The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-22, Page 6i,. x,; 13, • 1 AGE. •' SIX _..� ;...... TH'E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IECHI,,,'NIC: �D • Good, working 'conditions' Top 'wages: Steady Employment, can commence at ; ohae SHORiY'S B.A. SERVICE CLINTON, .ONTARIO.. Phone. 482-766.1 • AM, and C �ERI.EY .DIS . . ' - Elmer The.. January • meeting.; of .Unit 1 and one residence to Mr. hof the U C.W. of Pine. River Un- Culbert'of : Southfield, Michigan. Red Church was held at .the home . Miss Lorraine. Hamilton spent a ....of Mrs. .Elden Bradley • on Tuesday few 'days at . the home: of Mr. and ^afternoon of lastweek, with Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Courtney.. 'Leonard Irwin " and Mrs. Mervyn Unit :2 of Pine River United . Hooey presiding. The meeting` Church, held their.. meeting 'on opened with prayer Eby the pres-Tuesday evening of last week. (dent and hymn 494. Roll call was The new :Presidentnd ;secretary,: a answered with a verse ,of scrip Mrs. Leonard Courtney and Mrs.' tune' and payment:. of fees. . A Robert Courtney. presided. Hymn �... reading, "T e n cominandments. 263 was .followed, with a moments: forof. Rev.` `J_ ..was given Mrs, silence in memory J. C. happiness"by John Ferguson.:' Cards'.of thanks Hutton. The Lord's prayerwas re-' were ;read', and plans were;,; dis- peated in unison and the • roll call: cussed for 1964 projects. A read- was ..answered with a Christian. ing by -Mrs. L. Irwin was.: follow- resolution and payment of fees. ed with a ' 'momentssilence' in Mrs. J ` . Liddle was convener of. memory, of Rev. J C. 'Hutton. the, program and 'readings .,and. Mrs. :Ross Ross Shiells gave a New • meditations were given by Mrs. • Years : reading after which • a tape ; George Messenger, Mrs Carl. recording : between .a social work- Hooey and Mrs. 'Gordon Eliott. eir and a •missionary in :India,: who A tape recording between a social gave a vivid description of the ..worker of India and a missionary Women.. of, India: and their . ad- 'and 'Was a discussion on ' the Wo- . vancement in ' political life and men ' of , India, who ."take 'a keen their unity in, family life, which intrest in political affairs of their:. . was an inspiration, .to all who '•country. Mrs. Lester Ferguson. listened. Mrs. Eldon' Bradley gave read : exerpts from ;the book "Take a'reading on the : life of -Dr., Mary My. band" ' which was written by ' Verghese, ; who has ,only.: the use ,Dr. Mary Verghese,' who 'is con - of her arms but carries on herfined to a wheelchair but carries profession,~ from a wheel chain on her profession. After the cies and has :written 'a . book '"Take ing hymn and. prayer, grace was my hand." ' Mrs. James Nesbitt .sung and 'an . enjoyable halfhour gave the , courtesy : remarks and was spent .over the tea `cups. the .meeting *closed' with a hymn Mr.# and ,Mrs.Bob;Harris and and prayer. At the lunch hour, Don . visited; on Sunday;' with .Mr. Mrs. /Mervyn Hooey and Mrs. and Mrs. - Arthur Courtney. ;' Leonard. Irwin ;were assisted by Mrs. Bradley. Grace was 'sung` and a' social hour was. .,enjoyed.. . Births PURCHASE RIPLEY HOME Mr. ' and Mrs, ;Stewart Shiells COLLINS Art ;.and Ann (Craw - of the fourth ,concession: of 'Huron:, ford) Collins are tickled pink to have purchased'the property of announce the arrival of . their the late Donald McKay of Ripley. daughter Lisa Ann in Kincardine ,;Stewart and Clara will .be missed , General Hospital:. on ' Wednesday, by ,their. 'many friends :and neigh- January 15th, 1964, weight •7 lbs. bors'. in ,the community. 15 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard .Courtney -- - attended the annual Ontario- Jer l EA.DIE in Wingham Hospital,:: on sey convention . which wass , ' held I Wednesday, January 15 1964, to: 'in Ottawa last week • • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, a son, Mr.. and Mrs; Walter Brown; of I a brother for Douglas, David, .Ken- Amberley have sold their garage :neth,Steven and Mary. --- 14 ,I Tuesday,.January28 kr. T�wn.:HaII : — L' ucknow Special -discussion on corn fertilizing problems Special einphasis on corn .Nitrogen Guest speaker and. slides Coffee and Do.Nuts to .b6 .ser"ved Sponsored by LUCK IOW DISTRIST t0 -0P F �:nis-der .'asses, Was Huron ownshi Native p. IEV.; F. 'G.,. MacTAVISH! "We live • indeeds, not years,": was the comment, made by a close friend of 'the ,family, when word was received . of the passing of Rev. F. G. MacTavisli of Bradford, in the York County Hospital, • ;New= market on Dec. 20, after an illness; of only three.' : days. He was 65 years of age; and was serving his 200th year as pastor, of the Brad- ford ' charge, He Was discussing wedding plans with a young couple when suddenly stricken with a severe cerebral haemorrhage from which he never rallied. Frederick George MacTavish was theson of the late Peter Mac- Tavish and Sarah MacNair. Born on the second concession. of Huron. Twp., he attended Clover Valley Public and Ripley Continuation. School. Upon graduation from, the latter he : enlisted in the Medical •Corps of the .Can. Expeditionary Force;', and saw service in. Canada and Siberia. Returning from Siber- ia in .July, 1919, he made plans to enter Victoria 'College in the fall, from which he graduated, and • was ordained, a minister of the former Methodist Church ' in 1923, 'In 1921, he': married Mary Annetta Mac- Donald. of : Toronto at Cresswell; Ontario, and together they ; served on the mission'fields of Wilberforce and, Apsley, in North-Eastern On- tario,' and later at Hallowell, Camp- bellford, Omernee, Sunderland . and; for thepast nineteen and one-half years at the Bradford and Holland Landing :charge: , He was a • member of the Gold- -en Rule . Masonic : Lodge, No. . 126, Campbellford, . and padre of the; Can. ' Legion, No. 521,.. Bradford. He: was secretary of Simcoe. Pres- bytery and of 'the Toronto Con- ference stationing, committee. Of 'his ministry in Bradford, t h e:. "Witness, the town's weekly newspaper has. this to . say, "Mr. •MacTavish's interest in, and: know- ledge now-ledge,of the people -.of this district had grown through the years, his kindly ,understanding .of. human frailties ' made him a ' sympathetic friend to all in trouble, :as he ren- dered service far beyond the.. call of his. duty ' as , . minister of the Bradford and, ' Holland Landing. churches. The sick, the poor, the • ged, the . neglected and anyone who needed a minister could: de pend • on Mr, MacTavish to answer their : need., His was a • ministry which only : began in the 'pulpit;* With the ` boundaries ' of. his church, only, limited by Pt he ' needs : of People." . , A private service. was :held', on Monday morning, . December 23 in the funeral home, . conducted, by the Rev.' Wm. Buron, . Kettleby, a long time friend, ofthe ' family, and A. largely .,attended service in the Bradford United Church in ,the af- ternoon, conducted by the Rev. A. S. McCuaig,. Orillia, ,chairman of Simcoe Presbytery, ' 'assisted by Rev. A. Smith, Toronto, Rev. H. G. Blake of the Anglican -Church; Mimico, and Rev. R. E. Webster, of • Scarboro, during the service Mrs.. M. Stelck '' of Bradford sang, "Going Home " Besides his wife, he issurvived by a. daughter Jean, and a son Harold of Toronto;' a son, Gerald,. his wife Helen m and three grand- children in, Bradford. Also surviv- ing are three' brothers, Rev. Dun- can .' MacTavish, London; Alex of Huron Twp.,. --James oVLucknow; and' three sisters., Jean,. Mrs. A.' H. Johnston, Stratford; Elizabeth, Mrs. H. A. Street and Margaret,' Mrs. R. Black, Kincardine: He was. predeceased by ; a sister, Agnes, Mrs. J. F. Barkwell; :To his ,sorrowing family the slim- mudity extends its deepest sym- pathy. Interment was in • Au%ora cem- etery. RENEWAL.: TIME ManySentinel ; e1 suibscrp- tion'. fall due the first of ' Your ' prompt at- the, year. P m' iention in keeping your, paper : paid in • advance ,gill be appreciatedt • WEDNESDAIG.JANUARY ASHHELD. Miss SadieJohnson, president. of the.. Women's Missionary Society opened and closed the .January meeting with prayer. It was' held at the home of Mrs. Ewan. -Mac- Lean Mac -Lean 'last. Thursday. Roll call was, Answered with a favorite hymn. There' were 15 members % and, one child present. ' . Mrs. Wm. Johnson was in charge of the devotional, A 'panel discus sionon South Asia' was conducted by Mrs. W. Wylds, Mrs. Wm: John- ston, Mrs: Wm. Ross,. Miss Sadie Johnson and Mrs. D. R Mackenzie. Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave the high lights of the Presbyterial meeting last week in Wingham. A letter was read from Mrs. Van der ley of Whitby, a formermember thank .ing the. Society . for making her .a Life Member ° Mrs. Dan Wylds and Mrs. Hugh'. MacKenzie were ' also 'presented with Life Memberships last . month. The executive, for 1964 was as ,fol- lows. past president, :.Mrs. m. Ross president, Miss. Sadie J n - son; lst vice-president, Mrs. Rich -ard West; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Gordon Finlayson; 3rd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. John, : MacCreight; sec- retary, Mrs.'; Hugh' MacKenzie; treasurer, Mrs. D . MacKenzie;: press secretary, Mrs. Earl Howes; .Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Col- in MacGregor;. Home Helpers sec- retary, , Mrs. . Earl Howes; Wel- come ; and Welfare, Mrs. D. . Mac-. Murchy and Miss Sadie' Johnson; Supply Su l secretary, Mrs. Reuben. cretar, Wilson; , Life `Membership, Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie; pianists, Mrs. • Dan Wylds, "Mrs, , B. Johnson I.T., Mrs, Ewan. MacLean, W. MacLean; Explorers, Henry MacKenzie, Mrs. W. C.O.C., Mrs. D. MacDonald C. Howes, Mrs. A. Fairish. Mrs, David Parrish. of ' chewan is visiting relative and in Lucknow ,and" Goder Miss Sharon. West of 'Londa home for the week -end. The Y.P.S.will meet on in Ripley. The "president is bara L. MacKenzie. ; vice Douglas • MacKenzie; sec.- Ruth Rankin; Worship eon Barbara J. MacKenzie; Soci vener, Jean MacDonald. . Mrs. Robert Simpson wh. been. a patient in . Wingham pital is home. GAIN CHOIR L'1RECTOR LOST BROWNIE LEADER Mrs. .Gordon Montgomer sumed her duties as leader United Church Choir- on . $ with the choir rendering . th them, "The Lord's My She . Upon her new ` appointment, Montgomery. found it necess give up her leadership as Owl", of the . First Lucknow B ie Pack. _. , Mrs. Lloyd .'(Helen) Hall;'i sisiting Mrs. G. W. (Jessie) incarrying on.;the Brownie, Mrs. Montgomery *as: asso with the Brownie Pack for so years, as successor to Mrs. Boyle easonal savings* and year 'round satisfaction Order your 0o -OP High Grade Fertilizer for delivery by' Feb:1 and you will save $2,00 per ton. For delivery between Feb. 3 and Feb.: 28 your "Eailly Delivery'' discount will be $1.30 per ton. In addition, you' can earn cash discounts of b, z% ,forPoym_ ent ar....pre-payment by ,E'eb 1 ,net 6 % by You can depend on co-oi' quality becatise Co-operative's are owned and controlled. by 'the people they ' serve ' . the farmers of Ontario, Every time you make . a.:purchase. at your Co-operative you are making your. business stronger:. and more successful. . "Registered Trade Mark JANIZARY *SAVE $2.00 PER TON• ., FEBRUARY *SAVE;1�SO SER. TON: • CO-OP QUALITY CONTROL .IS. YOUR GUARANTEE OF • SATISFACTION Lucknow Telephone' 52$72125