The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-12-15, Page 8F. am** cs4ael and a fair price on a monument clntctly. designed, from quality matenal. r* SKELTON *MEW pat CeHagau,; .n*4,, 2 ,• '• ,..eateliiitallevl ()Ivr Sxtylreara • Waikettote Ili** • IV -0234, . 1...:•• • • inkinkleses thron• ghont the WSik- •WS& Etaplowaent Wire • Inn, .,toofteoa to motottio. a Imel of amploaftent daring • Nomewthor, wiSk a Arena demand Sltr additnoal workers„ Mad neakem weed working mackine :reperattors„ harskare factory, • -*avert, automobile iseeksaics • aid bra Worken me required ta) M entreat • melt lob SoreOgraOhem.' SOYes avid tederT imam art vea:eft:Or teinsae lob varandes„ • Them. tos beet .....Orne redid/ma to, itarckyantat okoarteekles in hainever.; tbis re, ikkzeost mot* Vineer than is pre- Aloes year. , •' There were 121 female vacancies and 3S$ male 'vacancies available in the Walkerton National Employ -7 went OffacO area during Nevem- bet. Eighty-seven local reaidents were placed in •emploYmenl, and 36 workers were transferred m to this- =ea during the month.. • There was, in increase of MO applicants registered for employ meet over the number registered at the Sad el Octottx, and a 40- 01 151 when 'compared to the end of NoveMber, 19SL thou Walkerton. National Employ -L' meet Offne services- soulthern half of Bruce Constrk the towatitips of Bentinck, Egremont, Normandy Glen* ii Grey Canty:. „ SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley ..,1*%isittsmang,atit., - 4; etednaus •wenn:Ant&•ana Z ,atait .amatookrotort*AgetloiFtko tkit •Nolidkr semen/ Si.nraW' Its* marlim, *ow ;snot ItirVa.,•arra traW •Ural 413a, trtikobrInt Woe* *tat), kont.. lot ail•aktalom•tot a'OrOt Osialia=*. irogatook • ' loolotatairdentak/tEsat*Art 41.1tet& Igatt! ow* .14 litinV*;:por Ell • f.trlann; Siam • • -*On., Tatif• an • take other* ter-- nails ell*- , *6127 PS , '$italial. Ind not ant rtght .zeot enessiZMasin. Sind& ingent*Iiiletc-• g4n. AeO)ia-„ 41ke,A04-- 4/folio/et *de lkitre.' *mit .4222s_ 'as& T'z'N/e, ydk61, • Itelivialtii0earlainate#11/2* *vet: *at •-*/lk Sir year Wingzenia?; Nis** *7444*• 41•41**1 77310-1M;It 1"**1111111161,,,trIL, *rit tari ,litram*.. low • 'in** Xpiorirti *ikt zwo*,_ -1:iisitruses,iwkanklour- •n*m oak 46kieingmitie.„,": ierOur.u1100o'' zout * zairie'peitriiimia vow • ti r Lleit!t ;Spwlet.• 30ebStisitews. •1*. Am' .zialt • ' vimitior—. *t, •1 • sOtt• 11*. -oar ,:mignitor, • ••aitsavu•' amormoc,Fmk ' ;*Oadg 11,1 4;.WPi= lt•31r42 44;0142=41-; OS tri•,, 11* 11,1F;;Ottr-...4 , • •• , • IONA aillingt art ,i1141fialL• *MC 6110 , 1,112.'4" r~ nit* ir =atm' *INE! *mot *ow olisit • voloo/iit. Vat , /WO loo*oor aik„ Or , ilk iaraostom -• ;v. • itar: tat, oamez • ir---zogy = =la* ''Ionpas Tit& ber,mossivent •memure-.12 ifot .asa: now- tor _ . tgoe•15tak 111c.!-7,3214.. 1I3E4,4cumr6461 lie&rfatple pat; 44'* 3121 =K.* ItsmOt $uf•44minitSAL tkitit **Ott alit 'kr * *I* **. boa 4* 1644.14„ *it44jAic matt • :ttl'Og:11140i ViAti• Ittre Sit tor -tit* Its ow4 ivr* • t4. •••, .• • • • • 4orivits.. •antIoraiiis, ion • *won. mem 1*. zeal• omit* '4111.9-4‘01wit4410*. . . , -1*•••i*ititt•Zia.:71, • • * • :re , ,••AlirL'44211 `",-.411(1'111tit ',411" 1900011ir 41'Mt Vet, 141113 • sr tit! aFt+04e- • kI1110 v b/r4 .r2/4,• Ittriatre •`lit* •e, tre, ,Awit• tut,•4i4e.t:.• lnisraz. t• ='• ' v•vi'fpitter t' 't .1646: •Valgt110.1* t • :411IF •ThIrSa: "lottiteX :120110.004' 22010141 1L^•rtrt •lt! . 4,toriato* tot •.'iorpr • low &tooth, or • . . • / • rat ,ostr tog, *or Itiont vo **or• t7oFz.,. Wadi. ,•10. ?..-).1!si* •••-• Zak -11e 414 •-", aka .t vi••• ;e****oe to; • it'ims • Pag4wit.- *lit* • :.‘twcit arra 41t!kt 004kie. Valk lig 14 'tlIt4i!Ir • 4'114* '''.11104tr.tirtfir*Nr,• • vief4441*;4*** 1,11 1111,1114, k• IR 1001.41111,. AP** t144 ;111010t • : , • ' , . , •. .. 4' . . • .• .. . • 1 if . ..... 'PPP PP..14...1 . 4 .• Huron. "5), Of Arcuiture Carr- Olt leulikaee boaeaer ot wmaketion District mot S. was guest Apeaker when Memo 'rewash* rederatiOo AS** tore held their annual mean& We are in a period of change? and cauragebasedwe rausthis: diangec remarksfor tharacterwith °lathe know Alle yoursell aI1 concern yourself with Other people; 0 for opportunity you don't get unity — contril dim •ef indivithuls Oven vain - WHY is. bas ,of dernocracr, R for renal life — crillivation of earth most imPortant, task of ma% and farm life is noted, for its clow of family life and per- manence; & for ambition — a positive, purposeful aim; when you do what you know was m you to do, it &seal mailer if You Iiie ira -a penthouse 'Or cottage; G forgenerosity — giving of one- self; E far 2education-, Teachers, community, home • student all hal*a pa& „4 not con - ruled to =how and books-, Carroll was introduced by Morris Reid' and thanked by lbs. 9Ien • John C. MacDonald, •president, was in charge of the prognen. He welcomed • the record crowd - Read table guests were intro& aced by Mrs, Wm_ J.. Arnold.. 3hs- k was provided by -Jack PAM' boughaccomparne. d by Mrs. Dan- Peterbaugh-11 electeC3dInelmeiresidealbeau7of Bruce Sederafou of Agriculture stes...-d that the litderationis the ea-ortYmabur. (or an the farm: WOW& The ma% job Eluirg the FeaeraboURi farm lemaksis to seereamythat ttefam- a sitha ressizable income_ Regese &kW brought greet - Ines frau 2 v•-• Towathip and baser lictharks from Aga- Gmge 3faean, 1.1 Rtiley, OM vat an ak bele developed rriar Dcsaki Cuertney Impanel raeog• held to Oast for the 'Imitrir boon'. caossite- Cont4_•'Rao Eel& co Arda to Rnam •••• ta,-As- Wm. Ltse,„2,„‘, reeie of twza:i?• MilaR -4veke•triefc*, Fred Brooks thanked • ___ iAsofflarY fi •fte bovitorsy. Bon Made eked= et officers folTio • Pa24 • Jobe MarDzoakt 4 Bitikit Pre:45ent, 21,3 IVrocozet-aet' Vire StawartFrr EZ it-rit • Wrkek- II'Lreztors R.MCE-M4- v ;7.u-1ZZ' k $1:2:Et Ksommignez Ley Mee- -, -7'0e!s Stiasky, R NEs. • Szidy MeCtafies, - i Indium( 7224, Mrs. Cee. 1"2/e.• Hoe liesseswer-,_, Swat= atta-ne 4 22e ...'ziiwzy &via, Pradzi-s: iSimaict 4corfas-r •K20E752e,_ Gh..12/at 7zt2aninift, '3-7E: 4 Cot - imam. 317.74!. •-opyorgasenc Azoris. Mar- . t'rrr, 43E4E- / -ammo • ItamEr. lozaek Ectisftt- .1r=eit kam-e,t;' 3 :Izzer,"1 zzaTZ, rfr atZIALT ,Donmnor AZzur--tr*q.„,,. 'IL—v*75 lairr Ziowite 47:7- :I -Tar Trier* Ia. 4•Xa.,..= 711brNINEMILmr 7.7.7: 77777 - .7 tr, To THE NiteclOsts OF LUCKNOW Ma skY thasks fOr. Par MIPPOIt• ibeP It we& coagratobtless to Me successful CoUnc"NmesOa their re; eloCtio8 &OM Seasn's greetings tO I, *NA - ltsm-7e..• trma,..F 22E Aks. Tibia -41--347r TAL. 12POt: ..Deeeteng '?irr Z4.4•-oomtatoot• "ZTE' aciax -libm'iminsit. Ittrer.4, IrmaL 31-3L tIddllait• •ZEZ '11111.ta,LL IriZEkr.y, VOL Z &in& •114 1L,S wx• far Vtionar„, Ati • .22esaa., &merely, • . • . 0.1-IVER MANN • . . ro THE ,ELECTORS OF LUCKROW .• • • • ify shine thinks for retwiting me tn. the Offace4 Is:an • al*• in laicism_ fate endeallailr tO BMA the have placed in me. Best wishesfor the horiday mann. Sneerely • amila BROOKs ‘trErralte ben • . . . , TO THE. ELECTORS OF LucKtioir • • •Illiank.you lor. Your sappOrt elecfag rie . of Commotor inLnclinew. 1. vat endesswar to meek ycca- frdence, Season•'s Greetings b . • ••• . • , . . . ' . • &merely ••• HattvEi.iiisosTat . • ' • .• • • THE .ELECTORS oFTLOCKNOTIr .1 • pprzt dee:iota -nte w rawr-751.e. '''clory mach approdated =1 1win eaneloismotr ca=v- fme affarzS01 the bit yew best ;men*, .6_ SeaszErS • sanDERsina TO THE. :ELECTORS OF LUOCNOW 1 'w*,•t iretlinIC, far yaer the nockii on • • •zettam sem. • " • . I . p . . . I • ,. ELDON INIZALLITH ' TO THE ELECTORS CL= LOCKN011i kJ( .• • • • • ./irC al, lie le3133 Me '11E- pr14. •fti 4r--sent=iiM3 4CE rafir •SEMSOlt d2Z• 4.-.14"4-204.171E- ' , • AAA/ . • • • • . • • . . IV • . . . r . . . . V • . . • to, • , • . . . , 4 1 w ik . • . 4,.. • . • • i• • . . lk lb 14 lb lb ' bt * 41, rr • • 0 "iii•• * * • • 0 * • , 0 • 01 10 0 '44. • ' : 0 * . * ' mi. I Amos .411 • swairay,. .• • •14. lift at C116116' 4.4 Salit, Pita WIC . Solt Ortioani. SotlE or lateorvir ' For 41~ ,terinca, am/ Lower 4111, • 47"