The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-22, Page 111964 ear was , nship away Koine just - hday iealth r un-. found iends. m•of abeth iMr now. • . 'd .to and. dents s. meal.. at ming' iuild ared. smith Hugh-. orton :d to ig in tuary smith • . wag. d,;by,. mile. this d re iriued vife's good sess hum- • . • him id at',. e in rcuit en :' Kin .tery sting Stru. ;Cott, ddie •.e WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1964 THE.'a: 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, •4UCKNO! ,, ONTARIO one. (Lot'- son, • two. . Leta) :nson' !orge 1964 D TE Those attending, the • Maitland Presbyterial of `the . W.M.S. . held in, . Wingham on January 14th. in* the • Presbyterian church ' were Mrs.' Frank Coulter, Mrs. ' Dun- can un can MacDonald, Mrs.Dave Mac- Donald, Donald, Mrs, Dawson Craig, .Mrs. Jacob Kuiper, Mrs. A AndreW Gaunt and Mrs. Victor''Eniersoi}. White - 'church Aur nary - . were . 'responsi- ble' for . the morning 'devotional exercises., Mrs. Jacob Kuiper read .the scripture, Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt gave the , meditation ..bas- ing bas-ing her message . on ,`'`And ' His. name shall be called • Wonderful."' Mrs.. . Dawson ' Craig gave the prayer.. ' The January . meeting, of Chal- mers Presbyterian. W.M.S. . was held on Wednesday, January • 15 at the home of Mrs. Jacob Kamer, the • manse, with • an• attendance of 10. The , . president, Mrs. Victor Emerson opened . the meeting with a warrn. welcome to • all present and the reading of •a poem "A summary for a Happy New Year" and the. • Call • to Worship. Mrs. Ri ,,,5e1 Ross gave •the `Invocation. A ,hymn • was ''sung. Mrs. , Victor Emerson gave the prayer.;'. Mrs. Dawson Craig :gave. them , edita- tion. :The Minutes were read by the. :assistant secretary .Mrs.: Rus - Ht..RCHTd1i�I ST i sel Ross. Mrs, Dawson' Craig SPRING LAMBS gave the treasurer's, . report. Ar- rangements were made for the World Day • ofPrayer to.be held in the Presbyterian ehure'h. The February meeting will e held Mrs. Ritchie repots her brother Mr. Jarncs }i. Currie,. R.R. 3 .Wingham went to the barn Thursday morning, he . found his first pair of lambs well , and strong, He named them Mike and them .. . • February 19 at' the hom of- Mrs. Victor Emerson, Thank for cards ,. sent` was from Mrs. W. R: Pur - don, - Mr. JamesMcInnes, Mrs. Frank Coulter,'. The roll call was, answered with •a , verse contain ing: the word "Door." The offer, tory prayer was given. by Mrs. Emerson. Mrs. David MacDonald gave a 'very` interesting report . of the Presbyterial heldon T yTuesday in Wingham and : the Glad Tidings prayer. `Mrs. Victor Emerson gave the message on: = Thy Work Shall Be •R'ewarded. • .At the February meeting there is , to be . 5 minute discussion' on Prejudice; A , hymn i was ,sung. The Ladies Aid. `meeting ;was.. then held.. The work' 'com- mittee are to , be Mrs. Frank , C01.11:; ter, Mrs. Dawson., Craig and Mrs. Earl Earl Caslick. A discussion fol ;M ' owed on 'how . to raise . money. The collection: was ' received 'and- l Mrs. De, Groot, ,:thanked for the.; use of the warm • home: end' her ' hospitality. and Mrs: Emerson gave the closing., -prayer: • CARDS , AND DANCING On. Friday evening, :S.S. No 10. Kinloss, Whitechurch School held ,a. progressive euc' r•e, 'party '' and dance in the . V bitechurch Com-. munity . Memorial Hall under. the supervision. of their 'teacher.,, Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler. There: were 11. tables'. in' `. play for progressive" euchre and 2 •'tables -of crokinole. was well patronized by 'the schol., ars.; 'The prizes , for the euchre party were won by ;high lady, Mrs. Donis. Willis, • a • box of groc- eries;. low lady,. Mrs. .Hugh Simp- son, 2 bottles of ketchup;. high;: man, ,Mr: . George Grigg, a ' box. of . groceries; low man, Mr. Hugh Simpson, 2. bottlesketchup.' Mrs: x of Willis:had... her • gift,the bo , h groceries .• auctioned . off'. by our .promising young • auctioneer, Brian Rintoul, a grade '8. .pupil at. the school. The: purchaser. of the' gro•: ceries: for the; ' sum • of :$2.50 was Mr; . Kenneth ' Dowling: Music for the 'dance' was supplied by, Tiffin's. PAGE ,.ELEVEN' - orchestra, withthe calling off' be •••••U••••••••!I I• ling taken car a of by ,Mr. .Oscar Schefter. Throughout, the, evening Whitechurch Woi. en's ixlstitute had charge of the lunch counter which netted them $1Q.31, • Mr. Murray Gaunt,, M.L.A. for Huron-Bruceleft on. Wednesday to, attend . sesions of Parliament at "`Toronto. He was accompanied to Toronto by Mrs, Jacob Kuiper who will visit there • nd• re urn on . Friday with he h t, band Mr. Ktuper from Knox 0 ege. , Miss Linda Jol nste of Belgrave spent- the . weekend w ,Mt. , and Mts. Charles . Tiffin. Mr. ":and, ' Mrs. el Gaunt spent •Wednesday ev +wing with Mi. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin of West . Wawanosh. •• Friends:. of Mrs. Mary Jane Tif- fin will besorry to hear she had to be taken by ambulance to Wingham District Hospital- on Sat- urday: 'We are pleased to report other patients in the hospital from our: area. Mr. Alex Leaver, Mrs. Earl Caslick, Mrs: Gershom John- ston • are on , the. road to recovery and Mr. Alfred Buckton . has also improved.: • Mrs. :Joe Tiffin ; and baby son returned. ,from , :Wingham District Hospital , to ,their home ' on Tues- day. 'Mrs 5. C.Willis; Gowansto ... spent the week -end with Mrs. Doris Y xw sen Most people today pay for goods,or ,cervices by cheque because mostpeople •have a bank account. It's the. simple•, safe way. to transfer,'MO11ey to .:any. person•: Y at. any time: ..:. Mail; • • The next cheque you put in the mail, o cash at any `branch of a chartered. bank, will be one. of one billion that pass through the. banking system each ° .... iii $li s of paper represent 90 .per year.. These familiar„ P � p and their . ` 'cent of all financial ,payments made ,today, r gby the chartered banks is essen- fast,efficient handling tial to banks customers,. "indeed to the whole economy of , the nation. `To handle the ever-intreasi flow of ch ues--and to "maintain" standards of efficiency in the clearings. the . ' chartered' banks have introduced magnetic ink encoding to ,be used in high-speed electronic': sorting. This new method, called MICR, makes possible, a faster, more accurate service to customers, and main-, tains • your chequing, account as .one of the cheapest, most convenient basic banking services. W. K SE INCA YO B COMMUNITY T�� C�AR'I' �� DAN KS through f g. 'nig responsive to growing, c�hiang'ng needs lrorart e ank2 _ . .. • r i .*...r• ,. ,.. E . DoNvs:TV � • SERVICE Experiened: •: "Al. Wo`.rk Guaranteed, •• ' • • < Prornpt Service •, Reasonable : Rates PHONE 184, RIPIEY•' • • Willis a'nd, family. , The ' Messengers of.' the, United, Church held' their' meeting Sunday ,afternoon. ' The president, Miss Cathy Solomon, gave the call to worship. A, hymn was sung. •Mr, Charles Thompson read the Scrip- Mrs' ' e. The . superintendent, Clarence Ritchie, 'gave comments on. the Theme --- Light and Dark- ness in `.the World. Miss • Janet : Sleightho lm ` led in prayer. The roll. ,call was answered by 16 .members. The minutes.' were read ' . • by the ree'ording ; secretary, Miss Diane.. Swan. The children were asked to - keep saving:' their pen. :Hies to help . the' Medical' Centres wn •.in' .India. Mrs. Ritchie read a let-: • ter from .Mr: Clarence McClen- ' aghan, Mission'. worker •,'. on' the ., Indian , Reserve. - at :. Southampton thanking the 'Messengers.. for ..the . many lovely, useful :••gifts sent the ' Indian ;boys and. girls at ; Christ; mas. He asked if the Messengers would .write ` to • the Indian boys. and :girls. It; was • decided . to write. lettersto thee{. Mrs Ritchie took the : older boys and • girls ° and the.::• assistant _leader" Mrs. Sleightholm .' took the younger set and :each. in- structed ,them: on: their Study -of . Mrs. Annie Lott ;returned: home with =Mrs, .'Willis on Sunday 'after spending a week With Mr. & . Mrs. Frank Leinmex, of Atwood. • Mr. and .Mrs. Stewart' Smith of Kitchener. spent Saturday • evening ` with her- mother Mrs:. Gershom Johnston in Wingham, ` District Hospital. Mr. .Jack ;. Johnston, ..Lon- don and Mr. and . Mrs. Jim :'John ston were ° :also visitors. Mr.' ° Eldon. Emerson spent the week=end in Toronto • with ''Mr. & • • Mrs Ross 'McGregor, • `. • Mr. and • Mrs •-Jim Henderson,— Brantford enderson, Brantford and Mr. Ford : Hender. son,. Paris were 'visitors• ' 'on the week 'end wih Mrs. Henderson of Wingham and, on Friday evening all visited at the .home of Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. • Jim • Henderson: spent Sun'- day there. Mr. arid'. 11(Irs. Charles ' Wood of Seaforth .spent Sunday afternoon' : . w with : their rdother,= Mrs:- Gershom Johnston in the hospital. Mr • and Mrs. Relison Falconer, .Paul and Brian of.,.Sar-nia brought his mother, `Mrs. Cassie' Falconer back t'o her home here and re- ,mained for .the'v ek .end. Mr..' and Mrs • Anguts, Falconer,. Steven and. ' Kevin -of Streetsville •also spent the week end at the same• home and was accompanied to Streets' vine by' Mrs.' Cassie : Falconer: Callers at the home, . of Mr. and . . Mrs. James McInnes on Sunday were Mr.' John McInnes, 10th con. Kinloss; Mr. • and Mrs. George .McInnes "and family, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. ,Orville Hastings and family: ; • Mr and Mrs_ Ross McMichael Seaforth' visited -.on 'Sunday With her father, . Mr. Gershom John. ston and- called on her 'mother' in the • hospital, . Mr.; John McInnis of. the 10th con. 'Kinloss visited.on Sunday with Mr. and `Mrs. ' Orville Tiffin. . • Mr. and . Mrs, Robert Pardon of Belgrave were Thursday visitors Itin- toiitl Mrs and Mrs. Gordon Mr, and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan spent the weekend with Mr. and; o, ' Mrs. Bob Aitcheson . Birr.• .His wife awoke in the small hours to hear 'him 'stealthily moving things about in the kitchen, What might', ye be? lookire for . darlin"?'' she asked, "Nothing; just nothing,:'"' "Oh!" said his wife helpfully, "Then yell find it ill the bottle where the whiskey,,used to be,"