The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-22, Page 1r filimar • 5r 1144 17c ,10c • t;c Sc 19c c • Jaines of his was fe w • Holy. or Mr. ar and. ed. A`: Y. Was, ay and Ydenoy aie: by , TheY', 7and'. Eiden-, of tom' 4. gen- and, eir Lite .as • as. ■ i'. s . • • ■ • a :a • •a. • •i 0 r . a a. a. ..a .a • •e a ; . ,n. a.:: ,a. • •� Q a is 5 .. . a a • e . •e• • a - a a. • s 1 r r s a a 1'. I10f�1� ' .$3:00' A .Year n:.Advance - $1.00; :.EMT,. 'To U.S.A.. LU`CKNOW..;; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 22 1964 :Single Copy 10c16 Pages ' Walter Brown, Amberley Retires After: 40. Business, Sale Saturday. Fort years in the hardware and one.-MacDonald's.. The ' family Y.1L x _ Th fmy garagebusiness.' at Amberley will later moved to what is now the° Mc - come.: come to an end for Walter Brown Nein farm east of . Amberley. • on :Saturday; 'when. Emile' MacLen-' Walter. later had his own. farm nan wields, the - auctioneer's gavel .west' of Amberley, to the west of to, dispose of the equipment Glen Campbell's farm. 'Upon going -Elmer Culbert of Southfield, into business at Amberley he sold Michigan, near .. Detroit,. has. pur- the' farm to 'Ralph . Humphreys. It chased the Brown building, as- well has since changed hands 'two or- as the house located between. the three times. homes of Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Ontario Department of Highways Mr. ,and Mrs. W: J. Courtney • regulations, .aimed at clearing this • Elmer is a son of Mrs. •Andrew busy intersection of Highways 21. Culbert and the. late Mr.' Culbert. and 86, have brought about major; He is a carpenter by trade. Mr. changes in recent, years. and Mrs; Culbert have two daugh-'. First the ."old" Shie is Store was, ••ters, ages 11 and 2. , : removed. and a new and modern We understand that; Mr: Culbert . store built by Ross , Shiells, and is considering moving ; the house located back from the intersection. +c ' - to the:be a h to convert it into a Mr..:Shiells recently bought a home 'cottage, and building' a new home in Lucknow, and; has done .some at. Amberley.' • negotiating recently regarding the There : has been . no official an- sale of the business nouncement as to : his leans for the , . •'vThe. Art Courtney store on the garage site. - ;northwest • corner was.sold and re moved in ' 1961. ' MANY •CH ANG`ES . - But this is amodern y hstor .. Watt Mr. Brown has been a lifelong Brown's . ' recollections go !'aback resident of Ashfield and Amber- much{ farthe : good deal far - ley." e A son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ther than wfie he' started in Brown,.: he was.born'on*"Con. 12.business in 1924: he present route, Ashfield `on the farm across from ,(Continued•on page " 7) • Noir , presses Appreciation f rs. �ynt's Services At Socia! Night Lucknow ' .United Church choir held a social:. evening after .: choir. practice last Wednesday evening, when , when sincere appreciation was ex- pressed to Mrs. J. W. Joynt for her many . years of devoted' choir service, -' which ' terminated : with her' retirement' at the year's end. Elwin Hallpresided : for an; in- teresting, n . terestin'g : P ip' ro . ram which had. been arranged " by ;'; Mrs. 'James Mac- Tavish: includingthe 'following g numbers: solos, Mrs. :Bob . Camp-' bell with accompaniment by Mrs. Cummings; vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. ''Raynard Ackert with ie- companiment' .by their daughter, June, trombone' and piano duet by Rev. and Mrs. , Howard. Strapp.. Miss . ;Helen Thompson, who en-• ter'ed the choir in June:. of 1925 and is the senior member in , years of service, was asked to .ex tend the choir's appreciation . to ;11rs. ' Joynt. -' • Her first : girlhoodmemory of Mrs. Joynt was when she• heard Jimmy" Anderson, 'deader' of the Methodist choir, , expressing disap- pointment that ' Edyth'e Freeman had given up her position ascon- tralto soloist in -Metropolitan Meth- odist, Toronto: Mr:Anderson, a painter, ;' and finisher was , doing wood • graining work at the Thomp- son home at the time of his Com-. ment. He had .:a - part in securing this position for Miss Freeman which he felt was the. first step in - launching her on a " :brilliant musical career. Edythe ; returned home after . four ' months because 'of, her mother's illness, and .:sub- sequently married' J..W. Joynt; and made. ; her • home in Lucknow, • where her • talents hav,e been en- , joyed and appreciated through the years .. Miss • Thompson • observed that one ' of the consolations in,, grow- ing older is that we have a. truer perspective and a greater value ..` of the little things, so that today' i +. in we deeper a recut o have a . pp of the qualities which made„ Mrs. Joynt such a capable choir lead- er. She.. mentioned a "self sae rificing sense ofresponsibility and 'devotion to duty which found her • regularly in ` her place in • the choir. • Miss Thom son • ;spoke of her patience under all circumstances, Regardless of the elements she i faithfully attended: choir practice when . • at :times,, the, attendance might be . too ,; -few for rehearsing. their oturnout a ch Conversely + the � , practice might warrant a difficult anthem,' and come Sunday the lack of a. *full .choir • Might ' force a quick •change in' the anthem to be used.` But all these things Mrs. Joynttook in her . stride She adopted. a "be . • prepared" 'habit, which regularlyeach , Saturday saw _ her' visit ' the church -and lay ;out the Sunday music 'in the choir. loft. • ' Mrs : Jo `Ynhad" 'a sense of hum- our our which carried .her over many a "rough ' spot" and Miss Thomp- son son . observed . that her Irish. wit prevented many .; a choir practice from otherwise being. ` somewhat She loved,'a . social 'gathering ring with her choir and never ' missed a:, chance to take ` choir members Or the choir : to -an y gathering where' `vocal; numbers were :..;re- quired. It was fitting that it was at such a ;social • gathering' last: Wednesday that appreciation was expressed of Mrs. Jo is years P. ,Yn of service .and her many . fine. tjualitieS, not the least of .which is the .:lovely voice which she possessed, :and • , of her talents which; were so freely and: willing- ly made available . throughout the community. •. . Miss ,Thomps n . remarked that Mrs. Joynt would have many hap- py memories that would be a great joy to her, yet. tinged with nostalgia. "We. wish her •: well," Helen Said and in conclusion read this •sentime. "Retirement" ,nt ona from • Patience Strong's Friend- ship Book: ' "Well .and • truly have you done your `work :.throughout the years: ' You've had, your. ups and'.downs,. your trials and. trou- bles, hopes and fears : and' Time has called a' halt. The job is fin ished 'now,. for you. But though it is an ending it's a new ' begin- ning. too You will miss the old tontine' and the. familiar Ways, .but the future will be full terests in Which, we hope you'll find the blessings of . conteentment,.. health, acid joy, phd peace of mind." •' • Absence Regretted It was .regretted that Mrs. Hat- . given '' o had � vey Webster wh g v • ,�o arid, faithful service in thechoir, town arid not able to was out ' of be •present: • Lea- Welcome , to the New er' d ,A. welcome wsextended new choir ,leader, ' Mrs.: Gordon. Mont ornery The • members wish- ed ish ed ' her. well with' the 'assurance of loyalty . and. °oo-operation. ... Mrs, t Joynt replied in her vet capable manner, and Rev. H W. Spp tri " added some remarks in a i jocular' vein; . • • •''. ' .¢ Elwin Hall conducted some i n- teresting games and a pleasant . ch ser. In u one ed 'withlud eveningC..., ved by %Mrs'.: Grant '.MacDiarmid: and her committee., •FATHER 'AND .'SON SERVED SCHOOL :SECTION 45. YEAR The resignation of Russell Gaunt as secretary - treasurer of • S.S; 9 ° Kinloss brought to mind that Russell's -dad, -Thor-h- as Gaunt of ' Wingham,. had ',served in the same position for • 25 years prior to Russell. With, Russell's 20 years'service, this .:. .'totals 45 years for the' family, somewhat of a record. Thomas Gaunt,, who resides. at Brook-: haven in Wingham, will be 80 years old February- 6th. INJURED 'IN CAR ACCIDENT 4 MONTHS AGO''..NOW HOME Mrs. Donald Hackett of Ashfield returned home on Wednesday of last week.. Mrs., Hackett was ser- iously injured In motor accident on September 28th,,. and had since been .hospitalized. She suffered a severe hip and pelvis injury,. and after being im- mobile for m-mobile..for :a. long period is now - a'ble to get• around with the use , of a • cane. • Mr. and Mrs. Hackett's daugh- ter, Rosalea, • age' 10,.suffered a fractured, leg and': other , injuries, and isstill on crutches ..and' re- ceiving: therapy ` ;treatment. Their daughter, . Wilma, , age 8, suffered a double fracture of the jaw in the .accident which oc- cured `at '. Dunlop ' Mrs. Hackett's . mother, Mrs.' Wilma ' .Cum Ings of •Kitchener,. suffered less ` severe injuries. MAILING LIST REVISED An overdue gob the revisi : of the Sentinel .,mailing list, was completed last Thursday and:, all ' renewals received un- '' til that date should be credit- ed accordingly:Kindly, check '•-.'• your .label . 'and in case .of error, -adviseus' at once. If your label reads -"63". or Tier p your subscription is due and your immediate attention is requested. ' Subscriptions are payable ' in.. advance. Subscription statements p n s ,are' . ;. currentlybeing .:sent out to ' all subscribers :whose'subscription is due for'renewal or in _ r- • .rears, because of the hew rate which will ` ' become effective. on March :.:1st:.' LookingrA Different Program Read This Are you the member . of a ladies group that might be looking ng 'for an interesting . program ,pfor one of your meetings? Maybewe can.` , help' and the cost to you wi7h be nothing:. The Ontario Tender: ,Fruit Insti- tute is currently running. a "rec- ipe of , the month" ad cafn pai n ,.:. p g in. The. Sentinel. In co-operation with this group we, would advise you of ; the following. • •A ,16. m.m. colour sound'- ` film, entitled '"horn of ; plenty" is, avail- able to groupsin• the. area. The 28. minute' , film 'chronicles- the World famous fruit grown ' in the Niagara Peninsula from blossom time through to the modern . pro- Cessing operations. It demonstrates and ' u s gists' the '' use suggests of ' canned. fruits • in ' salads, : desserts, . nieao dishes, etc. .The film is non com- mercialwith no brand names, Ip addition •to providing the free. film, the Institute will Provide colourful" .." p. .horn of '�hienty recipe folders ;in any quantity desired also free for the askin. . Here's something different for thatrou g, i? meeting,Socialgain ering,, institute meeting, club girls meeting, etc: If you- are interest- ed, kindlyget itouch With ' e .� ,n will . The Sentinel and we will arrange, a booking' suitable to you. ' An al- ternative date' to the e, one desired should be chosen , ink Dane the fibri- ls' i1mKis' in' use the date :you wish.it, •' Lloyd was in hospital. Record. S�le�l. load .N� Earnings Rep�t+ed ,�. Luckna�� . Caop Ann�a� Net:. earnings , of .about. $13,000 highlighted a very successful, year for the : Lucknow District :Co-op- erative as reported at their annual meeting and ,banquet held in the leegion Hall on Tuesday night . of last week. . Sales of the° Co-op have increas- ed to $519,597 for the year. Larg- est • volume of sales comes from the • fertilizer department which grossed over $186,000. Petroleum.. is next with : sales of • $146,000.' Other departments and their ap- proximate gross are Feed $90,- 000; Seed $20,000; Farm ` Supplies $24,000;.. Store $42,000; Coal . $8,- 000. ., The Lucknow Lego , Hallwas well filled for the . occasion ;which. saw . a turkey banquet served by ladies ;of the St. Helens. W.I. Mrs. Ross Cumming . presided at. the piano .:throughout: the meal hour Evan, Keith, president ,of the board. of ' directors, of 'the . `Lucknow Co- op, presided for the evening. 'Fol- lowing the toasting of the Queen, Rev. W. R. Trstrarn of St. Helens United Church, asked .,Grace. ace. -An attendance call, according to mean- icipalities, was shown by; the stan ding -up of those present. Ashfield Township and the village of Luck - now led the way in ;;attendance., Other .municipalities represented were East and West Wawanosh, Kuiloss, Huron and ,Culross Town- ships. HEAD: TABLE.. • Harold Campbell, a director, introduced the head table: Fred Pierce, manager;' Mr. and : Mrs. Bill Ross; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robb; Art Musgrave, guest spea- ker; Ralph MacMillan,'. operations supervisor; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith; Mr.' and Mrs. George, Ken- nedy; : Rev. .W..R.:.Tristram; ,Mr. and Mrs. Warren . Zinti; Mr.: and Mrs. Ross Henderson;. Bill . Cul- bert; : Allan Miller;; Mr. and .'• Mrs, Albert Taylor; Mrs. Harold Camp - 'Others : introduced ' were ' Dick Smallfield, ` production'; fieldman;, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shell, man- ager.of Kincardine Co-op: :Mr and Mrs. Ross Robinson, manager of Belgrave Co-op; Murray Gaunt, member of. the . provincial parlia- ment forurop-Bruce who was asked to Speak' •brieflyboard members from_.the Teeswater and Belgrave Co-op;, Rev.W: R. Tris- tram who spoke briefly.. - Manager Fred Pierce introduc- ed .: the staff members and their husband or wife. Mr... and. Mrs.' Stuart, Jamieson; Mr. and ' Mrs. Alvin Baker, Mr, and Mrs ' Alvin- Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Hall; Mrs. Dorothy ' Atkinson ;': Mr. and Mrs., Barry McDonagh; , Mr.'. and. Mrs, William: yRobb; Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Arnold; absent, .was, Leonard Irwin.• , VALUED FARM SEItVICE:, Alvin Robbintroduced, the guest speaker, Art' Musgrave . who ' is. president of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture. • and who re- cently ' retired : after serving 14 years on ' the board of r di ectors, of United Co-operatives of Ontar- io, two of. them resi' as � p dent, • Hospitalized. For Fifteen Weeks Lloyd Johnston -of W Holyrood is home again after ' spending. 15' weeks in :Victoria Hospital Lon- don.. Lloyd suffered serious. back injuries in a fall from a:H 'uron Township• ..barn last:Fall. Lloyd, ear'. enter. and..c -con- tractor, COn tractor, wa carrying on work ' on a barn roof at 'that time, Four.; teen of the fifteen weeks in hos- pital were spent on his . back and he was; only, up. for a -week before coming home, He arrived home Jantiaryt 8. , Dave Haldenb' has been' ing on his farm chores . *while • Mi. Musgrave's wit and: mean- ingful' address• ,combined to give everyone in attendance • both an.' instructive and enjoyable . few min- utes. He ,commented on the re- markable le progress in Lucknow: during ,thepast year and stressed to those present that "you need co-operatives, and co-operatives .need you." "Without Co-ops, the family ; farm ' wouldn't be : around -long, • the Co-op member is the last " true free • enterpriser" Mr Musgrave said that if it wasn't for. the Hog Co-op, no one - would be raising hogs today without a contract. . He stressed the 'value , (Continued on page 13) ' • FORESTER CARD PARTY The Canadian. Order of Foresters. had 1q tables at their euchre and shoot party Monday night. Win- ners ineuchre were high, . -Vi . Ar- nold ,and Wm.:Buckingham; low, : • Carol Menary .;;and Mrs. Bucking- ham winners in shoot were high, Muriel Ritchie. and Gord Brooks; low, Shirley .Brooks and Loraine Arnold; lucky chair was ; won by Wm.; Buckingham. After .' lunch was served Happy , Birthday was sung to Mrs. Solomon who 'cele- brated. her birthday. •:.' Cadets Hel� Targe#; Prcicticeday' Satur a r ,n.atu 0 aturda morning, S � for the .' g, time this year, cadets of the Lucknow School went by b m Armouries f e scores for ,the main as follows: 91; '. Terry 77; ElliottD. MacDonald 71; Dave Robinson Cornish 63; Peggy Hunter 50;Allan:. allam 29;:. David P.entland.i2 Eldon Islay Howald. group: also practise+d grouping'. and special contest Ken Taylor. Jim Jim , Boak, Terry practised their shooting night.: The cadets led both ,times Reed of LoDdon.; second , a .group of District High 'us. to the g Win h a gh or.. � target •: • g . . practic The target were Percy McClen- aghancs O'Donnell .: 79; Keith; Whitby 76;J.76;' ; Ken Taylor n,'65; .Al .. . Al- lan 'Button 58'! Herb l�# Colwell:' 49; Ross '; H Wall 28; Roger ' Ecken- swiller, The snag' , shootingapplica- tion. A was won by :KeD. `Mac- Donald,' :O'Don- nell r P . -.on. Fridaywere ac- companied byt Serg- eant :. ' , served 49 Years In fit; A.M. Offices The officers of the ' Lucknow Chapter of the Royal .Arch Masons for 1964, were installed last week., The installation was. conducted by W Joynt, A. E. McKim, and .. Robert McIntosh; The officer i cer of the lodge is W.W...1 ill who commences mmences .his 38th year as treasurer and his 50th Year .as, an office holder' in the Chapter. , He : sewed as Scribe • E. ; from 1910 to 1921 inclusive,: and took over - the : duties . of treasurer in 1927, a : n ,office he hasheld ever Since. • • Mr. Hill: joined the p Chater on • April 6, 1905; and is one of the orig.- • inal members of the local lodge. Prior . to 1905,', Chapter. members had attended lodge in Wingham.. The 1964 `slate is as' follows ,_ Gordon Montgomery;: Gordon, Fisher; H., Stuart Collyer; J., Girvin Reed;S.E., Mowbray; Hughes; . S.N., Virden. Mowbray;• Treas , Wesley Hill; D.C.., Kenneth C a e on. P 11ri . , y .5., Wm. � G. Evans; . S.S., Lomax W. Bushell, J.S., Fras- er, MacKinnon; M. 4th V. . Robert 11/McKenzie; .M. 3rd V., Larry Salk- eld; M. 2nd. V., Lawrence Mac- Leod; M. lst V., Harvey Webster O.G., Jack Ackert; auditors,' Ken- neth Cameron, Cameron Mc- Donald; ,