years provide fon whsle at the same tithe . . protecting your family in case •you should die •• .prematurely. 1 • am a local :971. a: Life;:re ireseatatwree May I be of servicel WILLIAM 1. Rtl . • !7:'17.41 2 Lucknow Phone' `Wingham• 35Z.1.087 UN LIFE ASSURANC , COMAP'ANY OF CANADA •