The Lucknow Sentinel, 1964-01-08, Page 8:.1 PAGE. EIGHT , • ;' • • THE 't.UOKNOW'; SENTINEL, t.UCKNOW,. ONTARIO Well, 'chaps, I hope you got: ex - ac tly what -you wanted on Christ-. 'Inas Day. And exactly what you. deserved' on New Year's Day. • Here we are, with the whole of , another 'unpredictable year ahead.. of us, and 'even; an extra day toss-'. ed F in. All .those bright, . shiny days, fresh •from the mint of time, not, a chip Or a crack ora stain .,on a single one of them. ,Wouldn't it be, wonderful If , we could' wrap ,thein , in cotton . wool, , put them away in=a safe"place;and bring .them. out, fresh and , gleam- ing, to .use: when we: wanted them?' Wouldn't it;' be grand' to unwrap:1. 10 golden days without a tarnish on them, and .spend "them:. in one.. retic- les eekles sweep; or . just look attheir perfection;- or give them:: to some- one, who ' needed them? • �G. and SwdB. $ Smiled P. behind; thephone was: ringing, and. tIe spidayrits was flaggcomeiup ng, .towitha reacfh casually into the, great pile of un - e =fine Oing Day containing a glitter' of sunlight; a' bite in the airs' a lonely. stream with the black water rac- ing and .the .trout .hitting , like .tigers?.' . Wouldn't it be thrilling: on. some raw .and .. roaring , .day. 'in March, when your rubbers were leaking, your nose running, your income tax Was looming;•.and' your '*only rich uncle had just :married a Wid- ow , with eight . children, to ' sort feverishly through the Bile of un; used • days, arid' snatch td your breast, the whole of a' . splendid Thanksgiving weekend, complete with blue :skies, yellow.. sun, unbe, lieveablefoliage, a, `big turkey in roasting the' oven at ,home,;. and the ' ,partridge walking the , wood road as thick as pedestrian's. in. Paris? ` Wouldn'tit be,joyfui to take'; the whole bag of:days so carefully :say ;ed, andpp lace it in the•hands of a ed and aging dying child or a '- loved ... , parent, and say "Here,: these::are all for; you. I don't need 'them?" ,Yes, Wouldn't, it? • It , s 'terribly sad, 'but we can't save a single day of therh But perhaps : it's just as well. Only ; risers. hoard. We can build up a treaSure of another kind, if we treat each of those un- tarnished' ;days• we are :given as pr something P '..ecious if we spend it with joy on ' 'something Worth- while. Shall we? * *.1 T Wouldn't . it.. belovely, in : some y� gloomy week n. in some, bleak November, when the ',leaves were not raked the :taxes weren't paid,•' and the 'flu was making the bones': melt, to reach into that secret place and: pull out just' one or two ' : of those'" sparkling 'days without' a blemish on 'them? , • , Wouldn't , it be ``fun to • walk threrigh. a hospital or• a mental ' home ' or ". an old ' people's, refuge, with :a big bag of clean and shin_ days, and scatter the/it' ' among .the inmates with a lavish , hand? Wouldn't it be glorious, when the winds 'howl and the snow flies' .and. the : toes' snap off . underfoot, ' to reach. into the ' hiding ..:place, feel around. carefully,- ; pull out a pris- 'didsilver day and' exult, ".Good. did first of July! 'Am: T glad -I have not spent you "? Wouldn't it be 'a.:treat some day when the old lady was nagging, :the' 'kids .were ' hugging, 'the work: was cadent :hristmas Hol iday y (OLIVET NEWS) Mr. William ,McGuire, '•a patient in Freeport Sanitarium; suffered a :broken, . bone ' in. the : •knee in a' motor, accident .while coining to spend :Christmas- with 'his , soil -in- law and; ' daughter, Mr.' ..and . Mrs. Walter Black, ' and ' 'family.. • Mrs. Black '°and -•'the driver, 1Vsr. Leon,/ • and Vogan' received'. facial cuts. Mr. McGuire was able to spend '• Christmas day with his fainily,. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack .McGuire and family; Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Engel'' and '' family •:at . the .home of .Mr. and . Mrs. Black. He also -visited . with . Mrs. McGuire in • the Fairview , .nursing:: home, Kincar- a dine 'before ;returning, to Freeport. Sympathy is extended . to the. :brothers: and . sisters of the ;;.Rev; ererld . 'Fred MacTavish, whose death ', occurred recently in •. Brad- ford. • • M , and . Mrs. Jim NMcteod ,of +Kithener and Mr and Mrs: Harry Y Christie of Teeswater Anent . Christ- mas with Mr.' and -Mrs. Herman Anger and Diana. • Young; people°• home for, Christ- mas holidays included: ' Miss Phyl- lis . Clayton ' of .Stratford; Ronald Mac,CharlQs of Hamilton, Misses Mary and Telen .White and ' Jim 'I McNairn •of Kitchener and • Ted White ' of Ripley.' 1VIrs# Alvin Hamilton. cook 'on the-S.S. :Red Wing,orient •Christ- inas with her family here. ' • Mr. , and, Mrs, ' Ras, Hamilton' • and family spent Christtil,aS with ' Mr4 and Mrs., . Russell Tout and family in Kincardine. • . ° Visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Sandy .. MacCharles on Sunday • were .Mr, and Mrs Jack Bowers Andy, 1A111, Donald and Mi 'garet' of Stratford, • Y Mr,' and- Mrs. Lorne' • Woods. visited ' ; with • Mrs.: Mabel Murdie and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown at' Kitchener over 'the Christmas holiday. . ` Mr. Wesley Wick of. Goderich spent "Christmas with Rev, ' and Mrs` • B; • F. Green: and Gordon.... Mr;': and _ Mrs.. Jim -Aitchison and family, Mr. Archie .Aitchison and: -Miss Dawna Aitchison of London were Christmas: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdon and family .:of Belgrave,. Mr. Ronald ,McCrostie and. Miss Carol , McCrostie of . Saskatoon, Sask. are at,. their home here over the holidays. Christmas visitor's with Mr. •and Mrs. Wilfred ' McQuillin were Mr and Mrs. Joe Murphy of Strat. ford and. Mr. and Mrs. ,Archie. McQuillin of London.. - Miss Mary: Purdon of Kitchener and . 'Mr. /George . McQuillii#. ' of Hamilton were Christmas visitors with • Miss Beatrice,' William and Charles McQuillin. Mr and Mrs. Barry , McQuillin, and Jill of Kitchener, Miss Mil- dred Somers of Stratford and, Mr. Ivan . McQuillin of Waterloo ;Un- iversity .were: holiday, visitors with their ,parents Mr. and 'Mrs Fred. M Qcullin. • Letter'so Edit�r., ,. The Editor,December 20, 1963 The Luckow Sentinel; Luclmow, Ontario "1 Dear •'Sir: At the Annual` Meetingof: the. Bruce County Federatioof 'Agri- culture ri-culture a' vote. of appreciation was. extended to the press, serving ' our County , for their. excellent ' support in publicizing Federation activities. I take pleasure in conveying the thanks of the .Bruce County :::Fed, eration of. Agriculture for ; your much- appreciated endeavours. • and 'trust' that . your' supportshall: be continued Yours truly, Bob° Misch, Secretary -Treasurer.` Q WEDNESDAY,' JANUARY. , 4964 . rin s'tor i �1. 11 In •xx Y.. Why wait till the warm weather to start improving' your home? With , an 'NBA ,Home IiiVrovsMent :Loan, avail -1' •. ' able through your bank; you earl, do it. now. You'll get' faster service, and you; • can :often ; save money. -Check the list for ; the jobs, that need doumg• a round your house,cthen • go ahead."Do it now 4 Additional, Rooms • Powder Room ' • Cupboards • ai tin and • : Fences • Bathr.•ooin or' .P ri g Wallpapering • ; Steps Kitchen Fixtures •• Garage or Car Port • Sinking and • . Eireplace • Porches " Improvement, • Storm Windows !` Plumbing of Wells and Doors • ' Cooking -. ,'Furnace,Masonry , ..,• Built -In_..., �,• Finishing off Attcc. . •' Floors and Refrigeration • Basement • aRo6f • Screens and• •Playroon .. •,' Insulations :. • 4 . ; Awnings . Electrical System ••• Foundation Walls Who's .eligible • for <loans, Householders, or owners of • rentalproperties, including apartments. How fast must .you pay back ?. It •depends • on 'the, sum.' But loans • can be 'cepa able.::ill.. monthly ' u stalments;.., together with interest? for periods of up to°ten years. Whereto get'detaiis? Apply; to your:bank manager Do.= " now Then ':have: those needful"' re airs or;:renovations` . itP done right away Why Wait for''Spring?. !s'sued by yaufhorif :of ON. ALLAN J MacEACHEN, • , • • `'••:4 MINISTER': QF: LABOUR, CANADA DIN :263 2 Shows : Each . Night: ? ,15 and ` 9:I5 ''p •tn. ' . Matinee. •:Saturday 2;00 "p.m. EXCEPT. SPECIALS . One Show; at: 8 0 Pictures Subject; To 'Change. . THJR:S. - FRi ,_= SAT. . JANUARY 9.1041 a�Sergeants Three",, Colour ='Pariavisiop' Starring: Frank Sinatra -' Dean•Martin - Sammy Davies -Jr.,.: with Peter Lawford and Joey ..Bishop„ bhis is ..a. comedy -drama, that takes place ack ; in the early days of the- American West. It's not the newest Sinatra -Martin., epic, but it's one of the funniest - WED' —.JNUA 'Y 13.14-15 MON.. - TUU ESS. A R. CattieIain - Colour;` Starring: Robert; ;Taylor -• Joan" Caulfield this is a large scale Western with plenty of. action and a show -down climax packed.' with plenty of ' punch: • . T.HURS. FRI. - SAT:' JANUARY 1647-18. ... . "ComeSeptember" Colour and CinemaScope' Starring: ,Rock Hudson,. Gina Loliabrigida and Sandra Dee - Bobby Darin - r ' ADULT ' . ENTERTAINMENT This is a gay and colourful comedy played strictly. for laughs'; by a name -packed cast; it' should please all members Of the family. CHILDREN'S MATINEE Saturday' f' p.m. "'FRANCES JOINS -THE WACS" Starring:: Donald O'Connor:- Plus Cartoon MQN,.TUE`S WED. _ .JANUARY. 20=2122 '�rlig6t 4f Honour„ CineinaScope • Stirring:Richard ;Chamberlain :eni Nick. Adams ADULT ENTERTAINMENT , . A murder trial in, prejudiced town and a . re-enactment of the murder and events :.. "leading np to•it make for interestin view- ing. Richard Chamberlain •'(Dr.: Kildare) plays the part of the defending attorney. We .recommend this show for 'adults _.only.: :•., • THURS.. - FRI: SAT' MATINEE ONLY JANUARY 23-24 25 d. `. . ' Road T�'Hong Kon g. Bing . g� Crosby Bob •Hope = Joan' Collins and Dorothy 'Lamour. This is the latest in the Hope -Crosby "road pictures, and is filled with laughs f An start to .finish. SPEtiALi T; - :MON: TUES. - WED-. THUR • JANUARY' 25-7-2849-10.2. ma. La PoUc,�"", Colour — CinemaScope ;Starring;-Jack''Lemmon -- Shirley McL ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED To, :Per! •18Years Of 'Age or Over • .This, is : a' highly. amusing comedy,' wF . because of • its. story line has been'. restri by the Ontario Censors. to viewing by • ac 1.8• years of .age and older.: ;' One Show each ''night •at• 8x00 p:rn FRIDAY - SATURDAY "JAN: 31-P1E •,// a� yJ: Geou r imo Colour - ':CinennaScope Featuring:.:•Chuck Connors,' star' a+ . , Riflernan' , ' It's ' the colourful story •. of .the far Apache Chief' Geronimo. • wi•11ilu•lt4.11lt,aikumislai;,,m►nkili.oill►iiiumiiai*1>�wismiNi�i►p�r���iii►1SiOwilmwroiitiimputisiii.11dlliwit11'. ;,COMING . SOON TO THE LYCEUM. THEATRE' ARE SUCH SHOWS AS: "Lawrence Of Arabi -e Hottenany Hoot -- "State Fair'. "McLintock" "Mutiny ' On The Bounty" 'The VIPs" "For Love, Or: Money" Iiiiif �i�Nf #i1�111►.i.*04li11r►1i�lt li+y1»if '1 1�... .. . .. � W(ili�tt�r�lrr►V�iirtt�sllr�l�urYNtw�t�rb�illviY4i' MAKE IVYOVIES PA'Y' OF' YOilR LIVING " ,, `" We try to Make your visit a pleasure -,far tte •entire family.. ` CAREFULLY SELEC7ti3 FILMS • PLEASE CLIP THISFOR 'REFERENCE