The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-12-01, Page 4sornmen. 100000111, 111111000, DEc. azt Awri- *.V1-4", tir IX -""•• :5111e 7064 • 4, gasp skit Imager- Itig ladigour,„ One SIXOSCI. •IC3XESTIKAZ CtiBM4i Sigefiall vim25 e f Ste- lithe Seilaset *me CIS NM SAW •--'- 1937' efocv. coital warm Inlet- ara, piame 52$4,002. assasnas Toms FEW UE Apply• Nary WW1• NIL 5 Latt- mow. Awe =GM& , •FI3Z Pigr4?, Tan apacethesters., ••VairrY. Mettasael. Willme 7/, r • SICLZ-Cifeinaa slime•&est- ex; large aim lirfae, G. Mater, ••*IC 3;,,• Sagait. MOW ‘•- oars • wow saissys„.toreaspit fgersiiny., ise Lacinnow rearned, ipinse '52tant •-ME SUP: — lidS2 litemsernmed IWO traedit,„ vide gitaifaca. Cats& •SA* Irma*, larimienc; gime •- whammies ausnixe_. awe salient* sit•ma• rsei — Fuer • corea **sr, varak sitsw Atzsac • 11.14M .1F1/16: lame pmemer-Hawitmr calm gnaw aid Orme Swimmer, SS. 2 Laebaing,, game MISC21, 2121131211=5/- — see air ssee- led pleas anyillt thiesadstitarnery... *Oar•PM far 4421},-, aggidar .7se tie '•• I_• s• enates iiininei'stworic • - .• FM !COE toreiceit Bereina ON am mw Weedtb ardraraward-tealle-ter-i •ittiererand beam.• lame• Gaider„' IFS.;,;;; lathina5„ *woe =18425... • SUE — Talb cerie tram the' aradie-1 tem - Itlatbaime.area 54sie thattithad. •Am .11dadEaseri,, 24510 Serge; 1' row OM ie* pat amotarasi Sex. c34 Owe 515010. . • Et:2=MM teAlratI ItTh„ Safes awl Savice, Mem Ifiley, astherieed deader, MU Cightremuse .4.„ Gelded* pima 2245141„ arstsms monks•No, It Mc le fne_ Zed Mardrearie et* whingc matfirestesft, AIL '5 Late - lam, 5222,10, MS PLATING CARDS — &Me and •siagie. dram we tan ode& tams at the Sentinel Met, gisene 52SZA., MCdw- sinihtlyc"°--1: 3:1r:11, lir lisammermin, in *Bed cease - km. Lcsir *mem. Zebott Zeid, TM•2 Lainima, ease 529-7125. war SALIE-r-fategaletekivis%i,ts, Orme Irndey I25 r•, 1174. S Larionaw.. WS SUE — 2 artitein therrimi,t lead liSereffeed.•, •woe• •Jae •eina„, •me Mar, flaky 111flO! BM 2 Satanw,, flame lie r MX. SUE 20 thy dini; UM a tact lig darner: tell Brathesk Lutiamg, • Awe • warm�T rissamosains• isomzEv 'sate • lieimars Meat aladiets tattama Arm Mai,- lw, f,ita' sigGe: .115""eumw,lean;thozzaattUrlit Mag*1'411. . 10 :7111helifeAbbzeulxvgaines ::::i want fon azaas Lawfatiallaiswmear' Thinsiary eseliag, &-115 lam, Ott „._____ • i reggar games — =la earth. .1 MP IIVAID mean to Wiwi inzinded•in eadh pone. drniartment.Whifithmeegthanent. ,at tens week •$15.110 am 57 _VW °Aiiihms UMW amand ithafa '' •\Weac, GODESIK*1 M. WNW• IMBED ---, arceninadaann wan& The' Godairit Lias *01 . Wad ed ter *wit NW Seed caigie am the a binge QIIIII WeiblESOLTS, bewail:her gal* *A pay as lath as 2roelltair 211., V,20 guni.„ * tale linitheur- man Manniir,„ BLit. 2, Gilder-1ft Ike Inn, seventeen agrear valet • 529-5272. • , at V& AnneSinntibeaRiNift, CM In jaigat and the mews scarer-: gdr-n "Apt tip to S2541 and 2 doett rtes. Admiatinn MAL MATAAlt; WE SAL• E The Loft• s Atitikary tie Se taxlesair Stant% 2014,„ Ithe Canairman Lateen ad; bind a Zemiar,, •Eadte 'Sage and Tina at 3 la*, Saiflifay„; •Deimather 4th in tare Liethemw. ;Legflia ' itiECEr7W311 A wernafam wall lie Mid fret/3r Jime and' Jam•Sentt„ inn the es ',Brag off theit snarriate„, the Leanest. ILAggiinn BM am Ea& ?mitter 'IL Ultras game balk 21*.e thy the 114pgrag Water Ittess (i?' 403114, Mitre M aIMO 131315- 15411 and Dan Meyer ger im Blue* 242. • Biagi* newt seam Soden Se. Si, AsEdiatt, apall inengeai&e mire party at•the gaud, ••St4nday4 alt =VIOL -IMAM left IhillektillteL • SWIM IhallES CiLEINED Vannes *aft. 21* tpaskily•az *We tadek Itanald Faraier,, lariama,52S-2345., assan- faletnir :neje& its and me* . SOPTOC TAMS ammo •stole tc, toes ismetsi, pupa aim demi • velostaidern erigsanit: ameith guaraitmed. lairs Mew Z. 2 Manse* idame 123ier-S-* sias• tollarileX samessed thy the tartnrer irr•niedeat sinabeee•Air •ingerisorms twitait Stadia,„ Mrs. or swam 3W •Gree Violeta •mai be tams Dimember StfiC kit itlere 'la Viefellidi'• ,awar • Caniztel St lama. *a , lizzasee. Vacant stare as R., da' atiliett Seat. *kis 0ed pitqapit. areace.• •• • • •acre Tait=a •X9-1 Seg. airdenibted bowie- burn••1'241 yew root,.• ego.. mat • .• 1ftte• .I0111 SAM --libtarta cam and *ABM dime law tams ludas" saw annae, gars - tangos gota-anneed.. Apply , Saw diternimmeieek, *ire drumeignank,•257: 2741. . • CINnali XXOTAMENSTAG See( awl ow* lit aay awn- ity„ Conan Catemme- mentrweamiaiiindteir. dr3g; easy Treiday.... ;Ref ta. aatday 13111Pgair- • . • ONTIretiS 1111EXT •flatealtr X --sane *as sail Hat • Pk males vi$, -est- laziltnow, lifigheag in ffandanac, gamine BD •r mecum NEMO; MEM INIDLETE irieetne illearag, Bea I• ties5 Um se cer- met loatao ea be thtadied„ 2110 va•ttbasethemzi better saity mama IIELECTine •;Wei*• num TN Y_ emmiligadl limmirmg • Ontirmektr • • WON mica Atwo maws '3-51',,sanitk runimeatnete lam* • is•le rne.ciekusas • 3tessw mums *2no rem - &lies Azamidraimil Wanes %meal le h11410 0-060 , lam .19 EtFe Ileittzsm •:.05426 ti22r7s•,rzt4iie 'Eft •311r.ertor& aaa Oak beacln• sff atg- •tr-•• ZaprmeriForrier• .11raaametoura; 25-?-21iit •Wariaiiiam • likikr:441•lakSeree, 4. SENIVIEL tElr--5-1" RESL1M Goa Samilay Attermases '21* atham", Salina all se- a* ae Salarday ' abeam= the Chairtmas soma - liter rra;;i:, ii3;10Ida& and *cat * tan& asp Lillt bet 12 Cranemilina Andirlda ,(Cnitant Ifrailay iramtreandill 111.21.. 2 Mat• ;ffmne 217 She ytear inensimagreir a4 wed tthe 'whims law amin • .60 WM oat Ms& • )114 *SOW Statalt STP.AZZ3--ta Me. iFia'740-ar,Xt =1:Skaff' *we roar; t'S No:tag at t • *Pts' • SWIM •Wittp2111, 0=41410 • •,60101104,41E401100,0004660100 teta'' • • IWAATED — Lags, and abating flakier-• Set 21414, BeerIt„ Basswood, Ib and Mad litarrie. Peet' s ars nwest. Lev *that alp rtangainent. nannies sw- aged at sand_Igendaytho._11.74021, 7.AID a.mn. tie cta0 and*. tasafeer Cinapapy phalled Liselkoseirm Faimmeup imai runup , TODAY . sys., Fatima immoststatint AVOtt Tatinliery asedleigle,' •fie eat ate 11111110eikalk 'amearir. Pirme•cam* 'esemires, Aim Latulfm1154115111.. nett* cmaimma-: Itren. reUtilmanflymid Armagh TT- tthew1ilinwasedtafste and. Urn .4mam tame dna mmtnnw, CApoilin* 1111Meenk Miens* : *lite an' tad Manager Craft 2apatb St. mos= somed, agar* s • •• • TIOIOENSIIINNITED 'Tadem ler siigirsteng" •iffsamnen ffor. taw &AM• Tannidligi" Slava Arem Eclairs mg lie we - anted anal Iriednesdak,Betenteer 251th * Beisard C„. sexre- ttazyttressicars, AULLudininw. /. • immiamieeeembearimmo • HEIM PRICES •• • • FOIL MAO M" DISABLED ,.cialiii411194.11=0 CAW* !UMW — Wag aneinew dear ineibasi fader E. Edith•mtho passed dam* anther 7„ ISSIL• • -•• Ithere.is prang tuna Jaime Stine, • " • ' ' MT* *game • emi Ftetr itioday asentary's Msdk adde thy sore:, Eath *weft T day thanot think At emeitade. al PraliAm In the leattis •that. Bated:19likm, He *saws mill Ike . • Iewthiejw, meneatikered k- m* tramity. . NEL— iingostinglimmatirjr !rants' mat 461) —•geteniher DM • Time pars ism, • that aadi (BRA, The ale ave Bawd was Gad•*Sr !Inane, Pk ' 'It* in inti &tea Saab/ istifte, and grandrAdlthest.. • • „,- GMRSDN — Mew Gdmenn, aim ireamalter 4tai, Gime tem ,n15, 'Sat remit* an* s Been can swami Me avast, IbieraCuries 0* mall alL"a,ws. While ape Ws earth we St*, Meer seinandreeedths• * and difilikell. tt Vim Mammy Senfing iss crud bargains any distriaNyfin thn Witrirng IJ et aft illadk: yeenas„ Baty Maim; ettc.- isee"...•••••••••••••••• . • ammmemearempesammemommomemmmeio ‘,1olittbit• .141114 k -t 141 Et %a a grad am:Cliff Tan linulitngp and &caned clinei fEtas,„ rie gorking grid= ifs at asszT YOU CallithillMe a sure iinmE a rear ff 3ma Ea= wity 2• gear isr 3, Imam= Iren- mentktt, niipe4tnee'nillfe0 bak •stidde dowr. 22 t 414 •Wr and sgin thin tie fb igkurratair' tfathw• cat oh•'4 InEatt •44' ilia& sail. Urea 211M ink& worm %dew tng Ewan lime vah and saline nag 11:. • lam with 111 L•444:-. fkr ttilherd.Vtiee 1" draper n& tank 2 &egad tbantensii aided in Ithe inn atimrd f 14"1•4 f• I •'.4.4 tie tit= ag fiRad SEW title 81 Eir1140RITS 113311100 tri MUM Cif IP t :riar* irtr• 44111 Ream moat .iristsi iffa3PRESereriFilMe imemammameemarnaipse44446.1"11